
Parradi: Tales of rebirth

The world has been stagnant for a long time. Societies forming off the settled earth with no more room to evolve and grow. Forces unknown want the world to change, to grow. How do they go about this? By summoning innumerable humans from other worlds. Yet, not all of them are bound to wake up human either. Thrust into untold amounts of different situations follow the many members of the cast and their struggles to survive in this new world. What to expect Daily/semi daily uploads. Generally at least one chapter around 2k words per day will be released. Sometimes there will instead be double upload days. Though breaks will be taken after such releases. Anthology type story, frequently switching between the POVs of multiple main characters. Generally once every few chapters. Multiple main characters as well as time jumps. When the POV switches expect drastic jumps in the strength differences between specific characters. Certain points of view may also take place further into the future, or in the past. World building based on getting the point of view of many different characters. You as the reader will generally be privy to more information then a character due to being able to piece a lot more of the system together by reading from multiple points of view. Despite being an anthology, the story will still frequently switch back and forth between certain characters. Generally a volume will take a much greater focus on specific characters for it's duration. Looking at a specific pair of characters for a long period of time before switching to a different characters POV for a chapter or two, then switching back to the characters that are being focused on.

Boptodatop · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
55 Chs

Under Fire

Shit shit shit shit shit shit SHIT! You let your mind wander again Mia! When are you gonna learn-HOLY CRAP!

An explosion of magical energy almost crashed straight into Mia, having barely managed to avoid it at the last second. Dirt sprayed from the earth, caking her fur in the lay of the land. She stumbled, for a brief moment, but immediately began running as soon as she found her footing once more.

Why haven't they been able to get away you might ask? That'd be because every time they manage to get themselves into a sprint, a wall of literal light appeared directly in her path! Stealth wasn't working, their options were pinned down, and she was barely managing to avoid the attacks coming at her! She tried to pivot backwards towards her attackers to maybe get a hit in, but as soon as she dashed in a ball of flame almost struck her dead in the skull! 

She leaped backwards just in time, before sprinting to the side. With a quick cast, she tried to use a shade spell to make herself invisible, but as soon as she coated herself in the darkness a bright light flared into existence! She wasn't sure how, but she felt that her magic had failed in it's presence. Leaving her readily visible to her attacker. She tried to dash away again, but this time she'd been caught in the act.


Whoa! With an explosion underfoot, Mia catapulted into the air with the force of a rocket. She glanced down to see herself at least twenty meters off the ground, but that was only one of her secondary concerns. On the ground beneath the tree line, a terribly bright sheen was coming off of the mage who was attacking her's staff. Aw CRAP! 

A massive ball of flame shot from the ground, speeding towards Mia far to quickly for her own comfort. The thing burned through the trees above, leaving a clear gap into the forest. Mia shuddered when she thought about what that could do to her as well. What the hell can I do here?! Think Mia, think! The two spells had for some reason, exploded on contact. Or to be more accurate, about half a second after contact. Clashing with each other for a short moment. Mia didn't realize it, but when the two spells clashed she hadn't stopped supplying her spell with magic to remain active. The power of her enemies spell had burned through hers so incredibly fast that her spell tried to fully resupply itself multiple times almost instantly. Most runes simply aren't meant to take obscene amounts of mana like that, so when her construct had attempted to drag in so much at once it caused the spell to break down. Creating a magical explosion right beneath her.

A burning pain enveloped Mia for a short moment, though she felt herself moving. Moving away from the initial attack! The explosion that the destruction of her runes had caused sent her off course from the fireball, sending her flying through the air away from her attacker. Though, now she had a whole new problem. She was hundreds of feet in the air and beginning to rapidly, rapidly fall.

Her mind felt hazy, and though the pain was dull, it still throbbed. She was dimly aware of her worsening situation, but the multiple explosions that had wracked her body were beginning to take their toll. So... Is this it? Avoid the death by roasting but go careening a hundred feet to the ground? Does this world just want me dead? I had a single break and immediately afterwards the people who I wanted to stay with were instantly trying to kill me! You know what? Fuck you too world, this is NOT going to take me out!

She resolved herself to survive this, eyes opening just a little wider. She'd hit the tree line in maybe five seconds. I need to slow my fall, even a little bit. If I can just touch the ground I'll be safe. I've gone so far from where I was attacked that there's no way they could find me now. If I just survive this I can make it. If I just survive this, I can make it. "Low, Shade." 

When she tried to cast the spell, another pain tore at her consciousness. Almost knocking her out cold at the attempt. Her eyes fluttered, but quickly shot back open. What the hell?! Effectively, she was running on empty. No mana, no magic. No mind to cast it either. Three seconds till impact. 

She tried again to cast the spell, but she only got the same rending pain as a reward for the effort. No magic to cast, no moves to pull, I'm in no shape to take the fall... I guess that's really it, huh? Fine. You win. See you on the other side.

One second till impact.

One second... One... Second? Mia looked around, she had stopped falling. The world was grey as well. What the hell...? What's going on here? It's like times stopped. Actually I think that's exactly what's happening-why is time stopped?!

Oh weak soul.

Her soul recoiled in fear at the terrible voice in her ear. She'd recognize the voice, as she had prior noted, if she was half dead and unconscious. Well when push comes to shove, it would seem that statement was true. It was them. They'd come to see her, for, some reason. Why right as I'm about to die? She asked after a few long seconds.

Mhmhmhmhm... The terrible voice chuckled, the waves of it slapping against her soul. Though, she noted, it wasn't like her entire being felt like it would crumble at the presence of this thing anymore, which was progress!

That's the reason why, weak one. We have a choice for you.