
Parradi: Tales of rebirth

The world has been stagnant for a long time. Societies forming off the settled earth with no more room to evolve and grow. Forces unknown want the world to change, to grow. How do they go about this? By summoning innumerable humans from other worlds. Yet, not all of them are bound to wake up human either. Thrust into untold amounts of different situations follow the many members of the cast and their struggles to survive in this new world. What to expect Daily/semi daily uploads. Generally at least one chapter around 2k words per day will be released. Sometimes there will instead be double upload days. Though breaks will be taken after such releases. Anthology type story, frequently switching between the POVs of multiple main characters. Generally once every few chapters. Multiple main characters as well as time jumps. When the POV switches expect drastic jumps in the strength differences between specific characters. Certain points of view may also take place further into the future, or in the past. World building based on getting the point of view of many different characters. You as the reader will generally be privy to more information then a character due to being able to piece a lot more of the system together by reading from multiple points of view. Despite being an anthology, the story will still frequently switch back and forth between certain characters. Generally a volume will take a much greater focus on specific characters for it's duration. Looking at a specific pair of characters for a long period of time before switching to a different characters POV for a chapter or two, then switching back to the characters that are being focused on.

Boptodatop · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
55 Chs

Power Grind

New day, new me, new mobs to grind. 

Mia treated the saying like a mantra, it'd been two days since her... Unfortunate encounter with her human hunters, and since then she'd managed to gain a whole eight more levels. Leaving her status looking as such.

Mia, Diminutive Shadow Wolf

Level 43

Strength 426

Dexterity 421

Constitution 624

Wisdom 227

Capacity 195

Intelligence 202

Charisma 95

Manipulation 77

Abilities, Riftwalker, Touched By Death.

Quite frankly, it was a ridiculous qualitative leap in her abilities as far as she was concerned. She didn't realize when exactly she stopped feeling tired in any capacity besides mentally, but it had been some time yesterday. Luckily, falling asleep was still possible outside of lethal circumstances. Which she was definitely a fan of, but besides all of that she'd been running into a bit of a wall. 

She'd slaughtered her way through as many monsters as possible, hunted them down relentlessly and gone through many a unnecessary fight, all in the pursuit of growth. In the process, she'd gotten quite good with her more... Instinctual senses that her current form provided her. But disregarding that almost none of her marks actually gave her any seeming experience on kill. Most of her levels had actually come from two "achievements" that she'd gotten, three hundred monster kills and... One called sufficient slaughter. Yikes. That had been her queue to chill out a bit on the grinding. three levels from the slaughter one, four from the three hundred kills. And one from a particularly difficult fight that she'd had. 

Part of her despaired at the lack of growth compared to how fast she'd grown in the previous half of her life, but the other part was excited that her leveling seemed to be now be focused on something that didn't have to do with combat. What that thing was though... She was beginning to think might just be equally as bad. So, I leveled up when I barely survived my encounter with the humans... And I also leveled up when I managed to eke out a win against one of those extra big chimera beasties. If my theory about classes giving levels based on what they do is right...

Mia, Persistent Diminutive Shadow Wolf

Level 25

Class skills, Apprentice magic proficiency III, Apprentice willpower II, Low persistence II, Low tracking III, Fledgling stealth IV.

Skills, Low shadow proficiency III, Natural born hunter.

Stat gain, +12 strength, +12 dexterity, +21 constitution, +7 wisdom, +6 capacity, +6 intelligence, +3 charisma, +2 manipulation.

"Persistent." Persistent Diminutive shadow wolf. Super high constitution score. You've... Actually got to be kidding me. Does this class get levels, based off, FUCKING SURVIVING LIFE OR DEATH SITUATIONS?! I TRY NOT TO DROP MANY F BOMBS HERE, BUT COME ON! THAT'S JUST SO! URGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH COME ON! That's just...! That's not fair! Why?! Ugh... On the bright side I probably would've been stuck with this thing for so much longer if I didn't have Riftwalker, holy hell... Maybe just, one more push and I'll hit what I think is the level cap? Surely it wouldn't go from like, level ten to fifty or something right? It's gotta be at thirty, please.

If I want to get off this class sooner, what's my best option for it...? Mia... Nooooo... You literally rejected a deal from (god?) about going back into the ebb of the pull. There's absolutely no shot that you're going to just say, "haha that was funny!" And run right back in are you?... But at the same time... I don't know when those humans might find me again either. I've actively tried avoiding them, but it's really only a matter of time till they find me... Probably. I'm sure they've got some way to track me given they found me the first time. So if I want to actually survive something like that... I'm going to need to be stronger. Look at it this way, you can bide your time and grow stronger slowly, then maybe get found and killed without divine intervention on your side this time. OOOOOR you could take a chance and shoot up the levels like you've done in the past... Just without the option to take a chance beforehand. What'll it be Mia?


You know I should've picked up gambling as an illegal hobby back when I was a human, I'm sure I would've gone big in no time with how much I chance this shit. Mia berated herself as she stood on the edge of yet another giant horde of monsters. Just the key difference this time being that the pull on her consciousness was far, FAR more manageable. Instead only a dull calling of her name. "Miaaa... Mia come throw yourself into the piiiiit... OOOOoooo" NO! No dark voice! Be banished into the recesses of my mind! I will not listen to the call of the void here! We're playing this safe! Well, at least, somewhat safe. I've gotta risk myself in some way to actually level up I guess... So, I came all the way here today, how do I go about th-a small feline monster leaped at Mia, it was turned into five slices apple style,-is? I could just go jump inside the pile and... Probably be fine, be able to get away if things get hectic... I've probably got some lingering unaddressed trauma to do with that, but it'll be fine.

So, surviving a dangerous situation is the goal for this field test... Which means I'm going in without stealth here, which means the humans will also probably know that I'm still alive. Which means that I can almost certainly expect company, or at least, attempted company, later tonight. Hopefully by then I'll be all souped up, and ready to go. This is a gamble, hope it pays off. Mia mentally shrugged as she did the equivalent of a wolf stretch, before barreling straight into the horde. 

Without her stealth active, Mia went straight into the fighting. Ripping into the nearest monster she could see. There was no deeper thought to it, she didn't take note of what she was killing. She just did, she went all in. Attacker above her? Decapitated, get on my level idiot, literally. Big dumb monster trying to charge her? Hit em with the good ol nothing personal and shred them to pieces so fast they don't even realize it. She felt... Kind of bad for that one, it was fast, but, unnecessarily cruel. And to be frank, "don't even realize it" is a lie. It very much realized it's flesh being turned into about twenty different cubes. No level up yet, but that's expected-hold on a second.

A massive beast was making a bit of a stink on the battle field, trampling it's way in from the outskirts to the inside it was quickly breaking toward the human line. She could've sworn she heard some extra shouting, but oh well, she didn't care about the humans right now. That looks like a juicy way to level up, question stands, am I stronger then it? Only one way to find out. With that little mental note, she zipped toward the monster. Cutting through about three different monsters on the way there. It was about seven times her size, quite large, a little over two average people large. Definitely had nothing on one specific monster that she'd seen, but it was big.

But as Mia had noted, and was also a living testament to, power does not equal size in a world with game rules. It stood to reason that just because it was big, that did not make it stronger then her. It's like David vs Goliath! Except David is wielding The Throngler and is about to kneecap Goliath. She would've smirked if her face allowed for the feature, but within moments she was at the monsters foot. Instantly, she zipped up it's side dragging bloody lines through it the whole way through.

It's reaction was immediate, crying out in pain and slapping at where Mia was. Though she had already jumped off of it's side by the time the blow landed. Only serving to harm itself further, blood rocketing out of the open wounds she'd created. Given that this monster actually managed to live against a single attack from Mia, she took a bit more of a mental note on it's features. It was, to be frank, a giant gorilla. A gorilla with different skin tones, and a very menacing face. Plus what she now thought was stone skin? Her claws did kind of ache a little. A freaky deaky fantasy world gorilla, but still a gorilla. She stared at it for a moment longer, shook her paws (claws are throbbing, ouch.) and resolved to take it out with one more attack.

Mia took in the battlefield with a few glances, noting the sizes of the monsters nearby the big game, she took off in a blur of darkness. She wanted a kill shot, right at the face. But she also wasn't confident in being able to make that jump. Climbing up the monster itself was definitely unsafe, and she wasn't a gambl.. Ok, I am a gambling wolf, yes, but I'm not an IDIOT wolf. Which is why instead of doing that, she put a different plan into action.

Sprinting through the horde before leaping off of the ground toward the third largest monster in the vicinity of the stone gorilla. It was a modest... Three and a half times larger then Mia. Unimportant though, with another burst of effort she launched off of it's face, kicking it down into the ground to be trampled by the horde. The second largest monster, whom was one of the chimera beasts, wasn't technically the second largest. But they just had this very convenient pair of antlers and Mia was feeling stylish today. Which she hadn't really consciously acknowledged but in the back of her mind she knew she was getting a little cocky. 

Rocketing towards the chimera monster, Mia extended her claws and gripped onto the pair of antlers. Absolutely abusing the hell out of her dexterity stat, Mia managed to flip herself up into the air like it was a gym bar and go rocketing towards the gorillas face. So far she hadn't actually fully expected that to work so it was a bit of a surprise when she was about two feet from the glaring orange eyes of the gorilla monster.

Uhhh... Hi! Uhhh... Goodbye! Committing fully to the attack, Mia dove in like a torpedo with her claws outstretched. With a single decisive blow she tore into the gorillas face, knocking it down onto the ground with the sudden attack, it fell with a great roar and collapsed backwards, flattening a whole host of monsters in it's wake, but in return it was quickly being swarmed and ripped to pieces by the rest. Starting with Mia of course, who had well, ripped it's eyes out. 

What, it's a weak spot. Stop judging yourself, it wasn't cruelty, it was just the fastest way to kill it. Stop, stop, stop. Carry on, go with the flow and just kill. It's that... simple... What the hell am I SAYING?! Mia tilted her head to look at herself, eyes widening in panic. What am I doing?! This goes beyond just, "putting myself in danger" I could've stayed near this thing without deciding to do some damn movie stunt finisher. I'm getting cocky, I'm being stupid. I literally just made a show of myself, what am I, an idiot? Maybe you are an idiot wolf Mia. Did having an easy time for two days really degrade your sense of self preservation that much!? After Mia took about three seconds to think about it, she realized just how much of an idiot she was being. Running around the battlefield like some kind of maniac, pulling stunts and trying to have FUN while her life was at stake?! I came here to get off this class so I wouldn't need to do things even remotely similar to what I just did! And what am I doing? Going off the ffff-damn deep end!

That's not healthy, I know I'm starved for stimulation but thrill seeking by putting my life on the line isn't the way to do it, holy crap. Mia continued to scold herself, even as she casted a shade spell and drenched herself in darkness. Slinking back to the outskirts of the ring of battle. For all her effort, she hadn't even managed to level up. Clearly, I'm doing something wrong. I didn't even get a level for all of that, maybe I'm coming at this with the wrong mindset? I basically just started that fight with the intent of, "do something cool, have fun." If classes do actually level up based on what they're focused on, maybe I need to have the mindset of actually "surviving", instead of "living", and doing whatever I want? It's a pipe dream theory but I dunno, maybe. Let's try this again, no fancy shit Mia, go in with stealth and just survive in the middle of the crowd.

Mia went into the fray again with a much more restrained mindset. Whereas before when she was attacked she'd try her best to take her enemies out in a single attack... Well, she still did that, just not with as much fervor to it. Her stats were much higher then everything else around her, but it was the thought that counted. This time, she'd kept her stealth active. Mostly avoiding any fights, weaving through the legs of monsters much larger than her and avoiding taking kill shots wherever possible. Restrain yourself, keep your aggressive actions to a minimum, only do what's necessary to survive. This is a test, come at it with the intent to test yourself. She affirmed to herself yet again as she ignored an easy chance to cut a monsters head off.

After a few minutes of this, Mia began to notice something else. Arrows were starting to rain down from above once more. It would seem the archers had gotten into position. So will dodging their arrows give me extra experience? Or is my whole theory just wrong, cause I still haven't leveled u-just as she was about to finish that thought she was immediately cut off by what seemed to be the world itself.

Level up!

+12 strength, +12 dexterity, +21 constitution, +7 wisdom, +6 capacity, +6 intelligence, +3 charisma, +2 manipulation.

Alright, never mind then, clearly I'm doing something right. Carry on with what I'm doing, just need four more now and I can leave then do whatever it is I'll be doing today... Actually what am I doing today? If I actually manage to advance off this class today, I'll have already accomplished my goal, wouldn't I have? So what do I do after that? Actually, hold that thought, not the time. Mia corrected herself as she zipped to the side, avoiding an oncoming arrow.

Well that's just... Great. Wonderful even. Alright, well, come on then start attacking me. Give me that juicy experience boost why don't you? I'll be out of your hair as soon as I'm off this suicidal class yeah? Mia stared up at the wall as she dipped out of the range of another attack, no point in stealth any more if they already know where I am, might as well drop the pretenses and start shmoving-shmoving? This isn't a game Mia. Just keep up enough speed to avoid the arrows easily alright? There's gotta be something wrong with me other than the obvious bits, yeesh... Where'd this thrill seeking come from? There's no way I'm THAT bored, it's been four days. I really need something to put my energy towards... Oh-crap

The full barrage of arrows was coming now, they didn't all really even come close to Mia, but the general majority of them were closer to her then they were before. I've really got no idea what I did to you people to deserve this, but I'll use it to my advantage if you all feel like being assholes for no reason. It was sort of like a dance routine, if she'd been forced to put the moment into words anyway. She watched the arrows come from above, worked out where they'd fall, gracefully avoided. Killed or dodged a monster that tried to take a potshot at her, dodged the next arrow. Carried on, rinse repeat rinse repeat. Mia would be lying if she said she wasn't starting to feel at least a little emboldened by the ease of it.

It would be a tough task, the object of her focus being at least thirty feet tall. And she wouldn't get anything for it, besides satisfaction in the short term anyways. Though, a scare was the least these people deserved for what they'd done to her she figured. But more importantly, was it even possible? Mia leaped up avoiding yet another arrow, this time landing on the back of a large bipedal monster. Large in comparison to her anyways, it was probably a little less tall then the average human. The thing bucked in disapproval of her current actions, but Mia simply dug in with her claws and held on tight.

With her current vantage point over the grounds, Mia observed the human front. but more specifically, which monsters were close to them. If she was going to scale this she wanted the best possible starting point, which meant being the highest she could before she started the climb. Also where it would be easiest to climb to begin with. I wonder if there's like, a skill that speeds up thought? That'd be pretty helpful for times like this when I need to register the entire situation. Maybe memory-bah! Think about it later.

After Mia finished her arduous task of analyzing the entire battlefield, which is a lie, she only analyzed the very end of it, Mia leaped off of her perch right before an arrow came down on it, piercing through it's back. Sorry! She bounded through the frenzy, leaping between monster after monster. The small size of her form really was starting to grow on her to be honest. Rapidly, she approached the heavily armored line of humans, and just on time to, because the monster she'd appointed as her launch pad was about to get slaughtered by them. 

Making the final jump, Mia landed on the back of a large snake like monsters head. Then jumped up as high as she possibly could, right before it's head was severed from it's body. Come on! Come on so close! Aw-DAMNIT! She stopped just about four feet from the top of the wall, before starting to fall and quickly. Crap why did I do this?! Alright, can't fall into the humans that's a death sentence, right, HOLD ON FOR DEAR LIFE! 

Mia extended her claws and gripped onto the wall for all she was worth. The wall itself was made out of stone, so if the big giant gorilla that felt like it's stone was skin made her claws hurt. This one felt like she might just rip them out by grabbing on. Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow! God-STOP SLIDING ALREADY! With one more push, Mia fully sunk her claws into the wall and held herself tightly in place. Though she heard more yelling as soon as her focus was back on the world itself.

"It's on the damn wall!" A voice yelled out, followed by multiple other shouts and a pounding of footsteps. Shortly after, somebody peeked out over the wall down at Mia with a bow drawn .

Uhhh, hi? They nocked an arrow and aimed at her. So I'm guessing I won't get a friendly greeting here then. Right as they shot at her, Mia let her body hang low before propelling herself up and back with as much force as she could manage by pushing off against the wall. Which was, more then she expected, like, a lot more. Guess that high strength stat isn't there for nothing, huh? In the end, she'd narrowly dodged the arrow. The offending attack sailing harmlessly into the earth below her behind the humans defending the town. 

Different problem, I'm in the middle of the air here with nothing to grab! Mayday mayday! We're going down shiiiiiit! She flailed as best as she could, but sadly this was not a cartoon where one could flutter through the air. After getting so close she was now falling, all the way back down. God damn it screw you guys! I... I really need to let go of this dream. They're clearly never going to let me just live amongst them... Why does it hurt so much? They've tried to kill me at least thrice now. Am I... Really that alone? She would've cried right there even as she fell through the air if she had the tear glands to do it to begin with. I really am fucked up. She huffed and let herself fall through the air. It wasn't like the fall would be fatal.

Level up!

+12 strength, +12 dexterity, +21 constitution, +7 wisdom, +6 capacity, +6 intelligence, +3 charisma, +2 manipulation.

Thanks level system, at least I've got you I suppose. She internally sighed right before she hit the ground, back slapping against the dirt. The pain was a bit of a shock at first, but she was quickly up and on her feet again. She'd lived a fall from like, what? Thirty meters in the air while she was wounded? Thirty feet wasn't gonna put her down. I have to stop trying. Attempting to get along with humans is going to put me in an early grave, I need, to stop. At least until I've got some way to communicate with them. Three more levels, then I'll leave. Maybe I'll get mind proficiency or something. Surely that'll let me communicate, somehow, right? Mia turned a 180 getting ready to continue her evasion, before coming face to face with a monster, which was staring right at her.

She lunged at it, but stopped short of turning it into a bloody mess when she really looked at it. Something felt off, not in a terrible sense no, but... Something of familiarity, it also helped that this monster wasn't openly hostile either. It was a feline monster of a similar size to her, white and brown fur with wide blue eyes staring up at her claws inches from it's face. Oops. Slowly she lowered her claws, something about this monster was special and she didn't exactly want to filet it. Though, this environment definitely wasn't the place to stay frozen in shock. Moments later a large paw came barreling towards her impromptu acquaintance.

Alright you're a cat? You've got a scruff come on let's go! Mia lunged forward and yanked the monster down by gripping on it's scruff with her mouth. Pulling it out of the attacks path just barely. It squirmed in her grip, but Mia did not abide by it's discomfort. Instead leaping into the air and onto the back of the monster that had just tried to kill it, the extra weight made her lobsided but it was nothing she couldn't account for after a short moment of trial and error. She'd almost missed her first jump, but quickly recovered and continued to zip from the backs of monster after monster. Shortly after reaching the edge of the battlefield and beyond. 

This whole event will carry on for awhile longer still, I can spare a few minutes to learn what the hell is going on with... This thing. She glanced down again at the cat she was holding by the scruff, feeling yet another pulse of that odd feeling. After she'd sprinted for about a minute, which was a pretty good distance, she dropped the monster cat and looked it in the eyes. Which, it couldn't reciprocate because it's legs started walking in the direction of the pull... Almost... Involuntarily? Wait a second. Abilities.

Riftwalker. You are marked as an otherworlder summoned by the Monstrous Gods in response to the Pantheon Of The Fours actions. Only other walkers may percieve this skill. Riftwalkers have an innate understanding of all languages. Riftwalkers gain an explosive increase in growth in comparison to basic monsters. As they are able to gain extra experience through actions related to feats of brutality or survival. Riftwalkers can instinctively tell other Riftwalkers apart from the basic monsters of this world.

"Can instinctively tell other Riftwalkers apart from the basic monsters of this world." No way, right? Is this monster a Riftwalker? As in, another PERSON?! Oh my god YES! Not YES! for them, cause this existence sucks ass! But YES! Social activity!