

authordelulu · Music & Bands
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Chapter 4

Y/n is having lunch with Jimin and Jungkook in the canteen while chitchatting.

Jm:did you submit the files?

Y/n:yes Jimin i submitted them but he threw them in the Dustbin.

Jk , Jm:WHAT?


(She proceeds to tell them about yesterday)


Y/n pov :

As soon as I completed the files I rushed to his cabin. When he told me to come in I walked to him and threw the files in front of him, actually my hands threw them due to tiredness. He looked at me dangerously due to my behavior.

Thv:what time is it ms. Y/n?

Can't her see in the system in front of him? 😏.

Y/n:I don't know Mr. Kim, please tell me as you have  a watch with you. I need to go home.

He raised his one eyebrow at me, maybe impressed with my answer.

Thv:why don't you come and look by yourself ms. Y/n?


I walked to him and he was smelling even more sexier now. I was on the left side of him , I need to go to the right side to look for the time as he is not turning hi hand to me. His watch was looking expensive. When I was about to walk to his right side, I don't know how but I got slipped and my butt met with floor making me wince in pain. He was not even looking at me, what a psycho, a beautiful girl was on the floor wincing in pain but he decided to ignore. I will definitely take revenge for this., mark my words handsome bastard.

Thv:are you done praising me ms. Y/n? If so, please get up otherwise you have to stick in the same position for this night..

I realised my state. My legs were facing two different directions folded little upwards. I got up from the floor in the speed of the light and corrected my clothes. My face heated up due to  his shameless talk. He didn't even turn to me but how can he able to see me. I looked at the time from his system, it was 8:10, god I need to go home.

Thv:so what was the time ms. Y/n?

Y/n:it's 8:10pm Mr. Kim.

Thv:when did i told you to submit?

Y/n:5pm sir.

He threw them all in the dustbin one by one. They all directly landed in the dustbin flying . My eyes got widened at him

Y/n:what the hell are you doing Mr. Kim?

Thv: ms. Y/n you need to control your tongue which was running out wildly. Make sure you control it otherwise you won't be standing here anymore to utter one more word and GET OUT NOW!!.

I started to walk out of his office furiously. How dare he to throw my hardwork in the trash can like it's not even a thing, he didn't even looked at my work, such a sick bastard.

Mr. Kim just wait and watch. I will show you what this y/n is capable of.


When she told them, they both were trying not to laugh at her. They are hiding their faces with hands making it look like they are deeply hurt and feeling sad for her. Her face held a determined look to take revenge on Kim Taehyung. Looking at her face they burst into laugher making her to look at them with a angry expression.

Y/n:now what's wrong with you two? Not only the CEO was Ill but the employees were too.

She walked from there with a serious face. They both followed her telling sorry after her. She came to her desk and sat on her chair.

Jm:y/n sorry for laughing but that was funny af.

And again they laughed at her.

Jk:ok ok we're sorry y/n.

She turned her face to another side.

Jm:what it takes to make it upto you?

Y/n:join with me to take my revenge on that handsome bastard.

Their eyes widened at her words, for sure it will end up bad if they get caught. But they started to think fore some time and joined their hands in her hand with a helpless face not having any other option. Y/n smirked evilly  as her plan worked.

Jm:we will join but did you just called him handsome?

Y/n:no who said he was handsome. He is a ugly, cold, sick man with a some illness in his brain.

They laughed at her embarrassed face.

They were lucky as the cctv was on repair for today due to some technical issues.

   Time skip~

  She completed her work and started to walk out of the building happily as she planned to meet her friends in the park. She directly went to the park and sat on the table waiting for the remaining two. It was around 15 minutes when Siya arrived, they both ran into each other's arms and jumped out of happiness as they met after 3 long days.

"Guys let me join too " When they heard Hani's voice they were about to turn their faces to her, but even before they turn she joined them and had a group hug. After an eternity they departed from the hug.

  Three of them sat on the bench and started their girly gossips. Y/n was listening to them but as soon as asking them for suggestions striked them she looked at both of them .

She explained her revenge game to them, they both laughed their ass out.

Siya : girll that was so embarrassing.

She closed her eyes with her hands imagining the situation.

Y/n:yeah that was! Now I want to take revenge on him, he is the one who made me fall. So open your brains and give me some ideas.

Hani:but what if he fire you once when he find you.

Siya :shut up Hani, she is not someone who will get caught easily. Don't underestimate my gurll.

She told dramatically and y/n proudly lifted her face.

She too agreed with her and started to think of some ideas. It was true though, they did many things in their college days and didn't even caught once and whole credit goes to y/n, she was the master mind behind every plan.

  Siya :what if we fail the brakes of his car?

Y/n : no that's not gonna work, think something else.

Hani:use what we used on our maths teacher.

(They mixed powder on his drink as he made them to stand out for whole 45 mins since they are taking a nap in the class. Soon he was rushing in between classes and washroom)

They laughed out loud remembering about the incident.

Siya:why don't we pour some oil on his way and brake one bone?

Hani:what is some other walks on the way.

Y/n:we can't do that as the cctv will be working from tomorrow.

Siya:girl, you are not taking any advice from us. Now think of your own. I'm dropping.

Hani:me too!

Y/n:what if I.....




She explained her plan and both of them bowed their heads infront of her impressed by her plan.

Siya, Hani:fighting!!