
Pantheon Wind and Snow

In a world where gods exist, a small baron from the Gota Fria Kingdom dreams of becoming a god. Watch Filipe Wind fight against the odds to build his own Pantheon and reach the pinnacle of this continent with his friends.

FilipeWind · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Bronze Level

The silvery moon hovers and sprinkles moonlight, illuminating the dark land.

In the forest near a village, a young man was surrounded by winds, while his mana ran wild. This was the harbinger for him to reach the level of a bronze level warrior. He had already planned to reach such a level with a tight battle against a bronze level warrior who is not a genius. In order to find such a target, Philip Wind was looking for a group of young men that is led by a bronze level warrior, only a bronze level warrior who needs help of numbers need not fear him.

Among the many groups near the Village, this was the only one that had a bronze level person to intimidate.

Even so, Filipe Wind was pressured during the fight, although that was what he was looking for, it wasn't a good feeling.

"So just becoming stronger I don't need to feel that feeling of being weak."

Philip Wind said softly, as his mana level rose to the level of a bronze level warrior.

During that time, a bronze-colored drain suddenly appeared around his body, composed of countless runes, exuding a holy glow, blending into his body and began to move from within. Transforming his body details.

Filipe Wind's originally handsome facial features became more refined, his blue eyes became deeper like the sea, his body became more in line with the outer element's perception affinity, as if it were the perfect workmanship made by the Gods. .

Although the appearance has not changed much, the overall feeling has been raised to a higher level, and the temperament has also become luxurious, as elegant as an ancient nobleman, exuding a unique charm.

The bronze glow gradually dissipated, Filipe Wind looked at his hands and felt that there seemed to be something awakening in his body, making a connection with his lineage and somewhere. Although he couldn't find the location of where to go, he had an intuition that if he answered the call, he would gain something that could change his future.

Filipe Wind took a deep breath, chose to trust his intuition and responded to that call. After all, there are countless geniuses in this world, many of them are born far beyond ordinary people, even though I'm a genius, I'm still just a Kingdom level three city genius. He needs a strength to stand out from the crowd. Only by taking a risk can he completely rewrite his own destiny.

The moment he made his choice, a river that only he could see flowed through time and space towards him. Being swept away by the endless water, he fainted.

In this mighty river that came out of a hole traversing time and space, countless bubbles are formed everywhere. Opening his eyes, he seemed to be in the vastness of the sea, with the feeling that the world is so big and he realizes his own insignificance.

But before he could continue to think about the vastness of the sea, the world in front of him suddenly turned, and a strong feeling of dizziness came, and he saw a different image.

This is a world filled with the element of water and wind, with the sky covered with blue clouds formed by the preliminary fusion of the element of wind and the element of water. As a result, the earth seems to create endless ice, being wet from the rain that falls from the sky with the icy wind that is blown across the world.

At first glance, this is the case for hundreds of millions of kilometers. With no living being in this world that seems to be turned into ice, by the process of trying to merge two laws to form a third law of the element of ice.

And what caused all of this was the huge ball formed by water elements that stood in the center of the place, and a huge figure could be vaguely seen inside, affecting the world's climate because of its presence. Its size seemed to be 100,000 meters long, and the power it exuded was as if it was inexhaustible like nature.

Even the most dangerous monster Filipe Wind saw didn't give him that feeling of being part of the world. This power can only be a God, who completely understood the law of an element, the world adjusts to its laws transforming the place into the individual's belonging element.

"Weak people, don't they even have the qualifications to see your true face?"

Filipe Wind laughed to himself and knew the strength of the individual in front of him. He was an existence that could create a Kingdom in his world.

Do not think that creating a Kingdom is not enough, only Gods can create a Kingdom and own a side of the world. Yes, the Kingdom created by the laws belongs to God, the wider the territory of the Kingdom, the stronger the God is understanding the laws throughout the world.

When suddenly a light blooms from the water ball, an object materialized by the laws seems to come to life in the world. Leaving the center of the light, such an object ran towards Filipe Wind and entered his body. The object began to swim through his body and look for a place to settle.

While Filipe Wind was scared at first with the light entering his body, now calming down he can only feel the cold running through and transforming his body.

As time passed, the huge ball of water looked like it had been affected by something, it started pulsing in place and freezing whatever was within its reach. Making Filipe Wind attentive, looking in his direction and seeing what will happen.

After all, your real body isn't here, and his body is more like a projection formed by power beyond your range of understanding. Even if it is a projection, he feels that he is here, or what happens in that place will be projected onto his real body when he returns.

The moment he only saw a white one in front of him, Filipe Wind felt dizzy once more. A river crossed time and space and carried him away from the place. Calming the world once more.

After Filipe Wind left the world, a voice that made space vibrate was spoken in the empty world:

"Take this gift for you little one".

The gift that the unknown God gave to Filipe Wind was a gift, a gift that the Gods give to mortals that they find worthy or have some future. Through the use of the gifts he leads the way forward and based on the individual's level and releases more power for the individual to use with his magic. So based on the species' level of living, the use of the gift is a weapon that mortals need to forge to walk their paths based on themselves. That's why Gods like to give gifts to mortals, the same gifts can have different results if they are developed by different individuals. As a result, God gains new ideas in the way of his law.