
Pantheon Wind and Snow

In a world where gods exist, a small baron from the Gota Fria Kingdom dreams of becoming a god. Watch Filipe Wind fight against the odds to build his own Pantheon and reach the pinnacle of this continent with his friends.

FilipeWind · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Alice Snow

In an unknown forest in the south of the secret.

Because of the abundant sunshine and precipitation, the trees are extraordinarily luxuriant. Millennial trees up to 100 meters can be seen everywhere here.

"Bang bang bang" The dead wood in the fire made crackling sounds, dispelling the mist in the forest in the morning.

Filipe Wind, who had been sitting cross-legged in front of the fire and practicing with his eyes closed, slowly opened his eyes. A flash of bronze glow disappeared in an instant, and his entire aura became peaceful again.

"It's not easy to reach the bronze level, I need a good battle to overcome this barrier."

Nearly ten days had passed since the first gym challenge, as expected, the speed requirement was way ahead of the test instructor. Level D gyms can't push me anymore. Now I'm heading towards a C-rank village.

Along the way I traveled through remote and desolate areas, it was a smooth journey. If you don't count the other test takers who have been ganging up and stealing other people's medals. Too bad, a weak force, even in a group it's the same for min.

During the day he runs on the road and at night he practices. This caused the bottleneck to bronze tier to loosen down the road.

After finishing breakfast, I made my way towards the cliff marked on the map. Then, seeing the cliff in the distance, I run towards it.

-On the edge of a cliff on the border between the exit of the forest and the beginning of the ice world.


The setting sun was like blood in this frozen land. A group of crows neighed flying in the sky, their red eyes looked like blood and their black feathers represented the night, even those who say that crows are the symbol of the god of death in the world, because where death happens they will be present.

A group of beasts lay frozen and dead on the ground. Among this group of beasts, an 18-year-old girl was standing there, her image in a blue dress striking against the frozen world as the background and the red blood on the ground as a contrast.

Her facial features were like carved out of ice, with silver white hair that flowed down her back, she doesn't look like an ordinary young girl, but rather like an Ice Empress who freezes the place with her presence.

"Another group of weaklings appeared in front of me, it's no use, I'm not going back."

The crow standing on the branch listened to the young woman talking to herself. He only hesitated for a moment, acting on her instinct, and finally spread his black wings and followed the group of crows to enjoy this feast.

Alice Snow, who was resurrected, wiped the dust off her dress. Her big blue eyes sparkled with wisdom. Twisting her hair, she left the scene. With her legs exposed, making it look like nothing happened.

Biting her bottom lip hard, Alice was thinking of her home, of her way through the gorge towards the nearest village. The feeling that appeared on her face, soon disappeared, leaving only the profile of the ice girl.

"War, interesting. I'm going to see if I can find a potential young man in this group."

Ahead were a dozen figures who had just beaten a group of beasts. These people are another group of young people participating in the test. The strongest on the team, he was a warrior who had just reached the bronze level. During this time, he discovered that medals can be exchanged for mana stones. After a few steals, he managed to get to the bronze level using the stones.

The leader extended his right hand and beckoned to his little brothers. As they have practiced many times, the young people scattered in different directions, leaving the leader as the center of formation. The leader soon moved on, as he looked at the prey that came into view along the forest path.

"From the feeling of mana, he is a copper level warrior, peaking at peak copper level at Max."

As soon as that comment came out, it relaxed the little brothers who were cursing another unlucky ghost. If he was a bronze level warrior, it would be more of an achievement for them.

Rather, it was the leader who, despite his easy words, seemed alert. He looked at the young man who came with a cruel expression. A person who can walk deep into secrecy is not weak. In his opinion, having bronze level strength is the bare minimum. Never underestimate your enemy, that was what he learned in those days in secret.

"Ra, Ra." A chuckle rang out abruptly, and the leader angrily turned his head to look at a little brother who was already dead on the ground. His countenance changed at this moment, someone was killed and he didn't even notice with his bronze level cultivation. Soon he noticed that the prey was out of sight.

"Show up, you bastard"

Shouted the leader full of resentment in relation to the death of his own people. He also had his bottom line, despite stealing and killing others, he protected his own little brothers. Despite the embarrassment of the scream, he still didn't find anyone.

The rest of the youths who were still alive joined the leader's side in search of protection.

"Did you see where the guy went?" There was a bit of a tremor in the leader's calm voice.

"What?" A young copper level warrior met the gaze of Philip Wind who appeared in front of him, and his breathing was stagnant. His eyes expressing resentment, he fell to the ground as a hand went around his throat.

Taking advantage of the time of the body falling to the ground, Filipe Wind with his prototypical skill of level C, surrounded by the wind and stabbed the other targets near the fallen youth. With the help of wind, the attack speed is extremely fast.

"Bastard." The leader shouted, he who is a bronze level warrior can only defend himself in the face of such an attack. The attack speed is above his. Panic can only release its C-level skill.

A red light, with the element of fire covered his body. His hands were like claw molds burning like fire.

With a wave of his arm, he blocked what was coming towards him. A fist of wind faced with an arm burning in flames, Philip Wind had to give up such an attack, a head-on confrontation with a bronze level warrior is not up to him yet. With the impact of the wind hit facing the flame, he leapt backwards, giving a gap of 10 meters between the two sides.

Everyone came to their senses after the confrontation, the rest of the young people who were left moved away from the place. Such a fight is not what they can participate in. But it was too late for them to make such a choice, by the time this group decided to attack you, they are all dead to Filipe Wind.

Gusts of wind enveloped the place without warning, and the consciousness of the last three youths went blank, falling dead on the spot. As Filipe Wind was going to fight a bronze level warrior head on, he decided to take advantage of his speed and finish off the last three young men before the fight.

The leader could try to save the youngsters, but in the previous confrontation he had with Filipe Wind, he didn't have much of an advantage. If he took a wrong step and got hurt to save someone, he was the one who would die in the fight. So it's better to take advantage of this moment and converge more flames to have an advantage in the first strike.

Seizing the moment, like a bronze level warrior, thick flames appeared on his arms again. Flame Claws is the name of this C-rank skill, despite having such a skill, he hasn't used it much and his other skills are D-rank.

Filipe Wind, seeing that his enemy was ready, took no more notice of the corpse on the ground. As a peak copper level warrior, he is at a disadvantage against bronze level. But it's this fight he was looking for. Without realizing it, an arm of flames was already in front of me. He could only put his arms forward to receive such a blow.

After pushing back that copper level warrior. The leader focused on the attack and threw one punch after another towards him, flames burning in his arms.

Filipe Wind was depressed from being beaten while fighting. There was another fire punch coming towards him, without being able to dodge it, I only defended with both arms crossed, throwing my body backwards after such an impact. Being repressed like this, my mana ran faster in my body, reaching the limit, it burst.

The leader already saw that he had an advantage in the fight. Seeing that Filipe Wind was only on defense, after the last attack, he was prepared to spend more mana on attacks. Even though your mana is superior in quality, your flames couldn't burn his body through wind protection. When suddenly a burst of mana happened, strong winds came out from the location where Philip Wind was thrown.