
Pantheon Wind and Snow

In a world where gods exist, a small baron from the Gota Fria Kingdom dreams of becoming a god. Watch Filipe Wind fight against the odds to build his own Pantheon and reach the pinnacle of this continent with his friends.

FilipeWind · Fantasy
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23 Chs

[Ice Emperor]

-In the real world.

Filipe Wind came to himself, the world full of ice and snow was no longer in front of him, but the dark forest, time seemed that it had not passed on this side.

"It returned".

Filipe Wind took a deep breath, everything now seemed like a dream. However, the energy that continues to run through his body proves that everything now wasn't a fantasy, but really happened. He truly received a gift from God, [Ice Emperor] was his gift name.

Possessing the core power of Fusion as his core, the Ice Emperor was both a warrior and a mage who walked the path of understanding the elements of Wind and Water. With his discovery of the Fusion trait, he fused the elements of Wind and Water into Ice, resulting in Ultimate Ice. Continuing to use his fusion as a core, he had initial contact with the field of law. Becoming a starting Legendary Mage, with his mastery of ice and snow. Coming to understand the Domain to its peak, along the way he became a Medium Legendary mage. Until he touched the laws, he was already a Legendary Superior level mage. But his luck seems to have run out, resulting that until his death he was not accepted by the law, becoming a Pico Legendary mage or Demi-God.

God gave him his gift, in which as I am at the level of a bronze warrior, I only gain his body control skill: mana manipulation, fighting experience and his affinities with the element of Wind, Water and Ice.

Also, the principle of the fusion trait has been turned into a level-skill, which I can use even as a bronze-level warrior. But instead of focusing on the elements, this ability gives the User a chance to merge with another person who has an affinity for the element of Wind, Water and Ice, resulting in having such an ability as a core and being able to use more of the power of the gift [Emperor of Ice]. Ice].

Philip Wind was gradually enveloped in a blue light, and the mana in his body began to increase, until his figure disappeared into a cocoon formed by the ice emitted by the previous blue light.

The light on his body began to emerge freezing the place, and it continued to expand reflecting a huge ghost of a man with a crown made of ice, sitting on a throne with a sword in his hand in a frozen world. The huge ghost is like a god, occupying thousands of meters in the sky, and ice and snow made night in a frozen world like where the figure was.

His coercion stemming from the living level spreads out, and a large number of beasts crawl on the ground and tremble. Even the lords of secrecy grew anxious, staring in horror at the ghost in the sky.

This area is already close to the C-level village, where the responsible person sent by the Kingdom to test this secret is located. So such a huge phenomenon would naturally alarm such a person and all the people who happened to be in the village.

"What is that?"

"My God."

"Is a natural disaster coming?"

A large number of young people in the open air who felt the light and lifted their heads, wide open their mouths and their eyes were shocked at such a world-changing sight. The huge ghost completely surpassed the limit of their imagination, and they also felt a kind of oppression and fear originating from the level of life.

"What kind of monster is this?"

"He changed time with just his presence."

The villagers who are there, never left the secret and saw a creature reach such a level of life. They were already calling the Kingdom guards, who stayed to protect the secret from the attacks of the wild beasts. Although the good order in the village kept them from descending into chaos, they couldn't help but talk about it, and fear began to spread.

In a garrison at the center of the village, the guardian sent by the Kingdom was a gold level mage, and his trait was the incarnation of an ice wolf. Hearing the noise, James exited the building, but when he saw the ghost in the sky, he was scared too.

He looked at the figure in the sky, and realized from the size of such a figure, only a gold level incarnation could possess it. But since even the location is affected by his presence, only a Legendary being with a field could do that. He wasn't quite sure at his juncture why this was supposed to be a test done by the Kingdom, for young people who came from third tier cities. Such presence at Legendary level only appears in 1st level cities that are responsible for a cardinal point of the Realm. Or even in the Royal city, such figures are rare.

Quickly returning to the building, James grabbed a long distance communication crystal, ejecting mana into it, waited for the other side to respond and said:

"Not good, an unknown being appeared in secret. Suspected a Legend rank being."


Also known as the Legendary of the Title!

When you reach Legendary level, the Realm grants you a Title. So to be an unknown being, it's not a Legend rank registered by the Realm.

How much, namely, if it is an existence hidden by the Kingdom. A gold level mage has no right to know about those existences at his level. So it's better not to offend if you can an unknown existence.

"How is this possible?"

The other end of the line looked shocked, and fell into a brief silence, as if considering the authenticity of the news. But thinking of James, this old man in charge of the Kingdom has always been correct, it's impossible to joke about such an important matter. After all, the appearance of each Legendary level will affect the standard of the entire Kingdom, and an existence of that level if it wants to destroy all the secret, no one can stop it. After a few minutes of silence, the other end of the line said in a serious voice:

"We will contact the nearest Legendary mage. You must first watch the other party's movements and try not to attack without authorization. If the other party has malicious intent, then... end this Realm test and retreat through the nearest portal as many people as possible."

"I will go."

James ended the communication, looked at the huge shadow in the sky with resolute eyes, couldn't help but feel weak at the situation. Although he is a gold level mage, he has the incarnation of the ice wolf being able to change the terrain within a certain range, and in the eyes of mortals he is like a god. But in the face of the existence of that Legend rank, he might be blown to death in one breath.

It may seem exaggerated, but this level of gap cannot be overcome in any way, nor can it be compensated by quantity. With its strength, much less can it find the opponent's position, even if it finds it, it cannot stop the opponent's advance. Since the other party has no malice but puts millions of people in secrecy in danger because of his own stupidity, then he cannot forgive himself.

Thinking about it, James couldn't help clenching his fists, remembering the oath he'd sworn when he joined the Kingdom and said it softly and solemnly:

"I am the sword, to cut off evils, I am the shield, to protect from evils, may the glory of God shine through the land of the Kingdom and sweep away evils forever."

It is an oath and a belief!

"You cannot stand still, you still have to check the situation."

Thinking of that, a stern look flashed in James's eyes, and a terrible frost spread out behind him, blanketing the building and spreading out for hundreds of yards, as if winter were coming.


In the cold wind that was blowing, a huge 30 meter tall ice wolf shadow appeared behind him, with scarlet eyes exuding terrifying power.

Ice direwolf! Its characteristic embodied in the body.

James already had the idea of sacrificing himself, his body already turning transparent as his ice wolf incarnation materialized in his place. Once the other party wants to make some move that means attacking, he was already ready to try to delay and buy time for the evacuation of personnel in secrecy.

But as soon as he had such an idea, the snow covering the place and the being that covered a part of the sky suddenly disappeared! It was as if some rebellious painter felt that his painting wasn't good enough, so he directly erased a large area, as if the whole thing never happened. The night sky once again became calm.

James froze in place, not knowing what happened, everyone in the secret who had seen the same vision froze as well.

What exactly is going on?

Seeing that he couldn't get the answer by standing still. James canceled his Snow Wolf incarnation and had to relay the latest news to the Kingdom. It's going to be a sleepless night for him and a lot of people tonight.

As the culprit who caused the sensation, Philip Wind didn't know how much of a commotion the [Ice Emperor] gift had caused.


He broke through the ice-condensed cocoon, and the increasingly holy figure stepped onto the ground, and looked at the large number of corpses frozen or destroyed by the wind caused by the sudden change of the elements. Philip Wind looked over and found the leader, a bronze level warrior who had been fighting him before, was already dead among the other beasts in the place.

At the same time, a lot of knowledge arose in Philip Wind's mind from the [Ice Emperor] gift. Be it the knowledge of mana manipulation, fighting experience and your affinities with the element of Wind, Water and Ice how to use them. A great deal of knowledge emerges and is integrated into the mind and quickly mastered by the body. That's the power of a gift, now it's part of being Filipe Wind.

Furthermore, Philip Wind could sense that after fusing with the [Ice Emperor] gift, not only had his strength reached that of a mid-bronze warrior, but his potential had also been enhanced. This has improved his affinity with the world's elements, and his mana practice is also more effective.

"As expected of a Legendary Gift, I don't know how high I'm going to climb now..."

Filipe Wind sighed with emotion, turning and disappearing into the white world, leaving his footprints behind.