

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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180 Chs

Chapter 118

Chapter 118: 30 Kinds Of Abilities Are Gathered Together, Fruit Fusion

"Let's do an experiment first. 99

Su Yi has found the Mafia Capone and is about to attack it,

Capone immediately discovered the existence of Su Yi,

"What are you doing? Demon hunter Su Yi.

I saw that Capone's body suddenly opened a small door, and inside the door was his crew – pointing guns at himself.

For Capone, the whole person is a castle, even if there are people watching from behind,

Therefore, the appearance of Su Yi was reported to Capone as soon as possible, and Capone learned about it.


"Nothing, I just want to talk to you about life and ideals.

Su Yi immediately raised his hands,

a harmless appearance,

Capone also turned around at this time, the castle fruit ability was activated, and doors appeared one by one on the front of the body. Inside, there were also mafia armed with guns, aiming at Su Yi.

Seeing that the other party was already on guard,

Su Yi took a few steps back and disappeared into the crowd.

"Really, each of these supernovae is so dangerous," Capone sighed in relief.

In fact, Su Yi gave him a very strong sense of oppression. As a "godfather" who has been in the dark world for a long time, his eyes are still very vicious.

He didn't know whether Su Yi had the strength of the 800 million bounty, but Su Yi gave him a very dangerous feeling.


Suddenly, a hand clapped on Capone's body,

Capone's pupils shrank,

But at the same time, the hand patted him again.

There is only half a second between before and after,

When Capone turned around suddenly, he didn't find Su Yi at all,

"Did something just happen?"

He asked his subordinates,

"Boss, just now the castle seemed to collapse for a moment, but it recovered immediately. 99

"Is that so?"

Capone couldn't believe it, he was almost 100% sure that the demon hunter had done something to himself,

But he didn't know exactly what it was.

The successful Su Yi opened his book, turned to the latest page,

"Castle Fruit" is displayed on it, and "Loaned" is also displayed.

The corners of his mouth twitched, Su Yi began to look for the next target,

First of all, he found Bonnie, the big eater who was eating haise, in the restaurant.

After pretending to be a food delivery man and touching each other twice,

The opponent's ability was also successfully stolen by him.

"Age Fruit", can change a person's age,

If you are an old man, you can become a young man, and if you are a middle-aged man, you can become a child or an old man.

But you can't make babies younger, and you can't make old people older.

Then, Su Yi found Trafalgarro again,

Luo's vigilance is higher than those of supernovae,

When I felt someone tap my shoulder twice,

He launched the "slaughterhouse" for the first time


But he didn't find anyone around him,

"Who is it, is it a hallucination?

When Luo thought so,

Su Yi, who has been far away from here, hiding in a small alley somewhere, opened the book in his hand,

"Ding! Congratulations, Host has collected 30 abilities, and the system has started to upgrade!

"Upgraded successfully! Your ability has added a new function, please pay attention to check! 55

"The new functions are: fruit development progress display, fruit fusion function."

"Fruit development progress display: The fruit ability you steal will show the development progress, and the fruit ability can be awakened when the development progress reaches 50%.

"Fruit fusion function: Fruits of the same series cannot be fused; you can only perform fusion operations once a day, and decomposition operations only once a day.

Fruit fusion? Development progress display?

Su Yi became interested, opened the Book of Thieves, and immediately found that the content inside was different.

Below each fruit is a progress bar that shows the current level of development.

Green represents the progress of his own development,

The red one represents the development progress of the ability he lent out,

The one with the highest degree of development in his hand is actually the Shadow Shadow Fruit, and the development progress is currently 33%.

The developed moves are: Shadow Box, Shadow Stand, Shadow Revolution, Shadow Mage, Scattered Bat, Shadow Horn Gun, Shadow Gathering Ground, Black Suit, and Shadow Attack.

The previous ones were developed by Moria, and Su Yi became a master with a little practice,

The black suit and shadow attack at the back were developed by himself,

And then Thunder Fruit,

Thunder Fruit is not that easy to develop, even though Su Yi knows the tricks developed by Enel,

But he himself could not use it,

For example, 200 million volts, Thor, 100 million volts Lei Ying, etc.

He currently does not have a Master even for such advanced manipulation skills as Thunder Beast.

But he mastered teleportation, basic thunder and lightning attacks, and the ball thunder move he developed, which also brought his development progress to 13%.

The development progress of other fruits is basically 10%, which is probably the level of Master just now.

Then, Su Yi began to check the development progress of the fruits he lent,

first supernova,

Capone's Castle Fruit, development progress is 17%.

The fruit of the age of Boni, the king of big stomachs, the development progress is 13%.

Finally, there is Op-Op Fruit in Trafalgarro, which is 37% in development.

Among them, Luo is obviously more concerned about his own fruits,

…..for flowers …..

Su Yi continued to turn the page, intending to see who among his partners was the most developed.

Zoro, Light Lion Fruit, 10% development progress.

Sanji, transparent fruit, development progress 13%.

Usopp, Wax-Wax Fruit, development progress 21%.

Nami, bubble fruit, development progress 17%.

Franky, Munch-Munch Fruit, 19% development progress.

Among them, Usopp is the most developed, followed by Franky, Nami, and Sanji. It is estimated that he just used the transparent fruit as a tool to peek at the women's bathroom.

Zoro, on the other hand, purely uses the light Lion Fruit as an auxiliary ability to exercise his body.

Even in battle, it will not be used at all.

"These guys, really.

Su Yi smiled,

Then start looking at the fruit fusion section.


Fruit fusion can only be done once a day,

If you are not satisfied with the fusion result, it can also be decomposed into the original fruit.

But decomposition can only be done once a day.

Also, Zoan cannot merge with Zoan, Paramecia cannot merge with Paramecia, Logia cannot merge with Logia.

Su Yi rubbed his chin and began to browse the fruits that he could currently use.

Scythe Fruit, Chop-Chop Fruit, Squirrel Fruit, Smoke fruit, Slippery Fruit, Exploding Fruit, Sand-Sand Fruit, Dice-Dice Fruit, Thorn Fruit, Mole Fruit, Dachshund Fruit, Thunder Fruit, Slow Fruit, Door Door Fruit, cheetah fruit, wolf fruit, white elephant fruit, giraffe fruit, shadow fruit, sound fruit, straw fruit, causal fruit.

Among them, Thunder Fruit, Menmen Fruit, and Slow Fruit are especially excluded. These three abilities are extremely useful monomeric fruit abilities. Once synthesized, they are likely to lose their original characteristics, so Su Yi chose to keep them.

As for the causal fruit, after Su Yi learned about his abilities, he lacked interest in it.

Although the causal fruit can convert the damage into power, it needs to bear the burden on the mind at the same time, similar to the shadow fruit,

And Su Yi is an innocenceist,

Do your best not to be beaten in battle.

Also, isn't it fragrant to use these mental powers to use Haki?

Finally, Su Yi began to think,

The same series cannot be synthesized, which means that Logia and Paramecia can be synthesized, or a certain animal of Zoan can be used as the core for synthesis.

After acquiring the abilities of Logia and Paramecia, this animal is likely to become an Eudemons species, and it is also an Eudemons that did not exist in this world.

Finally, Su Yi took a deep breath and chose three fruits for fusion.