

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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180 Chs

Chapter 119

Chapter 119: Eudemons, Sword Wolf Form

Su Yi chose a Logia, a Paramecia and a Zoan,

Smoke fruit + sickle fruit + wolf fruit.


With a move in his heart, Su Yi chose to fuse the three fruits,

Suddenly, a dazzling white light appeared in front of him,

Only he can see this white light,

In the white light, three fruits of different shapes are slowly overlapping together.

In the end, there was only a black fruit that looked like a pineapple, but there were barbs like knives on it, which looked a bit thorny, and the leaves at the top were also in the shape of two machetes.

In the end, the fruit was integrated into the pages of the book, occupying a separate page,

The pages of the three Devil Fruits just now still exist, but the names of the fruits are dimmed.

Name: Zoan, Dog and Dog Fruit, Mythical Beast Species, Sword and Wolf Fruit

Su Yi's thoughts moved, and the ability of the sword wolf fruit was activated,

His body suddenly changed dramatically, from a human shape to a wolf, but his height continued to grow,

The normal wolf of "080" is about one meter tall, but Su Yi's current height is more than three meters.

It has dark hair all over its body, a row of blades grows on the top and back of its head, a slender tail and a machete at the end, and a blade grows on each of the joints of its limbs, which looks extremely sharp, and the teeth in its mouth are also blades. , Even the tongue has a large number of hook-like barbs.

A pair of eyes amber, giving a sense of danger.

"This is… the sword wolf form!

Su Yi tried to move his body, but the sharp blade on his claws accidentally cut the ground.

"So sharp…"

Su Yi was taken aback, but with a casual sweep of the tail on his butt, the machete above cut the surrounding buildings in half.

In order to prevent panic, Su Yi quickly released the transformation.

He looked at the knife marks on the ground under his feet that were accidentally stepped on by the claws of the knife and wolf, and was secretly shocked.

Not to mention how much the fruit has developed, the normal transformation alone is already so terrifying.

And this only shows its "sharp" side, the strength and speed of the sword wolf itself, as well as the resilience have not been shown, and it is unknown what will happen after the fusion of Smoke fruit.

"Hey—I suddenly got a little excited. 99

Su Yi rubbed his chin and muttered to himself.

"Look here, how the house was cut open, could it be that the capable ones are fighting?

Suddenly, someone in the distance screamed.

Su Yi's eyes flashed, and it turned into an electric current and teleported to a few hundred meters away.

"Here, no.

Thinking in his heart, Su Yi launched Thunder Fruit and flew towards a small island outside Sabaody Island.

Since Thunder Fruit can only teleport segment by segment,

So it actually took Su Yi more than ten seconds to find an uninhabited island.

"Sword wolf form."

Su Yi's body swelled again and turned into the appearance of a sword wolf,


The wolf howled, Su Yi ran with all his strength,


The ground under his feet suddenly cracked, and his figure instantly disappeared in place, turning into a gust of wind and rushing out.

In just a few breaths, he ran from one end of the island to the other.

"It's so fast, this speed is three times faster than me under the cheetah fruit!

Su Yi was excited and subconsciously wiggled his tail,


A boulder next to it was suddenly cut in half.

"This tail is incredible, even stronger than Dice-Dice Fruit.

Su Yi thought about it and waved his tail suddenly.

The next moment, his tail stretched out like a whip, and the machete on it quickly slashed a half-moon-shaped slash in front of him.


The forest in front of him suddenly broke in two, all the trees flew up, and the fractures were as smooth as a mirror.

"And, teeth."

Su Yi's eyes flashed, and suddenly he bit his mouth with all his strength.

The upper and lower teeth collided suddenly, hitting the air to form a slash that did not belong to just now.


The tree shape on the island was immediately shaved off a layer,

"It seems that the tongue can also attack, 35

Su Yi stuck out his tongue, and his tongue was covered with sharp barbs. If he licked a person, he could scrape off the bones of a person, which is extremely terrifying.

Finally, the row of blades on Su Yi's back can also be used. Just curl up and roll over to form a terrifying spinning chariot. Coupled with the machete in the tail, the power will be shocking to the world.

"Tsk tsk, it's really a powerful form, but this is also related to my own physique. If an ordinary person can acquire this ability, it is estimated that it will be a more powerful phantom beast.

Su Yi silently summed up in his heart,

"Right, there is one more trick.

Su Yi almost forgot,

That is, when he activates the sword wolf fruit, his air holes can spew a lot of smoke,

The smoke is difficult to dissipate, and those who enter the smoke cannot see at all. Without seeing and seeing, they can only become blind.

However, this smoke is not as simple as simply blocking the line of sight.

"This move is called… Knife Blade Wind?"

Hu Hu Hu.

With Su Yi as the center, a large amount of white smoke spreads out,

shrouded the small half of the island,

Then, the smoke suddenly swirled around Su Yi,




On the ground, trees, and stones, some knife marks suddenly appeared, like someone with a long knife in the fog slashing randomly.


Su Yi opened his mouth, and the smoke was sucked into his stomach…

The sun shone in, and a shocking scene appeared in front of Su Yi.

I saw that with Su Yi as the center, within a radius of one kilometer, the ground was sunken,

It seems that there are countless people with knives slashing the ground, causing the ground to sink.

Su Yi opened his wolf's mouth and suddenly sprayed out the mist he had just inhaled into his lungs.


But wherever the fog passed, whether it was soil, rocks or trees, they were all destroyed as if they were smashed.

As Su Yi turned his head, the blade wind swept across, cutting a huge rock into powder.

This power is simply amazing!

Su Yi named several moves in the form of sword and wolf.

The attack of the tail is called "Tail Knife・XXX".

The slash formed by the bite of the teeth is called "Dental Knife・XXX"


The whole body curling up and rolling is called "Goth Wolf Chariot"

And the attack of the mist that is spit out is called "Knife Blade Wind".

The move that emits fog with itself as the center and causes large-scale damage is called "Knife Blade Wind Wall Breaker"

"Then, it's a human-beast form."

Su Yi transformed again, his body stood upright and became three meters tall,

Basically, the werewolf form.

A large number of blades grow on the top and back of the head, as well as on the elbows and knees, a machete on the tail, and claws on both hands and feet, and Su Yi can grow on any bone in his body if he wishes. Blades come.

In this form, he can use all animal-shaped moves, but the power has to be partially reduced.

But at the same time, the flexibility is also improved,

"The blue bird seems to be useless."

Su Yi looked at 4.9's Blue Bird Sabre on the ground.

He pulled out the blue bird knife and suddenly put it in his mouth and started eating.

quack quack quack quack-

The blade was bitten into pieces of iron, and he swallowed it.

At this time, Su Yi used the internal organs of the sword wolf, the stomach of the sword wolf can digest steel,

It can even be said that steel is the main food of the sword wolf,

If the blade on the body is gapped or even broken, the sword wolf can quickly recover by eating steel,

"It's really a pretty good ability. Apart from being unable to fly, it's quite strong in battle."

Su Yi clenched his fist and was quite satisfied with the fruit fusion this time.

"However, the sword wolf form is considered to be the strongest offensive type. The next step is to make a defensive type or escape type, then a healing type, and so on… It can be developed in a wide range in the future. 39

Su Yi opened his book of thieves and browsed the various abilities on it.

Speaking of which, the underwater prison has four jailer beasts, which are also four Zoan Devil Fruit abilities.