

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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180 Chs

Chapter 117

Chapter 117 Countdown To The Auction!

Luffy and others are rushing to the auction at full speed at this time,

At this time, two Celestial Dragons, the murloc Camie, and Pluton Rayleigh were imprisoned in the cage in the backstage of the auction.

Auction is about to start,

As usual, people who entered the venue had no idea that they were going to experience the craziest auction in history today!

Not only Celestial Dragons will buy slaves, in fact, as long as they have money and spare time, they will be arty and learn from Celestial Dragons to buy some slaves for fun.

What they didn't know, however, was that among today's slaves, there would be two Celestial Dragons,

The organizers of the auction do not know that today's heavyweight auctions are not so-called mermaids.

Inside is the legendary One Piece's deputy, Pluton Rayleigh,

As well as the two Celestial Dragons who usually kneel when they meet, but at this time they were put on collars like slaves, and they were beaten and scolded for a while.

The countdown to the auction is on.

At this time, Su Yi was standing on a roof,

Looking at the back of someone in front of you,

The other party did not notice his presence,

Still looking at the endless stream of people below,

"Skulachman Apu, Captain of the Broadcast Pirates, the person with the ability of the sound of the sound fruit, with a bounty of 198 million Berry, joined the Kaido Pirates two years later, and hindered the Straw Hat Crew crusade in the Battle of Onishima Kaido.

A series of messages from each other flashed in Su Yi's mind,

Apu is a long-handed family with three joints on both arms.

With your hands down normally, your fingertips can touch your knees.

And the purpose of Su Yi's coming here is the sound fruit of the other party.


A trace of electricity filled his body, and Su Yi disappeared in place.

077 "Huh?"

Apu seemed to feel something, looked back,

But no one saw it.

Then, he suddenly felt someone tap his shoulder,

He suddenly shrugged and was surprised that someone could touch his shoulder unknowingly, and he didn't even notice the other person's appearance before that.

Does this mean that if the other party wants to kill him, he is already dead?

When he saw the person who patted his shoulder, his pupils shrank,

You can't go wrong with this face,

There was a hint of Haki on the calm face, it seemed that a male lion was deliberately hiding its claws, but it only made people more fearful.

"Demon Hunter, Su Yi! The man with a bounty of 880 million Bailey!!!35

Apu is not some idiot. As an intelligence officer of the Kaido Pirates two years later, he has a considerable brain and intelligence gathering ability.

Therefore, he has heard some gossip, and it seems that the title of demon hunter has practical meaning. The word "devil" does not refer to the personality of the other party, but refers to something else. As for the word "hunter", it is very intriguing. Now, do you mean specifically hunting Demon fruit power?

Su Yi looked at the man in front of him, and when he came to such a close distance, the other party didn't even make a move,

To steal the opponent's ability, he needs to meet three conditions: understanding the opponent's ability, seeing the opponent's ability to use, and touching the opponent's body with his hand.

Now that the two conditions have been met, it's just a matter of seeing the other party's ability to use it.

"Hey, are you that supernova?

Su Yi could only pull out the blue bird and made a gesture of finding fault.

"Scrape and chop!"

Apu saw that Su Yi drew his sword, but did not attack,

I had already made a judgment in my heart, and I was sure that Su Yi was here to make up his mind.

He immediately launched an attack, and a sonic slash went towards Su Yi.


Su Yi's body flashed with electricity, and his body suddenly disappeared in place,

"Where have people gone?"

Apu looked around nervously,

"What ability did that man use just now? Is it Marine's shave? How fast!"

At this time, he did not notice that his piano keys and teeth had returned to their normal White Fang appearance.

in an alley,

A book appeared in Su Yi's right hand, and he turned to the latest page, which clearly showed that the "Yinyin Fruit" had arrived.

"I have collected 25 kinds of fruit abilities, I just don't know what will happen when I collect 30 kinds.""

Su Yi secretly looked forward to it,

Then, he sensed it with his sense of sight,

It is worth mentioning that, because the area of ​​the Sabaody bottom archipelago is too large, his sight and sight cannot be fully covered,

However, his sense of sight is very special, and he can hear sounds far away from the range, but of course he can only hear them occasionally.

However, he soon found traces of a second supernova within sight.

Straw Fruit Ability, Hawkins!


Su Yi turned into electricity and came to Hawkins's side,

At this time, Hawkins was divination for himself, and he didn't notice the dangerous proximity at all.

But his younger brother found Su Yi who suddenly appeared,

"Old… big…"

At this moment, time seems to have slowed down a lot,

Su Yi turned into electricity and flashed behind Hawkins,

Raised his hand and patted his shoulder,

Then, it instantly turns into a current and goes away.

Since Hawkins is using his ability to divination at this time,

So Su Yi has seen the ability of the other side.



Hawkins turned back, but saw no one,

"What's wrong?" He looked at his subordinates,

Suddenly I noticed that the poker cards in my hand disappeared,

Immediately, he discovered that his abilities were no longer available!

"how come!"

Hawkins's forehead cold sweat suddenly fell,

Today's divination did not find any abnormality!

Su Yi, who has gone far, scoffs at Hawkins' divination,

His thief ability was brought from outside this world,

not what this world originally was,

How could straw fruit be predicted?

Su Yi's next target is the strange monk Urouge,

The other party's causal fruit is a pretty good ability,

After being attacked, the body will become larger and the strength will also increase,

If he finds a suitable Zoan fruit in the future and chooses hand-to-hand combat, the karma fruit will become the strongest auxiliary fruit!

But the location of the strange monk is not easy to find,

Su Yi spent a long time in the Sabaody bottom archipelago, and finally saw the figure of a strange monk on a street,


He patted each other on the shoulder,

When the strange monk realized that there was someone behind him,

Huo Ran turned around and saw Su Yi,

"Demon hunter Su Yi, what are your plans?"

The strange monk has a smile on his face, this is his habit, even in the face of danger,


Su Yi didn't say a word, just punched the opponent directly,

The strange monk flew out directly, smashing a bunch of buildings,

"This is… what a strange power…"

The crew members of the strange monk next to them all widened their eyes, staring at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

"Really, it turned out to be a fault, don't think that you have the 800 million bounty to be amazing, my ability is the best at the following, and it's your fault that I didn't kill me with one blow…"

The strange monk who came out of the rubble began to swell in size,

The karma fruit ability was activated, and the strength of Su Yi's hitting on the monster was transformed into the power of the monster.

"Good ability,

Su Yi muttered to himself, not intending to continue wasting time,

He jumped up directly, and disappeared from everyone's sight with a few jumps on the roof.

"It's strange to have run away,"

The strange monk carried the hexagonal weapon on his shoulders, and was about to think about why Su Yi was running, when he suddenly noticed that his body was slowly shrinking.

"Are? It shouldn't be, the time hasn't come, wait…" The strange monk suddenly realized something,

Say to one of your subordinates, "Hit me! Hit me with all your might!

Seeing that his captain was so anxious, the pirate also went out of his way and punched the strange monk in the stomach,


The strange monk spit out a mouthful of blood,

But he didn't care, just stared blankly at his hands.

Are your abilities out of use?

After stealing the monster's ability,

Su Yi opened the book and glanced at it,

At this time, there are four supernovas with Devil Fruit ability on the island,

Kid, Mafia Capone, Bonnie, and Trafalgarro.

Kid's ability is bound to be acquired, but the latter three may be allies in the future.

"Wait, maybe it can be like this…"

Su Yi suddenly thought of something,

He can steal other people's abilities, and he can also lend them to others,

So is it possible to steal it first and then "borrow" it out?

In this way, the number of fruits in his book has increased, and it has no effect on the master of ability.