

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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180 Chs

Chapter 116

Chapter 116 Shocked Rayleigh For A Hundred Years!!!

After Su Yi threw two Celestial Dragons into the special space of the door fruit,

Just deal with the two of them,

Make it look unrecognizable to others.

The bodyguards of the two Celestial Dragons have already been dealt with.

Soon, no one will find out that the Celestial Dragons are missing.

Of course, even if someone found out, they wouldn't know who it was.

Even if I took ten thousand steps back, Marine really knew that it was Su Yi who did it.

They couldn't catch Su Yi either.

If it's a big deal, go to the Sky Island to hide,

Hehe, you can find me and count me as a loser.

And Su Yi did things that people in this world thought were "rebellious", just because he thought it was fun.

Imagine two Celestial Dragons who have treated all races as slaves, pampered since birth, aloof and despised, suddenly turned into slaves and bought and led the most miserable life.

What a wonderful scene that would be.

The only pity Su Yi felt was that he couldn't see with his own eyes the tragic lives of these two Celestial Dragons in the future.

And once the matter is revealed, the auction, which has been operating a population auction for many years, will be reduced to ashes in the wrath of Celestial Dragons.

Even the Sabaody bottom archipelago, where human trafficking is the norm, will be reduced to ashes.

"Next, Camie is auctioned off, Luffy shoots Celestial Dragons, Kizaru arrives, and Big Bear rescues Straw Hat Crew.

Su Yi was thinking in his heart, and he has nothing to do next.

Despite his intervention, everyone in Straw Hat Crew is now much stronger than in the original book,

And everyone has become a capable person, even if there is a capable person who is not afraid of sea water and seastone.

But to enter the New World, it is still too weak.

Entering rashly, I am afraid that it will become Kid two years later, who was beaten into a maim by Kaido with a stick, and then imprisoned abruptly.

Either he became like Hawkins and Haiming Apu, who was smoothed out by society and became a younger brother under the hands of the Four Emperors. He was not even a big kanban, and his status was only a little higher than that of ordinary trash.

"Next, you can go for a walk at Impel down, and then go to Marine headquarters to watch the largest war in history~||,

"Where are we going in the next two years?"

"Infiltrating the Marine and stealing the Marine Admiral's abilities? 55

"Or look for the revolutionary army, talk about the future and talk about ideals?"

"Or find a deserted island to exercise for two years?"

Just as Su Yi was thinking about how to plan her vacation for the next two years.

Backstage of the auction.

The place where slaves were held.

"Hurry up, go fast, you are squeaking, I will slap you if you don't go!" A vicious staff member pushed and shoved the two Celestial Dragons,

Two Celestial Dragons, who were pampered, pampered, and aloof on weekdays, were treated like this, and it was like falling into hell.

However, from the beginning, they were stubborn and wanted to continue to command these lowly pariahs as they used to.

They have now understood their situation,

I also learned that if we continue to do what these pariahs say,

will be severely beaten.

Even if they call themselves Celestial Dragons,

But at this time their throats were paralyzed by some medicine, and they couldn't speak at all.

His hands were tied and he could not write.

Even if they could really talk, no one would believe that any captured slaves were Celestial Dragons.

What's more, they have explosive collars around their necks.

They themselves deeply understand the horror of this circle.

As a result, the two were locked in a cage.

After that, the staff left.


Two Celestial Dragons snuggled together, tears welling up from the corners of their eyes,

How have they ever suffered such grievances?

From the high clouds above, he was suddenly knocked down into this dark, damp and moldy cage.

crunch – crunch

There was the sound of someone drinking from the side,

The two Celestial Dragons looked sideways,

This is a handsome old man with silver hair and glasses.

After the old man finished drinking, he subconsciously looked at the two newcomers.

next moment...


Rayleigh spit out the drink he hadn't had time to swallow.

God… Celestial Dragons!!!!!!!!!!

Rayleigh was stunned,

utterly astonished,

lived such a long age,

He has seen murloc slaves, mermaid slaves, giant slaves, villain slaves, human slaves… In short, all kinds of slaves.

Only haven't seen Celestial Dragons slave!!!

The two guys in front of me, although ordinary people can't see it,

But his eyes are vicious, and he can recognize from the down-to-earth temperament exuding from the two of them, these are definitely two Celestial Dragons!

Rayleigh fell silent,

utterly silent,

His eyes were obscured by the darkness, and his expression could not be seen clearly,

After a long time, he raised his head, with a confused expression on his face.

"Who is it that did such a ridiculous thing?

"It's…it's too sturdy…"

"It's incredible, this auction is expected to go down in history, hahaha, the first auction of Celestial Dragons slaves, it is estimated that this auction will be reduced to ashes by then, no, even this island …"

The more Rayleigh thinks about it, the worse it gets,

How would people go to The fish men island without the Sabaody Islands?

Thinking of this, he suddenly stood up and walked to the two Celestial Dragons,

The two looked at Rayleigh with fearful eyes,

".~ In short, things have already happened, even if they let the two of them go, they will never let go of this island, it's really troublesome, 99

Rayleigh took a deep breath and suddenly drew a sword from nowhere,

Then, swiftly across the arms of the two Celestial Dragons,

Two high-tech chips were taken out,

The two wounds did not bleed.

This top swordsmanship, few people in the world can do it.

"The chip that represents the identity of the Celestial Dragons is very important, and it is also the thing that locates the location of the Celestial Dragons. They can't be carried with them, and they can be thrown into the sea a little further away. These two guys will let them Be a slave for life.""

Rayleigh thought to himself, holding the two chips in his hands, planning to take a boat to New World after going out,

Throwing these two chips into the territory of some Four Emperors,

When the time comes, let the World government, let the Marine fleet find the trouble of the Four Emperors.

The two Celestial Dragons that lost their chips were unknown at first so,

But soon his eyes became extremely terrifying,


That's something that symbolizes their identity,

And once they get lost, the presence of chips can also locate them.

But now, the chip was taken away by the old human man in front of him.

Their blood was cold.

Not without the Celestial Dragons whose chips were taken away,

The Donquixote family is a precedent.

And the two of them are very clear about their fate.

Once stripped of the chip, the identity of Celestial Dragons is lost and can never be recovered.

At this moment, the two are like falling into an ice cave,

trembling with cold,

This means that the two of them will become "slaves" from "gods"


This is a true fall from heaven to hell.


The two wailed heartily,

I can't use my hands, I bite Rayleigh's legs with my mouth,

Rayleigh naturally ignored the whining husband of the two bereaved dogs,

He opened the door of the cage on his own, and then ran to another cage to continue drinking.