
Overwriting is Life!

19 year old Kite… expecting a last name? No. Kite died to a truck driver who swerved onto the sidewalks one day but Kite was too enticed while staring at a woman’s butt to notice and died. Being sent on to the reincarnation cycle Kite met a goddess who promised him something that would bring him to the top! Basically, come see a degenerate(Partially) raise to rule the world. ********************************** Updates Tuesday and Wednesday! Cover is not mine! Find me at Solar#6727 On discord if you are the creator of the cover and want it removed!

Fro · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Spiral of Regret!

"Yes, it's for someone above." the demon queen frowned.

'Is she talking about someone dead?' Kite wondered.

Nero was dipping through a river of her thoughts now. She had many brothers and sisters since a new girl was usually born every 20 years to participate in the next battle. If the king and queen had no new younger females of age to participate, then an already existing one would go again.

'Was it true my sisters are generals?' Nero could remember the day they waved off her youngest sister, Uri, after she lost in the battle of the princesses. Nero felt it was deeply unfair, especially after her second sister, Nami, was chosen next and lost as well.

"At last, this will all come to an end. I have a vision of something bigger. This entire continent will only go to waste unless it's fully in my hands." The demon queen spoke with a large smile on her face.

"What about the other races that stay here?!" Kite spoke in a slight shout.

Kite felt a hand smash him into the wall, causing it to slightly crack. He could feel her hand lingering on his chest, preventing him from moving forward. It was as if her hand was an immovable mountain.

"What about them? They can either escape or perish. Only the fools will stay after hearing of our conquering and shall be turned into fertilizer!"

Kite painfully glanced around, only to see Nero still frozen in her thoughts. He couldn't clearly see Ashia, but he could tell she wasn't doing great from the sound of her hysterical sobs.

A red pentagram symbol appeared on the demon queen's forehead causing her to gasp.

"Is it actually done?!" her red eyes lit up before she released Kite from the wall.

"You've interested me. I suggest you make your way south to the long continent." The demon queen smiled with a new plan in mind.

"Why, what's going on?" Kite anxiously asked as the sound of flesh opening could be heard, which made Kite snap his gaze over toward Nero.

The demon queen's tail was dripping with blood while coiled around Nero's still-beating heart.

Her body fell back against the wall before sliding to the floor. "I guess she won't be reunited with her sisters after all." The demon queen laughed.

Kite's eyes widened.

"Head to the south end of the castle. Attached to the walls will be some boats. Push the boat through the warp gate, and you'll find yourself at the start of a cave. You'll know what to do next." The demon queen walked off, her ivory skin being consumed by the shadows. She spoke as if she hadn't even just killed anyone. Was Nero really that small in her eyes?

Kite fell to his knees.

He was tired and had no energy to fully assess what happened. This was a foolish plan from the start which made him even angrier at deciding to go through with it.

Kite refrained from looking at Nero's corpse and made his way to Ashia's cell. The sturdy bars stood still even after pulling on them with great struggle, but with no empowerment, it was useless.


He screamed out in anger. Ashia sat in a ball, hysterically gnashing at her teeth. Kite punched his fist against the metal bars, but if an empowered Nero struggled with it, then Kite surely wasn't getting through whether he used psychic control or not. Grabbing the bars, he started an overwrite. The bars shook rapidly before starting to melt into chocolate.

His hand rubbed across his head as it started to ache even worse. Lifting Ashia up from the cold floor, He conserved his remaining willpower, wanting to use a mind pulse on Ashia; unbeknownst to him, it would have been helpless either way as Ashia's will had been consumed by the malicious energy from the demon queen.




The long, red, canoe-shaped boats hung up on the wall above him. They were about 30 feet long, allowing a lot of people to board. They were the longest he had ever seen. A medium-sized gate was placed right beside the boats, which turned purple when Kite stood in front of it.

A large purple floating hand pulled the boat through the portal and Kite followed. He walked out of a cave on a sandy shore.

The still water moved as the canoe splashed down. Kite laid Ashia down before looking back. The night sky over the castle was filled with red symbols, and a strong energy pulsed from them.

Kite ran his hand down the mast as he sat down

As they got further out, Kite started a controlled mind pulse. The purple lighting traced down his finger and over to Ashia's head when he tapped her forehead.

"Agh..." He brought his arms up to cover his face as the purple lighting shot back at him, almost toppling him overboard.

'It didn't work?!' He stared back down at the almost lifeless Ashia. The only signs of life were her slight spasms and indistinct noises.

'An overwrite!'

Kite grabbed Ashia's head with the plan to fix her brain. 'Fuck!' He thought after realizing he would need way more willpower to alter her brain, which was corrupted.

'Even if I sleep now to refill my willpower, I still wouldn't have enough to! Would she even be alive when I woke up?!' Kite rubbed his hands over his face in frustration.

'Will Obellion be ok? What about Klein?"

'This isn't too different from my life on Earth!'

Kite hated the feeling of not being able to do anything. He didn't have any real attachment to the continent nor too much real attachment to those he met, but it still angered him.

'What was I supposed to do? Those people in manga make this seem so fun!'

'This shit ISN'T fun!' Kite's hands grasped at his face.

'What was I even brought here for?!'

The demonic faces on the inside of the boat started to laugh hysterically while the constant thuds made by Ashia's spasms tilted him.

Kite sighed before bringing his hands up to his face. Tears slipped through the cracks of his fingers.

Now he was faced with his biggest fear: being alone in the middle of the ocean at night. The thought of a leviathan-like creature devouring him whole lingered in his head.




"I'LL DO IT!" Kite raised his hand to a large familiar fist coming toward his face. The sun beamed down on him.

'Just a dream haahh.'

His eyes gradually drifted back down toward the naked, comatose Ashia, and the sickening thoughts of what he did last night washed back over him.

Her white dress was torn and semen was visible on her slender legs.

Kite leaned over to the side of the boat and threw up. His tears came in waves from his purple eyes.

'This isn't me, I swear!'

His white hair grew ruffled as he grabbed at it in frustration. A purple dagger formed in his hand and he crawled over Ashia.


"YOU ASKED FOR IT!" Saliva fell from Kite's mouth onto Ashia.

He hesitated while pressing the knife against her neck. His tears fell onto his hand and down the knife.

"Ngh..." unwanted sniffles escaped Kite's scowled mouth.

He let go of the knife and instead threw Ashia overboard.

The still water was disturbed, sending a large ripple under the boat.




The faces distorted into frantic laughter and mockery. Kite looked around at the faces angrily.

"It was you. You made me do it!" Kite pointed at the faces in a fit of rage; his teeth were clenched like steel doors.

"Oh, the RAPIST is blaming his actions on us!"




Kite covered his ears, hoping it was a dream. "STOP THIS, YOU ALL TOLD ME TO DO IT!"

"I...I would never do something like that!"

"So if I tell you to get naked for me, are you going to do it?"





Kite used overwrite on himself to get rid of his ears. Only after the next 20 minutes of crying did he give himself ears again. It was significantly easier to overwrite himself than anything.

The faces had all gone back quiet. He was shocked but soon disregarded it and looked up at the sky with regret.

'What's going on? I was about to do the same thing to that woman when I was a mimic!'

Kite opened his panel and started another world transfer. He didn't want to be inside his body for a while.