
Overwriting is Life!

19 year old Kite… expecting a last name? No. Kite died to a truck driver who swerved onto the sidewalks one day but Kite was too enticed while staring at a woman’s butt to notice and died. Being sent on to the reincarnation cycle Kite met a goddess who promised him something that would bring him to the top! Basically, come see a degenerate(Partially) raise to rule the world. ********************************** Updates Tuesday and Wednesday! Cover is not mine! Find me at Solar#6727 On discord if you are the creator of the cover and want it removed!

Fro · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Operation Rescue (2)

Name: Kite

Strength: 10

Speed: 13

Endurance: 16

Intelligence: 22

Willpower: 1,033

[World Transfer]

[Mental Training]


(Overwrite lv-) (Psychic Control lv10) (Mind Pulse lv10) (Telepathic Transmission lv10)

Standing at the front of the menacing castle, an aura of death engulfed them.

"Thankfully, we have empowerment." Nero sighed while reverting to her human form. Two large doors with a dragon's head at the top confronted them.

"Are you going to help me open this door?" Nero looked back at Kite, who was randomly looking around.

"You know, I was thinking we should try to get in some other way…"

"And you didn't say that until now!?"

Nero followed Kite around to the side of the castle in hopes of finding an entrance before they were caught. The sound of the lava pits bubbling made Nero more and more paranoid.

"Up there!" Kite pointed to a window in delight. A golden square formed in front of him, which he stood on. "Get up here." Kite waited for Nero to climb on with him.

"I've never seen magic like this." She looked down at the ground below as they were slowly rising.

"I'm not an ordinary guy after all!"

Kite pressed his hand against the window and started an overwrite. "Are you insane? This is a window to someone's room!" Nero watched the glass turn to sand, and Kite stepped right in.

'We're going to die! Please have mercy on me gods when I do for my foolishness!' Nero warily stepped in behind Kite, not wanting to be left by herself.

The room was dark like excepted. Undead and ghoul heads laid around on top of a dresser.

A rustling of paper caused the two to almost jump out of their skin. On the right side of the room a woman was reading a book titled, "100 Methods to Torture"

Large bags were visible under her eyes, while her dark hair was ruffled as if she was just a part of a battle. She had a pair of curved dark horns and a long dark tail that hovered over the floor.

'Was dark her entire personality?'

Kite hesitated.

She didn't seem to be angry; she just looked really, really tired. She gave a large sigh before pointing her finger over to the wooden door.

Kite immediately ran over to the door with Nero right behind him. "Phew, my heart hurts."

Kite brought his hand to his chest while looking down the dark spiral of stairs. "Kite, do you think she was one of the generals? Why did she have pointy ears also?"

"Well, I doubt a maid would have a room of her own, Nero, and I don't know about her ears," Kite responded, agitated. All he wanted was peace and quiet while his head was pressed to Nero's breast. She was clinging to him so much that it was almost restricting his movement.

Like two soft cushions, they brought Kite a sense of relief. After walking for a while, the stairs came to an abrupt stop. It was just a stone wall blocking the way, preventing anyone from going down any further.

Walking out from the stairs, on their left were the two large double doors, while on their right were two long stairs going to the second floor. What piqued their interest, however, was the cell door in between the long stairs.

The two made their way over to the cell door, trying to be as silent as possible. "How do we get in?" Nero frowned.

"I got a way to get in, you can stay watch." Kite's words frightened Nero. "Why must we split up?!" She tightened her grip around him.

"Not so loud...do you see any other way in?"

Nero let go of Kite reluctantly and grabbed two bars on the cell door.


She struggled, but with her empowerment, the bars bent until a wide enough gap for them to cross was made.

Kite scoffed.

'Damn, I wanted her to be bait!'

He went through the bars and into a dimly lit hallway filled with cells on both sides

"Will you cut it out?" Kite could feel Nero shivering against him.

"I'm sorry, I don't do well with scary stuff."

Kite sighed before looking around at all the chains inside the cells.

'Why does the demon queen have so many? Maybe she's just into BDSM...'

A cry startled them. They had finally reached the last cell when they spotted Ashia. She laid on the stone floor while crying.

"Kite...Nero?!" Ashia's pale skin looked even paler. Her eyes were filled with a new hope.

"GET ME OUT OF HERE, PLEASEEE!" Ashia might as well have been calling out the demon queen's name with how loud she was yelling.

'Why did I even bother coming to save her?" Kite gulped as a terrifying aura made its way down the dark hall. The person walking couldn't be seen due to the shadows, which appeared as the torches on the wall went out.

Nero had already snuggled her way behind Kite. If any projectiles came their way, Kite would be the meat shield, despite Nero being stronger than him.

"Two fools wonder inside my home while beaming with empowerment from a holy god."

Her voice boomed, causing the last two torches to die out, putting them in complete darkness.

'If she knees me in my ass one more time...' Nero kept squirming around behind the annoyed Kite.

Kite's teeth were grinding together despite the dire situation. Even after the footsteps got closer to the point where Kite could feel someone in front of him, he couldn't see her.

The empowerment aura was devoured by the malicious energy coming from the demon queen's body. Ashia had long since covered her mouth while cowering in the corner of her cell.

Kite felt the toll of using a lot of willpower after the empowerment was devoured. His head started to ache while sweat fell from his face.

That feeling of strength and safety vanished along with the empowerment; now all that was left was fear.

Kite constructed a wall from psychic energy before the figure could come any closer.

A pale finger pressed against the wall. This finger traced it warily. "This doesn't seem to be made of mana," the demon queen declared before she tapped the wall, causing it to crumble. "No matter." she laughed.

"Why shouldn't I kill you two?" her cold fingers gathered around Kite's chin. The demon queen stepped from the darkness and an elegant grace followed.

'Holy MILF!' Kite felt his heart flutter; this was his type of woman, an older one. An audible gulp came from Kite breaking the silence.

"Are you silent from fear? The mutt behind you sure is."

Kite tried to look back, but she kept his chin held tight. Nero, along with Ashia, seemed far more scared than he was. 'Was it due to my willpower stat?'

"She has...ahh...a disease." Kite trailed off while a visible blush formed on his face.

"Telling lies to a demon?" the demon queen smiled.

Kite frowned.

'She is in total control!'

He shoved her hand away from his chin causing her smile to fade.

"We have come to bring Ashia back!"

"Letting her leave won't necessarily harm my plans since Ashia isn't inbred."


The demon queen gave Kite a long stare. "Don't play dumb, we all know the 6 territories rely on inbreeding inside their royal families."

"It seems you've already brought me a princess here yourself though, the scarlet wolves have had their kingdom established on this continent over beastkin for centuries."

Nero who was frozen now flinched at her words.

"Kaylus died anyway and I need someone to replace her, you'll feel right at home, you will even get to meet two of your family members already here." The demon queen's eyes glanced over to Nero.

Kite could remember vividly the woman from before who had pointed ears like an elf.

"You're turning the princesses into demon generals?"