
Strange Group Up

Inside a magnificent glossy black marble room, I find myself standing among many 'Ghosts 'before a miniature black hole. Looking up I realize that the ceiling extends up above, with a floating chandelier. New ghosts appear adjacent to me in flashes of light. Some of the ghosts have clear images while others are light distortions like me. From the blackhole up front emerges an inhuman figure. Looking like a mix breed of yellow Persian Pokémon cat and human, the being starts talking. In an overwhelming volume the Pokémon speaks with a dignified bearing.

"Welcome Overseers to my Noxie Galaxy, I am Overseer of the galaxy Sanguis Noxie."

Near the front the two ghost that attacked me before a step forward,

"I am Elizabeth Stelar, and this is my sister Samantha Stelar. We are Overseers of our respective planets."

Startled by her words (probably she)

"So we aren't ghosts?"

"…." Realizing I just blurted out my thoughts I look back at the two girls and realize that their image seems clear and more identifiable. Following her steps, I go forward

" 'cough'… I mean I am Puck Amon, and…" (and… and what?) [his thoughts. How should I signify thoughts?]

Looking around for some hope, I see the other guy I saw before… at least I think he's a guy… Upon finally seeing a familiar silhouette I had a sudden inspiration

"… He is Ghost" Shifting my attention, as if pointing, to the person at the back of the group. Standing among the densest population of people. Upon seeing me call him out, he tries his hardest to blend further into the crowd.

Proud of my on the spot thinking I grin stupidly saying "We are both Overseers as well"

Sanguis Noxie clears his throat reclaiming everyone's attention, his overwhelming tone comes back

"I don't care. I purely came here to guide the newly born."

"Now as all of you here are Overseers you all have the task of guiding and protecting your own worlds to glory."

"As I don't have the time to deal with everyone." (Glancing at the thousands of overseers in the room)

"I will be assigning each of you a guide. Your guide will be your assistant and aid you for 200 years. At the end of the timespan, the guide will go back to their normal lives."

"Been great meeting you all, … goodbye."

With a wave of his hand, the blackhole at the front of the room starts to grow. Thousands of strange hands like shades come out from the black hole each attaching to an overseer pulling them into the blackhole.

Soon enough a hand pulls me into the blackhole. Strangely enough without getting sick. After entering the blackhole, I notice myself back at the first planet he saw upon awakening (the newborn planet). Looking at the deserted planet I once again recalled the previous incident and instinctively back off.

"Welcome overseer, I am your guide for the next 200 years. Please call me Adam"

"Um, hello Adam. Call me Puck."

Back then when the Galactic overseer or whatever said a guide I was thinking of a female maid or something like that. But upon looking at the 25-year-oldish man in front of me I realize that my fantasy, unfortunately, won't be met.



Looking at the tall upright man in a suite I can't help but relate him with those detectives in tv shows, always having a stick up their ass 😊. Trying to clear the awkward silence I speak up.

"So, Adam. What ya doing?"

"Not much sir. What about you?"

"Nothing right now I guess."

"Shall we get started sir?"

"Started with what? Fixing the planet?"

"That would be a wonderful start, sir. What would you like to do as the first step of the planets


"Should you start off first explaining what I am first?"

"Of course, sir. You currently are a being known as an Overseer. Overseers guide and watch their planets as well as the organisms on the planets or planet."

"So as an Overseer my role is to guide a planet? Is that planet over there the one I am to guide?"

"Correct! That planet was your birth planet. Meaning that with your birth the planet was born. Of course, some people like to say that as the planet was born you Overseers were brought by the planet as its guardian."

"When I previously got close to the planet I felt all the happenings about it. As well as the ability to control its elemental structure. Is this the type of power I would have as an Overseer?"

"Correct. An Overseer isn't a magical being which spawns in people from another dimension or planet. An Overseer takes the elements and creates life."

"If I wanted to couldn't I just leave the planet alone to evolve itself?"

"The Overseers that have too many planets often do what you just said, but once one reaches such a state the Overseer will still kick-start a new planet at least then leaving it to evolve itself."

"Okay. What if I didn't want to create life could I just use the planet?"

"You could. Of course, if you run out of energy you will also die so not destroying the planet is a good idea."

"What do you mean by energy?"

"An Overseer stores energy obtain through chemical reactions that take place and would also release it to create life or when undergoing endothermic reaction."

"If that's the case how does an Overseers grow stronger?"

"Are Overseers meant to grow stronger? An Overseer can gain better control of the elements but an Overseer can't get stronger. What most Overseers do though is they take energy from the Organisms on the planet. They do this because as organisms live they have the ability to take other energy sources and convert them into chemical energy. Though the amount may differ depending on the organism due to natural ability to absorb it or due to low intelligence (Not knowing how to)."

Nodding head back to the empty planet. Upon breaking the atmosphere, I once again sense the elements and other info. Knowing that I wouldn't be able to make anything good right off bat I focus on a simple element like iron. I decided that I was going to build a simple building to stay in.

First sensing all the iron within the planet, I try to sense it. I feel a slight connection with the iron and attempts to pull it closer to me. After several tries all, I still end up in failure

"Sir you don't just establish a connection to the element and pull it. The element you are pulling may be bonded with other elements as such you must break those bonds. As you are trying to pull iron currently which is a metal meaning it should be a metallic bond your pulling. Metallic bonds tend to be stronger than all other types besides Network Covalent bonds which are the strongest. As such it will require a greater amount of energy to break and in general harder."

"I see. So let's try something different. What would you suggest would be a good element to use."

"None! By choosing a specific element you would have to break off everything from that element, which is often not good, and would be extremely hard for perfect results. As such it is recommended to use a material like graphite for starters."

"So, you say I should make graphite?"

"No. I'm saying to find material similar to graphite and bring them here. That way you save the extra energy needed to break intramolecular bonds. In the future, you could start with breaking intermolecular bonds. Of course, intermolecular bonds are a lot easier to break as when you do the molecule stays the same. For example, it's like boiling water. In that step you are breaking the intermolecular bonds of water."

"I see!"

Using my past memories of graphite, I search the planet for a similar material. Finding a small sample of graphite, I separate it from the other materials and bring it as a whole. Looking at the small lump of graphite, I am amazed by what just happened.

(his thoughts) 'If this was back on earth doing something like this would crazy. I suppose with all the change that's happened to me my mindset is no longer human.'

"Congrats sir. Now, why don't you bring some more and try using it to mold a house."

Concentrating harder than before, I sense all the graphite within the planet. Not bringing all of it, but a few tons of graphite out. After bringing the graphite out I concentrate and try to form the graphite into walls.

After a while of trial and error, a crudely made 4 story houses without any floors. Stepping inside I made a graphite table and chair. Sitting down in the chair, I create a stone tablet with a stone in a pencil shape.

"Well, it's time to start planning the future of this planet."