
The Raza Quasar Empire

In the Galactic Raza War, the Raza Quasar Empire was invaded by then Abeethiou Alliance. Spanning thousands of years, trillions of Demons from the Abeethiou Alliance swarmed the planets of the Raza Empire. With only a few planetary forces ready or willing to fight, all was lost. The war was tipping towards the Abeethiou Alliance, but news later reached the Raza empire that their neighboring galaxy, The Rasmandor Empire, was sending aid, bring newfound hope to the Raza Empires' citizens. The galactic god Sigmund (Current ruler of the Raza Empire) made a ditch effort activating the galactic core's protective barrier. A beautiful golden power powered out of the black galactic core forming a vortex enshrouding millions of stars and planets, protecting all that remained of the Raza Empire and its people.

The magnificent display did not deter the cruel demons, rather agitating them to a full force invasion! With their terrifying aura of calamity Sigmund saw no hope. Charging forward towards his ultimate demise Sigmund unleased weakened yet mighty aura showing off his prowess. For what seemed like moments the relentless demons were pushed back, angered by Sigmund's provocation the Demon lords standing in the back counter attacked. The haunting demon Azlegrad charged Sigmund, thrusting his spear piercing Sigmund's thigh. With Gritted teeth Sigmund bore through the pain. Using his understanding of the laws of space Sigmund gripped Azlegrad's spear hand. Unable to hold the pressure Azlegrad let go of the spear, in the realization of his mistake, he tried to escape. Seeing this Sigmund spun Azlegrad in front of him, piercing his hand through Azlegrad's chest. The death of Azlegrad caught the other Demon Lords by surprise. The surprise was soon passed, the wretched Demon Lords sprang forth opting to use quantity to fight.

Sigmund might be able to kill the Demons one at a time, but one was the limit. Knowing that he wouldn't be able to hold the demons long enough for the completion of the barrier, Sigmund self-destruct. Causing an explosion far stronger than any supernova. The core of the galaxy absorbed much of the explosion. The excess portion of the explosion caused a chain explosion of suns throughout the galaxy. Everything in the Raza Empire was wiped out into dust, leaving a vortex of dust covering the blinding light of the galactic core.

From the ashes of the Raza Quasar Empire new life was born.