

While Puck was in a state of confusion, the elements around him started to vibrate. Noticing the strange behavior of the atoms and how excited they were scared Puck, adding to his already anxious state. The energy became so intense, to the point that the rocky surface melted into molten magma. The entire surface of the planet soon turned a red fury color, as if enraged by Puck's presence. Overwhelmed by the events happening around him, Puck turned around and fled. Puck exited the atmosphere and could no longer feel the presence of the elements on the planet, Puck turned around. Before him was an amazing spectacle. A planet that was once so grey and dull now looked like a bright red gem. Shining bright crisp red with a tinge of black shadows in between was the newborn planet.

Behind the bright planet, Puck noticed another planet. The planet was quite a distance away and

Puck almost missed it. Out of curiosity Puck floated towards this other planet. Unperceived by Puck, while floating time seemed to pass at a surprising speed. Floating for who knows how long Puck eventually reached the planet. Unlike the previous planet, this one was maroon red like mars. This planet was larger than the now bright red gem planet. Nearby the planet there was a special slice in space. Puck could see the disturbed energy near the slit. From the direction, it seemed like the energy was coming in! "Maybe it's another ghost like me?"

The energy disturbance soon stopped and the slit in space emended itself.

Puck stood still anxiously, expecting to see a transparent white being. "Where's the ghost?" Taking a quick glance around and then back at where the incident just happened. Upon looking closer Puck noticed that the light seemed to get distorted at the spot near the slit. "Oh, right I forgot that when I looked at my body before there was nothing there! Ghosts are probably invisible and not transparent. I still thought that I should at least be able to see another fellow ghost. Oh well :/".

Puck floated over toward the distorted light. "Hello, my fellow ghostling! :D". Puck was struck by a terrifying realization! He couldn't SPEAK! "Maybe it's because I'm in space?" "Still, I'm in a dilemma. How do I speak if I can't speak? ☹"

While comprehending this complex dilemma, a voice appeared in Puck's head. "Hello?" Shocked Puck staggered backward. "HE CAN SPEAK! HOW" "Um, who are you?" The smooth voice appeared yet again. "It doesn't sound like a voice but more of a feeling, like body communication back on earth." Concentrating hard on his feelings to express his emotions Puck managed to say. "Hello, my name is Puck. Oh, that's not too hard, almost natural!" "Hello, my name is…. I'm not sure."

"As you don't know your name you probably don't remember your past life, correct?"

"My past life? I had one?"

"Probably as we are ghosts."


"Yes, a ghost. They are… we are what happens to people after we die!" "Oh" "Well as you don't have a name let me give you a name!"


"Why? :0"

"We just met, and I don't know who you or I am."

"Well, what should I call you?"

"Call me ghost."

"Okay ghost, what are you going to be doing now?"

"I don't know. What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to look and find other ghosts! Maybe I can figure out what's going on." "Okay. I'm going to look at the sphere there."

"The planet?"

"The what?"

"Never mind, besta luck to ya"

Feeling no need to help a stranger without benefited Puck moved on.

Slowly wandering around the maroon planet Puck found nothing. Picking up the speed Puck wandered into the opposite direction. Off in the distance Puck could see another planet. Contrasting to the planets large appearance it had a small ring around it. Upon getting closer Puck could see the beautiful icy blue surface of the planet, due to being farther away from the sun. Hidden behind the blue planet was yet another ice blue planet. Though smaller and having no ring, the planet still looked enchanting.

Finally getting close enough Puck could now see both planets clearly and most of the surroundings. Going closer to the large ringed planet Puck sensed a threatening danger scaring him to the point of near death. "Good thing I'm already dead." The entire planet started to have a dangerous feeling about it. Immediately fleeing to an appropriate distance Puck stopped and waited. Soon Puck saw two other ghosts (Light distortions). Not having noticed anything weird about the previous ghost these two seemed different. The air about them wasn't close to the other one. Strangely enough, the two special distortions seemed to have different sizes (The volume and area they took up). The larger ghost was the first to speak.

"What do you want overseer!?" The arrogant attitude of the ghost brought out Puck's past life's arrogance as a multimillionaire since birth. "What's it to you if I come here? I don't have time to talk to someone who doesn't' even realize that we are ghosts!" "GHOST! You think I'm a ghost! Never come here again!" After saying this the entire energy around the ghost changed. The large planet behind her started to vibrate. 'RUN. Run for my life' was the only thing going through Puck's mind. "Fuck" Running away for his dear life, Puck eventually stopped after reaching another planet.

This planet was on the smaller side. The only remarkable thing about the planet was that it had 4 moons circling it. Shadows of the orbiting moons enveloped the planet bringing about a dreadful feel. On the surface of the planet was a ghost.

Scared that the ghost might be like the other one Puck decided to avoid it.

Without any warning, the space around Puck started to vibrate. The vibration intensity constantly increased to a point were Puck thought he might pass out.

I'm a new writer, as everyone probably noticed, and I would appreciate any recommendations. Also, let me know about any mistakes in grammar and spelling I'll fix them thanks.

Omnidoacreators' thoughts