
OverPowered System

Stonexia Yrrah who was an poor simpleton loved reading novels with op characters and playing games. Rest of his social life was totally dull. He rarely stepped out of his house. Even his neighbors don't know about his existence. Of course the reasons for this is society itself which used to bully him when he was kid. When he became adult he was bullied by college mates. Being poor even his parents couldn't support him or protect him from his bullies. After college, which he barely passed by minimum grade he had hard time finding a job to earn money. Even in job he was bullied by seniors and once he was forced to resign as well by a senior who wanted to use him as a stepping stone. After losing job, he has nowhere to go, nowhere to live, he was afraid to do suicide as well being a coward, so he simply pleaded to lord and asked for the reason of his existence? He just demanded one thing if their is no reason for his existence then simply provide him a painless death. "There is a reason for your existence. Here you go." (Animation of lightning thunders and cloud blasting "BANG" echoed) "BOOTING UP OVERPOWERED SYSTEM." Author's Note - The summaries of various novels will be posted in it too so it can help you save your spirit stones :)

mailmeharry2008 · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Golem and Faeria Race

Mayong or Mayang, also known as the Land of Black Magic, is a village in Morigaon district, Assam, India. Many rumors of people turning into sheep were heard in this place.

(Teleportation sfx)

Stonexia appeared at the specific coordinates of the news and found a large herd of sheeps and goats, but he ignored it and as usual decided to roam around Assam first. Assam was famous for its tea, and Stonexia went to try it. He went to an local restaurant and ordered the tea. While he was savoring the taste of tea, he was hearing the rumors and chats of locals around.

"Have you heard that Hirosha went to the valley yesterday to gather some medicine for his sick mother, and is missing after that."

"FOOL!!! Who told him to go there? That valley is cursed, now he must have become a sheep or goat by now."

"He is a nice and courageous man in my eyes, at least he risked his life to save his mother. He had no other relative so he was living only for his mother, and only way to save his mother was to gather those herbs or pay huge sum to modern doctors. He can't afford the fees of such doctors and thus he had only one way left and that was to step in that cursed valley."

"Hey!!...Isn't he Master Stonexia Yrrah?"

"What? Where?"


Stonexia immediately left the restaurant with his super speed and activated invisible mode. He had already left a bundle of cash on the table before leaving for payment of his tea.

"Whew!! Rich people can't even eat at peace in restaurants nowadays." complained Stonexia.

**Host was drinking not eating there?** commented System.

Stonexia didn't know whether he should laugh or cry. Stonexia waited for the man who praised Hirosha earlier and followed him in invisible mode, and when he was alone then he showed himself and asked the man about Hirosha by handing over a stack of money in his hands. Then the man who was very happy with his free earning, brought him towards the hut of Hirosha where an old woman was lying on the floor and seemed unconscious over a ragged cloth. It was an hut made of mud and grass. Stonexia checked her nerves and found that she was still alive. He immediately called helpline number of Ambulance and within 10 minutes ambulance arrived, then he hurriedly picked her up without caring about getting himself dirty from the poor and low class clothes of the woman, and respectfully put her body on the stretcher and instructed ambulance staff to get her treated in the best hospital nearby and all bill is to be paid by Yrrah's Endless Supplies branch of Assam. He informed his dad about this as well and he happily arranged best doctors to visit the hospital where the woman was admitted. Travelling Expenses of air tickets for doctors was also paid by Mr. Yrrah. Now his dad didn't responded in his earlier tone of being a scrooge, because after seeing system he also believes that he is nothing but a frog in a well in the enormous universe.

After arranging for Hirosha's mother, he teleported to the valley and immediately started running at his super speed in invisible mode. His speed is so fast currently that he can travel whole India in half an hour at his normal speed and even faster at full speed. And it didn't took long for him to locate herd of goats and sheep and it was the same herd that he saw earlier as well when he teleported at news location. He scouted them using OPS, and found that people are really being converted to goats and sheep here. He has also located the Hirosha among those sheeps who was crying for being unable to help his mother. Stonexia used OPS Communication to tell him not to worry as he has taken care of his mother and sent her to the best hospital of Assam for her treatment. Hirosha was just eighteen years old and didn't suspected a stranger so he easily believed Stonexia and started licking the feet of Stonexia in his sheep's form to show his respect after hearing this. For him nothing was more important than his mother that's why he risked even his life without giving a second thought to find a herb in this cursed valley. But Stonexia hurriedly moved away his feet and felt really awkward after getting his foot licked. Later Stonexia brought him away from the herd of sheep and goats.

Stonexia asked him how he got converted to sheep? Then he told about a witch staying in a hut towards north. She chanted some magic in front of him to convert him into sheep. Stonexia contacted System to ask a cure for this magic.

**Host is annoying system too much, it's an minor issue which host can resolve himself, please let the system sleep. Zzzzz....**

Stonexia as usual was dropping his jaws on haughtiness of the system. But he realized that he was relying on system too much so he decided to start investigating himself first and ask for system's help only after reaching a dead end.

Then he started moving towards the hut in invisible mode, he didn't mind Hirosha seeing him becoming invisble. First of all Hirosha has already seen magic by his current condition, and second he was not even eighteen years old and had a really kind and courageous heart. That's why Stonexia has decided to make him system's disciple later after solving his current crisis.

Stonexia peeped through the window of the hut to see a beautiful fairy like girl brewing some sort of potion on a huge pot. She was constantly throwing wool and milk from sheep and goat while brewing the potion and was chanting some incantations from an old book in her hand. He scouted the level of the witch and found it to be only at Level 3.

**Level 3 (fake)**

He overlooked (fake) word and Overestimating himself he foolishly undid the invisibility and appeared in front of witch and asked, "Who are you? What are you doing? Why are you converting innocent people into sheep and goats?"

Witch got alert at once and immediately murmured some incantations to summon a massive golem, which unearthed itself by digging out an hole from underground and punched towards Stonexia, which sent him flying outside the house. After coughing out some blood, he scouted the Golem to find its level at 20.3. Another punch was coming towards Stonexia, but this time he was prepared and switched to live mode and used inventory and unsheathed 'Overpowered Sword' and chopped the limbs first, and then chopped neck of the golem after dodging the punch, and system notifications rang in his head signifying that he had defeated the Golem. And due to live mode experience points were massive as well which immediately leveled him up. This was his first ever kill in the live mode.

**Congratulations for reaching Level 20.....**

Not repeating his foolishness, without wasting even a second, Stonexia became a blur and appeared behind witch and used inventory to bring out bandages and gagged the witch to prevent her from speaking her incantations. Stonexia then used OPS Communication to talk with her via thoughts...

"If you don't want to die, then tell about yourself and speak up the reason for converting people into cattle? Also what are you brewing? How did you obtain that book?"

She was straightforward and didn't intended to hide anything already. Moreover, she got scared seeing the strength and speed of this man and spilled out the beans immediately.

"My name is Maya Witch. I was an orphan, and was raised by an alien golem named Zingalu Sungla. Earlier the golem you fought was magical intent of him only, which he left for my protection. I inherited this book and knowledge from my master only, who claimed to be from planet Dorra three solar systems away from ours at 323880998098, -33929302342034 coordinates of our universe. He left Earth 3 years ago to go back to his planet to check on the status of his planet as there was some imminent danger to his race on his planet, but he didn't returned which probably means he is either captured or dead."

"In fact, he arrived on Earth 20 years ago during his search of life in other planets, only to pass on his inheritance to someone before his race being wiped out from the face of the universe. I am under his care from past 17 years since I was born. He assigned me task to brew this potion for 4 years. The potion i am brewing is to be used on his planet for resurrection of their race, as per the instructions in this book. I am brewing this potion from past three years already. Now this potion will be completed after one year, and until then i have to pour large quantities of wool and milk in it as per its recipe in the book. And I can't use real cattle's milk and wool for this and only magically converted cattle can be used to brew this potion as per the book."

Stonexia scouted on Maya and found that she spoke the truth. Now he really can't blame this woman for doing something evil as well, and found that it's reasonable for her to do so. He also found out that Maya is not a human but belongs to alien species named as Faeria from Planet Nibiru which is supposed to be in our own solar system only, maybe it's still undiscovered. This race has innate magical talents. After becoming adult they will grow up a pair of wings as well to fly. And they are capable of raising and suppressing their strength. That's why earlier scouting revealed her level to be at 3. But now reading all details, Stonexia asked from system the actual level of Maya and found it to be at 16.

He was also surprised to know that just intent of an alien Golem was at Level 20.3, so how strong he must be himself? And there's someone who is threatening even their race, then how strong that existence would be? Frog in a well, that's so true for him even after reaching Level 20.

Suddenly Stonexia remembered about the outer space teleportation node under the Indian Ocean as reported by World News of OPS earlier. Maybe that was the node linking the two solar systems, and Dorra used that node to arrive on Earth 20 years ago and he used the same for leaving the earth 3 years ago.

Magic and outer space finally :)

mailmeharry2008creators' thoughts