
OverPowered System

Stonexia Yrrah who was an poor simpleton loved reading novels with op characters and playing games. Rest of his social life was totally dull. He rarely stepped out of his house. Even his neighbors don't know about his existence. Of course the reasons for this is society itself which used to bully him when he was kid. When he became adult he was bullied by college mates. Being poor even his parents couldn't support him or protect him from his bullies. After college, which he barely passed by minimum grade he had hard time finding a job to earn money. Even in job he was bullied by seniors and once he was forced to resign as well by a senior who wanted to use him as a stepping stone. After losing job, he has nowhere to go, nowhere to live, he was afraid to do suicide as well being a coward, so he simply pleaded to lord and asked for the reason of his existence? He just demanded one thing if their is no reason for his existence then simply provide him a painless death. "There is a reason for your existence. Here you go." (Animation of lightning thunders and cloud blasting "BANG" echoed) "BOOTING UP OVERPOWERED SYSTEM." Author's Note - The summaries of various novels will be posted in it too so it can help you save your spirit stones :)

mailmeharry2008 · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Cyber Mammoth and Godzilla

Everybody was training and enjoying themselves. Continuous dings from system were ringing in the head of Stonexia, signifying experience points generating non stop from three different sources apart from his own generated from Condors. Soon enough he reached Level 13. And went through the news again, and found another important piece of World News from OPS.

**Pakistan and Chinese government have conducted secret meeting in order to tackle the growing economy of India. Plans have been setup to destroy Yrrah's Endless Supplies business on the name of a temporary war with fake excuse for the river water distribution of the two countries conflict with Indian Government. The date of declaration of war is still not set. Various terrorist organizations are interested in the plans setup by Pakistan and China and supporting them**

"No coordinates are provided by system this time so i don't know who and where is this being planned. So date is not set I don't have to worry for now then. Let's check remaining news then.."

**Supernatural activities are discovered at Mayang Village in Assam at ...**

**Hidden ruins of prehistoric era are present at ...**

**Jurassic Era's dinosaurs wild intent discovered at ....**

**Outer space teleporter discovered underground in Indian Ocean at...**

**An ancient book discovered in Dark Forest area of ...**

**Cyber Mammoth is created in laboratory of Russia at.....** (This news was replaced by **Mammoth is successfully resurrected in laboratory of Russia at.....**)

**Mutant Research is successful and scientists in Dubai at ... have created first ever human mutant mixing various strong animals dna's.....**

I should be checking this Mammoth news but i will need to travel there first as I don't have teleportation access to that place. He thought of booking an air ticket to russia immediately and was about to call Mr. Han Yrrah, but system started speaking :-

**Host can travel to Russia via teleportation. As Tofu Yrrah is disciple of system as well, so system has recorded all the places visited by Tofu Yrrah, although many of them are still out of bounds (Anything out of asia is still not copied by system) from System's range but Russia is within Asia so it's possible.**

Mr. Tofu Yrrah had traveled whole world already due to his fame. Stonexia felt rejoiced on seeing that even his dumbo dad could be of some help sometimes. Stonexia still called Mr. Han Yrrah and informed him that he himself has to deal with all business issues from now on as all Yrrah Family is on vacations. He gave all powers to him and also told him to feel free to hire new managers in case if it's tough on him. Stonexia wasn't worried about anybody betraying him or his business as he will know about any such event with the help of system world news.

Stonexia took his time sight seeing Russia before going to the laboratory in invisible mode to take a look around the secrets of Moscow's top secret laboratory. After his covert spying operations, he was shocked to know that this resurrected Mammoth is not for the goal of bringing back an extinct species, but to use it for war purposes against USA. Various nano-technologies were implanted on the real body of Mammoth, then a newly discovered element's metal like coating was poured on it allowing it to become indestructible by ordinary bombs. Thus this mammoth has far surpassed the power of ordinary mammoths. A mind control chip was installed in its head as well to keep it under control, or otherwise it can become a calamity for Russia itself if not controlled. As per OPS scouting, the level of this Cyber Mammoth is at Level 15 and even nuclear bomb can only damage it little. Stonexia doesn't want to involve himself with politics of other countries so he didn't mind much and decided to use the Cyber Mammoth for just his training purposes. But this mammoth is like a robot, that's why cheatcode of Love-cum-hate wasn't applicable on it.

"System, is there any way to control this mammoth?" asked Stonexia.

**OPS can do anything. It can control this thing by hacking its mind control chip easily. But host is really idiot. Host can simply keep slaying the mammoth as it is in demo mode using 'Overpowered Sword', as it is currently deactivated. Experience points will be little lowered but still they are good enough for host to level up easily. Host can use disciples to farm this thing fast as well later when they are strong enough.**

Stonexia felt embarrassed on getting scolded by system, but he was happy with the suggestion as well. He immediately switched to demo mode and started farming on this mammoth.

Currently only Level 15 stuff can hurt the thick skin of this cyber mammoth, so he can't use mom, dad, Gordon and Tutanka for farming this mammoth. Even he himself was incapable if he didn't have the 'Overpowered Sword' with him. He continued his training and reached Level 15.5 himself, he sent the shared experience towards mom, dad, gordon and tutanka as well thus all of them have achieved level 10 as well, and they are getting more and more efficient.

Then Stonexia sent them back to Delhi to take care of worldly affairs. Everybody was astonished to see the new looks of all Yrrah family members. All of them were at least 7 foot tall weighing around 500 pounds with muscular physique. Even the youth has returned on the bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Yrrah. They were 50 years old, but with level up to 10 the vitality in their bodies is automatically raised and thus their maximum age is increased as well. At level 10 they can easily live for 300 to 350 years of age. At level 15 Stonexia was capable of living up to 500 years, if not dead unnaturally. If it wasn't Stonexia telling his uncle about their identity then even Han Yrrah wasn't able to recognize them.

Later he instructed his mom and dad to keep farming in their free time. Through system they can contact each other anytime. Gordon and Tutanka continued their farming and were not brought out this time.

Now it's time to choose next target. He asked system whether is there any way to sort news based on his capabilities as well so that he doesn't accidentally went to some location where he can't handle the opponents and end up dying instead because now the levels of creatures should be beyond human's imaginations as he has already cleared the level of nuclear bombs. Although demo mode can help him resurrect but still pain from injuries and temporary death are painful.

**As per host's request list will be sorted on the basis of danger/risk rates of the event locations.**

Dark forest ancient book news and Mutant research news from Dubai appeared on top of the list of news. Without wasting more time Stonexia moved towards Dark Forest as it was not a place already registered as teleportation point. It took a month in live mode to find the location. He was not in any hurry so he traveled the Madhya Pradesh state as well before finding the ancient book. The ancient book itself contained knowledge of various basic methods for ancient and foreign alchemy and blacksmiths supposedly from the mysterious aliens. But currently it was of no use to Stonexia, as the basic requirements for alchemy and blacksmith profession were sentient fire as mentioned in the book. And it is not easy to find such fires, and maybe it is not available on Earth at all. However method to acquire such fire is written in that book, which made this exploration worth. So Stonexia will just have to wait for the OPS to copy more planets or solar systems and then the news of discovery of such fires should automatically reach to him via World News of OPS.


After one year.....

Meanwhile system has copied Europe, Africa and Australia and some part of Antartica as well alongwith oceans in them. Now only North and South America were left that were out of bounds from system's range within the Earth. Various news popped up during this regarding Yrrah's business, various secret spying operations towards their business and assassinations attempts but everything was now reported in heads of Mr. and Mrs. Yrrah as well due to linking with training module and system. So they kept themselves and their business safe and sound and took care of their enemies with their own strength and money power, and didn't disturb Stonexia in his search for ancient book. They have further expanded their business to Europe, Africa and Australia as well.

Pakistan and China scheme to destroy Yrrah's Business was still ongoing and news regading it were usually flashed by the OPS World News. But still nothing serious is planned by them. Now they are gathering support from other countries as well. Yrrah's Endless Supplies are no. 1 enemy of every country's governments. On the other hand, it has raised the economy of India to No. 1 already so it's like most precious gem for Indian Government. Moreover the people living abroad also supported Yrrah's Products only so even if governments of their countries are against India, they themselves won't support any war declared against India, and especially if Yrrah's Business was to be damaged. Indian Intelligence Agencies have already learnt about the hostile plans of Pakistan and China against them after investigating in the spying and assassinations attempt towards Yrrah's. So even government is providing full security support to not only the Yrrah's family but even the employees and workers of their family and business, so that economy of India keeps flourishing. One God Temples were great success in abroad as well, and 'Oneys' can be found all around the world now.

Various news from around the world popped up on the system during this year and Stonexia kept training and exploring secrets from those news zones. The mutants were also taken care of by Stonexia who were at Level 16 and were researched up by UAE government for war purposes. He went to the place with dinosaurs intent as well and found that someone resurrected T-rex and further mutated it with other prehistoric creatures to create a brand new dinosaur named as 'Godzilla'. This was an tool of destruction too at level 17. In fact the news of hidden ruins of prehistoric era and dinosaurs intent was inter-related. The ruins were the place where scientists of Russia found the DNA of various species of dinosaurs and then managed to mix them all to recreate 'Godzilla'. Now the level of Stonexia has reached Level 19, due to non stop experience points from disciples. Now system has allowed sharing of experience level lower down to 10 percent instead of 33 percent that is used for disciples restriction growth. Therefore all disciples reached level 17 as well. Now it's time for mission supernatural and outer space explorations.

Yay supernatural powers finally in next chapter..

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