
OverPowered System

Stonexia Yrrah who was an poor simpleton loved reading novels with op characters and playing games. Rest of his social life was totally dull. He rarely stepped out of his house. Even his neighbors don't know about his existence. Of course the reasons for this is society itself which used to bully him when he was kid. When he became adult he was bullied by college mates. Being poor even his parents couldn't support him or protect him from his bullies. After college, which he barely passed by minimum grade he had hard time finding a job to earn money. Even in job he was bullied by seniors and once he was forced to resign as well by a senior who wanted to use him as a stepping stone. After losing job, he has nowhere to go, nowhere to live, he was afraid to do suicide as well being a coward, so he simply pleaded to lord and asked for the reason of his existence? He just demanded one thing if their is no reason for his existence then simply provide him a painless death. "There is a reason for your existence. Here you go." (Animation of lightning thunders and cloud blasting "BANG" echoed) "BOOTING UP OVERPOWERED SYSTEM." Author's Note - The summaries of various novels will be posted in it too so it can help you save your spirit stones :)

mailmeharry2008 · Fantasy
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56 Chs

New members in Yrrah Family

Seeing the loyalty of Maya towards her guardian, Stonexia was impressed. If it was someone else he/she would have given up on such task and used the black magic skills for his/her own use instead of following instruction of someone who may not even be alive. Moreover they were not even related by blood and belonged to entirely different races. That proved the innocent heart of the girl. She never killed any sheep or goat as well, and had planned to convert them back once the potion is brewed.

He asked Maya whether if she is willing to follow him? She was an stunning beauty, and Stonexia was of marriageable age. Moreover she was an alien too, and matched the requirements that Stonexia planned earlier. But he still can't marry anybody in just first meeting, so he just asked for her to follow him. She was confused by the word 'following'? She didn't know about marriage as well. She always wanted to see the world outside but due to the priority of the task of her master she never left the valley.

"Will you be raising me from now onwards?"

Stonexia was stunned but realized that such response was natural.

"Yes you can say that but first of all convert that sheep back to human." He pointed towards the Hirosha. He didn't' want to hinder the task of Maya that's why told to undo magic only on Hirosha.

She obediently converted Hirosha back to his human form and Hirosha dropped on his knees to show his respect towards Stonexia. He was a normal human being few days ago, and that's why he was familiar with the fame of Stonexia and Yrrah family already. Further this man helped his mother and also saved him from his fate of being a sheep which was worse than death. He willingly accepted Stonexia as his master for rest of his life in his heart.

"Are you willing to follow me?" asked Stonexia.

"It will be a pleasure to serve Master Stonexia." replied Hirosha.

"You are my brother and shall be called Hirosha Yrrah from today onwards. What's the name of your Mom?"

"Hirusha" replied Hirosha.

"She shall be called Hirusha Yrrah and is my aunt from today."

After that he asked Maya whether she need to continuously stir and drop wool and milk in her potion for complete 4 years. Didn't she rest?

"No way I would have been bored to death if i have to do that. I need to stir the potion only when adding more portions of wool and milk, I generally take breaks every hour between brewing".

"Is it possible for you to teach the method of this brewing to someone else?" asked Stonexia.

"Yes, that won't be a problem i suppose." replied Maya.

Maya further told him that she reads the old book and learns magic from it in her free time. Stonexia felt relieved on knowing this, as he had a plan for her now. He noticed that Maya wanted to speak something but was hesitant. He held her hand and gave them a loving touch and told her to calm down and speak anything without any hesitation.

Maya felt calm by the touch and asked "Will I be called Maya Witch Yrrah?"

Stonexia felt amused and replied, "Nope it sounds weird, you shall be called Fairy Maya Yrrah and you are my girlfriend and maybe a future wife".

Maya was confused, "Sounds good but What's a girlfriend and wife?"

Stonexia smiled and replied, "You will know later. Keep brewing your potion. And Hirosha, you stay here as well and wait for me."

"WHOOSH" (Teleportation sfx)

Then he hurriedly appeared at his house and took her mom Mrs. Yrrah and reappeared in front of Maya.

"Well mom you gotta help her in brewing that potion, she will teach you the procedures. Also you should teach her about worldly affairs, she had never stepped out of this valley."

And then he hurriedly left the two women on their own and took Hirosha with him for checking out on his mom.

"Who are you and What's your name?" asked Mrs. Yrrah

"My name is Fairy Maya Yrrah and i am a witch......" she explained her whole story and also all chats with Stonexia word by word.

"Hmm so Stonexia said that you are his girlfriend and you even have the chance to become his wife?" asked Mrs. Yrrah

"Yes he said so but he didn't told me what a girlfriend or wife is? He said that I will know in future."

"Oh i got a beautiful daughter-in-law surprisingly." murmured Mrs. Yrrah with happy facial expression.

She later explained her about relationships of humans and also taught her various general stuff and knowledge of worldy affairs. Then she cooked luxurious stuff for their meal, while taking care of the brewing procedures. They took turns every hour so as not to ignore the potion while chattering nonstop.


An old woman in her forties wearing an expensive gown was chatting happily with hospital staff nurse, who was feeding her medicine in a caring manner. She was none other than Hirusha, mother of Hirosha. She was enjoying all sorts of expensive healthy fruits, food and drinks. The face of her color is now reddish, and clothes she were wearing seemed to be of royal rich class. Hirosha wasn't able to recognize her for few minutes, but Hirusha immediately called for him as soon as she saw her. They took their time in the emotional chat, explaining all the events that perspired since Hirosha's leaving his home for search of the herb. Hirusha was very happy and proud of her son, who didn't even fear the cursed land and entered it for her sake. Hirosha was also very happy to see the new life and status of her mother, which was brought by Stonexia. Then he further told about Stonexia's decision of making her his adopted aunt and her new name of Hirusha Yrrah. He further told her about his new identity as Hirosha Yrrah, as brother of Stonexia Yrrah. She was stunned for a moment, but immediately put her hand on the mouth of her son. "Well master Stonexia must be joking with our son, right?." asked Hirusha.

Stonexia respectfully replied, "No Aunt Hirusha, i won't dare to joke around my aunt and brother." And immediately opened his arms asking her for a hug. Hirusha went speechless and thanked Stonexia from bottom of her heart, and immediately gave him an warm hug."

After reuniting mother and son duo, he entered the name of Hirusha Yrrah, Hirosha Yrrah and Maya Yrrah in the Training module as well, and taught them the features of system. Due to their being illiterate in both technology and wuxia stuff, he and Mrs. Yrrah had hard time explaining them about system but still it was done after long time. Maya was being taught by Mrs. Yrrah meanwhile in the valley, as they can simultaneously use the system.

Meanwhile, Gordon Freeman was farming and usually taking rests in restaurants for wine and food only. Gordon was given access to family's treasury so he can take any amount of cash from there anytime. Treasury access was given to all Yrrah's. Mr. Tofu Yrrah dealt in business matters mostly and whenever free use system for hunting as well.

Disciples can't control the mode of system, but they can use it. Their mode is selected by Stonexia only. For example, Gordon and Tutanka were using demo mode due to risk of battles, whereas Mr. & Mrs. Yrrah and Maya and were using live modes. During farming they call Stonexia to switch modes for them, whichever is required. But time was not stopped for Gordon and Tutanka even in demo modes. Time stopping is done only when Stonexia himself use demo mode. Soon the levels of Hirusha, Hirosha and Maya Yrrah reached level 17 as well through shared training. And now the outer appearance of them is heavenly, nobody can figure that Hirusha and Hirosha were once the lowest class people of human society. Even with muscular looks and height of 7 foot, Hirusha now appears young fairy like woman and everybody respects her in the Yrrah's family and even workers. Hirusha, Hirosha and Maya have also become Oney after coming to the house of Stonexia and took the blessings from One God Temple. Now Yrrah family is not small anymore. Although there were rumors that Gordon, Hirusha and Hirosha are illegitimate sons and daughters of Mr. Yrrah or maybe even from Mrs. Yrrah's but Mr. Han Yrrah cleared about the relationships craftily during one of his interviews on a celebrity show. He himself was not very clear about Gordon Freeman, so he presented Gordon as Gordon Yrrah instead of Gordon Freeman and told him to be simply adopted brother instead of a friend during the interview. When Stonexia heard this then he realized that it is much better to adopt Gordon as a brother instead of bringing out his past of being a thug to public. So he officially declared his name as Gordon Yrrah.