
Overlord: Yokai of Nazarick

Ainz Ooal Gown, after conquering the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick got a gift from the Developer staff, a gift package [Unique Npc] But it wasn't a single Npc they got, a whole new floor with more than just one new Npc. Meanwhile a young man had answered an online question about which Race he would like to be reincarnated as. In the end after answering, he died and became something new, the [Unique Npc]. What will he do in Nazarick? How will his presence change the happenings along the way of Ainz Ooal Gown to World Domination. [Long term story, trying to write so, that people who don't know Overlord can also read it.] [!!!The Light Novel is the basis for this work, not the Anime!!! Thank you for reading and supporting my first work!]

DaoistehAJ75 · Book&Literature
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36 Chs

Saving or Slaughtering?

"So, the Evil Lords will take over watching the surface for now?" Shuten Dōji lay again on the roof of the Central Mausoleum, while Demiurge stood in front of him.

"That is correct." Demiurge adjusted his glasses and continued, "We can't possibly let the strongest among the Floor Guardians continue this simple work."

Nodding his head, Shuten Dōji signaled his acceptance, "I have also thought about this, I should be one of the best possibilities for an advanced team to have a look around..."

Demiurge agreed, "It is as you say. But this still needs to be approved by Lord Momonga, which is why I want to ask you to get his permission. You should probably be able to take at least one of the Area Guardians of the 9th Floor with you when Lord Momonga agrees."

Shuten Dōji nodded, he had an idea who he wanted to take with him, "This doesn't include Shiro and Yoru anyway. Without me here, these two definitely can't leave."

Taking a big gulp from his Guardbottle, *Gulu* *Gulu*, "I will probably take Kiyomi with me, her nose and senses are very good for scouting and she can hold her own against beings up to level 90..."

A smile spread on Demiurge's face, "I would have suggested the same, anyway, I will leave it to you now, as I still have more to prepare for future defense measures."

Nodding at Demiurge Shiten Doji smiled, "I will give Lord Momonga your regards."

The smile on Demiurge's face grew gentler and he thanked uncharacteristically earnest, "Thank you." He then turned and walked away.

Shuten Dōji marveled at how each move and gesture of this Demon could always give off the feeling of a perfect gentleman.

"Then let's get going..." He stood up as well and jumped down towards the entrance of the Mausoleum.




Momonga sat behind a table in one of the rooms on the 10th floor, he was back in his regular outfit.

'How annoying...' he complained in his heart while gazing at a mirror in front of him.

The [Mirror of remote Viewing] was an item from Yggdrasil used for intelligence gathering. Momonga and his comrades had often used it for pking.

Now he tried to learn how to use it in this new world, with the thought being, 'Look here your boss also works hard'.

Behind him stood Sebas, since the man had heard how Momonga had left behind his Honor Guard and went to the surface alone...

'Why does he have to be as scary as Touch-me when he is angry?' he knew that his friend Touch-me had made Sebas, but he didn't expect him to have similar traits after arriving in the new world.

'Wait... if the Npc's would be affected by the personalities of the people who created them, then what would happen with the Npc's on the 9th Floor?'

This sudden thought didn't leave him at all, even while he continued to try to bring the mirror to work, he was engulfed in his own thoughts.

'Touch-me, Ulbert and I made Shuten Dōji, Yamaiko, Peroroncino, and Bukubukuchagama made Shiro, while Tabula Smaragdina together with Herohero and Wish III made Yoru.'

'Urgh... if Shuten Dōji becomes a mix of the three of us, what will he become?'

'I know the most about the two Npc's Pandora's Actor, whom I made alone, and Shuten Dōji, who I made with the two who can't get along whatsoever...'

'To be truthful they both gave me all their ideas and things they wanted and let me basically decide...'

'It made sense, after all, the two couldn't get a compromise with each other whatsoever...'

'So let's recall...'

Just as he was trying to remember Shuten Dōji's character settings, which he himself basically went through completely, the mirror suddenly worked.

"Ha..." Momonga was a bit stupefied, but he had unconsciously got it right and started to move it freely.

Sebas on his side Congratulated him the moment he saw that his Maser had figured it out.

"Congratulations Lord Momonga."

Momonga thanked him simply, "Thank you." He didn't think it was a great achievement at all, just good luck.

After spending 7 hours on it, a bit of luck was in the end all it needed for him to get it to work. Though he was a bit annoyed by it, now he was finally able to look for civilization around them, preferably a human settlement.

Swiping through the images in the mirror, he soon ground something looking like a village, because he was looking at it from the bird's eye view, he couldn't see what was truly going on there.

"Are they having a festival?" He asked aloud unconsciously, not really expecting a reply, but one still came.

"No, I don't think so." Sebas voice was serious and his gaze was a bit tense as he looked at the picture in the mirror.

Momonga decided to take a closer look and for sure, this wasn't a festival but a Slaughter. A group of Knights was attacking the villagers, butchering them wantonly.

A voice came from his side, "What do you plan to do Lord Momonga?"

Momonga answered Sebas without hesitation, "Nothing, I don't see any benefit for Nazarick in saving them."

"As you wish Lord Momonga," Sebas answered straightforwardly and dint ask more.

Momonga was surprised, 'They are butchering people like swine in a slaughterhouse and the only thing is think about is Nazarick's benefit? Do I see humans already as an entirely different species from myself?'

'Nahh... can't be...can it?'

He was suspicious about himself and his own thoughts.

Turning he took a look at Sebas, somehow the moment he gazed at him, he could see the silhouette of his former comrade behind him.

'Touch-me...' The name came immediately to his mind and it was followed by a sentence Touch-me once said when he saved Momonga from being pked.

'If someone is in trouble, it is only natural to help...'

Thinking of this, the red glow in Momonga's eyes started to burn brighter.

Momonga stood up and ordered Sebas, "Sebas, I want you to get the entirety of Nazarick battle ready. I will go out and save someone."

In the picture shown in the mirror, a man lying on the ground while being stabbed seemed to gaze directly into the bright red glow in Momonga's eyesockets as he mouthed his mouth.

"Please let me accompany you Lord Momonga." Sebas didn't want to let Momonga go out alone again.

"No, you will be needed to relay my orders, send some vassals with stealth abilities to surround the Village, and tell Albedo who is next door to get into her armor and follow after me."

Momonga's reasons were Valid and Albedo's classes were optimized for guarding, so she was a better option.

At this moment a voice rang out from the door as it opened, "Then let me be the one leading the fight, while Albedo shall guard you, Lord Momonga."

Momonga and Sebas were stunned for a moment by the person who stood there, especially because of how this person was dressed.

In the end, Momonga nodded and then activated his spell, [Gate]

A pitch-black door rose from the ground in front of Momonga, who immediately stepped through it while holding the staff of Ainz Ooal Gown in his hand.




Enri was gazing at Death itself, coming out of a door from the Underworld. Her face was pale with fright, but she couldn't do anything against the Soldiers, even less against the incarnation of Death in front of her.

Before the shock of seeing the incarnation of Death in front of her truly settled in her mind, another being stepped out of the door to the underworld.

When the being that came first could be called the incarnation of Death, then what followed could only be called the incarnation of Slaughter.

Before its whole body had come out of the door, the bloodlust and killing intent had already arrived.


A loud noise of someone falling sounded behind her, and even without looking, she knew it was the Soldier who had hunted her and her sister before.

Though she didn't understand how or why the soldier had fallen to the ground, she didn't care about him anymore at all.

Her gaze couldn't move away, she had her eyes on the second being that had now stepped through completely.

It was taller than the incarnation of Death, its body was covered in pitch-black full plate armor, covered with brightly glowing crimson-red runes.

There was only one place on the whole armor where the skin was exposed and this place was a part of the helmet, beginning at the lower lips, the complete lower jaw was exposed. Through this, one could see the huge canine teeth in the mouth of the being.

It held something that looked similar to a giant club in its hand. The giant club had a different thickness where the being gripped it, at this part, it was thinner and tightly wrapped with a black leather cloth. And the other part which had thick metal spikes standing out of it was around three times the thickness.

"My Lord please let me take care of the garbage first." Shuten Dōji, equipped with the [Armor of the Kijin King] and his main Weapon [Asura's Kanabo] in hand strode forward slowly towards Enri.

Momonga nodded, silently accepting Dōji's request, 'Ah this part definitely comes from Touch-me... but his anger is even worse, it's like Touch-me without bottom line...'

Enri was looking at the being which she could only associate with absolute Slaughter towards her and again grabbed her sister tightly in her arms, closing her eyes, while simply waiting for death to come.

Dōji looked at the girl's behavior and simply ignored her, since coming through the door he had only one desire and that was to Slaughter.

Different from what lord Momonga may thought, he wasn't here to save anyone.

'People like these... are simply an insult to humanity as a whole... no matter if they are the last true pillar of humanity or whatnot. I hated them already while reading...'

His gaze focused on the soldier who lay on his but, he had let go of his sword, or rather the trembling of his whole body made it so that he let go of it

The eyes of this soldier were wide open with horror and despair was what one would find when trying to read his expression.

"This garbage..." He said and then grabbed down with one hand, the soldier's whole head with the helmet still on was taken into it.

Lifting "the garbage" in Dōji's mind up, his poison green eyes under the helmet gazed at this person while asking.

"You garbage can go after your own kind and Slaughter them wantonly, but the moment something stronger than you comes, all you can do is lie down and die..."

This piece of garbage wasn't even worth these words, but he still felt like saying it anyway.

"Let's hear your deaths symphony..."

Dōji's words were heard by three people present and it made the little girl Enri who was still waiting for death to come, open her eyes again and turn around to see what was going on.

When she saw the enormous full-plated Warrior hold up the soldier by his head with one hand, she suddenly wanted to see what would happen next.

Momonga was also interested, in how Dōji planned to rid himself of this foe, 'But it doesn't seem like the people are strong... though I can't really say, I mean Shuten Dōji's physical stats lay at 120...'

Holding the Head of the Knight in his hand, Dōji slowly started to increase the strength of his grip.

The Knight's eyes under the helmet went wide and he started to scream aloud.

"Ahhh!!! No!!! Noo!! Ahh!!!!"

Flailing with his hands and feet around, the Knight felt terrified beyond anything possible, his mind had already gone crazy from the boundless killing intent he felt from Dōji.

Now feeling pain as his helmet slowly started to tighten around his head, he tried everything to get out of this Hand.

He tried to punch against the arm and stab with a knife against the joints of the armor, but the knife broke and his punches broke his own hands.

Screaming in agony and despair, Dōji finally decided to end it, his grip tightened strongly and the helmet and head were broken apart.

Parts of the helmet, blood, and brain matter splattered all around.

Watching this horrifying spectacle, Momonga thought nothing of it besides, 'Rather uncomfortable way to die...'

Enri on the other side had a blank look in her eyes, she didn't know anymore what to do, 'Aren't we already dead?'

At this moment, another Warrior in full plate armor came through the [Gate], this Warrior was clearly discerned as a female and held a Bardiche in her hand, which emanated a slight green glow.

"Here I am my Lord." the sweet voice came out of her mouth, Albedo had arrived as well.

Nodding at Albedo, Momonga turned to Dōji and ordered, "Go ahead and do what you want, but leave a couple of them alive."

A wild ferocious grin spread across Shuten Dōji's face and because of the Helmet which didn't cover the lower jaw, it became even more terrifying.

"As you order my Lord."

With those words spoken, Shuten Doji went towards the Village, "Now it's time for a real Slaughter..."

It didn't take him long to find his first Victim, a soldier was currently standing over a Villager who seemed to have tried to struggle against him.

"Let's begin the Slaughter with a bloody opening..."

He didn't need to run at full speed at all, just casually jogging would be enough and when he reached the first offering, he finally revealed his Bloodlust.

The Knight swinging his sword stopped mid-swing, but not only him...

All the Knights who had just slaughtered the villagers and started to gather the survivors in its center suddenly felt something terrifying.

Something truly evil looking at them...

...a terrifying creature that bathed in the blood of countless beings, sitting atop a mountain of corpses while gazing at them with only one desire...

...the desire to Slaughter each one of them.

They all started to shudder and tremble, their faces under their helmets went ghostly white...

They didn't know where it came from or what this being was, but it didn't take long for them to find out.

Dōji had taken his Kanabo and swung it like a baseball bat at the knight in front of him, one would think that the Knight would be sent flying or something...

No, it was much more bloody.

The swing shattered the body and armor of the Knight together turning his whole body from the crotch upwards into minced meat, blood, and intestines flying straight into the sky and raining down a hundred meters away onto a group of five Knights.

"27 left..." A deep voice sounded around and finally, the Knight knew where that terrifying bloodlust came from.

They turned to the direction where Dōji in his pitch-black full-plate Armor came walking over, the glowing crimson-red runes made this Armor seem like a Demon bathing in blood.

"What is this?"

"Who are you?!"

"What is this that fell on us?!"

"Ahhhhhhhh!! Organs!!! These are organs and blood!"

The knights were going crazy with fright and horror and the smile on Dōji's face grew larger and larger.

"Never thought this would be so fun..." Dōji mumbled to himself and then started to run at them.




Londes Di Clamp was one of the knights attacking Carne Village.

He had just helped to gather nearly all the villagers still left alive in the Village's center.

After which they would Kill most of them while leaving a couple alive as bait, they had already done this countless times over the last couple of weeks.

It was the same as every time, was what every one of them thought.

Until the moment he felt the world fill with blood.

Before him towered an enormous mountain of corpses and a sea of blood was down under his feet.

This was not an illusion cast by magic, that was something he could tell immediately.

He had seen enough magic to know this, the horrifying thing was, he also knew what this was, because he had it as well.

But the scale was simply something completely different, this was the bloodlust of someone able to Slaughter monsters, who would need adamantite rank adventures to defeat, like sheep.

The being that released this killing intent on them, had only a single thought about them and he knew what it was, 'It wants to trample us like the insects we are in its eyes...'

He suddenly felt something falling onto him from the sky and a voice coming from not too far away behind him.

Although he didn't want to, he slowly turned his body around.

And there was the being that had radiated the bloodlust, behind it he could see the lower body of a Knight, just everything below the waist was still standing there.

"What is this?" He heard a voice not far from him.

"Who are you?" another voice followed.

"What is this that fell on us?" someone asked.

He had touched his head and was currently looking at what had fallen onto him, combining what was in front of him in his hand and what he had seen behind the monster out for their blood he shouted in terror.

"Ahhhhhhhh!! Organs!!! These are organs and blood!"

This made the others close to him even more horrified than they had already been from the bloodlust, their ghostly white faces turned towards the being that had done it.

But he wasn't there anymore, screams came from around them, one after another.

And their comrades started to fly suddenly at them, not fast enough to kill themselves or the people flying, but was it because he couldn't throw them so that they would die or because he didn't plan to kill them yet?

Athens more his mind wondered the stronger grew the horror in his heart.

But he didn't have enough time to think at all.

In just less than ten seconds the remaining 27 Knights were gathered together in a range of 10 meters.

Some of them still lay on their buts when the being landed in their ranks and the true Slaughter began.




Everything became a bloody mess, blood, organs, legs, arms, torsos... everything lay around this cruel being that was himself and had massacred 24 of the 27 knights already.

Always took them away from the villagers and killed them in a radius of around ten meters of where he had earlier let the minced meat of his first victim fall.

He had descended upon them like a Demon of Slaughter, leaving only three alive...

The remaining three knights lay there as well in the leftovers of their former comrades. But they were out cold, he hadn't touched these last three, besides putting them there after they had passed out.

These three simply collapsed from fright and terror, there was one reason not to kill them as well, which was that Lord Momonga had told him to spare some of them.

'The [Bloodlust of the Wicked one] is really a nice skill to terrify these bugs...' he had used this passive skill, granted from his race class [Wicked Oni], to frighten and stun these low leveled beings, if he had unleashed its full might they might have been frightened to death.

'But looking back at it... I think I have overdone it a bit...' he thought to himself looking at the bits and pieces left by his victims.

The villagers had huddled together and were shivering in fright, but he didn't want to talk with them anyway.

"Let's wait for the Lord for now..."

"They didn't deserve any better anyway."

He then took out a Guardbottle from the inventory and started to drink from it, while standing in the center of the bloody mess.