
Overlord: To Be Infinite [FanFic]

AU retelling fanfic: Momonga finds himself alone and hurting during the final minutes of YGGDRASIL. But rather then the shut down, he finds himself and his Tomb in an unfamiliar world. Join him as he reshapes the world in his image. This is a retelling with occasional convergence and divergence. Fluff, World/Kingdom Building, War, Conspiracy, Lemons…Eventual Daddy Ainz. I also have an AO3 account and FFN account if anyone is interested. If you’d like to support me then I have a pa-treon account /BoombaTheSaint. Though, I’d like to inform you to check out my other public accounts as I’m still trying to accumulate chapters for would-be patrons.

BoombaTheSaint · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Pulsating Passion

A debt owed! I shan't leave Nazarick without a marvelous farewell.

Thus I presented to thee, Albedo's Impregnation Chapter.

Without Further Ado, Enjoy.


Albedo looked at him, she looked straight into his mesmerizing eyes that peered lovingly at her. She was still flabbergasted, still unable to comprehend how he was able to love her this much... Still unable to accept that he loved everything about her and not just her looks. Although it was very much apparent that he did hold her appearance in high regard.

Then again, she knew that before he gave her the binding ring. It would have been stupid of her to miss the blatant way he appreciated her body. She was half convinced that he wrote poems about her. Well, she knew she wrote some about him.

A sudden thrust shattered her stupor, as she drenched his pulsing cock with her vaginal juices.

Albedo's mouth opened again, and another loud moan escaped her. She climaxed again. Her nails clawed into the back of his hands as his thrusts became deeper and fiercer.

He didn't flinch from the sudden pain. In fact, a satisfied smile came about his face.

"Ha... I don't think I'll be able to restrain myself today, my heart. Not when you look this beautiful and determined."

Her husband grunted as the strength in his hands increased. He held her locked on the massive bed, his hands intertwined with hers, while her thighs were spread wide and her legs locked around his waist.

He was deep inside her, his glans tapping gently on her cervix.

Albedo wasn't letting him go until he filled her womb to the brim with his precious seed. And it seemed he was also planning on not letting her go until she passed out from the pleasure.

She felt her vaginal walls tighten and she was hard pressed on whether it was so because her beloved's member just got thicker or her inside tightened to better accommodate him and derive the most pleasure.

"Agh...I..want y..you to impregnate m..me! I want y..your b..baby inside m..me, My L..love!"

She managed to say between moans before pleasure reclaimed her senses. Waves of affection and pride resounded in her chest, courtesy of the holy strings that connected her to her beloved soulmate.

The entirety of her succubi aura flared, and a strong warm sensation intertwined with her essence and solidified it even further.

Her beloved was more than willing to honor her request. His raging cock coiled inside her as her soft moans muffled the rapid slaps of his glorious thrusts.

It was fierce. This sex was fierce.

They've been at it for hours now, and she had long lost count of how many times she climaxed.

Her ring finger flashed with deep purple and his ring finger flashed with pure white. The grand merger was completed without their notice.

Albedo had dedicated her entire attention on the euphoric pleasure brought by her husband's delicate scrapes.

She was enjoying and savoring their passionate love making.

He hit all her sensitive spots, those pleasantly itchy spots multiple times as if he'd already known where they were. His big penis started to push strongly against her womb. He was being more assertive and rougher with her. She liked it when he let loose his inner beast, when he devoted his entirety to ravaging her.

The pace of his hips increased and soon Albedo felt her head touching against the base of the large bed.

They moved.

Her gasps and moans started to become louder and more frequent as she echoed them around the white luminescent room like a beast in heat.

She felt his tongue twirling around her sensitive nipples with abnormal speed that it almost felt like he had two heads.

Whatever was left of her consciousness was starting to fade as the pleasure doubled...tripled. She was on the edge of losing consciousness.

Despite that, Albedo tightened her legs and pulled him even closer.

She tried to hold her lewd screams but it was just impossible, the pleasure was too much, and she was climaxing far too often for that to be a viable solution.

Fortunately, her beloved muffled her screams and squeals with a deep passionate kiss that only served to increase her climaxes.

He explored her mouth with expert precision as their tongues sucked and thrashed against each other.

She could also feel how he was trying hard to push away the insatiable desire to consume and merge with her. Her twisted — nigh uncontrollable — pheromones that threatened to turn him into a carnal mindless beast.

— My beloved isn't so weak as to lose control!

She internally screamed with pride. A sentiment that definitely reached her husband.

Her beloved let out a loud grunt as his big cock started pulsating to an unheard beat. A sudden thrust sent his penis deep in her vagina and his glans kissing her cervix.

The sudden act elicited another orgasm, one so intense that her eyes rolled back and her mouth was left agape.

Immediately following that, she felt a sudden burst of warm thick liquid brimming with enough potency to impregnate a dragon spray into her womb. His powerful seed caused her to shudder in delight, and Albedo looked up at her husband.

He was smiling, smiling contently as he in turn looked down at her. His body squirmed in absolute pleasure as he ejaculated his creamy essence into her.

"You...your request, now fulfilled."

He managed to heave out as he dedicated his remaining energy on delivering two powerful thrusts that threatened to breach her cervix.

Her breath hitched in her throat at that...

His pride was so much that he refused to let her go without exhausting all of his remaining energy.

"You're so relentless..."

She soothed him with tears of joy in her eyes.

The strength that kept her hands locked lessened and Albedo noticed that his eyelids were drooping. He was fatigued.

His head descended and landed directly on her right breast and a hand clasped her other one. Her only solace was that he wasn't desperately trying to encompass it since that only ever left him frustrated.

She loved him in her entirety, but even she couldn't deny that his actions were odd sometimes.

A few seconds passed before he shifted.

"Okay...I'll admit... l... don't think I can continue, my heart."

He said in a voice that couldn't have sounded more tired. She felt happy, knowing that she wouldn't be able to continue as well.

"I love you, my love."

She couldn't help but voice those words as waves of pleasure washed over her body. It was the realization that she and her beloved husband were even closer. Both emotionally and spiritually.

He had been right when he said sometimes words and actions were simply not enough... Sometimes you need something stronger and simpler to convey those indescribable feelings.

Her freed hand came to his head and started to caress his silver hair. She liked the fact that it was long and silky. And while she wouldn't share it with him, she loved the way it made him look androgynous when he let it loose.

— It makes him look even sexier.

She recalled. A naked toned lean figure appeared in her mind. It was the actual body of her husband, except this image had his hair loose, fluttering cinematically to the unheard melody of the wind.


His breathing started to even out, and Albedo wondered if she should move him into a better position before he started dreaming. She was hesitant because his cock was still fully erected inside her and still spurting warm liquid.

She wanted them to stay connected like this until dawn.

— No, you mustn't be selfish.

"Do you want me to put you into a better sleeping position, my love?"

She inquired softly, her husband was already drifting into sleep.

"No!...connected...tomorrow...my heart. I...love..too."

Albedo beamed as she willed her wings to wrap around him in their warmth. They would stay like this until it was time to separate.

When she focused, she could also feel the pulsing of his heart through it.

— I belong to you, my love and to you alone.

And with that, Albedo also drifted into slumber but not before she felt a promising tingle in her abdomen.


That was almost a week ago. Her beloved husband had long left for the human city.

Albedo opened her drowsy eyes as she lazily awoke from her long slumber. She wiggled under the deep purple soft silky sheets on the large luxurious bed.

A subdued giggle escaped her, as she was momentarily lost in the comfortable embrace of the items.

The comfortable sheets caressed her fair skin with unmatched gentleness. She had expected no less from items responsible for her husband's comfort.

She extended a hand to caressed the spot that was usually occupied by her beloved. The fact that he wasn't here with her left her heart longing. But, the connection they had formed...the untold bond made the realization far less depressing, and far less lonely.

Albedo could feel him.

The phantom bond allowed her privy to his state. It was the assurance her heart desperately desired in order not to descend into madness.

— It's not like I'm unable to reach or see him.

He had prepared a lot of items that would allow her to reach him anytime. And also had the remaining Pleiades attend to her. Albedo felt it unnecessary to do such things but her husband was adamant.

It was nice, for him to worry for her this much.

A wide smile bloomed on her face as she took in a whiff of the room's sweet fragrant.

"His glorious scent still lingers."

Goosebumps played at her body as she did so.

The scent was heavy with flowers, momentary reminding her of the vibrant gardens and her cheeks couldn't help but flush crimson. She didn't see herself forgetting that night anytime soon, if ever. Yes, too many important events had happened for it to be forgettable.


And if they were lucky...

Her left hand travelled to her abdomen as her wide smile became subdued but still warm.

The tingle was still there, and she desperately wished that it was what she thought it was.

Her ring finger dimmed with white radiance but Albedo was unable to catch it. Her eyes were glazed over and mind occupied with marvelous fantasies that bordered on inevitability.

"Just three more weeks to go."

She knew that it wasn't that long, but she also knew what suspense and expectations could do to a person. Albedo wouldn't let her mind play her thus needed convincing proof.

"Proof that will make my beloved shout out the top of his lungs with joy."

She tried to suppress her emotions but there wasn't a way to deceive the empathetic bond. If her emotions raged and reached a certain threshold, he would know. She wanted it to be a surprise if her guess was right.

Her heart shuddered with trepidation and anticipation.

— I should really calm down lest he starts worrying.

With a sigh, her expression changed. A mask of nobility and elegance graced her face. With the ring, she was officially her beloved's Empress. Nazarick was in her hands now that he was away, and Albedo wasn't keen on letting him down.

Albedo took pride in this. She had to, or else she'd be unworthy.

Self-acceptance and acknowledgement. She understood why he was hesitant about giving the ring to Shalltear. The knowledge that came with the prestige was almost a curse. It wasn't just a window into the soul of a Supreme Being, but all Supreme Beings.

Unless her love rival acknowledged and accepted her current position, she'd be drawn into depression by the realization, or maybe even madness.

Albedo remembered her inquiry about the relationship amongst supreme beings. The depth of their bond was...disappointing at best. And their love for their creations? Her lips drew into a thin line as the dreadful answer played in her mind.

— I desperately hope such a day never comes.

With a shake of a head, she dispelled such useless thoughts and focused back on her duties. She had a meeting scheduled with Demiurge to discuss the progress of his experiments.

"I should also contact Aura about the situation in the Tob Forest. The deep woods could serve as an ideal place for my beloved's dream to start. Ah, I also need to summon my sister to hear about the progress of her monitoring."

Albedo would make sure that her husband's noble dream came to fruition.

She rose and got out of the bed, the silky sheets failing to cling to her body. Albedo didn't mind it, standing on the soft rag with her wings stretched wide.

The act only lasted for a second before her wings folded around her thighs.


Info Dump: Divine Heritage Edition.


[Sacred Strings]

Category: Miracle.

Type: Binding.

Rank: Peak-tier

Description: It's a [Deity] type skill that interweaves strong karma strings. Once activated, the skill allows the people bonded by it to gain the [Share] ability.

[Share] allows a strong empathetic and spiritual connection between the bonded, making the bonded almost 'equals'.

Note: [Sacred Strings] is a Soul Branding miracle, think carefully before using it.

The Saint: I think this is enough focus on Albedo. I mean it's time we actually explore things outside Nazarick.

So how did you like the thrusting? Well, let me know.

Reviews and Feedback, please.

Bye bye...

BoombaTheSaintcreators' thoughts