
Overlord: To Be Infinite [FanFic]

AU retelling fanfic: Momonga finds himself alone and hurting during the final minutes of YGGDRASIL. But rather then the shut down, he finds himself and his Tomb in an unfamiliar world. Join him as he reshapes the world in his image. This is a retelling with occasional convergence and divergence. Fluff, World/Kingdom Building, War, Conspiracy, Lemons…Eventual Daddy Ainz. I also have an AO3 account and FFN account if anyone is interested. If you’d like to support me then I have a pa-treon account /BoombaTheSaint. Though, I’d like to inform you to check out my other public accounts as I’m still trying to accumulate chapters for would-be patrons.

BoombaTheSaint · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs


Hello again friends. First, I'd like to apologize. This chapter ended up longer than expected so I had to compromise.

Secondly, this will read like a love letter.

Caution: Ainz is high on succubi pheromones.

It didn't take long for the figure of the angel to emerge. Her steps were slow and elegant.

Ainz followed her form as she made her way up the pergola's steps, admiring her captivating beauty and the marvelous attire that insinuated her figure, her curves.


Ainz was overwhelmed, and he couldn't help but admit she was indeed the perfect woman for him...his wife.

— Up until existence separates us.

Narrowing his eyes, he was able to notice the brilliance of her dress. The creativity that would have put many designers in his old world to absolute shame.

And her love for him. The way she expressed it.

The near invisible 'branding' poetically edged into the dress's crystal silver trims was something that filled him with considerable pride.

The urge to boast, to announce to the rest of the world...

He understood some of the odd behaviors exhibited by some of his former guild mates. The happiness in their faces even when they lived in such a bleak world.

Pure affection and attraction. Ainz felt it clearer, bubbling up in his heart.

Floral essence encompassed the area; lilac and sweet honey.

Her 'pull'.

Her marvelous radiance was something not meant to be gazed upon by mere mortals. They weren't understand her, their heart and minds too fragile to comprehend her uniqueness without grounding and simplifying it.

Ainz paused, and watched, his anxiety a forgotten memory.

She was beautiful. A woman of unmatched beauty, an existence that transcended mortal elegance, bordering on the doors of the divine...the higher beings.

Beauty only deities could understand, could appreciate, could love. Without reservations.

He saw it in her elegant smile, her vivid eyes, her diligent actions...the kindness of a pure heart.

The embodiment of femininity.

The Dyig'Eri's heart hammered in his chest, spreading blood more precious than gold throughout his body. The sanguine would attest to it.

Ainz was no fool. Naturally, he was aware that half the things he saw and thought were influenced by his growing love for her, his insatiable desire to wrap her in his arms until the end of existence, and something else that emerged when it was only the two of them.

It was one of his mad desires, secretly locked away in the darkest part of his heart. She unknowingly tickled it. The obsession.

Ainz inhaled, accepting her pull.

The 'madness' was part of his life now, he wasn't going to reject it. She was a part of him, she had to be, or else he wouldn't be so hopeless against her 'form'.

The enchantress drew near, her excitement unconcealed.

Ainz followed in kind, stopping just before her, taking a knee and accepting her delicate hand.

His Queen.

He kissed it gently, not minding her lace glove. It matched perfectly with her gorgeous evening gown.

Ainz looked up, noticing the crimson tint on her cheeks and the quiver of her wings. He would spoil her, bathe them in every shred of love he hadn't been able to share as Satoru.

A bright smile came to his face.

"My heart, I'm glad to see that you've arrived."

His hand shimmered dimly again, but it was lost on the angel.

Ainz felt it, the echoing of her beautiful emotions. The close proximity and the presence of the box made it possible to form a pseudo biased string when strong emotions were felt.

The connection.

The 'pull' became clearer, and the 'hunger' more palpable. His doubts were gone, the [Miracle] would work as intended.

The bond would be formed before the night was stolen.

The traditional black and white theme could have made this whole scene something more.

Well, lamenting what could have been was a waste of time. Ainz opted to exist in the moment, together with his eternal wife in the grand gardens modeled after the garden of sin, [Eden].

There was a fade familiar sweet scent in this section of the garden, but it was raw and unrefined.

— It seems I owe Sebas yet another favor.

Great consideration was taken in the selection of this location.

"I'm sorry to have made you wait, My Love."

She apologized, a hint of guilt evident in her tone.

Ainz stood and shook his head.

"I would have waited for you even if it took an entire lifetime."

He saw Albedo's cheeks redden even more as she sheepishly looked to the side.

Ainz had been spending some of his free time reading classic romantic novels in order to be a better husband, or a romantic for a lack of a better word.

He ended up being cheesy. His wives liked it though.

Now he did it because he had taken a liking to it. He even started practicing the piano, something that he told himself he needed to know how to play since a grand piano existed in his suite. Next was dancing, but he would put that aside for now.

Ainz pulled her closer to him with practiced grace. His arm coiled around her hips and gently brushed passed her dark wings, tickling her.

Normally, Albedo would have to tiptoe whenever he held her like this, but her stilettos allowed her to meet his lips without much effort.

They shared a kiss, their tongues clashing in sensual passion, as if two lovers who hadn't seen each other for a couple years. It had been three hours for them. Their obsessions for each other was palpable. Albedo's hand trailed down his stomach and continued downwards.

He could feel her delicate hand on his chest. The way she caressed it and how it trailed to his abs and continued to his constricted nether region.

There was hunger in her actions, longing. The feelings were confusing, and Albedo expressed them the only way she knew how, through lust.

Ainz was no better, his tempered hand —untouched by callouses — already wondering inside her dress, its side slit having made it easier. Her skin was smooth, soft and unblemished.

It wasn't his fault. He was too compatible with her, making him susceptible to her desires. At least that's what he told himself.

He gently caressed her big round ass, wishing they were fully naked and in some place comfortable so that he can do all kinds of things to her.

His frustration encouraged him to start fondling her. The act elicited a few soft moans from the ethereal beauty.

But consciousness grabbed him before they trailed further.


He had to remind himself that they still had something to do first before giving in to their carnal desires.

Still, he found it alluring that she came here with many pieces of her clothing missing. He would have done the same if Sebas wasn't in charge of his outfits.

— I knew I should have taken a changing crystal.

Ainz cursed his lack of foresight.

He could feel her disappointment and reluctance when he retracted his hand...

"Sorry, love. But, I need to discuss something with you first."

He disconnected from her, but his eyes remained clued to her ample bosom. It jiggled and his eyes followed.

Ainz was sure that Shalltear would pout the entire day if she caught him gawking at Albedo's breast so openly...or secretly? It didn't seem to matter to her.

— I guess the alterations aren't as omnipotent as I thought, certain things aren't easily changed.

While he did alter Shalltear's settings relating to her insecurity about her chest size, it seemed his blatant affection for Albedo's big breasts had ignited the flames of envy.

Unfortunately, Ainz had no cure for his obsession with Albedo's gravity defying chest.

He was still a man after all.

She straightened and patted her dress. He always found her ability to switch demeanors in an instant enviable.

She stopped moving and Ainz was able to focus again.

Still, a sultry smile remained on her face.

"Of course~"

She said as her eyes trailed to the table beside them before her expression flashed with surprise.

Sometimes simplicity was perfection.

When Ainz asked Sebas to let the small box be the first thing she saw, he had expected him to exaggerate the set-up. But the butler simply placed the white box in the middle of the small round luxurious table with reflective gems surrounding it.

Many might think this a waste of precious materials, but Ainz didn't care much for them. Albedo's eyes shone like...well, gems, and that's all that mattered.

The white box drew attention, but the set up wasn't exaggerated.

Ainz's smile grew as he confirmed that despite her overwhelming nature, Albedo was still a woman through and through.

This was a loop he planned on exploiting in the future.

He beckoned her towards the table, pulling a chair for her and following all the corresponding chivalrous etiquette.

Repetition bred familiarity, and familiarity bred fluent grace.

He had an entire eternity to rewrite his 'moderate' behavior but Ainz wanted to perfect his bearings as quickly as possible. The denizens deserved a better ruler, and his graceful wives deserved an equally graceful husband.

He would have adequate time to work on his demeanor in his upcoming venture. The main reason he arranged for all this.

— I probably should keep that part to myself.

He would continue to arrange such romantic nights...and days? Make both Albedo and Shalltear feel appreciated a bit more instead of only in their private chambers.

Difficulties of love.

Ainz sat in his chair and faced Albedo. He was a bit anxious, less anxious then he was before her arrival but still anxious nonetheless.

Fortunately, his better half's attention was too preoccupied by the white box to notice.

— It better.

Given the craziness that went into imbuing these rings, it was only natural for it to draw her attention.

He cleared his throat and the neon in his eyes dimmed...

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

Ainz started, his voice low but smooth. The words were infused with [Clearance] to help out with her current stupor.

Albedo managed to pry her attention away from the item and looked at him with her vibrant golden eyes. There was confusion on her face, and Ainz concluded it was the resonance that pulled her towards it.

"When first I heard of this project, the undertaking of it, I thought it a waste of valuable resources and space."

Ainz reminisced, remembering how they went on a wild goose chase in the Holy Lands, looking for a rumored World Item in [Eden]. They ended up dying to an unseen force multiple times, until ultimately giving up.

It was a frustrating venture, one that resulted in nothing but losses. At least that's what he thought at the time.

He shifted his eyes and looked at the colorful plants and flowers before him, the relaxing greenery and the quiet streams.

The migration made it more vibrant, more vivid and realistic.

Despite its massive size, Blue Planet wasn't involved in the creation of this wondrous garden, thus the lack of stars, wild fascination and chaotic flair.

Albedo shifted in her seat and followed his gaze.

"Do excuse my impudence, My Love. But what would have caused you to think of such a beautiful place as a waste of space?"

Despite the reproachful words, her expression showed genuine confusion and incomprehension.

Ainz's lips drew a line as memories of his bitter and depressing past flashed. He was reminded of his life as Satoru, his personality and take on life.

The reluctance...

"Ignorance would be my best guess."

The words left his lips before he could react, cold and indifferent, almost like he was In his Overlord form. It felt like he always talked coldly and distantly whenever the topic was related to Satoru's failures. He refused to associate himself with them.

Sadly, deep down Ainz knew that Satoru's failures were inherently his as well. They were why he opted for a different life and different approach, so not to regret his actions in the future.

Albedo looked a bit shocked, he knew that her impression of him was distort.

Either that or Ainz had an inferiority complex.

He continued, this time with more feeling.

"Ahem... What I'm trying to say is that I never saw reason to have such a place, never understood why it was so important to the other supreme beings, it's beauty oblivious to me. Until now, at least."

Silence ensued upon his words, and Ainz was forced to look at Albedo.

She looked at him with hands covering her mouth and wide teary eyes. Ainz was a bit taken aback, he never expected such an exaggerated reaction.

He stopped and considered his words once more...

A moment passed and the beating of his heart increased rapidly.

It was a bit difficult to expect someone whom never experienced love to fully understand it. Satoru never experienced love, thus the romantic nature of this garden was lost to him.

It was that obliviousness and twisted sense of loyalty that led him to a life of sadness and loneliness.

It took considerable effort for Ainz to not scream in embarrassment. He had basically just admitted to Albedo that she was his first love, the person who opened his eyes to the true magnificent of this place.

— How could I say such a thing? Am I really that stupid? Wait, why am I still looking at her, break eye contact, you moron. Turn undead!

Ainz didn't need a mirror, be it big or small to know that his face was probably as red as a damn tomato. It was considerably weird for them to still act like a couple of high schoolers even after the kinds of things they did... How was making love almost everyday less embarrassing than this?

— This is just one more reason to hate you, Satoru. Had you not been so docile, so freaking moronic, I wouldn't be this...oblivious.

Fortunately, he managed to break eye contact, but he suspected such an act only reinforced his obvious implication.

He still didn't know what Albedo's reaction implied... All he knew was that in her head, he was probably — most definitely — the perfect man, sought after by every woman.

— I shouldn't have listened to her sleep talk. This just makes me want to hide under a rock and cry.

She would no doubt think lesser of him after this. It was only natural after all. Ainz reasoned this was what they meant when they said "reality is often disappointing."

He calmed down — or at least tried to — and looked at the still tearing Albedo — from shame, no doubt.

Emotions were powerful things, especially negative ones. In his state, Ainz was unable to perceive the faint echoes of unmeasurable joy and pride from the pseudo connection. His negative state also made him oblivious to the tremors of the white box before him.

"D...does this mean I was also, my beloved's...first?"

She muttered quietly, and mostly to herself. Still, Ainz heard it, and he could tell she was quickly connecting the dots, no matter how nonsensical and illogical they were.

He didn't need to answer as his face had most probably given him away anyway. Even so, Ainz felt compelled to assure her so he nodded, still not looking at her.

He could have sworn his control over his body was fading. Why wasn't he undead yet?

There was a squeal and when he looked he found Albedo smiling like the happiest person alive.


Ainz exclaimed in realization.

A cute but triumphant expression was on her delicate face.

Ainz's mind raced.

— Wait, why does this expression look familiar?

Ainz could practically feel the smugness behind it, but it wasn't directed at...him?

And she looked almost euphoric.

"My Love, I don't know what to say..."

Albedo said with her hands clasped together as if in prayer. The act made Ainz's focus to momentary falter. It was difficult not to react this way when the most beautiful woman in the world — probably — further insinuated her beauty like this.

Had Ainz not been familiar with relic level clothing, he would have expected the dress to fail to contain her ample bosom, especially when she did something like this.

— Sadly, that's not how magical wears work. Countless hours have at least taught me that much.

He had previously wondered if the angel was consciously performing these...lewd poses, or if there were actually subconscious.

The answer was... Well, the answer became inconsequential after he repeatedly fell victim for her succubi charms.

But at least one thing was clear now, Albedo didn't think less of him after the revelation. In fact, he suspected that her respect for him had actually increased.

And now that he thought about it, it was only natural for her to feel this way. Hell, Ainz still was overwhelmed by the fact that he was her first. It was something he openly took pride in thus the reason he recognized the expression.

The grand mirror in his chambers wasn't just for admiring his abs and body, not just for vanity. Even if he misused it for such.

As for the smug expression, he had an inkling about it too. And unless he wanted to deal with another cat fight, he would have to come up with something.

Ainz breathed and took Albedo's hand — the one with the ring on it.

"I arranged this night in order to deepen our affection and understanding for each other, to minimize chances of misunderstandings, and to apologize for my selfish behavior."

Call it moving too quickly, but Ainz wasn't keen on waiting long for Albedo to understand his actions. After all, why wait long if you could just make her understand immediately.

Just because their small disagreement wasn't much of a feud didn't mean it hadn't hurt him. Maybe it was because he loved her so much, or maybe he was just too empathetic.

He caressed the Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown with a slight frown. As much as he liked the item, the way it had his name on it, the blatant ego stroke...

Ainz sighed audibly before removing the glove on Albedo.

"As my wife, my queen, I think you deserve something much more thoughtful than this, an item more intimate, more beautiful and more unique."

One shouldn't forget that despite his depressing life, Ainz was actually a salesman. Pitching was more like second nature to him, and due to the receptiveness of his wife... Well, Ainz didn't need to do much.

Albedo beamed even though she actively tried to hide it. Although he wouldn't boast about it, but Ainz was capable of differentiating between Albedo's masks and her actual expressions.

"Y...you don't need to-"

Ainz shook his head, dismissing the angel's false modesty.

"Albedo, I love you. But sometimes it's difficult for me to express the depths of my love with just words and actions..."

Ainz picked the white box, causing Albedo's attention to return to it.

"...you feel it, do you not? The way it calls for you?"

Ainz held a smile.

— I sound more like a demon trying to sell a cursed item to an unassuming innocent child.

And in a way, that's what he was doing. Even though Ainz had been the one who imbued them. Spells or miracles related to [Deity] were vague. It was difficult for Ainz to be certain as to what The Rings of Solidarity did in their entirety.

All he was sure about was that they held a strong empathetic spell...curse? Ainz wasn't necessarily sure, it could even be a blessing for all he knew.

"What is it?"

He could practically see the sparkles in the angel's eyes...the eagerness. Ainz intertwined his hand with hers, and felt how delicate it truly was.

It was mind boggling, the way her body contradicted her strength. Even if Ainz saw her strength, her power in person. The moment he held her and felt her fragility, it all became irrelevant.

To him, she will always be his delicate wife.

Ainz smiled softly and looked at her naked neck. He was so used to her having a piece of jewelry wrapped around it.

— What was the saying again? 'Jewelry is a way to a woman's heart'?

Whether that was the saying or not, it was working.

Ainz gently opened the box and a precious silver ornate ring with a pure white gem presented itself. He had offered the highest possible materials to the crafters, requesting three Sacred rings to be made...

Albedo gasped, and Ainz could understand why. The ring was pulsing with familiar magical energy. His magical energy.

As the person responsible for its creation, it was only natural. Even so, there was much to it than that.

"This is the depths of my love for you..."


Info Dump: Child birth requirements Edition.


Strong people have to breed with those of equal strength or slightly weaker. Of course the two individuals have to be genetically compatible in order for their union to be fruitful.

Certain individuals might be able to bypass these restrictions. Example: Awakened Dragons can sire offspring from members of any sentient race due to their polymorph ability.

Note: Weak males are incapable of impregnating strong females due to their seeds lacking the strength and potency to penetrate the egg's membrane.

Note: Though difficult, weak females can be impregnated by strong males. Females impregnated by strong individuals will have to supply a constant abundance of mana or other sources of power to keep both child and mother from dying. Be cautious.

Mana Alternatives: Anything that makes a person internally strong, including a person's life force or lifespan.

Offspring of Powerful Individual(s)

Due to the condition of their pre-birth, these children are born unique or gifted, and are liable to stronger constitutions, higher magical aptitude or both.

Note: Their maximum strength is determined by the strength of the parent(s), bloodline or condition of pre-birth.

Note: Offspring of awakened and tempered individuals are more likely to awaken easily without outside assistance.

Awakening: to make one's hidden latent potential fully accessible to them by increasing their life force reserves.

Tempering: to make one's constitution stronger or enable it to contain their latent potential without risks of strains on body.

Note: All YGGDRASIL natives are awakened and tempered. All dragons are tempered and inevitable to awaken. All magical beasts are awakened and tempered.

The Saint: I'll have to be more creative with the impregnation scene and the full extent of the rings' effects.

Well, one more Nazarick chapter and we are done with the romantic fluff.

Remember, Ainz was high on succubi pheromones in the first part.

I really thought this chapter was plus/minus 800 words.

Well, it doesn't matter.

Remember to write reviews, maybe share some ideas.

Bye bye.

BoombaTheSaintcreators' thoughts