
Overlord: To Be Infinite [FanFic]

AU retelling fanfic: Momonga finds himself alone and hurting during the final minutes of YGGDRASIL. But rather then the shut down, he finds himself and his Tomb in an unfamiliar world. Join him as he reshapes the world in his image. This is a retelling with occasional convergence and divergence. Fluff, World/Kingdom Building, War, Conspiracy, Lemons…Eventual Daddy Ainz. I also have an AO3 account and FFN account if anyone is interested. If you’d like to support me then I have a pa-treon account /BoombaTheSaint. Though, I’d like to inform you to check out my other public accounts as I’m still trying to accumulate chapters for would-be patrons.

BoombaTheSaint · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

The Fortress

The fortress city of E-Rantel stood at the intersection of three borders — those of the Slaine Theocracy, the Baharuth Empire, and the Re-Estize Kingdom. It was so named because it was defended by three layers of walls encompassing a significant majority of the surroundings' pleasant landscape. The districts enclosed by each concentric circle of the walls were distinctly different from each other, each district serving a specific role.

The innermost district was the administrative area of the city. In addition, the district also contained storehouses for combat rations, and had mansions, albeit small, that served to house the Kingdom's nobles should they find themselves in the city. Thus, it was heavily guarded by the king's men.

Because of the city's purpose, most of the structures in the innermost district favoured functionality over comfortability. So upon visits, many nobles would rather stay in the inns and pavilions.

The outermost district had the purpose of serving as a troops' billet for the Royal Army come war time. It had sizable barracks and their corresponding furnishings to make for a comfortable stay for seasoned warriors. The district also had other militaristic buildings and fields which had recently become neglected due to the Kingdom's current economic situation.

During peacetime, the outermost section served to house the city guards who regulated the traffic flow — as the fortress city also served as a tri-nation trade hub — and maintained the city's safety, or at least tried to minimize the crime and maintain stability within the walls.

In a way, the outermost district was more fitting a military camp than anything else.

Between these two areas was the residential district — which was far bigger in size than the two other districts combined. It was at this district that people of E-Rantel made their homes and businesses, and it was this place that made this district the reason E-Rantel was deemed a 'city' instead of an 'army base'.

Here was where the guild halls, parks, pavilions, inns, and plazas were located, including the Central Plaza where most of the trades took place. It was a place bustling with activity befitting a city, especially one deemed a trade hub.

Amidst the crowds, the stall owners energetically shouted their sales pitches to the people walking by, while the older women haggled with the merchants as they looked for fresh food. Drawn by fragrant scents, young men purchased skewers of roasted meat which oozed with warm juices.

Unfortunately, this state of continuous shouts and yells was broken by two individuals. They drew the attention of any and everyone who just as much caught their forms with the edges of their periphery.

A cursory glance would identify the two as warriors. But a careful glance would encourage careful pondering of their exact professions.

Unbothered by the attention they were receiving, the two newcomers resumed their stroll.

The armored knight walked along the sidewalks in measured strides. Alongside him was a beautiful blonde haired woman with deep green emerald eyes wearing an indifferent expression.

She wore a simple white button shirt with long sleeves and an inconspicuous pair of brown pants with long leather plain looking boots. An unassuming short cape was secured on her shoulders and a short sheathed sword tightly secured on her hips by courtesy of a scabbard holder.

Despite the simple clothing, she spotted a lean curvy figure that bordered on athletic. She had a dutiful demeanor about her that suggested years of discipline and diligence.

And the way she moved. The grace of her posture.

Many eyes followed her, a majority of which belonged to the opposite sex, entranced by the beauty they hadn't known existed.

Hers was a cold beauty. One that inspired distant appreciation instead of open affection and infatuation.

It was her eyes that held the coldness and promise of fatal discipline to whomever might approach without her permission.

It was odd for a delicate beauty such as her to have such a frightening air about her. And yet it was there, the unmistakable feeling of strength…and sensual charm.

It was Narberal Gamma. The doppelgänger had been tasked with escorting Nazarick's master and ensuring his safety in this human city. Of course, that didn't mean there was anything that could pose danger to the most powerful supreme being, but such was the life of a loyal servant, especially so when one's purpose was to care for the Master of Nazarick.

Feelings of pride and superiority welled up in her, but Narberal stopped them from manifesting on her face.

Through means of her doppelgänger's ability, Narberal was able to alter her appearance, slight changes here and there to form a new face, though remnants of herself still remained. But that was unimportant.

Her ability to alter her appearance at will though...

It was one of the main reasons she was nominated and selected for this task. They were to disguise their appearances while posing as 'adventurers'.

Lord Ainz was to go by Momon, a skilled armored warrior from a fallen martial house. Call them arrogant, but Nazarick was fully aware of its grace and beauty, thus a proper cover story had to be constructed lest their ignorance leaves them suspicious even to the clueless of people.

Narberal was to go by Nabe, a skilled caster capable of 5th tier spells — slight adjustments would be made depending on the situation.

The two were companions — but judging from the looks she was receiving, it appeared her origins would also have to undergo an alteration. Either way, this only meant that the next cover up would make their deceptive relationship even closer…

— Close relationship...

She immediately squashed that line of thought before it led to her less than desirable death.

Narberal played the scenario in her mind and winced at the outcome.

Lady Shalltear had especially been adamant about the specifics of their relationship for the exact reasons.

Narberal wasn't a moron, and even if she was, her instincts would stop her from courting death. It was called self-preservation.

She shuddered visibly as she imagined what would be done to her if she ever found herself brazen. Despite their pleasant exteriors, Narberal knew the twisted natures that lurked within Nazarick's Queens.

She quickly dispelled such thoughts and pulled back to the present.

A full story had been prepared in case of suspicion. Lady Albedo had advised strict dedication to the role.

Deliverance was also practiced rigorously. Execution was perhaps the most important task.

Narberal took those words to heart and promised not to bring shame to her master. So when they walked on the streets of the fortress city — maneuvering through the groups of people — Narberal did so with incredible grace.

— I shouldn't forget what my actual assignment is.

The glim in her eyes wavered and a brief moment of embarrassment left the tips of her ears red.

Operation: Dark Cupid.

She was unsure if she should be honored or insulted by the fact that she was labeled a deterrent. Her mission was to halt or dispose of any insignificant that might find themselves stricken by the master's brilliance.

To put it in simpler terms, her mission was pest control...

The sudden realization found her blinking a few times before her lips drew into a thin line. Surprisingly, her rhythm was uninterrupted and her pace continued through the streets.

Even so, the battle maid still found herself lucky to be given this opportunity. Especially since the alternative wasn't as exciting as she would have wanted.

Yes, instead of her pride being wounded, she should take this as an opportunity to personally serve the master without the impediment of that accursed schedule.

With a clench of her fists, blood filled with determination coursing through her veins, Narberal looked up and found her master.

Finally, a prideful smile tugged at her lips as she quickly hastened to catch up with him.


[Elsewhere in the City]


The caster's staff blurred with fury, before meeting the side of the scarred man. The action was crude and primal, brought by unbridled rage.

The lack of coordination within the flurry of attacks would have made for an easy and swift defeat. But the men weren't warriors.

Merely thugs crippled by an abominable powder.

Another thud sound resounded followed by a clear muffled groan. The body of the man hit the ground as his eyes rolled back in his skull indicating his swift retreat into unconsciousness.

A thin trail of blood made its way out of his mouth suggesting some organ damage.

The other man looked at the attacker in shock, fear and anger.

"What's yer problem, ha?!"

He raged, his body expressing uncertainty on whether to run or fight.

Ninya looked at the unconscious body of the man she had just beaten. She had grown cold to the impact of hurting these kind of people. The type that take advantage of the weak and powerless.

She heaved out a bust of air, regaining some of the strength she'd lost in her initial attack.

Her eyes flickered to the shouting man, pants still halfway down his thighs. Her face twisted in disgust, and her grip on her staff tightened.

The man flinched, taking a step back in fear.

She felt no need to honor his question with a reply. His lack of morality...their lack of morality.

— Just like those...

He immediately dismissed the thoughts.

Ninya might not have been physically strong, hell, she might even be weaker than a fully grown man without proper training.

But these kind of scums...

She dashed forward, her adventurer's experience helping her anticipate the movements of an untrained thug coked up on black dust.

She had nothing to fear from these scums.

Her staff blurred vertically, meeting the man's leg...his fibula without much problem. Maybe it was because he was untrained, or maybe it was because the drug was eroding the fibers that made up the strength of the muscles and bones.

Ninya wasn't sure. But what she was sure of was that his bones gave way too easily. Both the tibia and fibula offered no resistance as they broke like tweets.

Undeterred by the snapping of bones, she carried her momentum, twirling as her staff inched upward.

The man's mouth was just now starting to open to express the pain of the broken leg. Ninya met his loose jaw with her staff, the strength behind it slightly withheld.

His brain jiggled, interrupting what was bound to be a scream. Ninya felt her body, rehearsing what she still remembered to eliminate any chances of injury.

Another thud sound echoed in the alleys.

The man managed a groan as his eyes rolled up his skull, joining his friend in unconsciousness.

— I should really thank Peter for his tutelage.

She remembered before her eyes furrowed into disgust once more.

Like usual, she had made sure to conceal her identity and not utter any words. Hers was a risky gamble, and she couldn't suffer being caught.

She teared her eyes from the severely injured man, opting to look at their victim…the assaulted.

"Missing... Though she left an unintended trail."

She winced at the sight, an acidic bile dancing at her throat. To be continuously disgusted by this repetitive trauma…

She wasn't surprised, most tend to leave as soon as the opportunity presented itself. It was a predictable reaction really, one which she wouldn't try faulting.

With a simple turn, she journeyed back to the crowded streets. It wasn't her intention to beat up the scums that roamed the city's slums.

But the situational resemblance...

The grip on her staff tightened, images of her sister flashing in her mind. Her free hand played on her face, removing the cloths that concealed her identity.

Ninya lifted her face, noticing the fading sun rays as evening took over this city. She pondered if she should alert her teammates of her intended absence on the night's group's supper, but given the day's events, she didn't want her mind associating them with the unpleasant recent scums.

It was especially so with Lurkurt.

She let out a silent sigh as she watched the bustling evening streets with a blank expression. She once again wondered how she intended to carry forward upon finding her elder sister.

The kingdom had proven itself to be an unchanging mess. But she also knew next to nothing of the neighboring nations.

— All in due time I guess.

Exiting the alleys, she quickly disappeared into the crowds.


[Somewhere in the outskirts of E-Rantel]


A figure cloaked in a long black mantle traversed through the night forest, the pale luminescent that peered through the cracks of fallen leaves draping naturally through her black cloak the only evidence of her presence.

She flickered through the moon rays, her movement maintaining a constant pace.

Foot coming in front of the other in rapid succession as her body got further and further towards the visible city in the distance with enough brightness to take the enjoyment out of star gazing.

It was her destination, the only other city she had ever come across ever since she escaped her homeland.

A colleague, friend and kindred waited for her there, a tip she received from another colleague. She wondered if this would provide the opportunity to finally poke him with one of her sharp poky thingies...

Her right hand trailed to her lower back, caressing the weapons located there.

— Ah, I wonder what expression he will make?

Excitement thumped in her chest as she wondered if he would express shock, anger, betrayal, disappointment, acknowledgement or just his usual blank indifference.

Ah, how she hoped for it to be acknowledgement. He was the only person who came close to understanding her after all.

But even with that anticipation in her chest, she never chose to let it bleed into her exterior. Though enjoying herself, she wouldn't allow her persistent pursuers to tail and find her so easily.

She was once again reminded of her actions... The way she made her departure.

"I wonder if it ever crossed their minds that their thorough tutelage would bite them in the ass."

She cackled manically as images of their faces flashed in her mind when they found her little parting gift. It was her twisted mind that tried to imagine their expressions, and she could only hope the cardinals' expressions mirrored those in her imagination.

The only unfortunate thing was that she had to settle for an unsatisfactory kill for it. Psychotic as she might be, she wasn't one to derive passion out of killing the mindless.

They always fail to convey the necessary emotions needed for her to relish in the act.

— Well, whatever it takes to elicit a reaction.

Maintaining her speed and breathing, she decided that jumping from tree to tree...branch to branch would serve her more appropriately than simply walking on the pathless ground.

Oddly enough, the steps of her feet failed to produce sound, or at least refused to produce sounds perceived by humans. And the creatures she managed to come across all gave her a wide berth as if fearing her presence.

It was the predatory aura she exuded, one that resembled feline exuberance than anything else. Even her movements mirror their approach, the silence of movements and the pouncing from branch to branch.

It was a rare display of skill, one not easily reached by just any human who put in the effort. Such was the uniqueness of this individual, a rarity among rarities.

She once again cackled at the ease of which such maneuverability came to her, another sign that consolidated the fact that she indeed stood at the pinnacle of human potential.

Yes, to stand at the pinnacle...

A pale ray illuminated part of her face — the part not entirely hidden under the conspicuous cloak. If a person were present, they would have seen the manic grin that occupied most of her face, and the strains of deep blonde fluttering around her maddened eyes.

"Wait~~ for~~ me, ~~Khajiit!"


Author's Thoughts


The Saint: Ainz and Narberal will be in the E-Rantel for a one month. So the story will take place within the span of that month, I have planned several plots and twists, character developments and whatnots.

To be honest, there's too much potential within Overlord that I find myself overwhelmed. I'm so tempted to get to the good stuff, you know, warring, conquering, conspiracies, exploring, kingdom building, and slices of life.

But I'm a patient. At least I hope I am. I really don't want to just retell the original story or rush my story.

Well, until next time.

Bye bye.