
Overlord The Vampire Lord

YGGDRASIL was a fictional online game in the Overlord series. It was a DMMO-RPG developed in Japan. Millions played this game, but amongst them was an odd one. a player who went on to play the game without the need for high-tier gear. a player who was titled the Player Killer, A Player So Overpowered that even the game developer had enough of him, bending him after he did the unthinkable. but this player killer was a part of the best guild, Ainz Ooal Gown, luckily he could pop up before the game shut down for good.

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Welcome Home

Reality Slash is capable of cleaving through the very fabric of space, and a hit from this powerful attack spell could disregard virtually any form of magical defense. It's an attack nearly impossible to defend from.

World Break is the strongest version of this attack. space is the sharpest thing there is, World Break takes space itself and uses it to attack. it's far harder to defend against this attack, nearly all defense shall be cut through with no resistance 

Dimensional Slash was the peak version of these two attacks. the strongest attack in the game, and also the most broken in the game. World Champions are viewed as the strongest warrior class in YGGDRASIL, it is also considered to be a balance breaker and official cheat in and of itself

Dimensional Slash is an attack that cuts through everything. space, time, immunities, and so on. They are all cut through. this attack has an infinity range and shall hit a target no matter how far they run. run across the world, or whatever. this attack would arrive with supreme and unmatched speed, a speed that even Dracula couldn't outrun when running at his fullest

there were two ways to use these 3 skills. the simplest and quickest is how casters use it. like Ainz, he could use reality slash without much time. but in the hands of Dracula, he needed to charge the attack. but in return, the longer they charge it, the more damage it could do, plus the range it could cover. this holds up to Dimensional Slash, which even a caster would need the time needed to cast a super-tier spell

So, not only Jaldabaoth but even the great hero Momon was shocked when Dracula skipped the time needed to cast Dimensional last. this was just one of the things Dracula found out while fighting Jaldabaoth. By using Thor's ability, God Of The Weather, he could command the weather.

in the game, he could only use it to summon storms, snow, floods, or cancel out other people who were trying to control the weather. Dracula found he did everything Thor could do. in the game, Thor summons lightning from the sky and uses it to charge up his attacks. so Dracula did that and summoned lightning to charge up Dimensional Slash

Yes, it cost a huge amount of MP, but it worked. with such an ultimate skill being charged so quickly. plus he was suppressed to level 50 that whole time, it showed the future such a skill had.

"what's wrong with you guys, did you forget I just scared off Jaldabaoth?" Dracula asked while seeing how the kingdom soldiers were all holding their swords towards him, with fearful looks. how could they not be scared with such a powerful vampire standing in front of them?

"lower your blades, if he wanted you all dead. he could have done it ages ago." a voice sounded, and from the soldiers, Gazof stepped forward while looking at Dracula, and towards his wings which held that other vampire.

"Dracula, you should be returning home. you summoned those blades, so those vampires would come looking for you soon." Momon said while walking over, I looked over to Momon before nodding slightly

"Sorry Gazof. it was rude of me to enter the human kingdom without saying a thing. I have to find the traitor of my race. while at it, destroy my heart. it was a pleasure getting to meet you. my deepest apologies, I can't stay and help you all fight Jaldabaoth. but any more and I risk my kingdom's safety." I said while holding out my hand for a handshake, Gazof shook his head slightly,

"you helped us greatly in this battle. without you, who knows the damage with could have suffered... by the way, Sir Momon, are you also a vampire?" Gazof asked, to which Momon shook his head while removing his helmet, revealing his plan-average face.

"I was once a king hundreds of years ago... Jaldabaoth slaughtered everyone there. My life afterward is to hunt him down. I met Dracula back then. we became friends when hunting the 8 Greed Kings. although we never got to meet them, Dracula gave me this armor. which made me kind of immortal." Momon said softly, leaving everyone stunned at how old they were

slowly within the crowd, the king on his horse stepped forward. and before everyone's stunned eyes, he got off his horse. and before everyone's shocked eyes, he lowered his head, bowing before me.

"no need to lower your head, we are both kings. we are equal." I said while holding out my palm, the king of the Re-Estize kingdom was stunned for a moment. but he smiled while taking my head

"Thank you for saving my kingdom." He said to which I shook my head slightly.

"one of my people caused you trouble, this no good vampire. I guess chaining her up for 500 years in the dark point of the sea should give her time to think things through. Oh, as immortal beings. we don't see death as a punishment. forced to live in such a state is worse than hell. plus, since she ripped out my heart and gave it to that demon. I might have to increase the punishment." I said with a sigh of annoyance, leaving the King of the Re-Estize kingdom at a loss for words. they lived in completely different worlds

"No, you still came to save my kingdom. for this, I would like to invite you to my kingdom. our special guest." He said with a soft smile, to which I nodded with a smile,

"the same to you... don't worry. I killed all of the vampires who can't resist the blood of humans. so you need not worry." I said to which the king nodded slightly. I thought for a moment, before giving the king a ring.

"I don't mean to be rude, but at this rate, the Bahruth Empire would swallow your kingdom. the villagers are suffering with those pig nobles doing as they like. this ring would increase your overall power. take control of your kingdom," I said softly, stunning the king. he looked at the ring for a moment, he was swallowed with a sense of overwhelming power.

"it has the special ability to boost your strength 5 times a day. of course, you can give it to Gazof. but you know..." I said to which the king looked at me, if there were not so many people around he would have hugged me. but all he could do for now was thank me,

"Sir Dracula... you know the magic caster Ainz Ooal Gown?" Gazof asked seeing we were done speaking. I looked at him for a moment, before my eyebrow raised

"That bag of bones is up and walking? damn... that sucks for you." I said softly, confusing Gazof and everyone else. but I just shook my head

"I can't be giving off information on a friend. just so you know, his strength is on the tier of me and Jaldabaoth. Momon is strong, but even he has his limits. don't force him to use up his lifespan before he gets his revenge. Well, I should get going." I said while Momon dragged me to the side to speak about something.

"My king... accepting that ring means," Gazof said in a soft voice, the king looked at the ring for a moment before giving it to Gazof.

"yes... now announce our victory." He said with a smile, Gazof nodded slightly before turning towards the crowd of people. with a cry, he announced their win. 

"What does that sound?" Momon asked with a deep frown, Dracula also frowned. for some time now, he has been hearing the sound of a female breathing heavily. with their sharp senses, they could hear the supposed sound, but it was clear others couldn't... slowly Dracula and Momon looked toward the wing that was wrapped around Shalltear,

the wing came close to them, and Dracula and Momon heard Shalltear who was making some weird sounds.

"so soft. Lord Dracula... it's like you hugging me. it's making me all wet." Dracula and Momon both froze before Dracula rubbed his forehead. how did he never notice how perverted Shalltear was? then again, everything she was with him was under training or work matter.

"Well... it seems like I'm needed over there," Momon said as she walked off, leaving me to deal with this. but how the hell am I to deal with this?

"Are you leaving?" Evileye asked softly, I looked at her for a moment, before shaking my head 

"I have a few people I wish to say goodbye to... you're one of them," I said softly, making her Evileye face behind the mask turn bright red. 

"It's a shame, I wish you would come with me. but the mess that would happen once I return is going to be messy... I will miss you." I said with a smile. Evileye wanted to speak, she wanted to say take me with you. but the words couldn't come out. but after seeing how they were far away from others' sight, and were even hidden behind a tree she removed her mask.

"Will you come back?" She asked softly, to which I nodded slightly. but she then waved at me to come towards her. Interested I got on one knee. but she wanted me to get closer, so I leaned in slightly while moving my ear towards her. which was not what she wanted, but she stepped forward and kissed my cheek

"it's a promise." She said with a sigh smile, leaving Dracula speechless. and seeing Dracula just look at her with a lost look, only made her brush even more. but Dracula suddenly felt a chill, he didn't know where it came from. but this chill was... a bit scary. he looked around, and it wasn't Shalltear, or anyone else by the matter he could see.

"something wrong?" Evileye asked with a worried look seeing the look on Dracula's face, but Dracula shook his head slightly while standing up.

"I have to come back anyway. from the looks of things, someone in this world has an item capable of mind-controlling even a vampire. so be careful out there. I have to return and destroy such an item." I said softly, leaving Evileye stunned for a moment

"i... I will help you look for it." Evileye said to which I frowned, and shook my head.

"it's too dangerous. just be careful of such an item." Dracula said softly, to which Evileye nodded her head, moved by how much Dracula worried for her. nodding slightly, Dracula gave her an item to help that could increase her strength, which caused her to suddenly hug Dracula.

"I will not be gone for long... plus, we are immortal, does time matter to us?" Dracula asked softly, to which Evileye smiled slightly. it was weird, but time seemed to be so valuable all of a sudden. rubbing her head, he jumped into the sky and flew off toward Renner, 

weirdly, Renner had this smile while saying her goodbye to Dracula, which made Dracula feel weird. but he took his Eye Of Odin and left. to show off, he flew into the sky, flying in circles and creating a portal. a scene that made everyone just look up with a speechless look...

"Great work everyone, such amazing acting," Dracula said while looking at Demiurge and Shalltear. everyone ignored the fact that Shalltear had a few bumps on her head, caused by Dracula after seeing his beautiful wings were wet with some unknown thing.

"We managed to give Shalltear a chance to return in the future, alert those who brainwashed her above it, but best of all... Momon is now titled humanity's strongest warrior." Dracula said with a smile to which AInz just waved off

"thats just the cherry. during that battle, the humans just saw that there were beings out there beyond human comprehension. they all came to realize that the only being they have to combat such danger is Momon. truly, AInz's plan was great. to think you have been leading up to such a thing." Demiurge said making Ainz go blank

"As expected of my love. you see so far ahead, we are so useless." Albedo said making Ainz quickly try to explain things, but Dracula spoke.

"Indeed... Momon would be the human hero. the strongest human who would stand up for them in the matter of need. but with we take over the world, for the sake of humans, he would have to be our pet." I said with a cold smile, making Ainz almost cry

'Not you to Draculaaaa.' Ainz cried, but after a moment, he had no choice but to put himself together as his emotions were suppressed.

"oh yes... so you saw through my plan," Ainz said with a nod of his head, to which everyone nodded while looking at him with the respect a genius like Ainz decisive.

"I see..." Ainz said, causing Demiurge to frown for a moment before realization hit him. taking a step back, he looked at his master with a new level of respect unlocked.

"I see. Lord Ainz, your intelligence is truly unmatched." Demiurge said with a bow, leaving everyone confused. meanwhile, Ainz was starting to hate the words, I See.

"the yearly war between the Re-Estize Kingdom is right around the corner. You had Dracula speak of your name to spread your name. You plan to have something force you out, and with the excise that your piece has been broken, you will reclaim your land. if they refuse you would have a reason to attack. if not... it's more easier." Demiurge said making my eyebrow raise slightly while looking at Ainz

"I see... what's a better way than to be forced to do something than to have people come knock on your door. but how do you plan to do such a thing? the easier way to do it is to have... a noble hire a group of people to come explore. thats way you created fake Nazarick. Have you thought of all of this so far back?" I asked in shock and a hint of horror at this man's planning capability.

"I see... Carne village. you stepped out, spreading your name that you are not a bad person. so when you do get your land back, people will not think of you like any other undead. From your first move, 2 months ago, it all was leading to world conquest." Albedo said, her wings flapping while looking at the man she loved.

"Amazing work... to see through my plans so easily," Ainz said to which Demiurge and Albedo, along with the other NPC bowed.

"No, I'm sure it's just a hint of lord plan. to think it took me 2 months to even touch upon something you made months ago... I'm truly ashamed." Demiurge said to which Ainz waved his head.

"I'm sure you all would one day be surprised. that I'm sure off... night is the first night everyone is back in Nazarick. Let's party and welcome Dracula home." Ainz said, to which Dracula looked at him with a confused look.

"a long time ago, I heard you mumbling to yourself... that this guild was the only home knew. Welcome home, old friend." Ainz said making Dracula's heart meilt. Ainz didn't allow Dracula to say no or any of that, if he heard I See one more time, he might dig a hole and jump in.

maids suddenly entered, carrying food, and other stuff for a party. Ainz had been planning this for a while, and tonight was indeed the first time everyone was in Nazarick for the first time.

"Now, how can I even begin to say no to this... thanks," Dracula said with a soft smile. Ainz nodded, and went on to sit on his throne, watching the scene that took place... he missed eating. but he couldn't enjoy anything of the living. this was all he could do, a bit sad. there were many new foods in this world he wanted to eat. there were drinks, and oh boy he missed that feeling of laying down in your bed and falling asleep. that feeling that makes you just want to lay in bed all day and never get up.

"Shalltear, where did you put Brain's body?" Dracula asked with a cup of soda since he couldn't get drunk or anything like that. he found no use in drinking alcohol, unlike it was to trick himself into thinking he was drunk

"It was a bit tricky to steal him without too many eyes, but I managed to do just that. his body is ready for you to turn into a vampire or back to life as he was... although I think you should enjoy the party, my lord. work matter should be ignored for now," Shalltear said while stepping forward, and while on her toes, she pressed her chest against mine, while wrapping her hands around my chest.

"Shalltear, don't think I forgot what you did to my wings," I said softly, making Shalltear's eyes widen. she quickly let go of me while stepping away.

My wings were special, unlike normal wings. thanks to my world duel swordsman master, I could use my wings like a blade. it was so nice that they were strong, durable, and acted like extra arms for me.

"Forget it," I said while shaking my head, my wings were my pride, but I couldn't bring myself to punish someone over such a small thing. walking up to Ainz, I sat down on the stairs leading to his throne,

"so, what did you find out in that battle?" Ainz asked softly, drinking the drink in my hands, I thought for a moment before speaking.

"One, the abilities do seem to do as the game said. God Of Weather gives you domain over the weather. when using that skill, I do feel like a god. if I wished it, then I could have the sky do it. I will go out and learn about its limitations later.

second... self-movement is something that could take years to do. to have your body react to things on its own is going to be hard. I think of trying to empty my head and allowing summoned vampires to attack me.

and 3rd. it might be possible to lower the energy cost for spells. from what I have seen in battle, the energy usage isn't the same as in the game. It's close, but slightly higher and smaller.

4th... dimensional slash has no limit. when I was about to use it, I felt like I could cut anything. everything was a target, and all immunities were ignored. It makes me wonder what would happen once I use it with the space-time swords." I said softly, leaving Ainz quiet for some time

"the same for my, The Goal Of All Life Is Death. maybe I should train with it more, and try and see if I could lower the cooldown for it. this is real life, not a game world. train hard enough then maybe it should improve as well." Ainz said softly, to which I gave Ainz a ring. Ainz looked at this ring for a moment before his eyebrow raised.

"With that, you could use that skill 2 more times. when using it, focus on using it. at least thats how I think would be the best way to understand that skill... I will need it back in a few days to make more copies of it." I said while getting up, Ainz nodded while watching me leave.