
Overlord The Vampire Lord

YGGDRASIL was a fictional online game in the Overlord series. It was a DMMO-RPG developed in Japan. Millions played this game, but amongst them was an odd one. a player who went on to play the game without the need for high-tier gear. a player who was titled the Player Killer, A Player So Overpowered that even the game developer had enough of him, bending him after he did the unthinkable. but this player killer was a part of the best guild, Ainz Ooal Gown, luckily he could pop up before the game shut down for good.

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

The Show

"It's beginning," Renner said softly while looking outside the window at the crowd of adventures and royal knights.

"are you going to disappear after all of this to the dragon kingdom?" Renner asked while turning around to look at Dracula who was drinking something unknown to her. something called soda. 

"Haha, you would miss me? well, this kingdom would be among the first kingdoms to fall. at which point you can come to Nazarick." I said with a smile, making Renner pout slightly. taking out my eye of Odin, I began to watch the scene happening throughout the kingdom.

"so in a range of 250 miles, you can see just about anything?" Renner asked to which I nodded slightly,

"pretty much, so long as they don't use 10th or super-tier magic to block it off. I would have no trouble. 10th tier magic would make everything it sees look foggy, while super tier magic would be a complete block." I said with a bored look while looking around everything before my eyes landed on Mera who was in a mansion.

Mera was with Entom, trying to take the member of 8 fingers who owned that building, then take them back to Nazarick for some training. everything was going smoothly, that mansion belonged to Hilma Cygnaeus, a member of the drug trading division.

"by the way, why is this kingdom the first to be targeted?" Renner asked softly, to which I just shrugged

"Carne Village belongs here... but we just can't attack for no reason. we don't want to be the bad guy. I'm sure Ainz has it all planned out." I said softly while watching Mera, the normally shy little boy dragging Hilma by the hair after breaking her leg.

"Plus, your father did a shitty job running this kingdom. it's going to be the easiest to take over. On the other hand, the Baharuth kingdom is going to be a pain. that king has complete control of his kingdom. we would have to slowly break that control down... the perfect win in war is a war where no punch is thrown. I just don't know how Ainz would go about his master plan." I said softly, to which Renner nodded slightly and said nothing else. She just wanted to know my thoughts on this, that was more than enough.

'what is she doing?' I thought with a frown seeing Entom not retreating after everything was done. this led to Gagaran seeing this, they were not locked in battle with Tai. Entom was of course winning, but Evileye was making her way to that battle.

zooming out on the screen, my green deepened. Monon was a few miles away, and Demiurge would need some time before he could arrive. I thought for a moment before thinking of what I should do right now. In the end, I summoned a Vrykolakas

a lesser tier vampire, that was at level 30. I summoned 1 of them and had them go support Entom. Vrykoiakas were ugly vampires without much intelligence. they looked like monsters, were humanoid, they had no clothing. and their spin could be seen trying to pop from their back. they were scary-looking things.

Renner who didn't know about combat was confused with my actions so I explained.

"My senses allow me to measure the strength and skill range of a person. Evileye should be around Entom's level of strength, adding those two. Evileye could win. she also has many self-created spells. so the risk is too great." I said calmly, Odin sense was a powerful sense-based technique.

Sensing Evileye I could not only see her age, and strength level, and get a good estimation of the tier of magic she could cast. there was more to this, but the best way to picture it is that I get a Target status window. but even that was not even to fully understand how this ability works.

'Dracula didn't say anything about me having to keep them alive. I can't wait to eat.' Entom thought in joy while walking towards Tai. Dracula didn't care for Tai and the others. his interest in living was... almost zero. unless they interested him like Renner did or were a part of Nazarick, he didn't feel much interest towards them. it was like how one sees ants... no, it was less than that. it was completely different from them.

But he did find he did see vampires the same way he would have normally seen humans. although with slight differences. maybe it was because he was a Vampire Lord, but he felt like all vampires were his people, but not his equal... a weird feeling.

Entom who was about to near Tai suddenly jumped back as a crystal Lance fell from the sky, and from the sky Evileye appeared, looking coldly down upon Entom.

"This is a joke, right? Who would have a disgusting monster like yourself be their maid? you stink of blood and cockroaches." Evileye said in disgust, hitting a sole spot on Entom. To say the least, this enraged her greatly.

"she is trying to get under your skin. you're perfect." I quickly used massage to speak to Entom causing her to freeze and blush a little.

"how about you be my maid for tomorrow. so long as you can buy enough time for Demiurge, tomorrow is a Dracula and Entom day," I said with a slight smile. Entom body began shaking. She was fired up. with a battle cry. suddenly countless fly insects shot toward Evileye.

"Vermin Bane!" Evileye cried out, making Dracula's eyebrows raise. he never heard of such a technique. but his eyes were sharp and saw how the insects were dropping once they came into contact with the smoke Evileye created.

"fall back, do not let that smoke touch up," I said quickly, to which Entom quickly did as I asked. I quickly looked towards where the vampire I jumped was, it needed a few more seconds to arrive.

"avoid getting in the range of that spell, fall back from now, and avoid trying to first get Evileye to use up all of her MP. Do not target her, but her friends. kill them, force her to cough up all of her MP on them." I said calmly, Entom's hands moved. from under the sleeves of her maid outside, bullet insects were fired towards Garagan

"Tai is coming at you from the right, she would not attack you... she might try and hold you still. get her away from you, and at the same time, jump back as Evileye would be trying to get close. She had noticed how you avoided her Vermin Bane." I said calmly,

Tai who was about to use her paralyzing ninjutsu on Entom suddenly jumped back as countless insects were shot toward her. At the same time, Evileye used Crystal Wall, blocking the bullets shooting toward her, before shooting forward to use Vermin Bane on the insect.

Dracula calmly went on to tell Entom what to do, and honestly, she seemed like she might have a chance. all she needed to worry about was Vermin Bane, but with her making sure she stayed far away, it could never reach her. Tai and Gagaran had realized Entom was using them to force Evileye to use more of her MP, so they tried to get out of the way while supporting her from afar. this turned the table, but the vampire Dracula summoned soon arrived.

with its arrival, Vermin Bane of course became something Entom feared less and less, but Tai and Gagaran went on to pull the vampire's attention away, making me rub my forehead at the skills these guys have. they had an item that could draw a target to attack them, this made the vampire nearly pointless as Evileye entrusted it to them, while she fought Entom.

'This is a bad miss match for Entom... but Evileye is low on MP she won.' I thought while sitting back, and taking a deep breath. it almost felt like I was the one fighting, on the map in front of me, a demon wearing a weird mask appeared.

"... You did well, please return and rest up." The demon said while looking at Entom who was breathing heavily. Entom nodded weakly as a weird creature appeared, grabbing her and flying her off. 

"... run, thats a monster. I will join with teleportation magic as soon as I buy you guys enough time." Evileye said in a shaky voice. this demon in front of her was not normal, she knew deep down she couldn't escape, she didn't have the MP to teleport away.

"My apologies. I didn't mean to be rude and ignore you." the demon said as the vampire that was summoned ran to its side, like a loyal dog. rubbing the vampire's head, the demon sized up the insect before it.

"Run!" Evileye roared, causing the Tai and Gagaran to quickly start fleeing.

"It would break my heart if you left before we got to know each other... so Demonsal Lock." the demon said casting a spell that made it so Evileye couldn't teleport. but it was not like she could in the first place.

Evileye quickly cast a spell, attacking the demon, but the attack was nullified, leaving Evileye stunned for some time.

"Hell Fire Wall." the demon cast a spell, creating flames that instantly killed Tai and Gagaran. stunned the Demon bowed slightly.

"My apologies, I didn't think such weak flames would have been enough to kill them. I thought they were at least as strong as you... but they were so weak. why would you hang out with such weaklings." The demon asked enraging Evileye, but just as she was about to rush forward, something came falling from the sky. landing in the center of the two.

"So you finally show yourself, Jaldabaoth," Momon said while holding his two long swords, staring down the demon before him.

"Oh... it's been ages. Dark Knight. I hear in this era you go by Momon. It's a pleasure to meet an old friend." Jaldabaoth asked with a slight bow.

"You destroyed my kingdom, slaughtered my people, and you dare stand before me calling me a friend. today, I will get my revenge. hundreds of years... they will be able to rest after tonight" Momon said with a rage that could shake the heavens. Evileye's eyes widened slightly, as this poor much had been crying such a huge burden on his shoulders.

"Wait, Sir Momon. this demon strength is not simple, we should team up..." Evileye said before biting her lips, she was nearly all out of her MP. How could she help?

"no... this is my battle. you are low on MP, take your teammate's bodies and go." Momon said in a soft voice, which only moved Evileye even more. to think he could put aside his rage for her sake. She greeted her teeth at how weak she was, but her eyes suddenly noticed something. her ring.


just when she was looking at her hand, the sound of two clashes sounded, looking up, her pupils shrank seeing at the speed Momon and the demon Jaldabaoth were moving. at that moment, she realized Jaldabaoth was toying with her. if he was remotely serious, would she be alive?

"Oh, you are not the same king as back then. you went from a kneeling man begging for his people's lives to this... now this is progress." Jaibapaoth said while sharp claws grew from his nails, hard and sharp enough to clash with Momon's giant swords.

"Go to hell dem... Jaldabaoth" Momon roared as his armor suddenly glowed. with that glow, his strength increased, enough to overpower Jaldabaoth and send him falling. Jaldabaoth quickly blocked Momon's follow-up attack, but it ended sending him flying once more and slamming heavily into the mansion.

falling weakly to the ground, Jaldabaoth slowly picked himself up while his blood dripped to the ground from his mask.

"you're burning through your lifeforce for short power. so you keep that armor on to save all that life force for this moment." Jaldabaoth said to which Momon said nothing, he shot forward but suddenly stopped as a vampire appeared, protecting Jaldabaoth

"Impossible, Honyopenyoko you were destroyed by me and Dracula," Momon said in shock, a shock which made Evileye who was enchanted by the battle in front of her, take a step back in horror.

"... I never met you before. you must have me confused with someone else." Honyopenyoko said in her delicate female voice. she too had a mask and was looking down upon Momon like she was looking at an innocent. 

"Dracula!" Evileye called out, trying her best to use the ring. her call caused everyone to freeze and look towards her. her ring suddenly shattered, turning into light which formed a magic portal. and from that portal, someone stepped out.

"L-lord Dracula." Honyopenoko jumped slightly upon seeing the person stepping out of the portal. Dracula's eyes turned sharp seeing her, and doing a quick around, he saw Evileye. seeing her injuries, he placed his palm over her head, healing her.

"thank you, leave the rest to me and Momon," Dracula said with a gentle smile, which made Evileye blush. She nodded slightly, she understood she would only get in the way, so she got back.

"We could love to speak, but really... we should get going," Jaldabaoth said while summoning his wings, and flying up. Shalltear also did the same,

"Oh, do you any of you can escape me?" Dracula asked his killing intent enough to shake the heavens.

"Are you sure about this? do you think we would flee if we fought?" Honyopenoko asked while looking at Evileye, causing her to freeze

"or are you willing to sacrifice one of your people to kill us?" She asked with a mocking voice, making Dracula's face turn cold.

"Don't forget about this. honestly, there is a good chance you might die." Jaldabaoth said while pulling out a necklace that was connected to a red orb. instantly, Honyopenoko and Evileye felt suppressed, and their power greatly weakened in front of this orb.

"Also, Momon isn't going to attack us. the whole kingdom is our hostage. I'm only here to get an item that has the power to summon my mind. then I shall be out." Jaldabaoth said while putting away the necklace before they disappeared. leaving Dracula standing there with a darkened face

'god, he is such a good actor.' Momon thought while placing his palm on Dracula's shoulder. Dracula took deep breaths, calming himself down before nodding.

'good thing I played that movie star game. go me, pro actor of the year.' Dracula thought while turning to look at Evileye, and seeing her dead friend he sighed softly.

"Sorry for your loss... Do you want me to bring them back as vampires? if I had my items, I could bring them back to life without trouble. but they are back home." I said softly, making Evileye shake her head slightly.

"no, Lakyus can bring them back to life... thank you sir Monon, and thank You Dracula," Evileye said to which I waved it off. meanwhile, Ainz's interest was caught hearing how they would bring them back to life. so he went on to ask some questions, meanwhile, I looked around at the battle scene.

"Nabe. by chance you didn't come here seeking to join me as my vampire princess," I asked seeing Nabe flying down. Evileye's neck almost broke with how fast she turned to look over, and seeing Nabe, she was stunned at her beauty. 

"Lord Dracula, please don't joke," Nabe said with a slight blush, not expecting such words from Dracula,

"Haha, I'm joking. Momon might try taking my head... by the way, how much of your lifespan did you just lose?" I asked with a serious look while looking towards Momon,

"3 years... if that vampire didn't appear I could have killed him. For someone who has absolute control over the vampires, how did that happen? did we not kill her?" Momon asked with annoyance 

"good questions. I rejected marrying her, so out of rage she is doing this. she could have easily come back to life after we killed her. next time let's not destroy the body." I said with a smile,

"why did you marry her?" Evileye asked softly, before slapping herself mentally. why was that important?

"I didn't want to marry someone I didn't love... I want my first kiss, kiss time, first wife, and so on to be with someone I love with all my heart. someone I can make me put my kingdom second, someone I could die for." I said softly, leaving Evileye and Nabe moved. so touching,

"..." Momon blankly looked at Evileye and Nabe. were they falling for this? secretly sighing to himself, he noticed something far away.

"it can't be... the flames of Gehenna," Momon said while we all looked at the wall of flame far away.

"Well, let's go dance," I said while walking off, but Momon stopped me.

"let's unite with everyone else first... and where are your weapons?" Momon asked seriously, to which I sighed softly

"If I brought them, vampires would realize I'm not home. you don't want this world to have vampires walking around, remembering the taste of blood." I said making Momon sigh in annoyance, but he nodded.

So everyone gathered, with Renner taking the lead in making a speech. to say the least, Jaldabaoth and Honyopenoko's strength scared everyone. but Momon and Dracula ease their worries.

"what are you trying to do Dracula?" Momon asked in a soft voice while walking towards the wall of flame.

"don't I don't know. all we need to do is fight as if we are fighting to the death," I said softly, making Momon frown slightly.

"you suppressed your strength to around 50," Momon said softly, to which I smiled while looking at him.

"50 levels apart, I will have to push my mind to the fullest. any mistakes and I risk death. this is how I can grow, and this would put on a good show. allow everyone to see a vampire is fighting for mankind. either way, let's destroy this city with our overwhelming power." I said with a smile, Momon shook his head slightly. before they got on the back of a flying beast, and waited for Nabe and Evileye to join.

after which, she shot off, slaughtering all of the demons we came across and helping the knights move forward, trying to find any survival. but there were barely any, hundreds of people were all taken away, leaving their family members in tears.

"There are over there," I said while pointing towards a building, Evileye and everyone else looked after where I pointed. and after a moment, they saw some movements. going over, we shall a group of maids standing with Jaldabaoth.

"you don't learn Vampire lord," Jaldabaoth said while looking at me, annoyance in his voice. Honyopenoko glaring at us.

"nabe, Evileye. handle the maids for us." Momon said as he shot down while throwing one of his swords into the air. he shot forward toward Jaldabaoth, who sighed before shooting forward to clash with Momon. the two clashes, but Momon suddenly moves to the side, dodging his sword which stabs towards Jaldabaoth, who quickly blocks it, sending him sliding back.

Momon threw his sword up slightly while grabbing the sword that Dracula had just thrown at Jaldabaoth. taking it, he swung it with great power, Honyopenoko moved to attack him, but Dracula appeared, taking hold of the sword that Momon threw into the air and swinging it towards her. She of course dodged, but with this, Dracula shot forward, his nails turning into long sharp claws after he through the sword at Jaldabaoth.

Evileye and Nabe moved quickly, Nabe not wasting time to face 3 of the maids, leaving Evileye to face the remaining 2.

'they can work so well together without a single world.' Evileye thought was secretly looking toward Momon and Dracula's team teamwork. but she quickly realized she couldn't underestimate these maids,

the battle was destroyed, and countless buildings were destroyed before Momon, Dracula, Jaidabaoth, and Honyopenoko battles. it reached a point where the knights and others who were fighting the demons found that the demons were fleeing for some reason,

this allowed them all to be able to watch the battle, demon, and vampire fighting against the 2 humans... wait. why did Dracula suddenly grow wrings? and what type of wings were those?

"finally going all out Lord of Vampires?" Jaidabaoth asked while looking at Dracula, who was removing the blood from the corner of his lips. Jaidabaoth didn't bother to lower his voice, so everyone heard it.

"You low-life Demon. do you think just because you got your hands on the 8 Greed King's blood to fuel your strength, you're my match? Do you think because you use that necklace to weaken me you're my match? I'm the lord of all vampires!" Dracula roared, causing the heavens to shake. storm clouds gathered the wind began to blow, lightning shook the heavens and earth, and everyone was horrified at the power shown

Dracula held out his hands, and from the heavens, chains fell. the chains fell, wrapping around Dracula's arms, and burning his flesh. before everyone's eyes, two blades fell from the heavens and into Dracula's hands.

"Jaidabaoth and Honyopenoko... I give you both to the count of 3 to kneel." with lightning raining from the sky, Dracula who was high up into the spy spoke. is voice ringing clear in everyone's eyes,

"Dracula, you control your powers, you came here to get your Honyopenoko and your heart. after which you return home." Momon said while pointing his sword toward Dracula, Dracula glared at Momon before the lightning calmed down.

'why is the God Of Weather Skill so broken in this world.' Momon cried, the skill Dracula just used was Thor's ability. God of Weather. Dracula just summoned such a powerful storm while being suppressed to level 50, he even used the storm to summon the swords of chaos,

"1." Dracula's voice ran, causing Honyopenoko and Jaidabaoth to quickly move to ready for the battle that was about to come. but with Dracula's words, 

"2," Dracula said, lightning falling from the storm clouds above and onto the blades of chaos. the scene that caused everyone to be horrified, with lightning dancing around the blades of chaos, a power that felt like it could cut existences into self fell.

"you can't be using that technique... how can you use it so quickly?" Jaidabaoth yelled in shock, as Dracula had skipped the charging time for Dimensional Slash. it was ready to be used at any second.

"Dracula, if you kill me you risk going to war with the demons. there are many other demon lords other than myself. do you want your kingdom to fall?" Jaidabaoth said causing Dracula to pause

" give me back my heart, and Honyopenoko is to return with me. I can rebuild my kingdom, you can't rebuild the demon empire." I said making Jaidabaoth grit his teeth before he suddenly attacked Honyopenoko, the backstart was unexpected by everyone. but he threw her to Dracula's side, and Dracula's huge wings moved, wrapping around Honyopenoko 

"the heart," I said coldly, Jaidabaoth threw the necklace, which I destroyed with my wings. but when I looked at Jaidabaoth, expecting more, Jaidabaoth spoke

"We demons don't fear you. there are 7 others stronger than me. is a war what you want?" Jaidabaoth asked coldly

"We vampires are allied with many people, ignoring me. did you forget Ainz Ooal Gown is our ally? although I don't know where he sealed himself away, our two kingdoms are close." I said a shock that waved over those below, mostly Gazof. to think Ainz Ooal Gown's name would be brought up here.

"We shall leave for now... but I warn you Lord of Vampires. there was a reason why you were able to defeat Honyopenoko. someone had managed to mind control her." Jaidabaoth said while disappearing, and the next moment the wall of flames disappeared. slowly, the aura which felt as if it could split all of existence disappeared with it.