
Overlord The Vampire Lord

YGGDRASIL was a fictional online game in the Overlord series. It was a DMMO-RPG developed in Japan. Millions played this game, but amongst them was an odd one. a player who went on to play the game without the need for high-tier gear. a player who was titled the Player Killer, A Player So Overpowered that even the game developer had enough of him, bending him after he did the unthinkable. but this player killer was a part of the best guild, Ainz Ooal Gown, luckily he could pop up before the game shut down for good.

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Carne Village

Talent is an innate ability that roughly 1 in 200 people are born in the New World. These abilities are fixed at birth and cannot be changed or taught to others. A talent's capability can vary greatly in potency and type and while most people born with a talent manifest a unique power, some can be born with the same ability. 

Brain Unglaus was also born with a talent. His was called Increase in Focus Capacity, Which allows activation of advanced martial arts greater than users' level. pretty much, it allows you to go above 100%.

Dracula went on to bring Brain back to life, after which he went on to start to drink his blood. Dracula had to drink all of Brain's blood a total of 10 times just for him to gain his Talent. the amount needed didn't shock Dracula, as this was the same as in the game. 

After getting Brain's talent, he went on to turn Brain into a vampire. He remained Brain and didn't turn into a monster, his memory and mind remained the same. but he was just loyal to me, plus he was stronger than a vampire.

With that, Dracula went on to train with Brain. not swordsman training as he was far more skilled than Brain, but in trying to learn martial arts. 

Martial Arts is made up of techniques that did not exist in YGGDRASIL. Similar powers in YGGDRASIL were called "skills" and they are acquired mainly by players with warrior classes. When using a particular martial art technique, the effects can boost a warrior's physical abilities, sharpen the person's mind, and so on. Whereas magic casters are practitioners of Tier Magic, Martial Arts are considered to be the magic of the warrior classes in which melee combatants excel.

From Dracula's Finding, Dracula found that he could learn them. meanly because of Brain ability, which could be used for something far more than fighting. so he could focus far more on training, he got the idea of Brain.

well, Dracula after finding this out went on to have to create a new schedule for himself. starting from 1:00, Dracula begins training by himself. he had undead attack him, and he simply stood there after clearing his head.

3:00 Dracula ends training and goes on to train with Shalltear. Shalltear training was still for her to gain mastery of her Blood Frenzy. Dracula increased the difficulty of her training, which almost made Shalltear cry as she felt like Dracula might be lashing out at her action...

At 5:00 Dracula gets a 2-hour break. Dracula used this to do just about anything he wanted, he could sit back and relax, read a book, or whatever he wanted.

at 7, Dracula then goes to train with Ninya. after her sister returned, and after hints of the thing that happened to her, she began training even more to protect her sister and repay Dracula's help. Also, I would drink her blood secretly. by stopping time, I drink her body and quickly restore her to 100% using the immortal phoenix blood. so, after doing this for some time, I gained her talent as well... oh, stopping time is a spell that could be learned in YGGDRASIL.

At 9, Dracula sits back and reads the book Rubedo had given him to read. starting next week, he would sit down with her and just talk about books. also, new members were joining the book club, Mera was joining, and Demiurge, along with a few other NPC

at 11, Dracula, and Shalltear near a waterfall while clearing their heads. Shalltear only began doing this to get closer to Dracula, but after realizing the benefits of this head, Dracula did this to help him more easily clear his head.

at 13, Dracula returns to learning the language of this world with Renner. Of course, it was a secret visit, but he needed to learn to write and read. 

at 15, Dracula sits back and eats. sir he didn't need to eat or anything like that, but it was for pure pleasure. Rubedo also joined him, it seemed like they both had a taste for eating even though they didn't need food.

after that, Dracula is free for the remaining 9 hours, it's like his sleep time, but at the same, he wasn't his sleep time. Dracula spent this time doing just about anything he wanted, mostly more training by himself.

this was Dracula's action for the following days, meanwhile, Ainz was out playing Momon. Momon name spread, and the power of Dracula, Jaldabaoth, and Momon shocked the world. Sure, Momon was weaker than Dracula and Jaldabaoth, but they all heard he could boost his power by burning his life force using that armor of his.

the story of Momon spread far and wide, of course, Dracula and Demiurge had spread for such things to be spread. the story of Momon, a king from hundreds of years ago, who had his kingdom destroyed by Jaldabaoth. Momon managed to survive, but his thirst for revenge grew.

He traveled the lands, seeking powerful people to fight and grow, and thats how he bumped into Dracula. the soon-to-be vampire lord. back then, this Soon-to-be Vampire Lord wasn't as strong, and nearly died under the blade of Momon, but Momon ended up not slaying the vampire after seeing it wasn't a monster.

from there, they traveled together, both of them seeking powerful beings to grow stronger, such as the 8 Greed Kings. but they never found them as they ended up killing each other, even so, they remained friends and Dracula even gifted the human armor which could allow him to live forever so long as he kept the armor on.

form there, this great hero disappears, searching for the vampire which would have only appeared many years in the future. where he would call for his old friend after seeing a powerful vampire... well, everyone knew the rest.

what made the story so much more touching was that Momon didn't simply do high-ranking missions. he could even be seen walking the streets, helping an old woman carry her things home. he didn't jump to killing, and try and find the most peaceful to deal with things, he became someone everyone looked towards as their role model.

of course, some spread bad rumors. but for some weird reason, the next day they suddenly had a change of heart. let's say a vampire visited them, and the next moment the said person's mind was completely changed.

So, time passed, and before long Dracula sat in his room, looking at the Jar Of Greed which was slowly growing in size. being twice as big. Dracula smiled while throwing The Ring Of Extra Chances into the Jar, after which he sat back and waited.

but while waiting, a knock came from the door. seeing this, Dracula allowed the person to enter, and from the door, Albedo entered his room.

"My lord, the works that will be coming to the Great Tomb of Nazarick should arrive soon. also, Ainz wanted you to go into Carne Village. he wants to see if you might see a way to help Nfirea with the task of recreating the potion." Albedo said respectfully, to which I stretched my head slightly

I had asked Ainz to allow me to deal with the Work. worker is a job similar to an adventurer. However, they receive and complete requests on their own without going through the Adventurer's Guild. In a way, their job is mainly aligned with illegal business practices.

Pretty much, they are to come to Nazarick, fake Nazarick. they would be used to test Albedo who had made some changes to Nazarick's defenses. Money was no longer a problem since I could simply have the Jar Of Greed create new gold coins, but that didn't mean we could ignore such things.

She needed to improve the defenses, mostly using the self-spawning creatures. I also wanted to pick the adventures with the best teamwork as training, I wanted to see how the past month of training went for me.

"do you have the information on the adventures taking place?" I asked to which Albedo nodded while handing me a book. I went through the book while nodding slightly, I had to pick a team from among these people to fight me.

"do any of them need to die or something like that?" I asked calmly while walking out of my room, Albedo followed behind, and when we reached the bathroom, she flew into the air, making sure not to dirty the ground, before continuing on our way.

"Ainz's pet hamster has been learning martial arts, and he wishes to have someone among them to be used to test its progress. other than that, we only need to test how effective our defense is to people of this new world." Albedo said to which I nodded slightly,

"would it be better if I just storm Nazarick and all of you have to stop me?" I asked, making Albedo nearly trip over

"My lord, please don't joke. It enrages me enough that we are having both you and Lord Ainz work. how could we have you take on such a task?" Albedo said to which I just laughed slightly,

"let's see..." Dracula went on to tell Albedo his wishes, he even made it slightly challenging for her which made Albedo's eyes narrow as she fell into deep thought of what she to do. Dracula after doing all of this with Carne Village, He never been there before so this was going to be a first.

"Lord Dracula, you finally came." a brown-skinned beauty with an athletic look and red hair tied in two long braids, cheered while running towards Dracula. Dracula looked towards her for a moment before smiling slightly. 

"Lupusregina Beta, I hear you got in trouble by Ainz," I said with a mocking smile, making her mode drop. a few days back, she had not reported a few matters back to AInz, which enraged Ainz. this village was important... no, Nfirea was important,

"pleasure don't mock me," Lupusregina said with a downcast look. She was one of the Pleiades, like the others she had a maid outfit on at the moment. 

"Ok, I will try. how about you show me around? before I go see Nfirea, and see if there is a way for me to help him." I said calmly, to which Lupusrigine poofed out her chest and nodded. unlike the other NPC, she seemed to have a good relationship with the humans outside of Nazarick. making her perfect for the task of looking over his village.

So, Lupusrgine went on to show Dracula around, and Dracula simply followed while greeting the villagers who were charmed by his appearance. I didn't mind much being in this trash village, I care much. 

"Enrl!" Lupusrgine yelled towards a blonde-haired woman, who was currently giving food to a bunch of goblins. the goblins all jumped slightly hearing Lupusrgine, they all looked over and were horrified seeing Dracula who was just looking over them. but they felt unimaginable fear once those eyes passed over them, they couldn't even more. they wanted nothing more than to run, but their legs couldn't move, they were frozen.

'oops.' Dracula thought while turning off a few of his abilities. being around powerful people in Nazarick and suddenly being pushed into such a weak village was troublesome. As for those villagers, Dracula was not looking at them. they had no value, so why should he?

"Who is this?" Enri asked seeing how the once cheerful Lupusrgine wasn't herself, she was walking behind this unknown person, 

"I'm Dracula Ainz Friend. Ainz asked me to come to this village to help Nfirea with his research the best way I could." I said with a charming smile. Enri's eyes widened for a moment before nodding. she looked towards Nfirea who was half asleep a moment ago, but the next moment was up and standing hearing Dracula's words.

"No need to be in a rush. finish eating your food while I look around... what is with the Trolls? do they not eat humans?" I asked while looking at some trolls, which were helping fix some walls with villagers.

"No, they joined our village. we were just attacked, so we are working to fix the damages." Enri said softly, I looked at Enri for a moment. She was the leader of this village,

"I see..." I said softly, AInz have given this woman a horn that allowed her to summon goblin. Ainz planned to rule the world, and this village was having humans and those of other races live together... and to think just a few days back I thought Ainz was faking it, that man is a genius.

'This village is an experiment to see if humans and other races could live as one. he has the lizard man under his rule, would he be trying to have them move here or what? no, first he might want to see if the living could accept undead.' Dracula thought while nodding to himself,

Leaving the Nfirea and the others to eat, Dracula went on to look at the humans and those trolls working together. 

"Who are the people Ainz wishes you to protect?" I asked calmly, Lupusrgine was stunned for a moment but quickly spoke.

"Nfirea, his grandmother, and Enri's little sister," Lupusrgine said quickly, to which I shook my head in disappointment at her words. Something which confused Lupusrgine 

"do you think Ainz's plan is so simple? this village is an experiment to see if other races could live together. from the moment he gave Enri that horn that could summon goblins, this plan was put in motion. now look at this village." I said leaving Lupusrgine stunned as she looked around, new found respect made its way into her eyes for Ainz. truly that man was a genius.

"I-I see... so do I protect this village as well?" Lupusrgine asked softly, I thought for a moment at her words before speaking

"both yes and no. it's just an experiment. but you should report everything to Ainz, we don't want to get in the way of his master plan. I guess he didn't tell you to have you see this for yourself, or he didn't see the village as worth protecting. then again, why would he have you protect Enri's little sister? was that not a hint towards something? maybe it's to protect the children... who knows." I said softly, while Lupusrgine nodded with a serious look,

"My lord, please do not go out without my notes," Sebas said appearing through a gate, a displeased look on his face. Sebas was now my butler, and with that, he would be with me unless he was seeing to other matters. 

"My apologies Sebas, I forgot to let you know," I said awkwardly, Sebas truly reminded me of so much of Touch Me. Sebas greeted Lupusrigine before going on to stand behind me, Lupusrigine was under Sebas, but there was someone above even Sebas. the only human NPC in Nazarick.