
Overlord The Vampire Lord

YGGDRASIL was a fictional online game in the Overlord series. It was a DMMO-RPG developed in Japan. Millions played this game, but amongst them was an odd one. a player who went on to play the game without the need for high-tier gear. a player who was titled the Player Killer, A Player So Overpowered that even the game developer had enough of him, bending him after he did the unthinkable. but this player killer was a part of the best guild, Ainz Ooal Gown, luckily he could pop up before the game shut down for good.

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Job Classes

It was day 10 since the day Dracula and the Great Tomb Of Nazarick. meaning, it was just 4 days since he met with the golden Princess. all this time, Dracula spent most of his time learning to read, he had found that the language of this world is instantly translated into his years.

he either learned with the Marquis Raeven's son, the little 5-year-old, or played with the little kid, who wanted to be a swordsman like himself. Also became known as Renner's guard, along with Climb we acted as her guard. Climb was the blue-eyed young man Dracula saw a few days back,

But the time of no news ended, as on the 10th day after appearing in this world, Renner summoned me. So, I went there to see what news she had for me.

"what do you have for me?" I asked calmly while entering her room without bothering to knock. Renner was already waiting for me and wasn't bothered by my actions. with a smile, she waved towards me to take a seat, which I did. She didn't say anything and placed a paper before me.

"So, you know I can't read?" I asked calmly, to which Renner gave me a pure and innocent look. as if she had no idea of such things... but after a moment, it turned into a smile that had no hint of her innocence.

"It was a guess... but it seems like you're not of this world." She said with a smile, making me sigh softly

"layer throughout that paper an ancestor language. I have read your lips, it's clear you not speaking our language. so you must be speaking an unknown language of the past... but it seems like I'm wrong. adding your strength, no knowledge of our world. either you form a past not recorded by humans, or you are from another world." She said calmly, making me look deeply at this 16-year-old.

"but enough about that... a few things have entered my ear today. such as Momon, an unknown person who just popped up and became an adventurer." Renner said while looking at the changes on my face...

'Momon? Momonga? wow, he is so creative. but it now seems that he is spreading his name. Is he trying to find other guild members? how many guild members are there?' while I was lost in my thoughts, Renner just smiled slightly before she spoke

"Two unknown people have suddenly appeared. a noble called Solution from the Baharuth Empire. From Marquis Raeven's finding, such a person doesn't exist in the Baharuth Empire. She is followed by a butler called Sebas. From the information the Marquis collected, it seems as if they are collecting information while staying lowkey." Renner said calmly, making me frown

Sebas was an NPC created by Touch Me. Sebas was a level 100 NPC and was the strongest hand-to-hand NPC of the guild. Sebas is the head butler of the Great Tomb of Nazarick with several manservants and other butlers under his command. He is also the leader of the Pleiades Six Stars.

Although he is not one of the Floor Guardians, his power closely rivals theirs. He originally served as Nazarick's last line of defense alongside the Pleiades on the 9th Floor, to give time for the guild, Ainz Ooal Gown, to prepare for their final stand in the Throne Room. but they were never needed for such a task, 

Solution was one of the Pleiades, the Pleiades are the combat maid squad of the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

'the NPC came alive and should be following Momoga orders...' I thought while in deep thought. Momoga was the guild leader. at first, it was Touch Me, but he gave the position to Momoga, since Momoga was friends with all of the guild members, and was also a good leader. No one objected to this, even though I support this.

"Thank you..." I said calmly, to which Renner just shook her head. 

"It's a bit hard to get information while keeping a far. so we just have people standing around reporting the big topic of the day. but there is a limit to this... tell me, what is your connection with the 8 Greed kings and six great gods? From what I hear, they are called Players." Renner asked calmly, intreast in her eyes.

"Thats new to me... but pretty much we are the same. we all came from the same world, it seems we were teleported to this world during different periods." I said calmly while looking towards the window, with a lost look.

"The Six Great Gods were legendary figures who appeared six hundred years ago. They are worshiped by the people of Slane Theocracy as deities. Six hundred years ago, the Six Great Gods appeared in this world. These players protected the humans from monsters at the time when they were on the brink of extinction. To this day, a lot of the inhabitants of the New World worship them as gods in awe of their great power. In addition, the Six Great Gods were likely the first ones to use Tier Magic" Renner said calmly, making me look at her slightly.

"a hundred years after them, the 8 Greed Kings Appeared..." Renner continued to speak, she knew I wanted this information and she didn't mind speaking.

Tales of the Eight Greed Kings have been exaggerated by folk-tellers, calling them beings who stole the power of God and ruled the world using their absolute strength. They were described as taller than the sky with the likenesses of dragons. The Eight Greed Kings were said to be capable of destroying numerous countries, dominant races, and many species in an instant. As a result, they wiped out most of the powerful races like the Dragon Lords, paving the way for humans to thrive and grow in strength. They were also some of the few besides the Six Great Gods to spread Tier Magic throughout the New World.

Despite being successful in their quest for world domination, the Greed Kings' greed ended up pitting them against one another and created a division in their group. This eventually resulted in their demise as they perished, one by one. One could say the Eight Greed Kings lived up to the title given by the New World's inhabitants. They were the type who often fought over their possessions and ultimately perished. In the end, the Eight Greed Kings' rule after conquering the world was rather short-lived.

"I was the strongest back in our world... So powerful that some used a World Item to seal me away." I said calmly, catching Renner's interest.

"World items are powerful items capable of recreating the very rule of reality. they used it, sealing me away. this opens the chance for them to attack my guild. but each member in our guild far suppresses weaklings such as the 8 Greed Kings, or 6 Great Gods. we were number one, the best. unmatched, and it was even more so with me." I said with a lost look

"but due to the passage of time, you fear your old friends could have changed? or if the same guild you once knew is the same. you have even more reason to be on guard in this new world, where things seem to be different from your old world." She said with a smile, causing me to look at her slightly.

"let me guess, your powers are different. stronger or weaker? if this is so, then it's more reason to be on guard." She said softly, making me sigh while getting up

"thats your real smile, it's far better than that fake one you once had. it looks nice on you." I said calmly, while walking off, leaving Renner stunned for a moment. with a gentle blush, she touched her face, feeling the smile she had on.

"... wait, can I hear more about your world world?" Renner asked before I could leave, I froze for a moment before I nodded. so, we spoke, and I got lost in the past. sure I had to hide a lot of information about the game world, and only give her small dots of information.

"wait... can I know more about yourself?" She asked, stunning me for a moment, but I nodded slightly.

"Well. I was cripple at birth. I was nothing more than a burden to my family. I was sure if not for the money from the government they got from caring for me. I would have been thrown away, it was a lot of work looking after a cripple." I said calmly, making Renner lost in my eyes which were filled with loneliness

"Well, one day I become a vampire. I don't remember how, And I don't care much. Anyway, I quickly went on to become a powerhouse. back in my world, death was nothing. you die, you can just pop back to life in many ways. well, others died, but I was a unique person who never died once. I was well known for slaughtering many other players. which led to all of them growing to hate me. One day, they all united. a group of 100 players, all amused. It would have been my first death. I was always alone. I could never fit in with others, I preferred to be alone" I said with a soft smile,

"So, at risk of death, no way to escape... He appeared, saving me. well, by saving me, he opened a way for me to escape. he was a dumb ass, a fool who nearly got himself killed. but we both managed to escape, and we went on to become my first friends. from there, we made new friends. slowly building a guild that overpowered all other guilds. It was thanks to him I managed to evolve into a Vampire Lord. if I were to have died even once, such an opportunity for me to become a Vampire Lord would have been gone." I said with a smile, I went on to speak, just going on to explain how the guild helped me collect my strongest guild, helped me from going from the already strongest character who ignored gear, to an even stronger Character with the best guilds that suited me.

"but I was sealed away. sensing the changes about to happen to our world, I used my items full power to free myself. so I appeared here at the same time as my guild members, but it has been long. too long for me to believe the friends I had were still the same... people change. greed is a normal thing for people to feel." I said softly while rubbing the table

"the 8 greed kings, thats a small guild. there were 41 of us. maybe even more after I was sealed. adding that I'm weakened, and the power the guild holds, even though I don't dare to be so reckless as in the past well I walked around as I wished." I said with a smile, my gear had their ability no longer in effect. my swords were sharp but no longer so sharp to cut through anything,

my clothing still boosted my stats, but not as much as before. plus, they would not bring me back to life if I were to die. my shoes? I was still faster with them, but it no longer made it impossible for others to target me while moving.

of course, I had other gear. In the game, I became a World Champion. World Champion is a special title and job class bestowed upon a selected few players in YGGDRASIL. There are only nine World Champions in total, one for each world (Asgard, Álfheim, Vanaheim, Niðavellir, Midgard, Jötunheim, Niflheim, Helheim, and Múspellsheim).

World Champion is a type of job class that one needs to clear various special conditions to use. For instance, this meant that any individual player out there who has managed to clear a tournament held in each respective world could then become a World Champion.

Once a player is awarded the World Champion class, one can even go as far as reaching the highest level of that strongest warrior class to learn the supreme, ultimate skill called [World Break]. In other words, only the victor of the developer-sanctioned tournament could possess the class of World Champion. Moreover, the company will thereafter gift a special piece of equipment to the nine champions befitting their new class as their prize for winning it.

I of course did that, as the best player. At one point, I was given the title world enemy. Becoming One of the 7 Deadly Sins of the game, the Sin of Wrath. it was that I became a Vampire Lord. many tried to kill me, after all, since there was the world enemy, they were sure they could get a world item if they killed me.

World Champion is a special job class that has the feature of being slightly stronger when one is situated in the world they represent. It is the kind of class that also possesses an extremely high fighting ability. Those with the class could defend themselves absolutely with Dimensional Gap while dealing massive damage with Dimensional Slash.

I was a world champion for 3 out of the 9 worlds. I was going to try and become one for all 9 worlds, but I was kicked out of the game. I was the Champion for Asgard, Niflheim, and Midgard.

With Dimensional Slash, an attack considered the strongest in the game, capable of cutting through just about anything, fused with my swords... well, let's say that even Touch Me was complaining to the developers of the game to at least try and not make me so broken

Oh, you wish to know my job class? According to the YGGDRASIL standard, the DMMO-RPG had over 2,000 basic and advanced job classes available in the game to unlock and choose from through various conditions such as killing Ice Dragon monsters. Compared to heteromorphs and demi-humans, humanoids gain all of their strengths from job classes and skills. In YGGDRASIL, strong classes were typically balanced out with weaknesses and penalties.

On the other hand, there were three different types of job classes. They're usually ranked between base, high, and rare. Base job classes can be leveled up to 15, high classes can be leveled up to 10, and rare classes, like World Champion or Eclipse, can only be leveled up to 5 at max. In fact, some powerful classes could be unlocked by PKing a certain number of heteromorphic beings for entry without consequence, since they don't suffer from any penalty while doing so.

Nonetheless, every base job class had a maximum of 15 levels to invest in. To reach the overall level cap of 100, one would need to take at least 7 different classes. However, players could take as many classes as they wanted as long as they met each class's prerequisites. A player could even take 100 classes at level 1 each, although that was considered very inefficient. As such, in this system, it was virtually impossible to make identical characters unless one was deliberately trying to do so.

For every class obtained, different spell lists were given to players. Having levels in specific classes and their respective skills can also benefit the players in ways that enhance their specialization of spells or summoning. When players level up along with their chosen class, they can choose three new spells from the class' spell list. Hence, level 100 Players could use 300 different spells at most.

Dark Sword Master: a job class that allows one to use the sword as well as learn many sword-based techniques.

World DuelSword Master: A unique Job class that can only be gained once someone meets the condition. it allowed one to use two swords, and even use two sword techniques at once, although they would be weaker. There are also unique Duel sword techniques one could learn

Rogue: This class was capable of detecting and disarming traps. However, rogues were limited to one or two items at the most when stealing them. Their detection abilities allowed them greater hearing allowing them to pinpoint a target with ease.

Executioner: A job class that greatly increased the damage from a critical hit and sometimes even killed the opponent in a single hit.

Inquisitor: A job class that is used against magic casters to prevent them from using high-tier magic. Through the mastery of the class, a holder can have access to various skills.

Extreme Racer: A job class that focuses on speed. 

Vampire Lord: a never-before-seen job class. this class gives a boost to all vampire-related abilities/spells/skills/items. it allows one to ignore vampires' immunity to mind control, along with many other abilities.

World Champion: a job class that gives one the strongest attack and defense in the game, along with many other benefits

The sin of Warth: A Job Class that greatly increases one overall capability, and gives one many other benefits.

Charisma: Leaders are known to exude a charismatic attitude that compels people to develop a sense of devotion in them. Through Charisma, they have managed to garner others to develop loyalty and follow their lead. They are respected by the people who are associated with them.

but how could we forget the Racial Class? but thats for another day,

"Thanks for hearing me mumble..." I said softly, I guess I needed an ear to speak to. Renner just smiled at my word

"No... I would like to hear more. Your life is filled with adventure." She said with a smile, to which I just smiled. her smile... it felt off, but I couldn't put a finger on it. it felt like she was envious of me.