
Overlord The Vampire Lord

YGGDRASIL was a fictional online game in the Overlord series. It was a DMMO-RPG developed in Japan. Millions played this game, but amongst them was an odd one. a player who went on to play the game without the need for high-tier gear. a player who was titled the Player Killer, A Player So Overpowered that even the game developer had enough of him, bending him after he did the unthinkable. but this player killer was a part of the best guild, Ainz Ooal Gown, luckily he could pop up before the game shut down for good.

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

the Golden Princress

"where is Rii-tan?" Marquis Raeven asked while looking at his wife with a cold look, he didn't hate his wife or anything. it's just that the only thing that could put a smile on his face was his son, Marquis Raeven was a cold and scheming man... well, that was until the birth of his son,

"... he is in your office, Sir Dracula asked me to not bother them." Marchioness Raeven said with an emotionless look, stunning Marquis Raeven.

Originally engagement to increase his influence within kingdom politics. Marquis Raeven's Relationship with his wife was initially very cold, detached, and almost completely businesslike, with both of them having agreed to their marriage solely to benefit each other politically and mutually build their power base in the Kingdom. However, their marriage took a turn for the better after the birth of their first son, an event that changed both her and her husband. 

Raeven's personality completely changed with their child's birth to the point that she could not believe that he was the same man she had married, eventually deciding that she liked the new Raeven better. Since then their relationship has transformed into a genuine loving one between husband and wife. the Marchioness has become more involved in her duties as wife of the Marquis and seems to be primarily responsible for keeping him away from distractions at home, such as preventing him from becoming too distracted by overly spoiling and babying their only son

Panic filled the Marquis Raeven's eyes, the mind control placed on his mind shattering away at the worry. Without even a second thought, he ran. he rushed towards the room Dracula was in. Was he capable of saving his son? The thought never crossed his mind. He didn't even bother to think such things.

He rushed up the stairs, he never noticed how big this mansion was until now. the 2nd floor never felt so far away. but be reached it, with strength and stamina he never knew he had within him. he ran, and ran, reaching the door which he burst through, 

"Rii-tan!" He yelled, only to freeze upon the sight he saw. he was in disbelief, and for a moment, his mind couldn't wrap itself around the scene before him. there, his son sat on the vampire's lap, with a book in hand. was his son reading to this vampire?

"Is something wrong Sir Marquis Raeven? your son was just helping me read." Dracula said calmly, leaving Marqus Raeven stunned for some time.

"Don't worry, I have no interest in harming you in any shape or form. the love you hold for your family is something I admire greatly. it's beautiful." I said with a smile while picking the little boy off my lap and putting him on the ground. with a smile, the little boy ran into his father rans who quickly hugged him and checked to see if he was alright.

"g-go outside, give me time to speak with our gust." Marquis Raeven said with a gentle and loving smile. with a nod, the little boy ran off, closed the door, and looked seriously at Dracule.

"Just who are you? what do you want?" Marquis Raeven asked, trying his best to hide the fear in his heart. I looked at him for a moment before shaking my head.

"Marquis, Gazef's words about Ainz Ooal Gown's strength were not an understatement. his power could easily take over this whole kingdom. we were friends, a total of 40 of us. our power was... great, our name was known far and wide. but one day, someone used a special item to seal me away. I was released just a few days ago, and I'm just trying to see if the friends I knew are still friends, or if the passage of time has changed them." I said while getting up to look outside.

"Everything is different, the language, kingdoms, and lands. the those you call gods, there is a high likelihood they are people like myself. do you understand what I mean?" I asked calmly, to which Marquis Raeven just stood there with a disbelieving look

"Y-you're saying you're a god?" He asked with widened eyes, I looked at him for a moment before shaking my head, before just nodding. 

"Well, I'm the closest thing. I can do things like bring life back, transform people into strong vampires, and the list goes on. so yes, I have god-like powers. but I'm no god, I'm a vampire Lord. lord of all Vampires." I said with a smile, to which Marquis Raeven shook his head, unable to believe such things.

"don't annoy me," I said softly, a dark fog-like aura slowly coming off my body. Marquis Raeven froze. he was swallowed by a sense of horror, enough to nearly drive him mad. his legs shook, his pants quickly turning darker, with the door below him suddenly having a unique liquid cover him.

This skill I just used was called Despair Aura. a racial skill, which meant that not just anyone could hope to get their hands on it. it had 5 total levels.

Despair Aura I: Has a chance (if not resisted by ability, equipment, level difference, etc.) of causing Fear. Fear refers to an abnormal status of being afraid, which inflicts a penalty on all actions. Besides inflicting fear, it can reduce the stats of its victims. 

Despair Aura II: Has a chance of causing Panic. Panic is a more severe version of Fear, caused by stacking additional Fear effects on each other. Anyone afflicted by that status will want to flee the ability user at all costs ― in other words, they will be unable to take any combat-related actions against that person.

Despair Aura III: Has a chance of causing Confusion. This can only happen if the target does not have any recovery measures prepared.

Despair Aura IV: Has a chance of causing Insanity. Insanity is an extremely annoying bad status, being a permanent version of Confusion. It cannot be removed without magic from a third party.

Despair Aura V: Has a chance of causing Instant Death.

I used Despair Aura LV, for a split second. it came and went, but to Marquis Raeven, it was enough to nearly drive him mad. he looked at him in the aura, although I was not using Despair Aura lV, I was using Despair Aura l. he was scared shitless.

"I don't want to work with you through fear. so, unless you want to annoy me, we will continue to work together like before." I said calmly, my black eyes glowing with an enchanting red color which placed Marquis Raeven under my mind's control, he nodded to my words, before he fell to his knees.

"Go clean yourself up, and return," I said calmly, to which Marquis Raeven left while holding my nose. my strong sense of nose... well, the smell of someone's pee was strong, something which I didn't like one bit. with a frown, I opened the window and called a maid to come to clean the mess up.

"My lord, I wish to bring draw your attention to someone very interesting." After getting cleared up, Marquis Raeven quickly got to business and began to tell me about a woman who was known as the Golden Princess 

the first time he saw her, he was sure he had seen a monster. the same aura I gave her, it reminded him greatly of her. something that did catch my interest, and so I decided to look into her. by this, I had Marquis Raeven arrange for us to meet. which wasn't that hard.

the next day, I had on royal clothing. I entered the royal castle, drawing all eyes towards me. after all, I made my avatar look as noble as it could be. I of course had sharp ears, but using Ring Of Mirrors. I was able to change my appears to change my appears, I used it to change my ears to that of a human ear and hold them under my hair.

"Sir Dracula, this is Zanac Valleon Igana Ryle Vaiself, the second prince." Marquis Raeven said, to which I nodded slightly towards the second prince. the second prince was a fat short blonde haired man, he had this smile that just showed how cocky he was.

"..." Prince Zanac frowned seeing my lack of respect, but just as he was about to voice out his displeasure, I looked at him, a look that sent chills down his soul. he stood there frozen for a long time, shaking as if he was standing in a blizzard. even after I looked away, it took some time for him to regain his thoughts.

Normally, even Marquis Raeven should have been like this under my gaze. but after the panic he went through for the sake of his son, he was able to resist the power behind my gaze.

"I wish to meet with the golden princess," I said calmly, I had no interest in this pig. maybe it was because I was an undead. not I felt nothing towards humans, and them acting so cocky before my eyes... it annoyed me way more than I think it should have. Prince Zanaze didn't dare to say anything else. with a turn, he led the way and both me and Marquis Raeven followed.

'just who is this man?' Prince Zanac thought while gritting his teeth, why was he following this man's orders? of course, it was out of fear, but he was the prince. what did someone like himself have to fear?

but we soon appeared before the prince's room, which was guarded by a blonde-haired kid, who had beautiful blue eyes. My eyes were drawn to his eyes, not because they were beautiful... but because I could tell this kid had something or someone to fight for. something he would fight for even at the cost of his own life.

we locked eyes, and instantly this kid felt chills. no normal person could look at me and not feel a form of pressure. it was the passive skill I gained, a unique skill I gained. The Hunter.

all those with levels 30 and more below mind would be feeling this debuff. I gained it because back in the game, to get the Shoes Of Apollo, I had to hunt down Apollo. it was a whole thing, where I had to use more than simple speed to catch him. I needed Ainz Ooal Gown to help me out. I met a few required conditions to get this unique skill, which was strengthened even more when I became a Vampire Lord.

now, all those with 15 levels below mind would gain a debuff, the lower the level, the greater the debuff. I was the hunter, and you were the prey. you would have this sense of fear and want nothing more than to run away, it would only grow the more you stay around me, and soon it could cause the insanity effect.

"M-my I know who sure is?" Fighting back the fear he felt from looking at me, the blonde-haired kid, the golden princess's guard stepped forward.

"The name is Dracula. I have come for a special talk with the princess. I mean no harm," I said with an amused smile. for someone so far weaker than myself to stand up to my passive skill... that was impressive. with a thought, I turned the skill off, allowing the kid to feel the pressure pressing down upon him disappearing as if it was never there.

"Enter." I beautiful, pure voice came from the door, and with that, we all entered with her guard following behind me. there my eyes met with the golden princess, and instantly I felt it... this little girl was dangerous. She wasn't strong, but her mind was far more powerful than anyone I had seen. a genius.

'an act.' I thought while seeing her smile, I was good at seeing fake and real smiles. I was surrounded by them back in real life. this girl was wearing a mask,

"Please have a seat." the golden princess, Renner Theiere Chardelon Ryle Vaiself said with a gentle smile.

Renner is a young girl with long golden hair, silky smooth and supple as it drapes over the back of her neck. She has vibrant, dark blue eyes that shine like sapphires, filled with warmth. She wears a fashionable white dress, which further strengthens her image of purity. Around her neck hangs a golden necklace, appearing to symbolize a noble soul.

we all seat down before she had the maid come to give us all tea, all but Prince Zanac who hated tea. but no one touched their tea, as all were waiting for me to say the first words.

"Mind if we speak alone? I wish to speak to one without a mask." I said calmly, Princress Renner gave me a confused adorable, innocent look, but she nodded after a moment. something which her bodyguard greatly rejected, but he had no choice after the princess insisted on him leaving. 

"So, what do you wish to speak to me about? What does a vampire as mighty as yourself want with a little girl like myself." The princess asked with a gentle smile, to which I just looked at the tea for a moment. no reflection,

"simple, I want to use your intelligence. Help me, and I help you. You lack humanity, I'm guessing you are too sharp. your words too much for others to comprehend, it made it hard for you to understand. you're special, and they are not. that simple fact is something you never wanted to understand. After all, who wants to be an outcast?" I said calmly, making the princess smile and freeze slightly

"But surely, how can you act normal? I'm guessing that guard plays a role. his eyes are so pure, and filled with humanity... you keep him close and keep up your little act to protect those eyes of his. there is no worse feeling than being alone, it's normal you would hug the only thing that accepts you." I said softly, I felt like I was speaking about myself. was I not the same way with Ainz Ooal Gown? I guess breaking her character down was so easy because I saw myself in her,

"you're the same?" Princess Renner asked softly, to which I smiled bitterly, but nodded.

"I never bothered to try and fit in... I never could find a place to fit in. but when I did, I guess like you I hugged on tightly. but unlike you, I'm myself. I was accepted for who I was, while you have to act it. thats where we are no longer similar. my friends might have become my enemies, while yours might cut you down if he hears who you truly are." I said calmly, making Princess Renner's body shake, with an unease look

"You're smarter than me, surely you thought of this. or maybe you reject it. either way, I don't care for all of that. Help me, and I can help you. I could even try and see if I could strengthen your little friend. do we have a deal?" I asked with a smile, making Renner nod slightly,

"you want information on Ainz Ooal Gown. a simple matter, I will tell you if ii ever get any useful information," Renner said with a blank look, to which I nodded slightly. I snapped my finger, and before Renner's eyes, a monster grew from my shadow and went on to enter Renner's shadow.

"it would protect you, it's strong enough to easily skill Gazef, so you need not worry about anything. although I guess I should put one in that body shadow." I said calmly, to which Renner shook her hand slightly.

"no... it's alright. I also don't need the protection." She said calmly, I looked at her weirdly, but I took the hint and took back my shadow summon, and instead gave her a horn.

"It's the Dragon Horn, it could summon 2 dragons. they should be enough to protect you if you are in danger. and this ring holds the spell Message, it could be used to contact me. By the way, my name is Dracula" I said calmly, she took the horn and took the ring. she said nothing, and I headed off, and she saw me off with her eyes.

"... I'm special, but I refused to see it. I'm an outcast. so are you." She said softly, before getting up and heading to her bed. She wanted to sleep on this, she had never seen anyone who gave her the same feeling as her. She tried so hard to fit it, that she took in a pet. Dracula is trying so hard to fit in, that he is seeking her help. they were far more similar than Dracula realized, Dracula just gave her the small push she needed to realize that she was different.