
Overlord The Vampire Lord

YGGDRASIL was a fictional online game in the Overlord series. It was a DMMO-RPG developed in Japan. Millions played this game, but amongst them was an odd one. a player who went on to play the game without the need for high-tier gear. a player who was titled the Player Killer, A Player So Overpowered that even the game developer had enough of him, bending him after he did the unthinkable. but this player killer was a part of the best guild, Ainz Ooal Gown, luckily he could pop up before the game shut down for good.

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

The Workers

"And this is the latest potion we have created," Nfirea said softly while giving me a purple potion. I looked at the potion for a moment before nodding slightly. Ainz had told me about it, but I didn't care much about it. the potion of this world was only blue. this was the first ever different color potion. but it was made using Nazarick's resources but we wanted to create such things using this world's resources

"I see... I don't know much about potion creation, so there isn't much I could do to help. but I can help you by giving you items that could speed up this process." I said while pulling out a gear from my storage which I gave Nfirea, the clothing was a school uniform

"This is called the student's uniform. when equipped, it can increase progress by about 10 times. but it has some side effects, such as making you unable to use any other item but this one." I said calmly, stunning Nfirea

"I can't use such a valuable item," Nfirea said in shock, to which I just shook my head.

"Only humans can use this. I'm not a human, something else. so, please take it. seeing a village where different races live as one is moving." I said softly while Nfirea's eyes widened for a moment, but he nodded at my words.

"Are there any areas you might need my heart? garden? water? or something of the kind?" I asked with a smile, to which Nfirea hesitated for a moment, but I placed my palm on his shoulder, causing him to freeze slightly.

"I'm here to help. If you create this potion, it would help me repay an old debt I have to Ainz. plus, that red potion capable is great... it would save a lot of people," I said softly, to which Nfirea nodded and began to show me places he needed my help.

He thought of starting a garden, but he didn't know how to start. for this, the water found at the World Tree. a special capable of helping just about anything grow far faster, and be of far higher quality. Do you need 10 years to grow? let's say just a simple night.

it can also strengthen the soil, I only had one gallon of such water, so I gave him 1 cup. that should be enough for the land where he was planning to grow the garden. and enough time for him to put this in the jar of greed, and give more to Ainz and Nfirea

"I would be capable of giving you a cup once a month. you need not worry about anything else. I have far more than enough." I said while looking at Nfirea who was stunned to see the plants he had just planted growing before his eyes.

"no, this should be more than enough," Nfirea said to which I shook my head, so he had to show me more ways I could help me. after which, I got ready to leave.

"wait, if I may ask. what was the debt?" Nfirea asked to which Dracula froze for a moment, and looking at the sky he spoke.

"Ainz is a man who doesn't judge others for being a different race. when you went to Ainz, all you saw were those who looked like humans. but in truth, Nazarick is home to angels and demons alike. all live as one." I said stunned Nfirea.

"I'm a vampire... although I was once a human, I was hunted down by humans and nearly killed. Ainz was ready to go against a kingdom to protect me. and for that, my life is his life." I said softly, leaving Nfirea whose eyes were covered by his eyes stunned. so stunned that his eyes were slightly visible 

'thats the way he said seeing this village was moving... the thought of other races living together... now that I think of it, it's only possible because of Enri.' Nfirea said while looking at Dracula for a moment before speaking

"thank you for your help. and please, tell Ainz I'm deeply grateful." Nfirea said with a bow, to which I nodded while setting off.

"Have Lupusregina call for me... it's rare to see her like humans so much," I said softly, stunning Nfirea who quickly asked what race she was.

"Werewolf. She was raised with humans, but one day she turned into one and nearly killed them. She was hunted and ran into hiding in the forest traumatized by everything that had happened.... after all, she had a family and siblings. in one night they were gone. Ainz hearing of this went to go find her, it took some time. but she soon agreed to follow him, where she learned to control her power. she soon promised to serve Ainz as a maid. although she could never humans again." I said leaving Nfirea stunned by such a sad story, he couldn't imagine that cheerful girl to have had such a past.

"thats an act she uses to hide her pain. She turns herself in visible as in her way, if you see her first you would hunt her down. but I'm happy for her, she is getting near humans and trying to heal." I said while Nfirea removed some tears, just thinking of all of Lupusregina, and how strong she was to come here... it moved him greatly.

'She must see how humans and the goblins were living together... this moved her, so keep coming by.' Ngirea thought in slight tears, he walked Dracula off, thanking him greatly for everything.

"This guy can pull a story out of his ass." In Nazarick, Ainz watched all of this happen in his mirror. Dracula was a man who can pull shit out of his ass on the moment, and quickly move it around to create a picture. now Dracula and Ainz's backstory just got deeper.

"don't say that, since pop. I learned to shit other stuff out." Dracula said with a laugh, to which AInz covered his face. luckily, they were alone.

"When are you planning on going to the Dragon Kingdom?" Ainz asked calmly, Dracula had said he wanted to go to the Dragon Kingdom with Sebas, but he had yet to set off.

"After we make our kingdom... but the name for such a kingdom is trouble. I want to call it the Kingdom of Ainz Ooal Gown, but you took that name for yourself." I said while glaring at Ainz slightly, making Ainz avoid eye contact.

"let's go with our first idea for the guild name, Number 1 Deal With It," I said making Ainz's faceless face twist remembering this dumb idea for a name. this was no one's first idea... well, it was Dracula, but everyone turned it down due to how boring the name was.

"fine... we should speak about this with the others... although my idea is better," I said with a shrug, to which AInz just blankly looked at me. shrugging once more, I returned to my room to look time how long it would take for a divine-grade item to be copied. As for Sebas, I had sent him back here to deal with his job, Sebas was taking the task of looking after the children we kidnapped and looking after their growth.

"... 3 day and 12 hours. it's twice as fast for sure." I said softly while looking at the two rings, they were both the same. both with the same capability. I thought for a moment, before putting the water which could be found at the bottom of the world tree, into the jar.

10 cups, before going to give the remaining water to Ainz while giving him the ring. after which, I went to go check up on Shalltear as these few days she was given time to relax.

Appearing Grave Vault of Adipocere, Shalltear's residence. Located on the 2nd Floor. I was shocked to see her not playing with her Vampire Concubine since I allowed her to do it a while back. but she was instead drawing... me.

"wow, you got all of my good sides," I said softly, making Shalltear freeze for a moment. but upon turning around and seeing me, her eyes burned with lust.

"You.... you're in my room. say no more, I will personally undress you." She screamed while jumping towards me, only for me to dodge her, leaving her to fall onto the bed. pouting slightly, Shalltear looked at me while I studied the picture. she got all of my good sides.

"I didn't know you could draw," I said with a smile, to which Shalltear quickly took this chance to brag a little.

"I began learning in my free time. I couldn't help but think of you all night and day, so I wanted to bring my thoughts to reality. the man I love, the strongest being there is. Lord Dracula." Shalltear said with bright eyes, to which I nodded slightly.

"well, great work... maybe I should also get into painting as well," I said with a slight nod, before looking at Shalltear.

"I will be giving you an important task. every night, go to Carna village and fill this bottle up with Nfirea blood. make sure to be quick, and to also heal him back up to 100%. leave zero traces. so I will be giving you this." I said while giving Shalltear a bottle along with a ring.

"that ring can stop time, the more MP you feed it, the longer time can remain frozen. stop time, get his blood, drop Phoenix blood on him, and leave... fill up about 10 bottles a night. any question?" I asked calmly, to which Shalltear shook her head while I gave her more bottles

"Oh really, what are you to do if you get caught?" I asked calmly, making Shalltear freeze for a second before slowly answering

"kill them?" She said in a questioning tone, making me look at her blankly for a moment. making Shalltear lower her head in shame.

"start asking questions," I said to which Shalltear nodded her head before thinking of things that might go wrong. which, I answered them all one by one while giving her items to help with such trouble. after all was said and done, Shalltear was ready to go, and since it was night she left to go do her task right away.

'she needs to start thinking more and asking more questions.' I thought while looking at the beautiful vampire concubine for a moment, they had on such revealing clothing with some of them even naked... cough, I should leave.

"Lord Dracula, the Works should be entering Nazarick tomorrow night." Albedo's voice entered my head, to which I nodded my head slightly.

"then let's go over a few things before then..." I said with a smile while teleporting over to the throne room... and so, the day quickly went by, and Dracula sat down, looking at a screen that showed the workers entering the tomb of Nazarick. the main screen he looked towards was one of a handsome young man with a group of elves slaves. this party called themselves Tenmu

Tenmu was a worker group that consisted of four members, though it is better to think of it as Erya's one-man team as the other three were elven slaves from Slane Theocracy. Besides having one of the strongest human martial artists, Tenmu was Erya Uzruth's one-man team. His three elven slaves were selected from the slave markets of the Theocracy to act as his magical support team and personal harem. While he engaged monsters and opponents, the elves would use their magic to strengthen him and enhance his abilities.

"There is something up ahead." An elf with blank eyes said softly, making Erya's eyes narrow slightly. he looked towards the other Elven slaves, and seeing them all nodding in agreement he looked down the hall. so far they had only run into skeleton undead, which he was able to easily cut down, but with how the elven were speaking it was clear that the thing up ahead might be in danger.

So, reaching out. he grabbed one by the hair and threw it in front of him. just in case of a sneak attack, that elf had to take the blow for him. it would have been foolish otherwise. So far he was only taking the lead because the skeleton was so weak, it would have been a waste for these slaves to die so soon.

he had the elf walk ahead, and while doing so his mind couldn't help but move to another worker group which had two elves. although not pure-blood elves, the way those elves gave him dirty looks, enraged him. Humans were the superior race, how dare lesser lifeforms act so high and mighty before him?

'Foresight...' He thought coldly, if he got a chance then that party of 4 might just disappear from the face of the planet. but his attention soon came back to reality as before him, a girl stood. she had long silver hair with blood-red eyes.

"You took your time... I'm Shalltear Bloodfallen, and to show the fruit of my training, I'm tasked to defeat you." Shalltear said while giving Erya a gentle bow. an act that revealed something that was locked around her two hands

"a little girl? this is what you had me on guard about?" Erya said with an annoyed look, with a flash of his arm, he slammed it into the face of the elf in front, sending her slamming to the ground.

"Please forgive me," She said while rolling up into a ball and protecting her head while repeating those words over and over. but Erya ignored her and simply walked towards Shalltear, his eyes sizing up the beauty before her. he couldn't help but lick his lips, such beauty was even more beautiful than Nabe who was with Momon.

but he was a skilled worker, he was no fool. how could a little girl just appear here? she must not be human, or could even be an illusion. so he had to get information 

"Shalltear Bloodfallen? tell me, who is your master? if he is forcing you, I could save you. my skill with the sword is no less than that of Gazef." Erya asked calmly, making Shalltear have a question mark over her head. but the next moment she laughed. shaking her head, she snapped her finger and a group of vampire concubines brought over buckets of blood.

"Hurry up and use your magic," Erya said with a shocked look seeing so many powerful vampires. they should all be around level 30, the same level as himself. so he knew right away not to look down upon this female who could order so many vampires.

quickly, all of the elven slaves used their support magic on him. feeling his increase in strength, he smiled coldly while looking up ahead. but the scene that followed next confused him, as Shalltear had all of the blood being thrown on her, quickly having her covered in blood.

such an act, caused Shalltear to transform. that once beautiful girl turning into a master with countless teeth. Shalltear shot towards Erya who quickly had the elven slaves boost his sword with the power to slay vampires. after which, he stepped forward and used a martial art

"Ability Boost, Greater Ability Boost, Shukuchi!" Erya roared, and without even having to move his feet, he closed the distance between himself and Shalltear

"Void Cutter." He roared as his sword shot towards Shalltear, who quickly tried to dodge, although her shoulder was cut, she lessened the damage by rolling down, and with a spin of her leg, she kicked Erya's leg, sending him falling to the ground.

"Got you!" Shalltear cried while her sharp claws pierced forward, but Erya moved to place the sword in front of him and Shalltear, blocking the claw, while using the force to send himself flying back. while rolling on the ground, he quickly spun his body and stabbed his sword into the ground to top himself.

he held his chest slightly and seeing as Shalltear claws managed to pierce him, he looked towards the Elven slaves to cast healing spells on him... but they were far away.

'she had sent me flying out of their range, to give her time to slaughter them. without them... those useless bitches.' Erya said in rage, before using Shukuchi Ka.

Shukuchi Ka was an improved version of Shukuchi which allows the user to move freely in any direction. adding the other martial arts, and the support spells still taking effect, his speed was at its highest at this moment. so, he stepped forward shooting towards Shalltear who was slowly walking towards the elven slaves, no longer paying attention to her.

He quickly appeared before her, while swinging his sword toward her neck... but Shalltear suddenly moved, dodging the swing and slamming her elbow into the back of his neck, slamming him to the ground, knocked out.

"... I did it. I did it." Leaving the Blood Frenzy, tears fell down Shalltear's eyes. her task was to defeat Erya while in the highest state of blood Frenzy. She couldn't kill anyone, so she had to remain in absolute control.

her strength was of course suppressed down to level 20, meaning she would have needed the blood frenzy full effect to win. and she did it, she won. her punishment, she worked so hard and now it was over. so of course she was in tears.

"Lord Dracula was unhappy with this man, take him to Kyouhukou. As for these maids, they are to be gifted to Mera and Aura," Shalltear said losing interest in everything and giving her vampire concubine such a task, which they got to work right away.

"Now, she needs to do some adaption training," Dracula said while moving the screen to the size and pulling up a new screen that was showing another group of Workers called Heavy Masher

Heavy Masher was a worker group that consisted of fourteen members, yet only five of them explored the mysterious Large Tomb while the rest were recuperating and preparing for the next request. Their combat capability is equal to that of mithril-ranked adventurers so about level 21 to level 23.

they were to fight Hamsuke, who had to fight the part of 5. it was a hard battle for Hamsuke, after all, he had to fight 4 skilled fights all by himself, plus they had on armor. something which pushed Hamsuke to his limits. but after suffering many injuries, he was able to win.

"not bad... have their body be thrown into Kyouhukou. but first bring them back to life." I said softly, who was this Kyouhukou? Kyouhukou is an Area Guardian of the Black Capsule on the 2nd Floor of the Great Tomb of Nazarick. He was the king of the Cockroach. with so many of them, they needed a huge amount of food, so for a while now they had been eating each other.

Dracula planned to just throw humans he didn't like at him. Heavy Masher dared to invade his home, they would be food. eaten alive and brought back to life until they can't no longer come back to life. he had to feed his children, even the king of Cockroaches was his children, they came first.

"as you command my lord.. should I have Entoma take them?" Albedo asked softly, the thought of those cockroaches crawling all over her body brought her chills.

"... no, it's best you do it. she might eat them." I said with a smile, making Albedo almost cry. but when she saw my smile, she realized I was playing with her.

"Haha, have Entoma go. you need not do such a simple task. well, you could have an undead do it, like Shalltear... I guess a good punishment for you and Shalltear would be to go to Kyouhukou and count all of his people." I said making Albedo's legs go weak,

"I'm joking... never I can't near that room," I said with a soft smile, making Albedo pout slightly, at my so-called joke. but she quickly called for Entoma to go get the bodies with an item that could bring them back to life.

"it seems like everything is going as planned. I should get going." I said while getting up, and Albedo nodded slightly while following me to the 6th floor where I would face a team of 4. I picked this team because... well, I pity them.