
Overlord: The True God Kin

After getting caught cheating, Noah was brutally stabbed by his girlfriend's, before dying a gruesome death. However, he got a chance to reincarnate into a world of his liking, due to the love of some powerful being. Noah was an avid lover of the anime overlord, so he choosed to reincarnate into the world of overlord. However, he didn't got any wishes from the god, instead he got something even greater. [This fanfic is dropped] * I don't own the cover image. If the artist wants me to remove it i will.* * I don't own the world and characters except my original charchters*

AzazelGrim · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Wild Night


That was the only word Noah could think of, when he remembers about last night.

Right now, he was standing on the balcony of his apartment, on 46th floor, wearing nothing but a white shirt and pants. Looking at the scenery outside, if there was even something to see. There was nothing but streets and Skyscrapers covering the view.

However, Noah wasn't looking at the scenery or anything, for that matter. He was thinking about something else entirely. His eyes may rest at the distant view, but his mind was filled with the things that happened last night.

Noah and Akane went to meet Nami yesterday, and they had dinner in the restaurant. Noah was able to eat his desired steak finally. He was filled with contentment for food. But Nami and Akane had other plans, that Noah wasn't aware of at all.

Usually, when Noah and Akane meet with Nami, they spend their time in the apartment together. Mostly watching animes or playing Console games, which are pretty outdated by now. It can be said as, good friends hanging out.

Noah's apartment was huge. It had many rooms, aside from the main bedroom that Akane and Noah used to sleep. So, when Nami usually stayed there, she slept in one of those rooms. Or most of the time, they end up sleeping on the couch together. It was huge so, there was no problem.

However, yesterday was a little different. They went to watch a movie together. Yeah, despite the world being a very advance world, there were still cinemas. Shocking ? Not so. These cinema's were not normal. They were VR cinemas, which showed movies that are made for VR, which you can experience by diving into the 3d world.

After dinner, despite being late, there wasn't any problem in them going out. Because the centre of the city was a safe place. And even if there were robbers and people that want to trouble them. Was Noah someone normal ? Ofcourse not! He would retaliate. And if he did that, he was sure no one in this world atleast, would be able to survive his onslaught. Which was why, he didn't mind going out late at night. After that, they went straight home.

However, there was something weird that happened on their way home. Akane was thirsty and wanted to drink something. So they stopped by a vending machine. Both Akane and Nami choosed a drink. And after getting it, they drank it immediately without even stopping to look at it. That would soon turn out to be a stupid thing.

Apparantly, the drinks were alcoholic. Which Noah realized only after seeing small words, that were written on the vending Machine.

Akane and Nami, both started acting weird. They both drunk the same drink and they were drunk, they definitely were, because they were spouting things, that they shouldn't in public. Noah took Akane and Nami, both to the apartment. After calling his personal driver, that he always has on backup if something goes awry.

By this time, Noah had already noticed some suspicious things going on between the two, them being drunk only made it obvious, But he was still unaware of what was going on.

However, he soon learned what was going on. And it made Noah so surprised, that he Still wasn't able to believe it.

When they entered the apartment, everything was fine. Untill, Nami confessed something.

She was drunk and her feelings were overflowing. Not being able to bear it anymore, she said, how much she liked Noah. Which didn't surprised Noah, who was obviously aware of it. Not only because he was not dense, but because he was already used to others gaze, and if Nami wouldn't like him, then he would be more surprised.

And if you asked Noah, wether he liked Nami or not. He wouldn't deny it. After all, Nami was a beautiful girl, and despite being 26 now, she was still as beautiful as someone in her early 20s. Not to mention her figure, which was also very good. But that aside. He liked her personality a lot too. She is cheerful, and was careless. Sometimes even acting clumsy. But she was hardworker, who did her job to the best of her abilities. He liked Nami very much.

However, he was well aware of his personality. He was a scumbag. If he started liking Nami, then he might do something irreversible. If he made her addicted to him, like he did in his past life with many of his girlfriends, and make his sister accept this relationship, than he would feel really bad. And this might actually become his villain origin story. He might sound like an hypocrite after doing something like dating 5 girls together In his past life. But he has changed, thanks to the influence of Akane. Even if ever so slightly. He didn't wanted to hurt Akane.

He wanted to atleast Control himself, till they get to the new world. He didn't knew, how his karma will affect his personality. But he knew that there would be changes in his personality and his way of thinking. He thought of dealing with it, when the time comes.

However, to his surprise, Akane said something that he is still not able to believe..

" If you like Nami, isn't it fine ?" Akane said, with a flustered red face, due to the alcohol, but her words were sober. It was accompanied with a smile, that can only be described as both Caring and filled with resolve.

He was able to see, that Akane was willing to share him, but why and how ? Noah wasn't able to realize it at all. Untill Akane voiced out.

"Do you really think, I don't understand you ? I see, how you have jealous expression, whenever Nami brings conversation about her hanging out with her colleagues."

As if she has red him like an open book. She was able to see his desires, and feelings without even him saying anything.

Noah was really glad. Glad to have such a lovely and caring sister. Who not only loved him but also cared and understood everything about him.

But he couldn't deny the feeling of guilt in his heart, which was overwhelming to say the least.

However, Akane cleared the guilt with a soft kiss that was tender as it can get.

" Isn't it fine, as long as you love me the most ?" Akane said with a smile, that probably made Noah fall in love with her all over again. As if all his restraints were removed, he poured all his love and affection onto her. He took her to the bed In their room without any qualms ignoring Nami altogether.

Noah and Akane continued kissing without any restraint, pouring their feelings into each other through their tongues.

As if a wall, that was stopping him from doing anything more to Akane, has finally broken down. Noah didn't hold back anymore

Noah and Akane let their feelings for each other drown their thoughts. It didn't took long, before Akane's moans can be heard in the room. It was her first time. Yet, instead of feeling pain, she as feeling immeasurable Pleasure. Not only because of Noah's techniques, that he has acquired with his ventures in past life. But also, because of the immense joy of being filled by Noah to the core.

It was an exhilarating and intoxicating feeling for her, which she had already gotten addicted to by that time. Seeing Noah's face filled with pleasure and his desire to possess her body, touching her everywhere possible. Marking her in every way possible. Akane was happy, so happy, that she could die of happiness.

After 2 hours of loving each other to the core, Akane finally slept beside Noah. tired of the passionate time they spent together.

But the silent moment didn't last for long, as he saw Nami peeking at them. Noah saw Nami's blushed expression and her slightly revealing night dress that she was wearing. Maybe because he was still drunk on pleasure or he just wanted to eat Nami at that time. But he pulled Nami into his embrace, kissing her and fondling her breasts. The immense pleasure, that Nami received just from a kiss was immeasurable to anything she felt before.

Drunk on pleasure, she threw herself at Noah, touching everypart of his body. Noah didn't stop and explored her body in return. And things took turn for the worst or it can be said, good ?

Noah ripped Nami's cloth off and they started doing what any couple would do naked.

Nami feeling Noah inside her, felt herself drowning not only In pleasure but also in immense happiness. After all, Noah was someone she was controlling herself best to not like. when he turned 16, she finally saw a chance. However, it was soon turned out to be only a false hope, because he liked his sister. However, seeing their true love, Akane was jealous to say, would be an understatement.

Nevertheless, when Akane came to her, telling how she thinks Noah might also like her, she felt immense happiness. Even if there was a small chance of being with Noah. She was going to to take the chance. Even if he loved Akane more. It didn't mattered to her. If he loved her wouldn't that just be enough for her ?

As the feeling of pleasure filled Nami, she felt herself reaching peak, and she can only scream her love for Noah, while reaching climax.

Even though, it was not her first time, she was still inexperienced. After all, she only seeked for love and affection. She never had any genuine affection for anyone. However, what Noah gave her was genuine feelings, that can only be described as addictive. The feeling of wanting to seek someone, despite knowing they'll never be yours was surely sad and heartbreaking, but it also made Nami feel alive in this dystopian world, where people only seek gains, through material wealth and no feelings.

It wasn't long before, that another 2 hours passed, while Noah and Nami drowned themselves in each other. Each time Nami felt herself reaching peak, Noah would once again bring her great ecstasy by stroking her breasts or kissing her lips. Sometimes almost teasing her. Which made her seek for it even more.

After the 2 hour long session, Noah was laying on the bed with beads of sweat on his forehead.

Nami was still awake but tired.

However, Akane had woken up after hearing their moans for almost two hours. He didn't knew, when Akane has woken up, but when Noah and Akane's eyes met, she just kissed him, Not being able to control herself.

It can only be described as wild after that.

They fucked like beasts, not caring about anything.

Both Akane and Nami seeking for affection, Noah had to divert, and manage. Which he was pretty proficient with, if you know his past life backgrounds.

All night, Noah had to guide two clueless women to the peak of pleasure. Which they surely wouldn't be able to forget, ever.

As the cold morning breeze blew through Noah, he muttered "It's getting cold." And rubbed his arms. Although, his body had[Enhanced Strength] and [Enhanced Durability], granted by system. He was still a human and can feel cold. Even though, it won't affect him on a level, where he can get a cold from it.

Noah left the balcony, closing the sliding glass door. And entered the his room. Which was messy to say the least.

He sighed, looking at the mess they had made last night. The floor had stains all over it and many things were fallen on the ground. As if an earthquake has happened.

Noah then looked at the two naked women, that were sleeping on the bed.

Long black hair, that flowed down her back, a voluptuous figure with F size breasts, wrapped inside the blanket was Nami. And beside her a little away from her was Akane. Who was sleeping peacefully. With a blissful expression on her face. Nami had the same expression.

Their face showed, how satisfied and content they were. Noah once again sighed.

"I really didn't intended to be an asshole in this world but... It looks like I'll have to make sense of this situation.. " Noah muttered to himself thinking about his past life. Where he got stabbed his girlfriend's. He wanted to avoid something like that at all cost. Not because he was afraid of getting hurt. No! Because he was afraid of hurting. Afraid of hurting his sister, who so dearly loved him.

But this time, it was different. Noah wasn't the one seducing others, nor was he one who even said anything about it. It was the other way around. So, they can't refuse him now, If he is selfish for wanting both of them. A messed up conclusion, he came up to.

Noah waved his hand, and Akane's naked body got covered by the blanket. And Nami's dishelved position suddenly straightened itself, as if moved by something invisible.

It was one of his supernatural abilities in real life, [Telekinesis], he was able to use it to do various things. But he can only use it on small things. At most, he can lift a car, Nothing more then that.

Noah once again waved his hand, and the things, that had fallen down during the passionate night yesterday, returned back to where they were, without even an inch of difference.

He then, once again looked at the two beautiful ladies, that were sleeping on the bed. And decided to not wake them up. He was planning to dive into Yggdrasil today, as soon as possible. But it seems like, he'll have to prepare breakfast today.

Even if Akane was the one cooking everyday, Noah has always helped her. That's why, he knew how to cook a simple breakfast atleast.

Noah went to the kitchen and started preparing breakfast. He knew exactly what they both liked in the morning. So, he just cooked that, before walking to the dining room and placing the tray on the table.

He then went into the room to wake them up to eat breakfast. Only to see them hurriedly getting dressed up.

When Akane and Nami, who were changing their clothes, saw Noah, they immediately blushed both of them. Akane, However was a little Daring, because she has already shown her naked body to Noah many times and he has touched her all night yesterday. So, she stopped wearing the clothes, while just her underwear, she walked towards Noah.

She gave a playful smile to him, before she tiptoed to kiss, However, to her surprise, Noah didn't let her take the chance and grabbed Akane by her ass, pulling her closer and giving her a kiss. That made her close her eyes and Fully enjoy it.

It made her remember last night, when Noah kissed her, while pouring his seed inside her. She still can't forget that feeling, which had made her mind go blank from ecstacy.

Akane didn't let Noah go, as she continued to kiss him trying to devour him whole. Noah glanced slightly at Nami, who was looking at Akane in envy but didn't said anything.

However, Noah seperated from Akane and waved his hand. While saying,

"Akane nee, we should eat first. Get dressed. "

The clothes of Akane that were on floor came flying to Noah's hand. Akane didn't showed any reaction and nodded at Noahs words and went to bathroom, taking the clothes From Noah's hand.

Akane was aware of Noah's abilities, that were supernatural. Noah had already used his [Telekinesis], many times and living together, and Akane being around him, almost all the time, Noah wasn't able to hide his ability. However, Akane didn't asked him about his abilities. Despite knowing about it. She was already aware how weird Noah was since his childhood. She concluded it to it being only natural. After all, for her, Her brother was perfect. If he didn't had any supernatural abilities, then she would've been a little shocked maybe.

However, Nami was different, she was shocked and looked at Noah with disbelief and shock written in her eyes.

Noah seeing her shock and reaction finally opened his mouth.

" We need to talk, don't we ?"

" Y-yes" Nami was embarrassed, looking at Noah. She was also like Akane, unable to forget about last night. She still remembers the moment, when Noah's member entered inside her, messing her up. The pleasure she got last night was incomparable to anything else in her life. Everytime Noah touched her breasts, it made her body ache in pleasure, Nami was so embarrassed, because her panties were already getting wet just by looking at his eyes.

Noah noticed this, but decided to ignore it for now.

Nami then followed Akane behind.

Noah used his Telekinesis to move the bed sheet back in place, before leaving the room and going back to the living room.

Sitting on the wooden chair, Noah opened his phone to check the 2Channel website, where the players post and discuss about Yggdrasil. It was one of the most famous website, where players can post about the things they like and discover. It's a free website, unlike Yggdrasil wiki, which you have to pay a subscribtion to get access to some valuable informations.

Scrolling through the home feed, Noah discovered a post that piqued his interest for obvious reasons. Noah saw, that the screenshot was showing a graveyard with a tomb at the centre in background. The picture showed an stereotypical looking ninja with black ninja clothes, and two sword dangling on his waist, wearing a mask that covered his face. Making his entire Visage look like a true ninja. The player in the picture was showing a peace sign, as the caption red.


Noah understood, who and what it was.

He could see the name, Nishikienrai on the players profile. Was he stupid enough to forget, who Nishikienrai was ? Ofcourse not! It was one of the guild members of momonga, and also, one of the finding member's of nines own goal. Then in the background, what can it be, other then, the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

Noah can see the silhouette of two players behind Nishikienrai, one bony skeleton with a staff on his hand, wearing a black mage rob.

And beside him, was a player in shining platinum white armour, platinum helm covering his face with a red cap behind him.

Noah can easily guess, who those two were.

Momonga and Touch me.

" Looks like they finally conquered the dungeon." Noah muttered under his breath, while taking the sip of the coffee, that was placed on the tray along with food.

He saw that the picture was posted 8 hours ago, that means they did it last night.

Noah was actually aware of the nines own goal, conquering the Dungeon of The Great Tomb of Nazarick. After all, Noah was the one that gave Nishikienrai, the information about the guild based dungeon.

It had only been a week, and they already conquered it. If it was any normal clan, they would've taken a lot of time and maybe wouldn't even have been able to complete it on their first try.

However, he can see why they were able to conquer the guild. They had one world champion and many high ranking players in their clan after all. And momonga was a really good strategist. Combine them together and they would surely be able to conquer a Dungeon with level 80 requirement.

Noah scrolled through the posts, seeing different kind of posts of players. Some showing their avatar in different gears, while some showed new gears they are proud of. There were different kinds of people sharing different stuff. It was over-all a very healthy and good community. There were no fights, no arguments, nor were there any disputes over anything.

Closing the 2Channel website, Noah opened the Yggdrasil wiki page and saw a notification pop up.

He opened up his notification tab, and saw an announcement.

[A Special Dungeons has been Discovered, that has Racial Requirments to Enter.

- A guild has discovered a new Dungeon near the 7th gate of Helheim. The dungeon has a level 100 requirement, along with Racial requirements. Only players who have level in angel and demon Racial classes are able to enter it. No one has so far, come back yet. It's the first of it's kind, there were no dungeons with racial requirements before. There are multiple groups and guilds of heteromorph players gathering near the Dungeon. in the hopes of conquering it first to get Rewards.

Name of the dungeon : Realm of Sin

Level requirement : 100

For further information, regarding the new Mysterious Dungeon, follow Yggdrasil wiki]

Noah didn't read the shameless plug to follow their wiki, and just read about this new Dungeon that has been found. Yggdrasil wiki always informed about the new information discovered by players or even some secret information, if you pay them enough money. Right now, they even have information on 5 world class items. All detailed and even some countermeasures as to how to save yourself from these specific world items effects.

They would have had more world items information, if Noah hadn't hoard so many of the precious world items.

Back on the topic. Momonga never mentioned in the anime or novel, about a Dungeon that has Racial requirments for players to enter..

Noah didn't understand, If it was some butterfly effect or the novel just didn't mentioned it cause they were unaware of it. Maybe, it was a sign for him to go and check it out. He'll have to see, if his system is gonna give him any quest or not. If the system gives him the quest to clear the dungeon then he will. After all, who wouldn't like some rewards not to mention the thrill of something new to discover Is also very good feeling. but even if the system didn't gave him a quest, he would go to explore the Dungeon.

Anticipating a little, Noah drank another sip of the coffee. And looked at the clock on the wall. It has been 8 minutes, and they still haven't came out of the bathroom.

" Sigh~ women" Noah sighed, while drinking the coffee. However, just as he finished speaking, he saw Akane and Nami enter the room.

Both of their legs were wobbling a little, probably because of the fight last night. Even though it was not Nami's first time, she was still having hard time walking, due to the pleasure she experienced last night. She was feeling weak. While Akane was walking with steady steps but her posture was off which Noah understood very well.

Noah waved his hand, and Akane floated from the ground, surprised a little at this unnatural feeling. However, Akane let herself be carried by the supernatural power that Noah used. Noah let Akane down to sit on the table. Which she did softly..

Noah noticed, that the gaze of Nami was boaring on him. But he didn't said anything nor did he helped her to get to the table with his powers, she had to walk all the way and sit down in front of Noah.







(A/N : Sorry for no chapter yesterday, I actually have a cold and as you should already know, when you have cold,. you don't feel like doing anything except lazing around. Anyway, i did my best to write this chapter. Although, i know it might not be that interesting. i tried to conclude Noah, Akane, and Nami's relationship as quick as possible, So we can focus on the good Yggdrasil stuff. This chapter may seem rush but i tried my best! Cut me some slack today.)