
Overlord: The True God Kin

After getting caught cheating, Noah was brutally stabbed by his girlfriend's, before dying a gruesome death. However, he got a chance to reincarnate into a world of his liking, due to the love of some powerful being. Noah was an avid lover of the anime overlord, so he choosed to reincarnate into the world of overlord. However, he didn't got any wishes from the god, instead he got something even greater. [This fanfic is dropped] * I don't own the cover image. If the artist wants me to remove it i will.* * I don't own the world and characters except my original charchters*

AzazelGrim · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Back to Yggdrasil

Akane was sitting next to Noah, while Nami sat in front of them, as if awaiting for her verdict from her parents. Her eyes were downcast. However, a glimmer of hope was there.

She was wearing a white t shirt along with jeans. Her breasts, due to her tight t shirt were a feast for eyes, as Noah glanced at her but only for a second, so to not make her excited or himself.

Noah then looked at Akane. Who was wearing her usual loose hoodie along with shorts.

He looked into her eyes and she gazed back.

" What was that?" Noah asked. His voice was firm and Akane can understand, that he was not going to be satisfied with the answer, she gave yesterday.

" I-its my fault Noah! " Interrupting their heated gazes, Nami spoke in an apologetic voice.

" And what might that fault be ?" Noah asked, raising his eyebrows. While looking at Nami, as if he was scrutinizing her.

" I- i asked Akane to let me bear your child. " Nami shouted, blurting out what was in her mind. Leaving Noah baffled.

" Pfttt!!" Noah immediately spit out the coffee, he was drinking.

" Cough! Cough! What the fuck!?" Noah shouted, while coughing. He expected everything but that for an answer. It didn't made sense to him, why Nami would say that.

"Nami, you don't know how to explain things. Let me explain. " Akane said to Nami's defense. Which was a shock to Noah. But was a welcomed one nonetheless. Because he has already fucked Nami. And there was no going back now. If he was going to have them together, it's better if they are on good terms with each other.

'and even if they are not, I will make them come to an agreement.' Noah thought, before looking back at Akane for an explanation.

"I knew Nami likes you. " Akane paused for a moment and glanced at Nami, before continuing "but she said, she won't say anything to you. She was fine with just being friend and didn't wanted to ruin your guy's friendship, by confessing her feelings.. "

" And ?" Noah's asked.

" Noah, you know how much i love you right ?" While saying that, Akane moved towards Noah, an leaned her body onto him, gazing right into his sapphire blue eyes, that reflected her visage inside it.

She continued with a blush on her face "However, as much as i love you. I won't be able to bear your child. No matter what, and for that. i thought Nami was the right person. She is someone, who not only loves you but also cares about you. So, i thought it would be fine.. and she agreed to it herself, so it's fine. Right ?" Akane looked at Nami, for confirmation. Nami nodded her head in a very enthusiastic manner.

" I'm fine with it!"

Noah looked at Nami's determined expression, he could feel it in her voice. She was afraid of not being accepted by him. Although, she was able to sleep with Noah yesterday. it was all thanks to the mood. That's what Nami thought, because she never heard Noah's response. Even if he liked her slightly, would he be really willing to spend his life with her. Thats what was going in her mind.

"Nami, before you say you love me. You should understand that if are you going to become mine, then you won't be able to leave me ever again.. I'm a very selfish person." Noah said, sending shivers down Nami's spine, in a good way obviously. When Noah mentioned becoming his, Nami felt her heart beating faster to the point, where she felt it would stop.

A blush was present on her face, as she said while breathing hard.

"Please make me yours! I don't want to leave you too!" Nami said, in a loud voice that echoed in the entire room. Even though it can be said that, she would never be his first, but if Noah can love her even a bit, then she wouldn't ever regret being with him.

Noah however, asked her a question instead. That would pretty much determine, wether she loves him enough or not.

" Do you love me enough to leave the world ?" Noah asked in a serious tone. However, Nami did not backed down And replied instantly.

" I love you enough to leave everything behind!" Nami's voice was filled with determination. She didn't even wait a second to think, as if she was ready for it anytime.

Which made Noah surprised a little. However, he didn't showed it on his face.

" Ok " Noah said nonchalantly, shocking Nami. However, she was soon surprised even more, when Noah appeared in front of her without even making any sound and kissed her. He pressed his lips onto her, Making her eyes widen at first but then close, as a tear dripped down on her cheeks. These were not tears of pain or sadness but of happiness and joy.

After a long kiss, Noah parted his lips from Nami's and said in a low voice. " I'll make sure, you won't regret Loving me. "

When Nami heard his words, she felt even more happy. Making her want to dance from joy, but she controlled herself and looked at Noah, who was now walking back to his seat.

" Well.. now for serious talk.. Nami, what do you think about this ?" Noah said, as he floated the bread eggs and peanut butter sandwich that he has made for them.

Akane didn't showed any reaction, but she has never asked him about it, always wondering if he'll ever tell her about it. But maybe he'll do now.

" Umm.. i really don't understand. Perhaps you are an alien ?" Nami said, tilting her head sideways.

" Pfft!" Noah laughed a little before replying." No! No! I'm not an alien. I'm just born with these powers. Even i don't know how i have this. I have many more abilities, that i don't understand why, but i have." Noah said, spouting the only reasonable explanation he could think of. He never wanted to touch on the supernatural powers of his. But it has came to it now, so he was going to answer it by simply playing, as if he was born with it.

Noah then sat on the chair back and vanished suddenly, appearing beside Nami, sitting on the chair next to her.

" What!?" Nami shouted a little, However, she calmed down when Noah held her hand and stroked her lovingly, as if she is the most fragile thing.

It made Nami blush but at the same time, she could feel her love for him intensify.

" See.. this is just one of the things, i can do. I'm weird from normal people. I can move small things with my mind and can also teleport to the place, which i can see with my eyes. "

Noah appeared back beside Akane, who still didn't showed any reaction except a soft smile, as if she is proud of him.

" Don't you think it's weird ?" Noah asked, looking at Akane. Who was still smiling looking at him.

" What is ?" Akane asked not understanding his question.

Noah flicked his finger, hitting her forehead and spoke. " Don't you think it's weird for me to be able to do this. Don't you think I'm weird ?" He asked.

Akane didn't said anything, but instead, she once again leaned onto him kissing him fervently and replied, after breaking the kiss.

" Do you really think, i would think you are weird ? Even if you were an alien. Or a god. I would never think you are weird. You are my Noah, and always will be."

Noah sighed in his heart at Akane's reply, and for not pestering him. He stroked Akane's cheek like a cat, to which she showed a blissful expression.

" What about you Nami, are you really fine with it?" Noah asked looking at Nami, who was looking at them with a little envy.

" Yes! I don't think you are weird. And even if you have supernatural powers, isn't it fine ? You can't be hurt by normal people, that's a great thing instead." Nami said, while looking at him with shining eyes.

"Haha. I guess you are right. If i have powers i can protect what i love best.. " Noah gave a soft laugh, before he looked at Nami again, who tensed up for some reason.

" Welcome to the family, i guess.. And take care of me" Noah said, looking at Nami with a soft smile. The gaze, that Noah directed at her now, was completely different from the scrutinizing gaze, that he gave her earlier. This was filled with care and affection. Which made Nami tear up.

After that, they proceeded to eat the breakfast, while talking to each other. The mood was merry, and there was no tension between them. It was same as before. When they were friends.

Akane was feeding Noah, and seeing Akane feed Noah, this time Nami also tried to feed Noah, which made him laugh. Because despite being an adult, she was happy with just feeding someone. It was probably stupid things that girls can be happy about. However, this was fine..

After finishing the breakfast, they talked to each other a little before Akane asked.

" Are you playing ?" Nami asked. Trying to make her eyes as downcasted as possible..

" Yeah, you both should rest. You are probably tired. I have heard some fun news, so I'm going to dive into Yggdrasil. But if you guy's want to come, you can ?" Noah said, Asking if they wanted to come.

" I think, I'm gonna go back to sleep. After all, I've only gotten 3 hours of sleep thanks to certain someone. " Akane said, while yawning, trying to tease Noah, which she failed miserably, when Noah retorted.

"And, who was the one that kept begging for more, i wonder ?"

Akane didn't said anything to his retort, instead she pouted a little.

" Nami, are you going back to your home ?" Noah asked. Nami didn't had a family but she was fairly well off, due to her having a high ranking position in her job. Thanks to her parents connections, that they had before dying.

" Yeah.. I'll go home, after all, I'll have to talk to moving company to get all my things here. " Nami said with a smile. Happy about being able to move here, and live with Noah. Noah asked, Nami to move here right at the moment she started eating to which Nami was reluctant at first. She felt a little bad, because she thought, she'll be leeching off Noah. After all, apartments were not cheap. Not to mention Noah's apartment that was luxurious. However, hearing that he was super rich. She didn't hesitate and decided to move in.

" Ok. I'll try to help you set your room later. " Noah said to Nami, with a wink, which made Nami blush in anticipation.

Noah then proceeded to kiss Akane, then teleporting beside Nami and kissed her shocking her a little. However, she accepted his kiss and savoured it to the best of her abilities.


After saying his goodbyes for the day, Noah entered his gaming room and wore his VR gear, logging into the VR homescreen.

He saw the game of Yggdrasil, shining brilliant golden as always, and pressed on it. Instantly logging in.

Once again, he saw all the spawning locations available for him to spawn. Noah decided to spawn into Helheim, because he was going to see the situation with the mysterious dungeon today.

He still wanted to level up his new class, he got and also get many classes, that he hasn't been able to get because of his level limit. However, this new Dungeon seemed more interesting right now.

A light passed through Noah's eyes, before a timer appeared in front of him, going from 10 to 9 and onwards.

After reaching 0, Noahs vision darkened for a while, before he found himself standing on a murky dark ground.

He looked around him, and found that he was standing on a cliff, with fog covering the area all around him. When he looked behind he could see a blue glowing gate behind him.

It was the 98th gate of Helheim. Gates are places, where Yggdrasil players can respawn. After getting killed. However, not many of the players use these gates, after all, you can respawn in your guild base and almost 90% of the players are in some kind of guild or clan. These Gates are only accessible for respawn, if you are able to mark them, by going through it once.

The 98th gate of Helheim, as it says, is the 98th gate of Helheim. Located on the most outskirt part of Helheim. This gate is probably, only accessible by Noah. Noah had explored almost half of Helheim by now. So he had almost, all of the Gates marked by him.

It would be nearly impossible to Traverse through the entire world of Helheim, as the more further, you go from the centre of the world, the more dangerous and hazardous the environment and monsters get. To get to the most outskirts of Helheim, for a normal player. Would be near impossible. After all, to even get past the obstacles, going further to explore the world, you will need special gears and equipment. To not take damage and die, with just environmental debuffs and damages.

However for Noah, it was not a problem. He had many passive skills, that allowed him to bypass all the debuffs, that may be placed on him

Noah looked upwards at the sky, and saw that there was no sun. The world was clouded, by big black clouds covering the entire world into perpetual darkness. Making the world of Helheim look like a place that only dead can be at. There was no sunrise nor any night here. It was always dreary and dark

Helheim was inhibited by mostly heteromorph players. After the start of the game, many players started hunting heteromorph players for exp or to unlock certain classes, that required one to kill certain type of heteromorph players. After the start of hunt, players to escape the persecution and harrasment of getting killed by humanoid and Demi humans took refuge in the world of Helheim, along with Niflheim, and Músspelsheim, Making it their sanctuary.

There wasa hazy storm going on, hitting Noah's body but it didn't damage him in the least. His white robe didn't fluttered at all, even though the wind was fierce enough to blow low level monster and players away, and kill them instantly.

Noah's ethereal and enchanting face was visible for everyone to see. His avatars amethyst eyes glowed, as Noah looked through the dark and dusty fog of Helheim.

He was planning to go to the 7th gate. And the reason for him spawning on the 98th gate was a very trivial one. Noah wanted to level up, after all. And what better place to level up, then a place, that was filled with high level monsters.

Some may wonder, if this place was filled with monsters, then why was Noah not attacked by any of the monsters already.

Well... It's because of one of his skills, [Null Existence]. It was one of the skills, that he has acquired through his, [Arch Daemon] racial class. It made him completely invisible to any and all players and monsters. It was a broken skill to say the least. However, high level players with divine grade observer items will still be able to see and track him. But for monsters, he was completely nonexistent right now.

Noah took out his Usual mask, from his inventory, and covered half of his face, leaving only his lips for the world to see.

He then once again, looked at the sky and he can see the silhouette of something floating.

No! It was not something. It was something's..

There was more then one of it.

Noah was well aware of what it was.

After looking around, checking for all the monsters, that were near him. Noah turned his passive skill, [Null Existence] off. Making his presence visible for every monster.

As soon as the skill was turned off, the roar of dragons can be heard from the sky.

Immediately, Noah was bombarded by a torrent of flame breath, from dragons in the sky, one after another.

However, he didn't budge instead, he stood there on the spot.

The fog cleared, as 3 dragons emerged from the sky, floating above Noah..

Noah was well aware of who these monsters were.

Black scales covering the body. A big mouth and fiery red eyes. Wings that were larger then planes. And black dead eyes. They were one of the most dangerous monsters to face alone. They were undead monsters, but instead of being weak to fire, they were not weak buf resisted fire. And were only weak to holy magic.

That's why, if you are not a player with holy magic in your arsenal, then you'll have trouble fighting them. Unless, you are a physical attacker, who can deal high damage to the monster before it can attack you, with it's deadly fire breath, hiding beneath the fog that surrounded the terrain. Taking full advantage of it.

[Elder Dread Dragon]

This was the monsters name, they ranged from level 85 - 90. They were only found in the the most outermost corner, basically, the edge of Helheim. This place was only inhabited by monsters of this level.

These dragons were very powerful. And for a normal player. Dealing with a group of three, would be something, that they might find very challenging.

However for Noah, it wasn't much. After all, to Noah, these were but his experience points, that were going to help him in leveling up.

" A group of three is too small. A group of 6 would've been better. " Noah muttered to himself, as two majestic white wings sprouted from his back, lifting him into the sky with just one flap. Creating shockwave, that blew the entire fog covering the area away, revealing the ground around him. It was another one of his passive skills that allowed him to change terrain.

Seeing that their targets can fly and has made their advantage with the fog null, by changing the Terrain. The dragons decided to fly away.

However, before they can leave Noah's vision, he casted a spell.

"[Maximize Magic: Spear of Purification]"

Noah casted an 8th tier Divine magic. That should be most effective on undead monsters, as these dread dragons were.

As soon as Noah casted the spell, 3 white spears materialized behind him and shot towards the dragons who were flying away.

1 spear shot through one of the dragons, Making it vanish instantly surrounded by white light of Purification.

[You've gained 3.2% exp]

Another spear hit the stomach of a dragon Killing it instantly.

[You've gained 3.2% exp]

The last spear lodged into the largest of the three black dragon and white light of purification flashed through it, killing it immediately, Making it vanish, turning into particles of light

[You've gained 5.8% exp]

Noah looked at his Exp bar, and saw that his Exp bar was filling pretty quick. These dread dragons gave pretty hefty amount of exp.

Although, Noah was tempted to go and hunt the dragons to extinction. Leveling up his classes. Noah decided to do it later, after seeing, what's going on with this new Dungeon that's been discovered.

Noah hasn't received any quest from his reward system yet. However, he had a feeling that when he reached the dungeon, he'll be getting one.

As much as Noah wanted to level up, he decided to go check the Dungeon first.

However, he can level up twice or thrice, while he is traveling towards the 7th gate.

Noah's large and majestic wings fluttered, as he looked at the scenery beneath him.

Mountains covered by snow. And large cliffs that had deadly monsters dwelling on it. The outskirts of Helheim was truly a marvelous place to level up. Where strong monster roamed.

Nevertheless, Noah was not interested in them, as he looked ahead and saw a large group of big birds, their body was covered in a green and almost, ominous looking poisonous flame.

[Dead Swamp Pheonix]

These were also, one of the monsters that were very high level and gave very huge amount of Exp, that Noah was really in need of right now. Flying monsters, like dragons and Pheonix gave huge amount of Exp, due to their difficulty being high, because they always were in a group of three or six.

Noah looked at the group of Pheonix, that was flying towards him with his skill. And brought forth a golden bow from his inventory.

The Bow was entirely made of gold and had intricate engravings on it. And there were also runes on it. 13 in total.

This bow was actually a divine grade weapon. However, it also had runes engraved on it. Making it even more powerful.

Noah took the bow and aimed it towards the group of black flaming birds flying towards him. And pulled the string of the bow.

A golden arrow, made entirely of light materialized out of nowhere shining bright.

[Arrow of Seraph]

It was one of the skills, that he has acquired, although, he didn't had any Archer related class. He was able to weild all weapons, thanks to his main Racial class of Godkin.

The arrow that has materialized, was one of his skills, that he got from Seraphim class. Which he can combine with Archer class skills. However, he didn't had any Archer related class. But.. he had the ability to equip any and all weapons. So, he can still use it. Although, the effect won't be as powerful as it would be with the Archer class. But with Noah's sheer firepower, it would be enough to destroy any monster.

Noah used his skill to aim at the point where the birds will take most damage. And Let the string loose. Making the golden arrow fly towards the black Flaming birds, without any restraint.

The [Arrow of Seraph], flew at an near instant speed, as it hit the group of Pheonix. And as soon as the arrow hit the Pheonix group, an explosion occured in the sky.


White light covered the vicinity of the explosion and the entire ground and air, where the arrow hit the pheonixs group, started glowing golden.

The explosion was massive, so massive, that just the shockwaves were enough to kill low level undead monsters.

This skill was an AOE skill after all, and it had a terrain changing effect. However, due to Noah using it in the sky, the affect didn't take place.

[You've gained 7.5% exp]

After getting the notification, Noah looked at be place in the air. Where he fired the arrow. And he can see that there was not even a slight sign of any monster flying near that place

Noah looked all around him, using his skil trying to find If there were any monsters. That can help him level up. However, finding no such monsters, Noah decided to fly towards the 7th gate of Helheim

Nonetheless, he was planning to kill every monster, that was high level on his way.

Fluttering his wings, Noah flew towards the 7th Gate, flying at a very fast speed, leaving the desolate place behind.

Maybe give some power stones ?

AzazelGrimcreators' thoughts