
Overlord: The True God Kin

After getting caught cheating, Noah was brutally stabbed by his girlfriend's, before dying a gruesome death. However, he got a chance to reincarnate into a world of his liking, due to the love of some powerful being. Noah was an avid lover of the anime overlord, so he choosed to reincarnate into the world of overlord. However, he didn't got any wishes from the god, instead he got something even greater. [This fanfic is dropped] * I don't own the cover image. If the artist wants me to remove it i will.* * I don't own the world and characters except my original charchters*

AzazelGrim · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Level Cap Removed ?

After Akane left, only Noah remained in the Dungeon now.

" Well... Akane nee is gone now. Let's play for real then." Noah muttered under his breath, before he took out a monocle. And wore it on his right eye.

His right eye glowed a vibrant yellow, before he removed the monocle and put it back into his inventory.

The monocle was one of the only 200 world items available to be discovered and own in the entire game of Yggdrasil. Items that are said to be created from the remnant of the world tree's leaves, when the great devourer devoured the world tree.

It's name is [Monocle of Miracles], a name that didn't made much sense to Noah. Considering it's uses had nothing to do with miracles. But it was useful, it's uses were diverse, so diverse, that even Noah hasn't discovered all of it's uses yet.

What he used right now was only one of the hundreds of uses, he can find of it. He used the world item to see the inside of the Dungeon without going inside.

There are spells like the [Bless of Titania], that summons a fairy that will guide you, through the least dangerous path in the Dungeon. People mostly traverse dungeons using this spell along with, [Extend Magic], to go through the least dangerous route of a Dungeon.

However, what this world item, World Monocle does, is, it shows you, what lays ahead of you. It can even show you the least dangerous route to go through via a map. And what Noah did here was just fill the blackened gap, he had in his map for the Dungeon. To understand why he did that. You need to know that, to Teleport somewhere, you would need to have traveled to that place. And in the game of Yggdrasil, you have an entire world map, thats blackened out. When you explore the world and Traverse through the more places, it will clear up, showing the entirety of the world, as you explore. You can teleport to every explored place, as long as that place doesn't have preventions, that prevents teleporting skills and spells, all together.

Without saying anything, Noah took a step and vanished from the spot, appearing deeper into the dungeon, covering almost a distance of 20 kilometres.

" Hmm... This skill is convenient but it's really short range, only 25 kilometres is not enough. I need to get more classes to get a better skill." Muttering to himself, Noah looked at the deep Crack that was right in front of him.

The earth parted to reveal a deep ravine. And in front of him was a dead end. An ice wall covered with vines.

It was like a rift, that has opened in Mountain. It was wider then 2 kilometres. Noah peered into this crack and his eyes glowed golden for a while. Before a small smile crawled into his stoic face. Normally, it shouldn't be possible to smile. But, It was one of the features that Dev's recently rolled out, that you can use by buying it. But it took a Lot of money. Not for Noah though.

Taking a step forward, Noah jumped into the deep pit, freefalling without any care.

Falling into the deep Crack, Noah casted the spell, [Light As Feather], just as he was about to hit the ground and landed softly, like a feather. As soon as he landed, he was Greeted by claws and spikes, along with Frost breaths of different ice based monsters. However, they were unable to reach him, as he had already casted a barrier magic, that nullified all and every physical and magical attack directed at castor. For normal users, it would've taken them a lot of MP to even sustain it for few seconds but for Noah, it wasn't much problem.

"Tch! Annoying pests." Muttering under his breath, Noah casted a spell.

"[Maximize Magic: Fire Storm] "

A storm of flame erupted bursting through every monster surrounding Noah, turning them into particles of light.

There were wyrms, yetis and Snow Guardians all of the monsters turned into mere particles of light, as the Maximized divine magic, fire storm hit them without mercy.

It didn't even took a minute, before all the monsters surrounding him vanished.

"Well... they sure are weak. Only level 80, but still better then other Dungeons." Noah sighed, before flying towards the end of the cavern

On his way to the boss room, he encountered multitudes of monsters, but he destroyed them using either, [Vermilion nova] or [Tempest]. Once combined with [Maximize Magic] and his high magical attack stat, he can one shot almost every and any thing with just a tier 5 spell. But right now, he is using an item to level his stats to that of an level 100. That's why, he is using [Maximize Magic] to maximize his damage output.

After 20 minutes of fighting monsters and getting many more items and data crystals, that they dropped, Noah arrived in front of a large clearing in the cavern. It was atleast a few kilometres big. He can see, that there were icicles all over the ceiling of this place and at the centre, was a huge circular plateform. Above it, an icicle, no, looking at it's size, it was a glacier, that was floating.

And inside the glacier, was a Serpentine Chinese dragon, who's body seems to be made of icicles and pure snow.

It looked ferocious, even though it was sleeping.

Noah slowly walked towards the circular plateform, and as soon as he reached it. The Glacier, that had the huge dragon inside of it, started cracking. And...


With a booming sound, the glacier broke. Revealing a majestic Dragon, floating in the large cave, fuming freezing breath from it's nose.

Sharp ice particles lodged into the area, changing the terrain Into a very tricky one. If it was some other players, they would've taken some damage from just those Ice particles hitting them. After all, it was still considered an attack of the boss. Noah, however, was immune to all the ice attacks, thanks to his job class. That's why, even if the ice particles hit him they bounced back as a frosty barrier surrounded his body, stopping all the debuffs that might get placed on him.

Noah waited for a while, as the opening animation of the Ice Dragon or should it be called by it's true name.

The deity of Freezing Snow, KuraoKami.

It's a level 100 boss with an HP bar, that can make a even huge guilds puke blood. Despite it's Ice element. Which is supposed to be fragile and more Offensive.

The Frost Dragon, as players prefer calling the the ice elemental dragons. Was a big serpentine dragon with sharp transparent icy scales adorning it's entire body. It was atleast 200 metres long. And was flying all around, at a fast speed like a snake, despite it's huge size.

Normally, it would take atleast a group of level 100 players to defeat a boss monster like this, but Noah was standing in front of it without any fear.

As soon as the animation ended, the boss monster started it's attack.

The first attack came in the form of a freezing ice beam, that shot through it's large gaping mouth. Noah didn't dodged and waited for the attack to came.

As the attack landed on Noah the ground beneath him, despite being frozen, froze even more, creating a new coating of ice.

After 5 second, the Frost dragon closed it's mouth and the ice beam vanished. Revealing, Noah, who was standing there looking like he didn't even took 1 damage. Which was true.

How can he ? He had the Hidden class of [Frost Sovereign]. Not only did it gave him Immunity to ice attacks. It also gave him the power to get HP and MP back from any ice attacks that are directed at him. Even if his MP and HP bar is full it can be stocked for later use. Noah has used this a lot actually and this Frost dragon just helped him a little more.

After finding the ice beam to be ineffective, the boss monster started its physical Attack. Based on the commands that were implemented on it.

The Frost dragon attacked with it's claws, that had enlarged forming a translucent sheet of sharp ice around it. Along wIth it's tail, that already had icy spikes on it, also enlarging and attacking Noah, at the same time.

Noah immediately brought forth a sword from his inventory. The sword was a pitch black and had red runes on the blade. There were total of 12 runes on the blade.

Taking the sword, Noah blocked the claw that came from his front. And immediately after, he jumped backwards avoiding the tail with spikes that striked the place, he was standing a second ago.

The Frost dragon continued to attack with it's claws and tail, but Noah blocked all of them with his sword. Recently, he has gotten a new ability from the system in real life. It was [Sword Mastery] and he wanted to test it out in Yggdrasil. And as expected. His way of using sword has completely changed.

At first, when he took the sword he only took it because he thought swords were cool. But now, he understood why sword is mainly used by so many characters.

First of all sword is not the best weapon out there. Depending on the situation, sword can be useless. An example is, if you are fighting with someone with weapons like bow and guns then swords are basically useless, because they can shot you before you can even get near them.

And even in battlefield, sword is not the best weapon. Spears and pole-arms are much better for the large battlefield. Because they can kill from a distance. And spears tend to have thin blades, which can get into openings of armours, proving vital to victory.

However, the question still arises. Then why sword ? Because sword is the most versatile. Or you can say, useful in any situation. A sword can both thrust and cut. And they are also light.

Nevertheless, in the game of Yggdrasil, every weapon is similarly Powerful. Because it's not real life. Where you can apply normal logic. It's a game, which breaks the very reality of things.

In this world, swords can cut through enemy from far away, just like guns and guns can be used to cut enemy in short range, if you can make a gun like that obviously. It's possible nonetheless.

It's that simple.

But for Noah, why he thought swords were very useful now is because of his mastery. With his mastery and this magical world. He has basically eliminated all debuffs that were placed on swords.

Now, it can be used as anything. If he wants to thrust into someone, he'll use the swords skill to elongate it. If he wants to kill am enemy from afar, he'll use swords magical slashes, that will shot like projectiles to kill his enemies.

Just as Noah was thinking about his [Sword Mastery], dodging and deflecting all the attacks of the Frost dragon. It suddenly stopped attacking. And opened it's gaping mouth.

Noah understood, that it was planning to use the same ice type long range attack again. But..

This time, Noah had other plans.

He took his swords with both his hands, and the sword started glowing. All the runes, one by one, lit up, burning red like hot magma. And just as the frost dragon was about to hit him with it's attack, Noah cut upwards with his glowing sword, resulting in a blade of pure red fire shooting towards the Frost dragon, cutting the ice beam, that the frost Dragon was showering at him in half.

It then continued to cut through the ice beam and hit the frost dragon. Knocking it back. Giving it knock back damage.

Noah saw the HP of the boss monster go down by a significant amount. And by a significant amount. He meant nearly half of it.

Noah saw that after taking the knock back damage, the Dragon had changed shape. It's arms were gone now, replaced by large wings made of pure ice.

It looked somehow menacing, yet beautiful.

Noah has seen many boss monsters that changed their initial form to final form after taking a certain amount of damage. It looks like this was one of them. But it was far more powerful then others.

The Frost dragon has also gotten bigger. The cavern that was approximately 10 kilometres long. Was a quarter covered by the slithering tail and body of the serpentine frost dragon now.

Noah just stood there, waiting for the frost dragon to attack. And so it did. Barrage of icicles, that were as huge as an entire bus started showering towards Noah, at high speed.

But Noah still didn't move. Instead wanting to test his sword skills, he started parying all the icicles that shot towards him.

He swung his sword left and right. Deflecting some icicles, while dodging some. If it was some other player. Even if they were world champion. Would surely lose a good amount of their HP to this AOE attack.

However, to Noah, It was nothing but an overgrown hail. If he wanted, he could just stand there and take no damage. But he wanted to practice his sword skills practically.

The attack was long. It continued on for 3 minutes.

After Noah deflected the last icicle, he looked at the overgrown snake.

Yes, Noah thought it was an overgrown snake, because now it didn't looked much like dragon but a snake with wings.

He saw that the Frost dragon was now showering him with blasts of ice, that were small damage AOE attacks. He was aware of these attacks, because he has seen many other ice type boss mosnters use this..

Noah understood, that this overgrown snake will have no use for his sword training now. So, he decided to defeat it at last.

He took a deep breath and put his sword back into his inventory. Before using his skill [Space Shift], to vanish and appear right beside the Frost Dragon.

He then proceeded to put his right hand onto the boss monsters body.

"[Greater Break]" Noah used yet another one of his skills, while touching the boss monster and..

Reality broke.

Not just the entire cavern, but the entire dungeon seems to break, Like a broken glass, before the Frost Dragons HP pumelled to zero in an instant. Taking it's life entirely and disintegrating into nothingness.

Noah looked and saw that the boss monster left behind quite a loot. And due to his luck, he has gotten many rare items, even dine class items in numbers. It was a common occurrence. But he still can't get tired of getting these rare rewards. It was an exhilarating feeling.

However, what Noah was excited about even more was the reward that system gave him for completing this quest.

This whole Dungeon clearing was for one thing. And that was to clear a quest given by the system. A quest that he was anticipating since the beginning of the Yggdrasil. But finally it happened.

{Level cap has been removed}

Noah giggled, despite his avatar not showing any emotions. He was ecstatic. His level cap has been removed. That means, he can level up indefinitely. And become infinitely powerful, Or At the least, he could try to.

His eyes were hoping many things. Before this, he had many classes he wanted to have but can't, due to his level limit of 100.

Noah decided to look at his status once, before he decided to become something even more monstrous then he already is.

[IGN : Noah Paeris Ianfiel]

[Alignment : Chaotic Evil]

[Karma : –800]

[Race : God Kin]

[Racial Class :

– God Kin - Lvl : 5

– Seraphim - Lvl : 5

– Mystic Incubus - Lvl : 5

– Adonis - Lvl : 5

– Arch Daemon - Lvl : 5

– True Vampire Progenitor - Lvl : 5

– Available for use]

[Job Class :

– Glacial Child - Lvl : 10

– Frost Prince - Lvl : 5

– Frost Sovereign - Lvl : 5

– Disciple of Elements - Lvl : 10

– Elemental Overlord - Lvl : 5

– Arch Mage - Lvl : 10

– Sage - Lvl : 10

– High Sage - Lvl : 5

– Necromancer - Lvl : 10

– Diabolic Castor - Lvl : 5

– Available for use]

[HP : 2400/2400]

[MP : 4500/4500]

[Physical Attack : 1400]

[Physical Defense : 2800]

[Agility : 2000]

[Magical Attack : 2400]

[Magical Defense : 3000]

[Resist : 1700]

[Special : 2800]

[Stat points available to distribute: 1200]

Noah's stats were monstrous. No! It was beyond anything. He was sure, he had already broken the game. Even though, he was not even the rank 1 player right now. Why ? Because he hasn't shown any of his powers. He didn't wanted to get into the eyes of any devs and players, while one of the other reasons was, he didn't wanted to mess up with timeline, where momonga and his guild mates meet. So, he has been silent and quiet for all this time now. Once the guild of ainz oal gown was established. He'll be able to show off a little.

Currently In the leaderboard, the player ranked 1 was known as GrapeLock, weird name, Noah thought. However, he didn't paid any attention to leaderboard much, cause all the player were boring to him. He wasn't much interested in fighting, here atleast. because he wanted to experience the world of Yggdrasil more. He was going to fight anyway, in the new world. A world that will be his for taking.

With a devious smile, that Noah's Avatar didn't show nor did he realized, formed on his face.

He then watched the ending animation of the boss, waiting for all the loots to be collected.

It was only then, did he noticed something odd about a loot this boss monster dropped.

" Hm.. is this a world item ? No way!" Noah shouted a little, as he browsed through the loots he got.

He looked at one particular item, that gave him a little shock.

[Item: Blood of the Fire Deity]

[Grade: World]

[Description : When the Fire Deity was born, he killed his own mother due to his uncontrollable and inextinguishable flames. Making his father angry. The God of Life, killed his own son. However, few drops of his blood were left behind. Sealed by the God of Life, the father of the fire deity, for the time, when someone worthy enough to control the bloodline of Eternal Flame arrives.

- Is a consumable item. Can unlock a Hidden class if consumed.

- Can be used to creat an NPC, if provided the Data crystals and Data storage.

- Can be used to craft a sentient weapon, above the divine tier weapons but below the world tier items.

- Can be used as a summoning item to Summon a super strong Primal Eternal Fire elemental, that will be a permanent summon. But resurrection won't be possible.]

Noah was a little surprised, but he was not baffled like anyone would've been. He just didn't expected that a this Dungeon boss would drop a world item. It seems like Dev's have left many hidden things, that he still can't discover. Noah thought it's probably his system telling him to get these world items by giving him these quests.

In this world, Noah was very grateful for two thing. One was his sisters undying and unconditional love and the second was the system granted by the Omniverse tsundere.

Yes, Noah has decided to call the Omniverse that gave him system. The Omniverse tsundere, because he still didn't knew what or who it was. Well whatever it was, it only helped Noah. So he didn't mind.

After sorting out all his loots and items. Noah looked back at the world item bringing it back from his infinity inventory.

Noah had came accross many world items. Even though, it's only been a few years since the world items were discovered. Noah was obviously one of the first person to discover one of them due to the help of his reward system.

The first world item, that Noah came across was a shield, named [Aegis], a shield that can block any and all physical Attacks, as long as the user had the required physical Defense stat to equip it. However, as much as it sounded omnipotent. It was not. Because it will rust through time. If used it will last 65 hours at most. And when you are blocking the physical Attacks, it lowers your magical Defense stat. So it's quite balanced for a world item. But still plenty powerful..

Right now, Noah had an exact of 75 world items and if you include this one, then 76.

Noah looked at the world item, that was in the shape of a glistening red drop of blood, seemed to be frozen by something, that he can only assume to be ice, due to the nature of the boss.

" I wonder, if i should create an NPC with this item.. but..." Noah thought creating an NPC with a world item was something, he was always planning to do and this item seems like the perfect item to do so. However, he was someone who always seeks to strengthen himself first and not to mention his nagging curiosity at this class that mentioned of an eternal flame. He wondered what kind of effect it will have in the new world.

Noah was curious. Very much so, Now that his level cap has been removed. He wondered what kind of class it is. And with that thought.

He looked at the world item and a screen appeared before him.

[Consume: Yes/No ]

Noah didn't hesitated and pressed on Yes. And another game panel immediately appeared in front of his eyes. With a ding! Noise.

[You've unlocked the hidden class (Apostle of Agni)]

"Oh?" Noah voiced out, a little surprised. This hidden class surely will be something if it came from world item. It should atleast be as strong as the world champion class.

Noah then looked at the game panel, that excited him the most.

[Would you like to equip it: Yes/ No]

He can now equip a new class. Without any problem at all. His level cap is no more. And he will be leveling up indefinitely now. Hahaha...

Noah laughed inside his heart. And immediately Pressed on yes, equipping the hidden class that will provide him with new skills, spells and powers.

Standing in the the plateform, that was now cracked. Noah looked at his home screen of the game panel." It's about time i log out." With those words, Noah decided to log out.

Coming into the real world, he saw Akane staring at his face with a lovely smile.

" What are you doing ?" Noah asked, as he got up and removed his neurotransmitter. And VR gear.

"I was watching your sleeping face." Akane said with the same smile.

" You always do that, Akane nee. And i was not sleeping. What's so good about my sleeping face, anyway."

" You won't understand. You look the cutest when you are sleeping. I mean not that you are not cute without sleeping. You are cute even when you are not sleeping. "Akane said with a slight tint of blush.

"Shouldn't i be the one saying those stuff ?" Noah said, he was a man ofcourse and he should've been the one saying those stuff to her instead of the other way. Even though he can't deny, that he felt good when he heard his sisters words.

"Who cares ? You love me, that's enough. I don't need your compliments to know you love me." Akane said, as she took Noah into an embrace and kissed him without any qualms. Noah, obviously accepted her kiss and returned it.

After 2 minutes of intense tongue fight, they finally seperated.

"I really can't get enough of you, no matter how many times i kiss you " Akane said while breathing heavily and looking at Noah with a red face. Lust was evident in her eyes but something even more evident in her eyes were love and possesive desire. It was truly a magic, how she was able to just not force Noah. It's probably because she loves him enough to control herself.

Yes, Despite their 2 years of relationship they haven't had sex yet. Even though they've almost done everything. Noah had helped Akane 'relieve herself' many times. And she'll have to say, just Noah's touch is enough to make her climax.

" Stop getting horny." Noah said, as he pinched Akane's nose, trying to get her out of her trance.

" Ouch! Ok ok!!" Akane said, as she held the nose that Noah pinched with a smiling face and content smile.

" Let me take a bath, then we'll go on a small date..Before meeting with Nami." Noah said with a small smile, as he Carresed Akane's cheeks. Which made her show a blissful smile with a blush on her face, and left the room.

After Noah left the room to take a shower, Akane still remained sitting on his bed smelling his blanket taking in all his smell.

" Noah! Noah!" She muttered to herself, as she rubbed her legs while sniffing his blanket.

She continued to do that, untill he came back and almost saw her in an embarrassing position.

Fortunately, she was saved due to the Noah senses, that she has developed over the years.