
Overlord: The True God Kin

After getting caught cheating, Noah was brutally stabbed by his girlfriend's, before dying a gruesome death. However, he got a chance to reincarnate into a world of his liking, due to the love of some powerful being. Noah was an avid lover of the anime overlord, so he choosed to reincarnate into the world of overlord. However, he didn't got any wishes from the god, instead he got something even greater. [This fanfic is dropped] * I don't own the cover image. If the artist wants me to remove it i will.* * I don't own the world and characters except my original charchters*

AzazelGrim · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

The Frozen Dungeon

In the game of Yggdrasil, there are dungeons, that are scattered and hidden throughout each of the 9 world's.

Dungeons were massive, and were hidden for the players to find and discover on their own. Each of the Dungeon differing from another. Some can be in the shape of a castle, while some can be in the shape of an entire city. An example was Nazarick, the name, great tomb of Nazarick makes it clear what it is. A tomb.

However, they are not small and easy enough for any solo player to go and dive through, Killing monsters and getting exclusive rewards that are far beyond normal. The dungeons are not only massive but also extremely difficult to clear. To clear a normal dungeon, you would need atleast a group of 20 - 30 players. Depending on the dungeons level requirement and difficulty, that may change.

However, as difficult as the dungeons are, defeating them will compensate for all the time and effort it will take to clear it.

Dungeons have high Rewards and many boss monstes that drop rare items, along with high item drop rate from monsters. The rare and hard to find items are mostly found in the dungeons. And if these are still not enough reward, then there are Guild based dungeons. That you can exploit even more.

Guild based dungeons are Dungeons, that can be used a guild base by a guild, after conquering it. It even gives it's guild members data storage and levels to create NPCs, that will guard their base. NPCs can be customized by the guild members, However they like.

Most of the Guild based dungeons had NPC creation storage limited, depending on the difficulty of the Dungeon.

However, In each of the 9 realms, there is one High level dungeon that had 3000 dedicated level to their NPC creation and players can expand upon it, increasing the data storage by paying for it and buying different data crystals and data storage for more options and customisation. After all, Yggdrasil was a game, that made most of it's money from in game purchases.

Back on the topic, dungeons were very useful for players to level up. And there were many dungeons that were unanimously dubbed as a leveling hub by players. Where players go and level up. And even if one killed the boss, It will be back in a few hours or a day, at most.

Nevertheless, If one wanted to dive into an unknown and hidden dungeon, that no one has explored before. Then they'll have to be prepared for everything. Most of the dungeons that were hidden and unknown, were cleared by huge guilds in a single run to get more rewards for being the first to clear the Dungeon. Clearing a dungeon for the first time in a single run will get you, some exclusive juicy items. And the more dangerous the Dungeon, the more rare and precious the items you'll get from it. That is obviously, if your guild has prepared enough.

However, all of the things above is for other players. Right now, Noah was strolling through a dungeon with Akane holding his hands. They were like a couple just strolling through a park, even though right now, they were in one of the most dangerous dungeons in the world of Niflheim. The Cave of the Frozen Deity.

It is one of the most difficult dungeons because it's a Simultaneous Attack Dungeon. A dungeon, that's naturally hard to clear, due to the simultaneous attacks of the monsters, the moment you enter.

The cave of the Frozen deity Dungeon was a large cave dungeon, divided into multiple floors, where the difficulty Increases as the players descend.

At the first floor, you'll mostly encounter monsters like ice wolve's and lesser Ice golems. Ranging from level 20 - 30.

But.. the deeper you descend, the higher the level of monsters will be. An example is the 4th floor, that Noah and Akane just passed through, to get into the 5th floor. It was a floor, filled with glacial structures. It would have been impossible to even traverse in the icy glacial land, where the hail of big ice chunks was falling, that took your HP down by the minutes. Thats why, prepration is necessary in Yggdrasil. If you can prepare enough, you'll even be able to do many things, that might seem impossible at first. You just need to discover and learn to exploit the game.

To go through the 4th floor normal players would need special gears and equipment to get through. Or special Racial and Job class, that allows them to Bypass that specific kind of debuff.

However, for Noah was it a problem ? Obviously not. He just used one of his passive skill, that he acquired from the Job class [Frost Sovereign] and he was able to go through the floor like a breeze. As for Akane ? He obviously had given her more then enough items to cover her from any debuffs possible

So there was no problem.

And when you traverse through a floor, there would be a boss that you would need to defeat, before continuing to descend downwards. This Dungeon had 4 bosses, that Noah had defeated. While on his way to the 5th. Each floor contained a boss monster that was level 100.

The first floor had a Large Frost Golem covering the stairs of the 2nd floor.

Noah defeated the Golem using his new magic spell, he learned. Due to the Golem being a physical attacker. It was weak to magical attacks, and all it took Noah was a single [Volcanic Spray], to make the golems huge HP bar, go down to zero in an instant.

The second floors boss was a Frost Wyrm. That once again, blocked the staircase with its body

A monster resembling snake, but was closely related to dragons. It was made purely of ice, So it was pretty weak to physical Attacks. Noah However, once again defeated the boss with one of his magic spells, because he was too lazy to actually bring any weapons out to kill the snake. He used the spell [Magma Floor], that turned the floor into magma, to kill the boss monster, slowly draining it's HP.

The third floors boss was Jack Frost, an ice spirit that was humanoid, resembling a mermaid. However, it was a powerful boss monster, because it blasted Ice magic spells left and right. Noah used one of his passive skills, called [Bane of The Frost] to defeat the monster. The skill made it so, all the monsters that attacked him with ice based magic attacks, will be redirected the same amount of damage, the user will take. And combined with the spell, [Creat Greater Clone], that creates a clone to take place of the player having half the amount of HP as the player. It's a perfect skill to use and redirect the damage, if used together.

And then came the fourth floors boss Monster.

It was probably the most dangerous. No! Not in the term of power, but in the term of appearence. It was so menacing looking, that it gave Noah a PTSD for a second. The dev's had made it so vicious and demonic looking, that it made his spine shiver, just remembering about it.

And it was..

Krampus, The Christmas Demon.

It was a goat demon, that had human legs and stands on two legs. But his entire body was covered in black fur like goat. However, the scariest thing that Noah found about it was the face. That was oddly humanoid, yet had goat horns coming from the forehead. It was not like the Demi-human races Goat kins, but more demonic instead. Probably made by the devs purposefully, to scare the players. It had a vicious smile on it's face with one tongue hanging out. It Was scary enough already. But for realism, the stupid Dev's, even gave it a basket behind its back, that he was holding. And inside the basket were...

No! No! There weren't any children. Instead, there were ice goblins. Small ice goblins, probably children ice goblins created just for realism. Noah was so creeped out and scared of the Goat demon, that he didn't even waited for the scary animation to end. Before firing of multiple 8th Tier, AOE spells like,[Lightning Burst] and [Explosion] to kill the boss monster.

However, he still had to go through the gruelling long animation of the goat demons death. Which was the only time he regreted something in Yggdrasil so far.

Shaking his head, Noah cleared up all those thoughts that haunted him. Reminding him of the creepy goat head of the demon.

Maybe it was because of the incident in his past life.

When he was 10 year old, he watched a scary horror movie, that had a demon with a goat head. Since then, he has been afraid of humanoid goats.

" Are you still afraid ?" Akane asked, with a sly smile Emoji beside her face. However, there was a hint of worry present in her eyes. Showing her care for him.

" No no! Let's not talk about it! I don't want to remember that hideous monster again!" Noah said shaking his head.

To which Akane can only sigh and shake her head a little, as if her brother was a child, who is acting brave. But she Can't help but find even that side of him cute.

After the small conversation they continued walking on the icy cavern.

Unlike before, there weren't any mosnters attacking them in this floor.

The 5th floor, that Noah and Akane were walking through right now was purely made of ice, that reflected their image and rocks that were covered in snow. Every step they took, made the ice around them crack. Like broken glass, giving it a very beautiful scene. As if they are walking in a mirror.

Nonetheless, they still paled in comparison to the beauty of the young man that was walking on this path. Noah's appearence has changed. It has become more profound and More beautiful, that's the only word that can describe it. Even though beauty was not the right term to describe his ethereal and enchanting face and visage.

Akane, who was by his side, was holding his hand, hasn't changed much but now she was wearing different gears. Her entire body was covered in white angelic cloths like before but it covered her entire body now. Like an armour. Leaving just her beautiful and majestic wings to sprout behind her back. Making her look like an angel, that she is. Her halo was also shining bright pink in contrast to Noah's halo that was invisible to the eyes of others.

" Why is there no monsters here ?" Akane asked, confused, because in each and every floor. The moment they entered, mobs of monsters start attacking them like mindless beasts. However, it was not the same here.

They strolled through the cavern that was made of ice. Despite walking for almost 20 minutes now, they haven't encountered even 1 monster and that was weird, so obviously, Akane would ask such question.

" Well.. there's probably a trap up ahead Akane nee. We are probably going to fall into the trap, then all the monsters will start coming. It's that kind of dungeon after all." Noah said, giving a brief explanation of what he can deduce from the situation at hand. It was after all, his first time in this dungeon. And they were also the first to visit this dungeon.

" Oh! I remember last time we went into another dungeon that was similar to this. It was really funny, how you one shot the boss right after he arrived and the animation had just started. " Akane giggled, as she remembered about the past. It has already been 4 years since they've started playing Yggdrasil. It won't be an understatement to say that they have spend a lifetime on this game. It was very precious and close to her heart, because she spent a lot of her time with her sweetheart, Noah in Yggdrasil.

And even when he is not playing, she spends even more time with him in real life. In their apartment, without any worries.

Akane smiled, at the thought of what she should cook for Noah today. They had stopped hiring maids, after they moved. Noahs parents protested and asked, why Akane and Noah were moving, but Akane refused to explain, more then what was necessary. She just said, she is moving with her boyfriend and Noah will stay with her. While, Noah helped from behind with his connections, so his parents won't do anything to their protest. even if they did anything, Noah would learn about it instantly. And to keep himself and Akane safe, he was enough, obviously.

Afraid of someone barging into their paradise, Akane started cooking. She is making food for almost 2 years now, and she has become a good cook and can cook many dishes. Just seeing Noah eat her food makes her life worth living for.

" Noah, what do you want for dinner today ?"

" Hm.." Noah pondered for a while before replying. " I think we should eat outside today. "

" Huh.. why do you want to eat outside ?" Akane asked with a frown, even though the Avatar can't show it, she used an emoticon.

" Uhm.. because i want to eat something fancy today, i guess. Fancy food once in a while is good. " Noah said, while sweating a little. He had been craving a good old steak for a few days, but hasn't gotten to eat it, because Akane always cooked for him. And he didn't wanted to refuse her loving smile that she directed at him, while feeding him, her own cooking. But now that she asked today, he thought, eating out today would be a great thing to change the pace.

It didn't mean, he hates her food. he loves it, But changing your palatte once in a while is good.

" Ok." Akane didn't mind, she was happy with whatever Noah was happy with.

" We should invite Nami too. She said, she'll be free tonight. " Akane suddenly said, to Noah's surprise.

After that day when, Noah Massacred the entire clan of Nami. Nami become friends with Noah, through social media.

Nami and Noah got a lot closer, thanks to their addiction with gacha. However, she also become friends with Akane. At first, Nami only texted Noah, but soon, the three of them together started playing Yggdrasil and become good friends. Nami had already left her clan by that time and was mostly adventuring with Noah and Akane. Even though they haven't formed a clan or a guild, their way of being together was similar.

After getting to know each other better through the game Yggdrasil. They decided to meet each other in real life. And to their surprise, they lived in the same city. Saving them the trouble and expanses, to go see each other in another city.

Although, Nami had seen Noahs pics before and knew, he was something that should probably only exist in fantasy, like a character who is unimaginable in real life. But when she saw him in real, she was even more amazed by his looks.

As for what happened on their first meeting ? It was pretty awkward for Nami. Because she was meeting with someone she had a crush on who was 10 years younger then her. When she came to learn his age, Nami was so shocked, that she wasn't able to get a good night's sleep for many days, because she thought, she has done something unthinkable. Having crush on someone, who is only 14, while being 24 years old Is insane, to say the least.

However, meeting Akane was also a shock. She learned that Akane was older, so Nami was a little relived about being around her. Cause 16 was the legal age for both male and female in Japan.

Akane, also liked Nami and they can be considered friends. As for why Akane liked Nami ? Because Akane can talk about Noah to Nami. The girl, despite being 24 years old and someone working. Was able to understand her reasonings and rants, that would probably make other people believe that she is insane. They have developed a sort of cult on their own, that Noah was only vaguely aware of, thanks to eavesdropping on some of their conversation.

Nami occasionally came to visit them, in their apartment, every week. And recently, her visits have become frequent. Maybe it was because Noah turned 16, 2 months ago. The actual reasons, Noah was unaware of.

She also knew about Noah and Akane's relationship.

Noah has recently told her about it. even though she was a little suspicious before. Due to how close they were.

When Noah told her, he was also prepared to erase her memories. Just in case, she was someone, who would inform authorities. He had gotten many supernatural abilities from his Reward System. And one of them being [Charm]. It was similar to the spell, [Charm Person] in Yggdrasil, but Noah didn't knew how affective it would be compared to the Yggdrasil spell, because he had only tried it on weak willed humans, who are living in this dystopian world.

Anyway, hearing their relationship and about their lovestory. Nami started crying. Because finding love and someone, who genuinely loves you in this dystopian world. Where everyone seeks their own gain, is as hard as finding a needle in a haystack. Well.. that sounds old. Finding a living fish in the toxic oceans of this world, will be a better example.

" Ok, Akane nee. We should go to the new restaurent that opened at the centre of the city. I read some reviews about their steak, it is very good apparently."

"Mhm.. Mhm.. " Akane nodded with a hum. She was happy. Just spending more time with Noah and doing new things with him, made her happy. Very happy. Even the mundane days, were filled with joy and happiness now.

However, she had something to do today. That's why she was even more happy and joyous.

While they were still walking. Noah saw Akane pause for a second.

" What happened ?"

" I think I'll log out. I have to take a bath and prepare my clothes too. Also, I'll have to call Nami to inform about the dinner." Akane said in a voice that sounded as if she is hiding something, for some reasons.

However, Noah just shrugged it off by saying. "Do as you wish. I'll probably clear the Dungeon in another 50 minutes. At most. "

" Ok!" Akane then bring her game panel out and before pressing the log out button. She moved towards Noah and said. " I love you" and pressed the log out option on the screen. Vanishing.

Noah stood there, despite his avatar showing stoic face, his eyes were twitching right now. At his sisters cute, yet cringy behaviour.




( A/N: So, i know people might complain about Nami being a pedo and stuff... but, do remember that, the mc is also mentally way older. if you combine his age. Not to mention, this is a wish fulfilment story so.. you should know what to expect. Also, i feel like i did a lot of information dump today. but I'll try to make the next chapter more interesting. Thanks for reading! and do share your opinion in the comments, even if you don't like it. you should criticize it. I love reading your guys comments. so every and all comments are appreciated. )