
Overlord: My Empire

Currently paused, as I am working on another book (Black Clover Turning Fates) this book will return in the future when I eventually finish the other one. As for now I leave the chapters out for any of you to read. Know that this book might be updated, as I might change chapter a small bit. (I do not own the cover)

Crem_Y · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Ch 3: First Steps

The tree became a rubber-like substance as Rudra began to use both hands and start to reshape the tree turning it from wood into beautifully crafted stone blocks, forty blocks were made and fell to the ground as the demons around him began to pick some of them up, Rudra looked at his hands and smiled the feeling he had right now was indescribable and amazing at the same time as he looked at the other tree heading his way.

"What would you like us to do with the stone blocks, my lord?" asked Dagris as he walked up to Rudra with a slight bow of respect

"Nothing really, I'm honestly just testing my powers and seeing what I can do and what my limit is, I can customize the shape and change the material which is convenient but for now just keep bringing me trees and start building small houses with the material I make," said Rudra as he put both his hands on the other tree starting the process again.

This time he wanted to make something else, something better and stronger, iron would be the correct term for what he wanted to make. Rudra grabbed the tree and began to use his power on it turning it into a rubber-like substance and being to alter its properties.

It took more mana and was definitely more exhausting than creating stone but iron or steel would be more accurate and was way stronger than stone or iron. He had accidentally created steel rather than iron which he was aiming for.

Night time came and Rudra was exhausted from all the work he had done today, he had been constantly creating materials for the demons to carry around and start to try and build houses. Of course, they were not that advanced just looked like stone hunts, the steel that he made was being saved for his future plans of building a castle for himself. As he fell down onto his stone throne he now just noticed how many demons were there, about a hundred demons were summoned by Dagris as that was the limit for him at the moment, Rudra sat on his throne as he started to think of what he should do next.

'Maybe building my own Kingdom would be a good start like all other isekai protagonists, but it could also be a good way to gain more strength to defeat Ainz and Nazarick, Nazarick was one of the strongest guilds in Yggdrasil so there not to be underestimated especially that monster Rubedo. Tomorrow I'll start thinking about this more but for now, I need some food and rest.' thought Rudra as he opened his eyes to see an enormous pile of meat being brought to him.

Rudra smiled at the sight and regained his posture and calm mind, the night passed with Rudra talking to Dagris about what they were going to do for tomorrow as he was thinking about making divisions for all different things like for example food gathering division, and others. Dargis was interested in the idea but also recommended that they shouldn't make too many divisions as then their numbers would be split and it would be hard to manage all that with just the two of them, we dropped the discussion to sleep but it still bugged me through the night and so I kept thinking on what I was going to do.

'He's not wrong, I don't want to be attacked and have no one here to protect me, maybe three would be good for the time being as we could split them up into the construction division, the resourcing division, and finally the fighting division, but the question is how would the chain of command go and what would happen if their leader is killed and all would they be able to still keep a solid formation, ugh, I'll have to think about this more tomorrow.'

The next day I realized that I didn't get enough sleep, and a lot of the demons noticed as well as Dagris as he kept asking if I needed to rest and all, even though I should have I needed to get everything organized before then as making the three divisions is the first priority and all.

The first division was the Construction division a real original name, I made one of the male demons in charge of it and gave him the name of Dagru, he was recommended to me by Dagris when I asked him if he had any smart servants.

The division specialized in building houses but I also told them I may need them to build weapons and armor someday. I had thirty-five demons in this division and made sure that all of them knew their job which was easier said than done as most of them were like robots and didn't really think for themselves.

The second division was the Resource gathering division, I had a female demon become the leader and named her Dagrie as well as told her that they would have to do more than just resource gathering and would also be working as scouts and assains if need be.

Now there was the last division which I named the Warfare division and put a demon named Darius in charge as he was Dagri's younger brother and he said he was average when it came to intellect, the division would be trained under him and supervised by Dagris as I deal with the other two divisions, there was no other job I would have them do as I wanted them to be for Warfare only and save up their power, they had the most members out of all that being thirty-five.

I sat down on my throne and began to ponder on what I should do now that I have dealt with jobs and how I am going to start building up strength, there was one thing I wanted to test out but it was a little dangerous.

"Dargis I have a question for you," I asked looking at the demon

"What is it that is troubling you, my lord?" asked Dagris as he kneeled in front of me

"Do souls exist?"

"I uh, believe so my lord, why do you ask,"

"Hmm, I want to test something, can you summon a low-level demon."

"Yes my lord, but what do you plan to do," asked Dagris with a confused face

"Hmm, you'll see, summon the demon,"

Dargis walked in front of me and cut his finger with one of his long nails, the blood touched the floor and a red magic circle appeared on the ground, he began to pour his mana into it, and as he did so a woman with red hair and red eyes began to crawl out of the circle and a couple of minutes later was now standing in front of me, she appeared to be wearing worn out rags for clothing and had cuts all over her body and seemed to be very nervous of Dagris even though he was just smiling.

"Well then, let's see how this goes," said Rudra as he closed his eyes

'Time to create a new skill, this skill will allow me to make a connection with the soul of a person and interact with it as well as alter it entirely if need be, and so with that, I shall be able to grant them some power so the name for this skill should be-.' Rudra's thoughts were interrupted as a voice appeared in his head

{The Unique Skill Rising Star has been created}

'Interesting name, I guess I couldn't name it this time.' thought Rudra with an annoyed look

Rudra re-opened his eyes and smiled at the girl, he extended his hand out toward the female demon, and as he did a bright red light appeared in the girl's chest and began to come out of her and towards Rudra.

He felt the soul of the demon in his hand, it was warm and had a bright red glow at some points. He looked over at the demon and noticed how she was on the ground breathing heavily, it looked like she was in a lot of pain, he better get this over with quickly. It would be a shame if one of his new servants died because of his own interests in their souls.

Rudra closed his eyes once more and began to make a connection with the soul with his new skill [Rising Star].

{A soul corridor with the individual ***** has been created}

Rudra's smile grew, but then he noticed the girl, she was in way more pain than before red veins appeared all over her body, Rudra had to finish his experiment quickly and so he began.

He didn't know how to work the skill yet but he needed to find a way to, he needed to analyze her soul and find out which skill would suit her, with the ultimate skill that allows him to create skills and give them to his allies/servants he was already capable of creating one for her but he just needed to find out which one would suit her and if she was able to handle a skill.

Then it happened, a connection of some sort. I was able to fully connect to her soul.

{Anylizing the individual ***** soul and desires, notice the individual ***** can obtain a unique skill of her own, analyzing... the individual ***** has been granted the Unique Skill Fear Devouer}

'She was able to meet the requirements to gain a skill which means she had a strong enough soul and an incredible desire to get stronger by feeding off of someone's fear, how interesting, does this mean that people in this world can actually obtain skills,' thought Rudra as he leaned back up against his throne as he looked down at the female on the ground.

She had fallen to the ground after the skill was gifted to her and the red veins that once covered her body had slowly started to disappear.

"Did your experiment succeed?" asked Dagris as he looked at the girl and then back at Rudra.

Rudra was exhausted, with both the experiment and the amount of sleep he had gotten in the past night he didn't feel all too well.

"Eh, I need some sleep Dagris," said Rudra as he began to close his eyes

"My Lord?" asked Dagris with a surprised face.


In the Capital of The Baharuth Empire Arwintar, in the halls of the great city that was still in the process of being built a man, sits on the throne. A golden crone is on top of his head while he wears a dark red robe that covers him from head to toe.

The man sits there staring at the golden doors with an impatient look, the doors open as a man clad in white armor walks into the hall. He had blonde hair and blue eyes and a chilling presence.

"You summoned me, your majesty." said the man as he got down to one knee

"I did, I wanted to hear the report straight from you." said the man, as he looked down towards the solider

"They were able to kill all the Demon gods." said the man as he closed his eyes and took a deep breathe

"That's all? I thought you were going to go into more depth." said the man as he leaned back onto the throne

"When I was sent to watch this group I was sure that it would be now different from what I had seen in the capital but it was completely different when I watched them fight those monsters, they were on another level entirely, but now that the adventure is over I feel a sense of relief and a drive to reach a new level of power that will surpass them." said the solider as he lifted his gaze onto the old man

"I see...you have changed a lot since I last saw you." said the man as he made eye contact with the solider

"Anyways that is all, thank you for coming Leuventer, I know that you would rather rest and all." said the man with a slight chuckle

The soldier stood up but not before giving the man an annoyed look before leaving, the man on the throne got up and stretched and look towards the window on his right as a smile came to his face.

"I can see a new era on the horizon, The Baharuth Empire will be gaining more strength in the next few years...soon we will have no equal besides, for the Dragon Lords." said the man as he looked at the rising sun shining on the city

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Hi everyone, it's been a while since I've written a chapter and so I wanted to start off with something easy and with not too many words.

I've been working as an editor for some small-time authors and helping them out with their work and seeing what I can improve on as well for my own stories.

I'll tell you this right now, I'm not perfect, I will make mistakes in writing and in the story maybe even some characters, I ask you to cut me some slack unless it's a major thing and it will affect the story very much.

This will be an Overlord FF, but if you coming out of the first chapter already mad then stop reading, don't like it don't do it.

This Overlord FF will have mistakes and will not have long chapters like the others out there so if your excepting something like Lords Of Ooal Gown then stop reading cause I'll tell you right now it won't be.

Now I am in college and I actually just started this year so I will only be updated in my free time, which changes a lot so I honestly don't know when I'll update.

If you have any questions that I haven't answered already then leave a comment if you've read this and want to drop it then let me give you a little advice.


Besides that have a good day, I'll try to get out a Spanish translation when and if I hit twenty chapters.

Crem_Ycreators' thoughts