
Overgeared: Emperor of Midnight

Such is the story of a man, who perseveres through the hardships and challenges thrown at him to hold tight over the fate of his life. Even if this fate might be embracing the night and becoming a monster of the umbra, transformed by blood into a Vampire. To tie the fate of the Satisfy World forever into the night, Vecna must have power beyond that of any mortal. An eternal monarch for an eternal Kingdom. The Night has come, and the end is near for the foolish heroes and adventurers brave enough to challenge the Umbral Lord, the Emperor of Midnight. Soon, the Gods who oppose him will shake in fear under his might. Watch him and praise him, the Umbral Lord, from a blood-drinker transcending to become the Emperor of Midnight. [Disclaimers] The story consists of the novel 'Overgeared' and some other stories, having varied influences of different RPGs and MMOs. Main influences D&D and World of Warcraft. [Socials] If you want to stay in touch with the author. You can in discord. — Discord: https://discord.gg/CMsHqJVDVD

Vostarian · Book&Literature
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87 Chs

Blood World Showdown

Fangor's attempt to counter Vecna's 'Bloodburst' effect had left his Mystic Shield visibly weakened, with spiderweb-like cracks marring its surface. The unexpected impact had taken a toll on him, and he staggered back, struggling to maintain his footing in the nightmarish Blood World.

However, the assault of the Blood God watching from a high vantage point didn't stop there. 

['Blood World' effect has been triggered.]

Out of nowhere, a rift tore through the crimson-tinged air, a tear in reality itself, and from this rift, three sinister entities emerged – the Blood Shards. These shards were manifestations of the nightmarish power that Vecna had harnessed within the Blood World, and they bore a sinister and ominous appearance.

Each Blood Shard was a grotesque, crystalline structure, jagged and sharp like shards of obsidian, but pulsating with a deep, malevolent crimson hue. They seemed to be forged from the very essence of the Blood World, twisted and corrupted, with eerie veins of dark energy coursing through their forms.

The Blood Shards appeared to defy gravity as they hovered ominously in the air, suspended by the unholy power of the Blood World itself. Their surfaces glistened with a viscous, blood-like substance that oozed from their edges, giving them an unsettling and organic appearance.

As Fangor's demonic form grappled with the searing pain of the Blood Shards impaling him, his cries of agony echoed through the Blood World. Each shard tore through his flesh and energy, creating a nightmarish tableau of suffering. 

The shards seemed to feed on his pain, pulsating with an eerie rhythm as if savoring his torment.

"How long will you last? Ten seconds? Thirty Seconds? One minute?"

"I wonder."


Despite the excruciating pain and the overwhelming odds against him, Fangor refused to relent. 

His transformation into a demonic entity had not only granted him newfound power but also an indomitable will to survive and conquer. With his willpower as unyielding as his demonic form, Fangor summoned a surge of unholy energy.

The air around him crackled with malevolence as he channeled the abyssal rage that burned within him. The demonic power surged through his veins, setting his entire being ablaze with otherworldly energy. His eyes blazed with an unnatural fire, and his claws, already formidable, seemed to elongate further, sharpening to deadly points.

'I will not let myself get done so pitifully. I am Fangor Brambleskinner, proud Chieftain of the Goblins.'

In this moment of desperation, Fangor made a fateful decision. With a burst of demonic strength, he propelled himself forward, defying the laws of gravity within the Blood World. His target was none other than Vecna, the Blood God who floated in the crimson skies, holding both of his sinister artifacts.

It was a daring and reckless maneuver, fueled by the belief that this might be his last chance to turn the tides of the battle. Fangor's form shot through the air like a demonic projectile, his eyes locked onto Vecna with a fiery determination.

For a brief moment, the world seemed to hold its breath, anticipating the clash between the demonic force and the vampiric lord. Fangor's body, impaled by the Blood Shards, left a trail of dark crimson in its wake as he hurtled toward his adversary.

Vecna, the orchestrator of this nightmarish realm, watched with a twisted smile on his face. 

"You can still dance? Then, show me. What else can you do."

He knew that Fangor's desperate assault was futile, that he was a mere insect flying toward the fangs of a predator. The Blood God's crimson eyes glinted with sadistic amusement as he prepared to meet the oncoming threat.

As Fangor closed the distance, his demonic power reached its zenith, and he gathered every ounce of his strength for a final, devastating attack. It was a gamble, a high-risk move that could either save him from the clutches of the Blood World or seal his doom.

In his darkest hour, when hope seemed like a distant memory, Fangor's indomitable willpower surged forth like a raging inferno. He refused to be a mere plaything of the Blood God, and he yearned to turn the tide of the battle in his favor.


With a guttural roar that seemed to shake the very foundations of the Blood World, Fangor channeled the abyssal rage that dwelled deep within his demonic essence. It was as if the abyss itself had taken residence within him, lending him its dreadful power.

The transformation was awe-inspiring and horrifying in equal measure. Flames erupted from Fangor's form, their infernal glow casting eerie shadows across the blood-soaked battlefield. His eyes blazed with an unholy fire, and his claws pulsed with an otherworldly energy.

As Fangor prepared to unleash this devastating attack, the air crackled with malevolence, and the very sky seemed to darken. He was a beacon of dread, a harbinger of destruction, and in this moment, he would either carve a path to victory or meet his doom in a blaze of infernal glory.

As Fangor unleashed his Infernal Fury, a cataclysmic display of demonic might, Vecna watched with a sense of cold amusement. The torrent of flames surged toward him like a relentless storm, and yet, the Blood God remained unfazed.

"So much hype… only for this much? Pathetic."

'Activate. Sanguine Armor'

[User has consumed 5% of his Vitality.]

With a casual yet purposeful gesture, Vecna initiated the activation of his ultimate defense, 'Sanguine Armor.' The Blood World responded to his command, and his vampiric form underwent a nightmarish transformation.

Vecna now stood encased in a form-fitting, crimson armor that seemed to be forged from the very essence of the Blood World itself. The plates of the armor gleamed with a dark, malevolent energy, and strange, ever-shifting patterns danced across its surface.

It was a sight to behold, a fusion of elegance and dread, as if Vecna had become a dark knight of the Blood God's domain. 

Vecna's already god-like appearance was reinforced by a crimson armor that was both formidable and graceful, crafted by God Hexetia, the Blacksmith God. 

The armor did not hinder his movements in the slightest; instead, it enhanced his already formidable defense.

As Fangor's Infernal Fury raged around him, the crimson plates of the 'Sanguine Armor' absorbed the onslaught with ease. The flames and destructive force that had once seemed insurmountable now merely washed over Vecna's armored form like a passing storm.

['Sanguine Armor' has absorbed 51,482 damage (51,482/100,000)]

Vecna's vampiric countenance remained cold and composed, his crimson eyes fixed upon Fangor, who was rapidly depleting his demonic power with the futile assault. It was a display of power and mastery that further deepened the despair in Fangor's heart, as he realized the futility of his efforts.

"Is that the best you can do, Goblin?" Vecna's voice was laced with mockery as he taunted his adversary. "Your Infernal Fury is but a mere spark against the might of the Blood World."

With each passing moment, Fangor's hopes of victory dwindled, and the realization of his impending defeat weighed heavily upon him. 

"Why? … WHYY?"


Fangor, realizing the ineffectiveness of his attack, roared like a cornered beast, his frustration and desperation boiling over. But his roar was cut short as Vecna kicked him in the gut, causing him to stagger back.

"Because you're only an insignificant pawn in the Grand Chess Game I'm playing."

Vecna then activated 'Earthshock,' sending a powerful tremor through the entirety of the Blood World. 

The very ground beneath him trembled, adding to the chaos and turmoil of the Blood World. Fangor's already unsteady footing was further compromised by the powerful seismic impact, and he struggled to maintain his balance.

His demonic form, empowered as it was, could only do so much to resist the forces at play within this nightmarish realm. Fangor felt a surge of frustration as he anticipated the next onslaught, his mind racing to come up with a counter-strategy.

However, to his surprise, instead of facing more projectiles or shards, Fangor was met with something entirely unexpected—the chilling sound of Vecna's malevolent laughter. It echoed through the Blood World, a haunting and mocking symphony that sent shivers down Fangor's spine.

"I enjoy your overreactions. Continue doubting yourself, pig."

Before Fangor could react, Vecna, the master of shadows and blood, materialized from the dark abyss that was the Blood World itself. His 'Shadowstep' ability seamlessly blended with the nightmarish realm, allowing him to traverse it with unparalleled grace.

'Enough playwords. I have to end this, or I'll run out of juice.'

In an instant, Vecna stood closer to Fangor, his crimson eyes ablaze with malevolence. The goblin chieftain, already battered and weakened, could do little more than watch in helpless despair as Vecna unleashed his next devastating move.

'Blood Corruption.'

[You have weakened the target by 50% of his defense. The 'Slow' Debuff has been enhanced.]

Vecna activated 'Blood Corruption,' a cursed ability that sent tendrils of dark energy snaking through Fangor's demonic form. The corruption seeped into every fiber of Fangor's being, weakening his body and sapping his strength.

"NOO! I WILL NOT LET YOU DEFEAT ME!" roared Fangor, but this time it wasn't certain if this was directed to Vecna.

Fangor's roars of defiance turned into pained grunts as the insidious corruption gnawed at his very essence. It was as though his own demonic power had turned against him, a treacherous betrayal that left him vulnerable and defenseless.

'Has the Demonic Power already corroded his mind? Probably is because I have weakened him beyond what he could resist.'

'Tsk, I'll not let this bastard enter another Boss Stage.'

"I will not break down. Mythic Shield!'

Vecna wasted no time, capitalizing on Fangor's weakened state. With lightning speed, he executed 'Swift Strike,' a precise and devastating blow that landed with critical force. 


[You have dealt 32,823 damage.]

Fangor's already battered form could hardly withstand the onslaught, and the impact sent him reeling.

Maintaining his momentum, Vecna seamlessly transitioned into 'Blade Dance,' a deadly series of rapid and precise strikes. Each strike carved deep into Fangor's flesh, leaving a trail of gruesome wounds in its wake.

[You have dealt a total of 25,141 damage.]

Fangor's 'Mystic Shield,' once a symbol of his impervious defense, shattered under the relentless assault, leaving him vulnerable and exposed to the relentless onslaught. His body, battered and broken, bore the scars of battle, and his vision blurred with each passing moment.

As death drew nearer, Fangor's resolve remained unbroken. He clung to the sliver of hope that remained within him, unwilling to accept defeat. It was in this desperate moment that the demonic power he had embraced earlier began to surge uncontrollably.

Dark energy crackled around him, and Fangor's form contorted as if torn between two conflicting forces. His eyes, once filled with defiance, now reflected a profound inner struggle as the demonic power sought to take control.

In a voice that wavered between agony and determination, Fangor spoke, his words a defiant challenge to the encroaching darkness. "I won't be consumed by you, foul power! I'll take you down with me if I must!"

As Fangor's inner struggle raged on, a sinister and androgynous voice echoed within the Blood World. It leaned more into a feminine tone, carrying an air of malevolence and amusement.

[Huhuhu, foolish creature. You have Embraced the Darkness, now you shall pay the price of not containing my power.]

The voice seemed to relish in Fangor's torment, its presence a constant reminder of the dire circumstances he faced. It was as if the very essence of the demonic power had taken on a sentient form, reveling in the chaos it had sown.

Vecna, while each second being taxed heavily by his Sanctuary, paused his finishing sequence, intrigued by the new voice appearing to be nowhere, but it was there present in his own World.

'This must be the Demon that offered its powers to this creature. From what I could pick up from this pig's mumbling, it was a Dark Mage … a Yatan Church member that offered him an Elixir.'

Vecna's crimson eyes narrowed as he assessed the situation. He had already encountered an Archdemon in Camio, one might say he was accustomed to the demonic nature for he was a Vampire. 

The enigmatic nature of this Demon piqued his interest, the way it manipulated Fangor, and now took control over, was a noteworthy method, at least in Vecna's eyes.

Fangor's defiance remained unwavering, even as the voice taunted and mocked him. He knew that he was teetering on the precipice of annihilation, yet he refused to go down without a fight.

In response to the voice's cruel words, Fangor's willpower burned brighter, a final, desperate stand against the encroaching darkness. He would not be a puppet of the demonic power, nor would he allow Vecna to claim an easy victory.

Fangor's defiance remained unwavering, even as the voice taunted and mocked him. He knew that he was teetering on the precipice of annihilation, yet he refused to go down without a fight.

In response to the voice's cruel words, Fangor's willpower burned brighter, a final, desperate stand against the encroaching darkness. He would not be a puppet of the demonic power, nor would he allow Vecna to claim an easy victory.

The androgynous voice, chuckled with a perverse delight. [Very well, mortal. You have offered me a worthwhile spectacle.]

The Demon's voice, though androgynous, with a deep and resonant interest, she acknowledged Vecna's presence in her own realm.

[You, Child of Beriache, are irregular. Not afflicted by Baal's Curse. You have displayed an interesting power, something that your Progenitor has once wielded.]

[You have piqued this Monarch's curiosity. I shall patiently await your growth before approaching you.]

Her words were laced with a sense of intrigue and a veiled challenge. It was as if she regarded Vecna as someone akin to an acquaintance, and it made Vecna's crimson eyes frown a bit, as he was aware of who this Demon was referring.

'This one should be an Archdemon too, just like Beriache.'

Vecna, ever the cunning strategist, considered the implications of this encounter. He had gained the upper hand in the battle against Fangor, but now, there was an even greater entity to contend with—a Demon who had willingly granted her power to those who sought it.

With a flicker of a smile on his vampiric lips, Vecna replied in a tone that mirrored the Demon's intrigue. "I accept your patient observation, my Lady. Know that I shall not disappoint your expectations."

[Huhuhu, courteous and charming as your Mother. I have my eyes on you, Child of Darkness]

Suddenly, after the words of the demonic woman disappeared into the void, the System notification sprung into action, being rather direct into telling him who he just spoke with.


[User has received the attention of the 2nd Archdemon. For this achievement you will be rewarded with 1000 Reputation Points]

With the disappearance of the woman's voice, the demonic power that coursed through Fangor's initiated a self-destruct sequence, a desperate gambit to take Vecna down with him, presumed to be a test of sorts. 

Yet, this was a feature Vecna was familiar with from his battles against Maribel's Automatons.

As the Blood World's malevolent influence continued to gnaw at Fangor's form, his health gauge dwindling rapidly, Vecna knew that he had to act swiftly. 

He had been taxed heavily by the maintenance of this nightmarish realm, but he had also carefully managed his Mana reserves for this crucial moment.

Vecna's vampiric instincts and strategic prowess were now put to the test. With a sense of purpose, he activated 'Golden Flash,' a skill that boosted his movement speed beyond what his capacity allowed, instantly, bridging the distance between himself and Fangor.

It was a calculated move, placing him right in front of the goblin chieftain whose once-proud form was now crumbling under the relentless onslaught of demonic power.

The Blood World itself seemed to respond to Vecna's presence, its crimson landscape quivering in anticipation of the impending climax. The very air was charged with tension, and the goblin civilians who had been unwittingly dragged into this nightmarish realm watched in morbid fascination as the battle between two formidable beings neared its conclusion.

[Health: 12,226/16,273 | Mana: 4890/12012]

With only 4850 MP remaining in his reserves, Vecna knew that he had to make every action count. 

His crimson eyes blazed with determination as he chained 'Shadowstrike,' a swift and deadly attack that struck with the precision of a seasoned assassin. It was a blow aimed at the heart of Fangor's power.

[You have dealt 24,356 damage.]

The goblin chieftain, his once-mighty demonic form now a twisted, crumbling visage, could do little more than bear witness to his own downfall. The corrosive influence of the demonic power, combined with Vecna's relentless assault, had left him a mere shadow of his former self.

But Vecna wasn't finished. With a seamless transition, he unleashed 'Blood Requiem,' a culmination of his vampiric and blood magic prowess. The power surged through him, manifesting as a devastating executioner's sword aimed squarely at the monstrous head of Fangor Brambleskinner.


[You have dealt 70,432 damage.]

The impact was cataclysmic. The ground quaked beneath the force of the blow, sending shockwaves rippling through the Blood World. The nightmarish realm itself seemed to shudder in response to the finality of the attack.

Fangor's form, already weakened and fractured, disintegrated further under the onslaught. His defiant roars were silenced as his monstrous head was cleaved from his body, a gruesome testament to the overwhelming power of Vecna.

The goblin chieftain's reign of terror had come to an end, and the Blood World bore witness to his ultimate defeat. Vecna stood amidst the fading echoes of battle, his crimson eyes cold and unyielding, his vampiric form a testament to his unquenchable thirst for power.

[You have defeated 'Goblin Chieftain,'Fangor Brambleskinner' and gained the following rewards.]

[You have received 4,625,750 EXP]

[10 Gold received]

['Goblin Tribe Relic' has been acquired.]

['Fangor's Curved Blade' has been acquired.]

['Goblin Totem Staff' has been acquired.]

['Spell Book: Dark Mist' has been acquired.]

['Spell Book; Mystic Shield' has been acquired.]

['Demonic Essence' has been acquired.]

[ (10x) Weapon Enhancement Stones have been acquired]

[ (10x) Armor Enhancement Stones have been acquired]


[You have leveled up!]

[You have lev…]


[You have leveled up to level 115]

'Alright, alright. Settle down. My mind is about to break.'

'Deactivate 'Blood World'.'

[User has turned-off 'Blood World' Skill.]

The Blood World, once a nightmarish tableau of torment and despair, began to unravel, its crimson rivers receding, and its grotesque structures crumbling into obscurity. 

The goblin civilians who had been trapped within this sinister realm found themselves freed from its clutches, their faces a mixture of relief and dread at the horrors they had witnessed. As the nightmarish landscape of the Blood World dissolved, they stumbled out into the Goblin Tribe's territory, their minds still haunted by the gruesome spectacle.

"RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! THE MONSTER HAS KILLED THE CHIEFTAIN!" one goblin cried out, his voice a mixture of panic and terror.

"EVERYONE, RUN AS FAR AS YOU CAN!" shouted another, fear driving them to seek safety in the furthest reaches of the Goblin Tribe's territory.

Staring at the goblins who managed to survive and noticing how the flames he set off had been extinguished, Vecna's attention was drawn by the fleeing survivors who sent off the message like wildfire.

Meanwhile, Rax, who couldn't see inside the Blood World, had been unaware of the nightmarish events unfolding within. However, he got reminded of the plan Vecna had settled for tonight, and as if his life depended on it, he started running toward the vampire monster.

His presence attracted the attention of the Brambleskinner Goblins. Seeing this young goblin, looking brave and heroic, moving resolutely to face the monster that had imprinted itself into their nightmares was like a breath of fresh air.

Some goblins tried to hold Rax back from approaching the monster, fearing for his life. But the young goblin didn't back off; he stood face to face against Vecna, his determination burning bright.

"You shall pay for all the suffering you've caused my brethren," Rax declared with fierce conviction. "My people demand revenge for your actions!"

"Face me, I am Rax Darkclaw of the Darkclaw Tribe!" he continued, his voice unwavering. "I shall claim back the lost honor of my people."

Vecna looked down at Rax, his crimson eyes piercing through the young goblin's soul. His gaze alone was enough to send shivers down Rax's spine, but he held his ground, fueled by a burning desire for justice.

"Brave words for an insignificant ant," Vecna replied, his tone dripping with condescension. He drew his Shadowed Talon, a wicked short sword adorned with malevolent engravings, and pointed it at Rax. "Are you sure you are capable of facing me?"

"More than enough," Rax retorted, determination blazing in his eyes. He unsheathed Camio's Demonic Horn and charged toward Vecna. His instincts screamed at him to get away from this vampire, but he trusted in Vecna's plan.

'I'll trust in Master. He did as he promised to me so far.'

With impeccable timing, Vecna executed a precise Shadowstep, disappearing in a blur of shadows just as Rax's strike descended upon him. The goblin's weapon cleaved through nothing but air, leaving him momentarily off balance, but from the perspective of the civilians, Rax vanquished the Vampire Monster.

'Enjoy the sweet fruits of adoration, little goblin. You'll become as good as Grimbark, and lead the Goblins.'

The cunning vampire had faked his death to bolster Rax's image in front of the Brambleskinner Tribe, manipulating them as pawns in his grand scheme. He knew that the goblins needed a symbol of hope and bravery, and Rax, the brave young goblin who had dared to confront the monster, was the perfect choice.

"I shall return. The fate of the Goblin-kind might have been saved by you, Rax of the Darkclaw Tribe. But I will not forget this insolence. Prey that the rest of your Goblin Tribes don't suffer the same fate."

Vecna's afterimage dissipated into darkness, leaving behind an illusion of his demise. Rax, catching his breath and realizing the significance of what he had just done, turned to his fellow goblins with a triumphant expression. 

He had seemingly struck down the terror that had plagued their tribe.

"The Hero has vanquished the Monster! HURRAY!!!"


Undisturbed by the signs of celebration and ovations from inside the now ruined tribe, Vecna revealed himself not far from the Brambleskinner Tribe, walking casually along the dense forested pathway. 

His dark cloak veiled his body from prying eyes, and a sinister smile played on his lips.

"This Hunt was a Success," 

Can you guys show some support for the story? I've been giving you almost daily chapters (6/7) it's not easy.

Comment, review, and drop your powerstones for the novel. The only OG/VRMMO fanfic story that is still updated on the platform, it should sit comfortably in the top 100 novels.

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