
Overgeared: Emperor of Midnight

Such is the story of a man, who perseveres through the hardships and challenges thrown at him to hold tight over the fate of his life. Even if this fate might be embracing the night and becoming a monster of the umbra, transformed by blood into a Vampire. To tie the fate of the Satisfy World forever into the night, Vecna must have power beyond that of any mortal. An eternal monarch for an eternal Kingdom. The Night has come, and the end is near for the foolish heroes and adventurers brave enough to challenge the Umbral Lord, the Emperor of Midnight. Soon, the Gods who oppose him will shake in fear under his might. Watch him and praise him, the Umbral Lord, from a blood-drinker transcending to become the Emperor of Midnight. [Disclaimers] The story consists of the novel 'Overgeared' and some other stories, having varied influences of different RPGs and MMOs. Main influences D&D and World of Warcraft. [Socials] If you want to stay in touch with the author. You can in discord. — Discord: https://discord.gg/CMsHqJVDVD

Vostarian · Book&Literature
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87 Chs

Bloodbound Confrontation

Vecna's thoughts raced as he observed Fangor's transformation into a demonic being. He couldn't help but feel a sense of opportunity in the situation.

'This creature is now a demon, right? Then… this fight suddenly became easier on me?' he mused to himself.

As if in response to his thoughts, the system's voice chimed in, providing the confirmation he sought. The Title he had acquired from defeating the Soul Fragment of Archdemon Camio, 'Archdemon Vanquisher,' was now in play.

[The Effects of the Title 'Archdemon Vanquisher' has been triggered]

The system's response was timely, and it seemed to align with Vecna's intentions. His legendary Title was designed for such moments—battling against demonic beings.

[Archdemon Vanquisher]

Rating: Legendary

[★ There is a certain chance of reducing defense when attacking demonic beings.

You have let the perfect being, the archdemon, experience death and learn of pain and fear.

Archdemons will be wary toward you, and demons will be afraid of you.]

- Lower Demonic Beings have their defense reduced by 50%. The chance of delivering critical strikes against your demonic opponent is increased by 25%.

Vecna couldn't help but smile wickedly, revealing his fangs. He had an advantage now, and he intended to make full use of it.

Fangor, even in his new empowered demonic form, believed himself to be unbeatable. Yet, he couldn't shake the chill that ran down his spine when he looked into Vecna's eyes and saw that malicious grin.

"You and your tricks!" Fangor snarled, his voice a discordant blend of his goblinoid and demonic aspects. "They will not work against me."

Vecna's laughter echoed through the blood-soaked battlefield. "Hahaha, fool. You just sealed your fate by transforming into a demon. Poor creature, let me send you on your way."

Fangor's thunderous footsteps echoed through the eerie, blood-soaked battlefield as he charged toward Vecna. Despite the transformation into a formidable demonic entity, uncertainty gnawed at the edges of his consciousness.

As Fangor closed the gap between them, Vecna's laughter, dark and mocking, reached his ears like a taunting melody. It seemed to dance through the air, echoing in the depths of Fangor's mind.

With each step, Fangor's inner turmoil grew, and he couldn't help but wonder if he had made a grievous mistake by embracing the demonic power. Doubt crept into his thoughts, a nagging whisper of uncertainty.

"Shut your filthy mouth, you blood bug!"

That was precisely what Vecna had intended. As Fangor charged, the vampire's voice cut through the shifting reality and chaos that surrounded them, dripping with malevolence.

"You truly are a gullible fool, Fangor Brambleskinner," Vecna taunted, his tone a chilling blend of amusement and scorn. "To think you'd willingly become a demon, offering yourself to me on a silver platter. You've played right into my hands."

"You shall experience the Authority of a God!"

"Descend into true Abyss. Blood World."

[User has activated the Skill 'Blood World']

'Take my health, I don't need it.'

[You have sacrificed 50% of your HP for an instant cast of the Skill.]

As Vecna extended his arms, an eerie silence fell over the battlefield. It was as if the very air held its breath, anticipating the dreadful transformation that was about to unfold. 

Fangor, despite his newfound demonic form, felt a creeping unease deep within him, a primal instinct warning him of impending doom.

With a malevolent grin, Vecna's crimson eyes blazed with a feverish intensity. His fingers, elongated and adorned with wicked claws, seemed to pulse with an otherworldly power. The ground beneath him quivered, and a palpable sense of dread emanated from his very being.

Then, it began—a nightmarish transformation of reality itself. The world around them twisted and warped, as if it were being devoured by a ravenous void. The vibrant colors of the Goblin Tribe's surroundings faded into a monochrome palette of crimson and obsidian.

The horizon dissolved into a never-ending sea of blood-red, stretching infinitely in all directions. A suffocating atmosphere of dread hung heavy in the air, and the sky overhead seemed to weep crimson tears.

Within the confines of the Blood World, time lost its meaning. The very ground seemed to writhe and pulse with dark energy. Crimson rivers flowed like veins, carrying with them the collective agony of those unfortunate enough to be consumed by this nightmarish realm.

Bizarre and grotesque structures materialized around Vecna, their forms ever-shifting, as if shaped by the tortured souls trapped within. Twisted spires and thorny pillars rose from the ground, casting eerie, elongated shadows across the desolate landscape.

The air was thick with the stench of iron and decay, a nauseating aroma that clung to everything. Fangor, trapped within this horrifying reality, could feel the malevolence seeping into his very essence, filling him with dread and despair.

Fangor's voice quivered with a mixture of fear and disbelief as he struggled to comprehend the nightmarish realm that surrounded him. His goblinoid features contorted with agony, and his claws dug into the ground as if seeking an anchor in the madness.

"How can... this possibly be," Fangor stammered, his words choked with dread. His eyes darted around, taking in the grotesque structures and the relentless flow of crimson rivers. It was a realm of torment, and he was but a helpless captive within it.

As he gazed upon Vecna, the source of this malevolent nightmare, Fangor's voice grew weaker, his willpower slowly eroding in the face of the vampire's overwhelming power. His once-confident demeanor had crumbled, replaced by a sense of futility and despair.

The transformation of Vecna, now bearing wings of blood and an aura of dread, sent shivers down Fangor's spine. He was faced with a creature of unfathomable power, a true Blood God in his own realm.

In the presence of such overwhelming darkness, Fangor's spirit faltered, and he could only mutter to himself, "This... this can't be real. It's a nightmare. A nightmare I can't wake from."

Vecna, the orchestrator of this grim masterpiece, stood at its center with an air of triumph. His vampiric form had undergone a sinister transformation, his once-blonde hair now a deep, flowing crimson that seemed to pulse in time with the Blood World's dark heart.

As blood-red wings unfurled from Vecna's back, he cast a predatory gaze upon Fangor, who was ensnared by the nightmarish tendrils of the Blood World. The vampire's smile was wicked, his fangs bared as he reveled in the power of his domain.

In the distance, the unfortunate goblin civilians who had been too close to the Chieftain's Hut witnessed the horrifying spectacle. Small streams of blood from all around the tribe were drawn toward the hut, converging into a churning river that devoured everything in its path.

The cries of the trapped goblins echoed through the Blood World, their bodies withering into grotesque mummies as their life essence was siphoned away. 

They reached out to Fangor, their desperate voices filled with terror and despair.

"Chieftain, help us! Please, save us from this nightmare!"

"Chieftain, don't let us die like this! You're our only hope!"

The cries of the trapped goblins were heart-wrenching, a chorus of agony that reverberated through the nightmarish landscape. Their torment became an integral part of this twisted realm, a testament to the dreadful power Vecna now wielded.

Their pleas were filled with a raw, primal fear as they reached out to their leader, the one they had once looked up to for protection. But Fangor, now transformed into a demonic monstrosity, remained indifferent to their suffering.

He stared at them with cold, lifeless eyes, his heart hardened by the newfound power coursing through his veins. Their torment meant nothing to him now, as he had become a creature consumed by his own lust for power.

Their voices grew weaker, their bodies shriveling further as the relentless river of blood continued to drain them of life. In their final moments, their gazes remained locked on Fangor, a silent accusation of betrayal and abandonment.

But the Chieftain, once a protector, had become a tyrant. The goblins' pleas faded into haunting echoes, and their withered forms became an integral part of the gruesome tableau that was the Blood World.

Inside the Blood World, Vecna's eyes bore into Fangor, his voice a sinister whisper that carried through the crimson abyss. "Welcome to my domain, Goblin. Here, you shall witness the true extent of my power."

[Under the Skill Duration, User will gain the following bonuses.]

[All stats will increase by 10% | Defense increased by 20% | Resistance to Magic Spells increased by 50% | Health and Mana Regeneration rate will increase by 50%]

Fangor, now overwhelmed by fear and uncertainty, could only muster a trembling response. "You... you've become a monster, bloodsucker. But I won't bow to the likes of you. I'll fight to the end!"

His bravado was a feeble attempt to mask the genuine terror he felt, but deep down, he knew that this battle had taken a turn for the worse. In the heart of the Blood World, facing the vampiric lord who had ascended to the status of a god, Fangor's chances of victory seemed increasingly bleak.

"Ironically, you're calling me a monster? Pathetic fool. You don't even deserve to speak to me."

Inside the Blood World, reality itself seemed to warp and twist, creating a nightmarish realm controlled by Vecna's unholy power. The goblin civilians who had been dragged into this malevolent domain were now trapped, their cries echoing through the horrific landscape.

Vecna, the architect of this grotesque masterpiece, stood at its epicenter. His once-blonde hair had transformed into a flowing cascade of deep crimson, mirroring the macabre nature of the Blood World itself. 

Fangor had a good chance to unleash everything he had against Vecna, but because of the innate fear he was having, his chances of surviving were vanishing rapidly. The forceful activation of the Blood World, plummeted his health gauge to a mere 12% of his full vitality. 

While some might consider this a reckless move, Vecna remained composed. He knew the risks and was prepared to exploit the power he had unleashed.

'Night, it's your turn. Blood Bank.'

With a deliberate gesture, Vecna produced the Book of Night, a tome of unspeakable darkness. From its pages, blood-red tentacles emerged, coiling around their master like serpents around a dragon. These tendrils were infused with the same dark power that permeated the Blood World, granting Vecna even greater confidence.

[Your Health has recovered to 100%]

He hovered above Fangor, who was forced down by the potent blood magic, staring up at his foe in awe and terror. Vecna's eyes blazed with malevolence, and he exuded an aura of power that was as intoxicating as it was horrifying.

"Oh, you pitiful, greedy goblin," Vecna taunted, his voice echoing through the Blood World. "You don't even know what power is."

Fangor, trapped within this nightmarish realm, felt a genuine fear creeping over him as he gazed up at Vecna. This was a power beyond his wildest nightmares, and he was helpless before it, not even the demonic power he had in his body compared to the power Vecna was releasing.

"How can a pathetic blood bug, someone who only knew how to flee, have such power?" Fangor inquired, his voice filled with awe and dread as Vecna floated above him.

Vecna remained emotionless, like an indifferent god, as a Blood Moon began to form behind him, an amalgamation of blood and darkness that pulsed with malevolent energy.

"Ants like you don't need to know," Vecna replied coldly. He raised his hand, a casual gesture that set a sinister plan in motion.

'Blood Rain.'

As Vecna's control over the Blood World solidified, the eerie crimson sky above the nightmarish realm began to undergo a ghastly transformation. Dark clouds swirled and churned, taking on a deep, blood-red hue. The very atmosphere seemed to thicken with malevolence as the air grew heavy and oppressive.

At first, the transformation was subtle, but it soon became apparent that something ominous was afoot. Small, crimson droplets began to materialize in the sky, each one dripping with a sinister aura. These blood droplets defied gravity, hanging suspended in the air for a moment before they began to descend.

The blood droplets fell with a haunting rhythm, splattering upon contact with any surface. It was as though the very essence of the Blood World was raining down upon its inhabitants. The goblins unfortunate enough to be within the realm of the Blood World could only watch in horror as their surroundings were painted in shades of red.

Meanwhile, Vecna himself stood at the epicenter of this macabre transformation, his vampiric form elevated by his wings of blood. He observed the descent of the blood droplets with a cold and calculating gaze, reveling in the power he now wielded.

The rain of blood served multiple purposes. It enhanced Vecna's health and mana recovery rate by 50%, revitalizing him with each droplet that touched his form. It was as though the very essence of the Blood World was nourishing its creator.

However, the same could not be said for Vecna's enemies. The blood rain had a malevolent effect on them, sapping away their vitality and reducing their ability to recover health and mana by a staggering 80%. It was a crippling blow to any who dared oppose Vecna within his domain.

The crimson rain continued to fall, creating a surreal and horrifying atmosphere within the Blood World.

[User has consumed 1000 MP to sustain the 'Blood World']


'This feeling is intoxicating.'

The seconds ticked away, and Vecna could feel the strain of maintaining the Blood World. It was a taxing endeavor, one that he couldn't sustain for long using conventional means. To counteract this drain on his resources, he had to resort to clever tactics, chaining mana potions along with his natural mana recovery speed.

With a deliberate motion, Vecna extended his hand toward Fangor, and a Blood Missile formed, larger and more potent than any he had cast before. 

"Abaid!" (#A/N: 'Shit' in Goblin Tongue)

Fangor reacted instinctively, raising his Mystic Barrier to defend against the incoming attack. His confidence, however, was quickly eroding within this nightmarish realm.

Vecna, his crimson eyes ablaze with malevolence, watched Fangor's futile attempt to defend against the Blood Missile's explosion. As the crimson burst engulfed the goblin chieftain, Vecna's voice rang out like a sinister omen amidst the chaos of the Blood World.

"You struggle in vain, Goblin," Vecna taunted, his voice carrying a chilling undertone of superiority. "Your feeble attempts to defy me are as insignificant as the blood that stains this realm."

As the Blood Missile collided with his magical shield, Fangor considered launching a counter-attack. But before he could act, the Blood Missile triggered a devastating effect—'Bloodburst.' 

[You have dealt 14,578 to the target.]

['Blood Missile' Spell has triggered 'Bloodburst' effect.]

A blinding explosion of blood magic erupted from the impact, catching Fangor off guard.


[You have dealt 34,013 damage to the target.]

The explosion pushed him back, his Mystic Shield still intact but visibly weakened, bearing spiderweb-like cracks from the sheer force of the attack. 

"How can this be possible? The Dark Mage told me I would become invincible once I ingested the Greater Elixir."

[The 'Mystic Shield' has absorbed all the incurred damage.]

Fangor, his confidence shaken and his body battered by the unexpected explosion, struggled to regain his footing. He had entered this battle with the belief that he was unbeatable in his demonic form, but the Blood World had revealed a power that surpassed his wildest nightmares.

"Is this the extent of your might, Chieftain?" Vecna continued to mock, his tone dripping with mockery. "I had expected more from one who claimed to be invincible. Perhaps you overestimated your own abilities."

The goblin chieftain, once brimming with arrogance and assurance, found himself teetering on the brink of despair. His transformation into a demonic being had brought with it a sense of power he had never known, but now, facing Vecna within the Blood World, he felt like a mere puppet in the hands of a malevolent god.

Vecna's taunts were not without purpose. With each word, he aimed to further erode Fangor's confidence and willpower. 

He understood that psychological warfare was just as potent as any spell or attack. In this nightmarish realm, Vecna was not only a master of blood magic but also a manipulator of minds.