
over powered creative system

Ding: congratulations to the to the host for unlocking new function infinite fold training. Ding: host has practiced mythary stage techniques. for one day increasing host mastery infinitely. harish who was transmigrated to another world where martial arts and magic coexist like Indian mythology suddenly with out his knowledge after several days struggling he settle down. But accidentally he activated kundali chakra in his entered in the path of becoming god. Due to several turn of events he was badly and ran in to forest at the end of of the day he unlocked hidden function and found by an mysterious old man after being accepted as the decipline of old man unlocked the infinite fold training function. now the real of becoming strong began. which path he will choose to become. will he anle return to his home dimension.

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33 Chs


After finishing the matter of advance tier beasts . Harish turned around and said

[How much time did you hide there ? Come out.!!!!!]

When the person ,who is hiding in the bushes came out from the bushes. When he saw the person,his heart beat ran faster.

A beauty in a full body Armor came in front of him.and said,

Girl : senior can I know hwhat is your name please?

After seeing his fight with monster she was thinking about him mysterious power house who hiding for some reason in the forest.

Harish: is that important now ? Tell me how did you came here?

Harish knew how dangers the out side world if show's any bit his soft side to the girl.other party may take it as an advantage. That's why he maintaing an arrogance like an prodigal heroes in so many novels and movies.

Girl: senior my name sahithi . I am an level 18 warrior who is about to reach martial decipline stage ..I came here as scout for another party to help them to hunting.

In this world after reaching level 20 warrior stage there are martial decipline stage , martial artist stage, martial master stage. ,martial king , martial emperor realms and each level has four sub stages there are lower, middle, upper,peak stages. And each level power difference is like heaven and earth.

Harish knows that she was lying but as long as that doesn't threat to him ,he don't care about it anymore. While observing her Armor quality,weapon,her confidence in smile he thought that she definitely belongs to some rich family.

Harish; ok i beleive it .did you see all the fight in the scene.

He don't know how much time she observing him that why he was making it clear that making it clear did she seen his secret.

Sahithi : senior i oly seen your fight middle tier and advance tier beasts.

She knew that if the other party may kill her immediately.thats why she was telling some truth.

Harish: Don't call me senior , senior that many times. It feels like calling me an uncle ,iam not that much aged.

Which young lad can bear calling him like old man.

Sahithi: then what is your age senior?

When the mysterious man said that that words she was shocked if he is not a old man then how much age he have

Harish: uhm ,hm up on completion of this year I will reach 17 years old .

Revealing his his age doesn't harm for his survival.si he did it.

Sahithi was was utterly shocked ehen she heard.what did he said 17 year right .in this world top most genius will reach martial master age at the age of 28 years he even achieved feat of martial maste4 stage it will be considered as a joke to the world, but the proof is in front of her.

Sahithi: then what is your name .

Harish fell in in a thought for a second and asked for clarity

Harish: where is your party members, if you are telling the truth.

Without any expression she said

Sahithi: our party was ambushed by advanced tier monster my party members died except me.

He felt some sympathy for her but didn't show it out . but he thought something thing suspicious in it and asked.

Harish: which monster attacked your party?

Sahithi: it was already died.

When she was telling about it she became unconscious and fell down.

Harish went forward and grabbed her waist for preventing her falling on the ground.on her back a long claw mark was bleeding on her back. He taken her to nearest lake place to clean her wound and make a safe place to her.while cleaning face and wonds he muttered ," what a beauty".

By observing his mind going out of control he alerted himself and cleaned her body he bought some turmeric and turned in to powder form to place it on her because it was the method he only know about.

And done some procedure and tied bandage on her wounds .

He prepared bed with leafs he placed her on them

All done night watchman duty for her safety

After night long sleep she got conscious and woke up seeing bandages on her body her face flushed red.

Sahithi: senior where are you ? Are you the one who this.

The reply came from meter distance .

Harish: how many times did I tell you that don't call me senior.

Sahithi: then what is your name senior?

Harish fell in a confusion a second if he tells his true he may attract many dangers .so many people may come to investigate the secret of his strength and also threats to his survival and his loved one's . Then he made a decision and

Harish: dollar.

Seeing his golden colour Armor and came an simple easy name DOLLAR.

Up on hearing his name sahithi got confused what is the DOLLAR ,what a weird name.

Sahithi: DOLLAR can please do me a favour.

She knew that it's hard to leave this place alone that's why she asking him a favour.

Harish : what's the matter.

She asked ,"can you please help me to nearest town",

A sudden notification rang in his mind


Sudden quest has been issued.

Help beauty ti reach the near town.

Reward: unknown.

Failure penality: strength -2

Harish : i will help you but i have a condition.

Sahithi: what are those? Tell me.

Harish want to keep secret about his fight with middle tier, advance tier beast ..

Harish : keep it secret what you seen I the forest.

Sahithi understand why he is saying that she nodeded her head silently.

Then dollar climb on his er her elbows around his neck.

Dollar stated walking the town he was living ....

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