
over powered creative system

Ding: congratulations to the to the host for unlocking new function infinite fold training. Ding: host has practiced mythary stage techniques. for one day increasing host mastery infinitely. harish who was transmigrated to another world where martial arts and magic coexist like Indian mythology suddenly with out his knowledge after several days struggling he settle down. But accidentally he activated kundali chakra in his entered in the path of becoming god. Due to several turn of events he was badly and ran in to forest at the end of of the day he unlocked hidden function and found by an mysterious old man after being accepted as the decipline of old man unlocked the infinite fold training function. now the real of becoming strong began. which path he will choose to become. will he anle return to his home dimension.

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After agreeing for his condition dollar took sahithi on his back.this the first time he got some touchy other than his mother and sister.so many male instincts becoming wild but he was forcefully controlling his feelings

While walking on the road so many dead corposes of humans and monster are along on the ground some warriors are helping each other ,these warriors are remanents of soldiers on the town outer line security.

[Brother are you alright,drink this water]

[ ahhhhhhhhhhh my arm !!!!!!!!!]

So many soldiers have gone disabled and some lost their lives.but living disabled is more scarier than death.

But some soldiers are going in the direction where he had gone to fight with monster.the incharge genral who was beaten to death was some what alive.his higher ups already arrived to the battle spot and started investigation.

While Harish was walking on the road he suddenly came to realise that he was in a big problem.

The one of the head genrals who is investigating the fighting spot his eyes suddenly frowned up ,a small blade mark on the rock was found in searching in the spot.a mysterious power oozing out from it like a mist the warrior who is below martial decipline realm can't see the sword intent in the mark.even it is a normal blade mark a repulsive energy is coming from it.

After watching some time he suddenly became unconscious.the soldiers behind him caught him sent to a medical room.

After he woke up he asked about only one thing ," where is that rock" . every one was shocked.

[ Why is genral asking about that rock?]

[Is genral gone insane by any spiritual dark magic]

[What is the use of that rock? ]

In every soldiers the questions mark faces are appearing randomly Even through the thoughts are different from each other , but the questions of all soldiers are revolving around the rock which had blade mark on it.

He immediately ordered his soldiers to take him to that rock location

In the place where spoils of war keep hidden was a room,in the corner of the room a level 15 earth element magician was was researching on that rock ,after genral got fainted by seeing the rock for some time the head comander of normal citizen security wing appointed earth element magician to clear any dangers . His name bhu pathi varma, from Verma's family

In this world magicians doesn't have any stages like martial decipline etc , by every increase of every level the effectiveness of spells will increase drastically according to the element the magician have.duell elemental magecanns are considerd as rare talents in this world.

While observing the stone bhupathi found a mysterious was oozing out of it it is not a magic nor a blade intent,then what is it.

A series of questions ranging in bhupathi mind . In his life he saw so many magic energy flows but he never seen this type of flow.

While inspection of the stone was going on the head general who got fainted came in to the tent which is provided for earth element magician

Up on entering the tent the head general grreted bhupathi and came beside him.

Head general: bhupathi did you find any thing on this rock?

Bhupathi: general sorry to say I didn't found any type of clues in it.

Genral: but the sword mark has the wind sword intent in it. But it is a low level sword art given to public to learn.

He don't know how a low level martial arts can exert a power of this level. While inspection he found a mysterious power oozing out from the blade mark , then he asked.

General: magecian what is the power oozing out from sword mark other than sword intent.

Bhupathi: general it is not a normal power, it is an new type of energy I ever seen in my my life.

Genral: then could it be an energy other than spiritual energy,

While saying that his became serious and lot of curiosity.then he called he called his soldiers working under him to investigate about this blade mark . And send the that rock to the Bharat country capital sun city.

Where king Aditya was ruling.

The soldiers who went to mountain town town to investigate about the incident of beast tjde got weird answes from citizens..

In this world the warrior who reached the market decipline realm must be registered under Kingdom to become official member in martial arts world.if any body didn't register they will be considered as terrorist in the country and be imprisoned.

Every citizen in the town saying that the person who saved them used a weud blade which is whip like nature. In this wrold urimi blade doesn't actually exist Harish is the fist person who used whip blade in the history.

The soldiers who heard this story thought

" How can be blade in whip like nature?"

" Did they think we are fools?"

Same thoughts are running everybody's mind.soldiers asked so many citizens of the town but they got the same answer, for proof people shown monster corposes every part of monsters are mixed in plie monster corposes.while seeing the corposes soldiers got engulfed by the fear a cold sweat from their fore head.

There thoughts are running like a wild fire

[ Who is that monster killed this whole pack of monsters.?]

[How is this even possible?!!]

[Is he really a human?!!]

A series of questions ranging soldiers brains .and they felt some what dizzy.

Harish who was lifted to take sahithi to the mountain town wss walking on his way to town up on reaching near the town he saw so many leval 20 soldiers are roaming around the city.then he increased his speed by using floating with movement technique and circulated MULADARA CHAKRA energy in his body by this unexpected experiment he speed 4eched speed of sound because he used only 1%of CHAKRA energy of his body. With in seconds he reached the medical department of Shakti vidyalaya and placed sahithi in front of the door knocked the door when the door is about to open he got disappeared like wind in front of her.. Harish who is Nick named him self as dollar came in to his dormentary secretly and placed his armor in to system storage and heaved sigh of relief .after that he checked his status window


Name: Harish

Level: 12. Realm: none

Strength: 12 stamina: 20

Agility: 8. Physique: 10

Undisturbed points :50

By defeating the monsters he got some stat points .and opend his reward for completed his quest.he got an a martial arts technique when he saw the name his expression became excited ,....,,

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