
over powered creative system

Ding: congratulations to the to the host for unlocking new function infinite fold training. Ding: host has practiced mythary stage techniques. for one day increasing host mastery infinitely. harish who was transmigrated to another world where martial arts and magic coexist like Indian mythology suddenly with out his knowledge after several days struggling he settle down. But accidentally he activated kundali chakra in his entered in the path of becoming god. Due to several turn of events he was badly and ran in to forest at the end of of the day he unlocked hidden function and found by an mysterious old man after being accepted as the decipline of old man unlocked the infinite fold training function. now the real of becoming strong began. which path he will choose to become. will he anle return to his home dimension.

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Harish ran fast deep in to the forest .and stopped far away from the town .he was standing in front of middle and advance tier beasts like one man army.a pair of eyes peeking behind him from the bushes.

Harish knew if he goes all out with the beasts the town would go in to ruins with level 8 with the combination of 5% MULADARA CHAKRA energy a normal building will be shattered in to peices.for this purpose he only used only 1% of MULADARA CHAKRA energy while using URIMI BLADE .

In Indian mythology cundali chakras are similar to qi gong cultivation in eastern fantcy .

All middle tier monsters started the fight with him once again he took out his urimi blade because he does not want to put his guard . with continuous use of MULADARA CHAKRA energy his MULADARA CHAKRA activation reached 10% .a cruel smile appeard in his face.

With out hesitation he chanelled 5% MULADARA CHAKRA energy in every slas and every become blood mist. At last there is only 5 advance tier left.in second round at last he reached 9th level warior. Now harish want to test his physical strength so he took it back to system storage.

Harish used his vajra Kaya to test out his body defence ,a monster which is lower body like bull ,upper body like human chest and two arms but head is like bull only came forward to attack .harish blocked the attack .a notification rang


Vajra Kaya+500

Vajra Kaya+500

Vajra Kaya body technique levels up

Harish not let this chance go. After constant his body technique reached level 10

After that there is no notification then he said he he you are no use to me.

Then he used mountain crusher punch with 5%chakra energy ,the monster became blood mist.

" if this continues I can't retrieve monster cores"

So he used only 3% MULADARA CHAKRA energy to attack .all the monsters in the were killed instantly.at last the battle with monster ended .

Then he turned around and and said how much time did you hide in bushes come out?!!

The person in the bushes came out.when he saw the person his heart beat bacame after .

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