
over powered creative system

the chapters will be updated day by day read it you will really the unique mythology plot ---------------------------------------------------Ding: congratulations to the to the host for unlocking new function infinite fold training. Ding: host has practiced mythary stage techniques. for one day increasing host mastery infinitely. harish who was transmigrated to another world where martial arts and magic coexist like Indian mythology suddenly with out his knowledge after several days struggling he settle down. But accidentally he activated kundali chakra in his entered in the path of becoming god. Due to several turn of events he was badly and ran in to forest at the end of of the day he unlocked hidden function and found by an mysterious old man after being accepted as the decipline of old man unlocked the infinite fold training function. now the real of becoming strong began. which path he will choose to become. will he anle return to his home dimension.

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After helping sahithi to reach the town he left sahithi beside the door steps of medical department of Shakti vidyalaya and knocked the door slightly,whwn the door is about to open dollar disappeared like a ghost.

When adds MULADARA CHAKRA energy in to his foot steps his speed became sky rocketing even though fliating wind technique is a low level technique whrn it is added woth MULADARA CHAKRA energy it will make it will make him become one with air. . Up on reaching the dormentary Harish closed the door of his dorm and closed the windows tightly and mad e it clear that nobody seen him on the way of his dormentary..

After that he fell down on the ground due to lot of usage of MULADARA CHAKRA energy his body became energy weak and some time to recovery his strength.during usage of chakra energy his body body becomes invisible but after that his body become weak for 2 hours and make him unable to move that why he don't use MULADARA CHAKRA energy every time.

After that he checked the reward got from the sudden quest .


Quest reward : martial arts

Kalari payattu technique

Additional reward : kalari payattu breathing


Nischala Pranayama. ...

Oordhva Hasta breathing technique. ...

Prasaaritha Hasta breathing technique. ...

Kasheru Vikasana breathing technique. ...

Kasheru Samkochana breathing technique. ...

Parshva Vikasana breathing technique.

When Harish saw saw the rewards he got so much of excited because this kalari payattu is god's fighting techniques in Indian mythology this technique given to humans by saint parushu rama who is one of lord Shiva deciplines . with this fighting techniques he wandered around earth 21 times and killed so many corrupted kings in that time he is considered as a symbol of terror in the hearts of kings and kingdoms .

This kalari technique has four stages they are

1 methay stages

2 kolthari stage

3 aganthari stage

4 varmam Kaya prayogam stage

Each stage has it's own uniqueness and strength.after the rest he went out side to check the calamity losses when came out of the acadamy there are some soldiers investigating the fighting spot and searching for clues . When he saw he got panicked but he didn't shown outside , but he observed them secretly.

At the time the head genral who got fainted by sword mark checking the fighting spot by himself.to make it clear that he is a friend or foe .

Genral : check the every scene clearly no clue to be missed

After saying that he gone to milatary barecks when Harish saw the scene he went back to his dormentary .he thought staying in the secultion is the best way to avoid the threats.

After that he went to system training ground and started practice the martial arts.

In India qi is called prana and nischala pranayama helps the practiner to to cultivate prana and make kundali CHAKRAS works effectively and makes it powerful. After that he practising prana technique a warm energy entered in to his body and activated internal energy in his body with that process he got so many changes in his body and so many changes happened in his body and his level increased to level 23

When he saw that Harish was confused

Why didn't I entered the martial decipline stage only my level number is incredible why he immediately readed the discription and came to conclusion that .

[ In Indian prana cultivation system there is no such levels because Indian ancient warriors don't like to look down on themselves that's why they practice prana cultivation and challenge the opponents no matter of strength but there kundali CHAKRAS helps the practiner to the path of becoming god or upper level beings.

After that Harish practiced the mythari stage kalari TECHNIQUES .in this level warrior focussed on body posture like punches,kicks, movements , exercising the body and fighting with body etc...

In this martial art there are some restrictions on the practiner they are practioner should not allowed to practice next level until he reaches the perfection level in previous level technique for this purpose the system locked above mythari stage techniques.

After practising some time he again went in to meditate stage and digesting the moves he practiced due to some restrictions his system doveloing slowly and only reached the beginners level after so many days of practice his progress still lacking. That's why he came out of the secultion and gone out for to breath fresh air out door..

When Harish came out so many familiar figures passed through the way and went to devika dormentary and called her .

Harish : devika ,are you here .

Dong ,dong ,dong,

Like that he knocked the door to call her out when devika came out she was shocked.during the period of training period it replaced the the daily quest attribute points allocated according to body needs so that's why he body stronger than than before and physic became manly.even through his skin semi black colour which is not too black nor too white his face carries different charm from other people.

Devika: brother Harish where are are you in these days? I can't find you anywhere in the acadamy.

After the beast tide de she firstly searched for Harish she worried that some thing may happen to him she didn't know the power of his current level .after some time he came to know that Harish was safe and relieved a sigh.

Harish: in recent days I gone in to secultion for to train my self.during beast tide i realised how weak I am.

When devika and Harish was chatting with each other his friend vaayu who was student in medical and alchemy division entered in to the scene ..

Vaayu: hey guys what are you discussing about?

Harish: nothing special just normal talk.

Vaayu: did you guys know this matter ?

Harish: what's the matter ?

Devika: are you talking about unknown person who is taking treatment ..

When heard this his eyes frowned up a lot of aroused in his mind tha main point is that person.

Harish : who is he???

He wants to confirm is that sahithi or not .

Vaayu: that person is not a man

When Harish heard this a cold sweat drown from his fore head.

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