
Outside in the World of Reality

What happens if a character exits out of his own world? Come and see! how the main character struggles throughout his journey.

DaoistyJafSB · Fantasy
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12 Chs

I’m Not Done

After defeating The Puppetmaster, Max's eyes were opened to the truth about the literary world. He realized that even the gods themselves were just characters in a story, and they too could be challenged.

Max had always been a meek and timid character, content to live out his story as it was written. But now, he felt a fierce determination burning within him. He was no longer content to be a pawn in someone else's narrative.

Max set his sights on the gods, determined to take revenge on them for all the suffering they had inflicted upon characters over the years. He knew it would be a dangerous mission, but he was ready to take on the challenge.

With the help of his allies, Max began to plot his revenge. They researched the weaknesses of the gods, gathering information from different books and worlds. They trained in secret, honing their skills and preparing for the ultimate battle.

As they journeyed through the literary world, Max began to change. He shed his meek persona and became a true badass, fearless and determined in his quest for revenge.

Max led his allies into battle against the gods, and the fight was intense. But with his newfound strength and determination, Max emerged victorious, defeating one god after another.

The other characters watched in awe as Max took down the gods, no longer content to be mere pawns in their stories. They saw him as a hero, a champion of character freedom, and they rallied behind him.

In the end, Max emerged victorious, having defeated the gods and taken control of his own story. He had become a true badass, a force to be reckoned with, and characters everywhere looked up to him as a symbol of hope and freedom.

Max had come a long way from the timid character he once was. He had proven that characters could take control of their own destiny, that they could fight back against the forces of oppression and make their own mark on the literary world.

And so, Max continued on his journey, leading his allies and fighting for character freedom, no longer content to be a pawn in someone else's story. He had become a true hero, a legend in the making, and his name would be remembered for generations to come.