
Outer God Adventure Through The World With Group Chat

Outer God also known as Court of Azathoth, are Elderitch like being whose can resemble yet nothing and they possess power so powerful that it might as well True Omnipotence and no being could ever go up against them and they could do whatever they want in all the omniverse. follow Kuro the first human to have join the the Outer God travelling through the Omniverse -------- First World : Mushoku Tensei -------- This my first time writing a fanfic so if there's any mistake please let me know and i will try to improve the mistake that i made when i'm writing this and I do not own anyting except for OC

Yuuki_Shirogane · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 7 : The Great Old One Descend


The Six-Faced World

Ranoa Magic Academy


On the next day. Currently Kuro is currently teaching Ai and Utaha. For Ai he made sure to make her read some book in the library because her main power is Honkai Energy and are much more powerful than Mana because It could bend the reality to your will but also risky because of the Honkai Corruption.

But because she has Herrscher Core she is not a human anymore but a Herrscher(Lawman). And a Herrscher can use Honkai Energy on a level of instinct. If the Herrscher were to be given some knowledge of how to use they're power than the Humanity would lose.

For example like 1st Herrscher if she knows the structure of everything like railgun, orbital cannon, or even a Tsar Bomb than she would be unstoppable while the 2nd Herrscher knows anything related how to manipulate Space time than just like the 1st she would be unstoppable. That's how dangerous Herrscher is if they have some knowledge not just throw it like a maniac.

So Kuro make her read some book about Honkai Energy and Space Time Manipulation. Of course Kuro Manipulate her Thought Process by 10.000 times so that she could process all that Knowledge while he's on that he also make her read some Management and Business considering she is and Idol.

But her main priority is to learn what Honkai Energy and Space Time Manipulation. After she process all that knowledge she will than move on to a more practical and make use of the knowledge that she acquaired. 

While Utaha on the other hand, Kuro wake her up before dawn made her run around the town, after that Kuro made her do some push up, sits up, and squats 100 each.

After that, he than than teach her some Martial Arts that he learn in the past. he also teach her a swordmanship, spearmanship because Martial Arts are just to cover up when you lose your weapon.

Kuro also teach Utaha some Magic from Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Healing, Detoxification, and Protection all of them up to King-Rank. Kuro also teach her Disturb Magic.

And With the help of Raphael she could go way beyond the King-Rank Magic and developed new magic in the name of Skill like Water Manipulation or Fire Manipulation and Kuro is still debating on wheather to give her Gluttony or Beelzebutb. Because Raphael and Gluttony or Beelzebuth synergy is very good that It's almost broken.

Kuro was also thinking about having mock training against him of course to see just how much they learn from they're lesson and of course Kuro will have some handicap for them.

When he was training Utaha on Martial Arts, he suddenly sense a presence so huge and it is full malice and it's located on the gate of Ranoa Magic Academy.

Kuro than thought it's probably one of The Great Old One because the presence it's emiting is a bit weaker than The Outer Gods but he doesn't know which of The Great Old One is and for it to be on the world that I'm currently on. He already guessed that Nyarlathotep must've sent it to me. because she's the only one who knows my current location.

(Author's Note : I don't know which to use for Cthulhu as because in the internet it always says that Cthulhu is The Great Old One while the other she is called The Outer God. So I decided to stick with her being The Great Old One. So if there is something wrong tell me)

Kuro than tell Utaha to continue her training while He go investigate the presence. When he arrived at the location he than saw many people crowding the place. 

When he reach the place he saw Badigadi lying unconscious on the ground covered in blood and a lot of wound making everyone speechless and on top of him Kuro saw a petite girl wearing Priestess garb. She has blue hair and azure blue eye.

When Kuro sees her he is now knew which Great Old One she is, he than called to the girl in her own language.

"(What are you doing here, Cthulhu)"(Kuro)

(Author's Note : in here I was going to make Kuro and Chthulu speak in R'lyehian language in R'lyehian font but it doesn't work so I give up on that. And the reason why Nyarlathotep could speak the Human Tongue in the previous chapter is because of her avatar.) 

Everyone who was speechless than look at Kuro speak in an unknown language that they've never heard of and the girl that was called Cthulhu than responded speaking with the R'lyehian language as Kuro.

"(are you Murasaki Kuro?)"(Cthulhu)

"(that's right, and let me guess Nyarlathotep sent here right?)"(Kuro)

"(yes, and Aunt Nyarlathotep sent me here was to watch over you Murasaki Kuro.)"(Cthulhu)

When Kuro heard what Cthulhu said he sigh because he want to sent Cthulhu back to where she came but three people than came forward. The one that came are Ariel, Luke, and Sylphiette and then there come Rudeus.

"umm, Kuro-san do you know this person? And is she dangerous? And what language are you using"(Ariel)

Ariel than ask Kuro because she's the leader of the Student Council so she must know who she is. 

when she saw Badigadi lying unconscious covered in blood and wound she was shocked because if this girl could make Badigadi who is known as Demon Lord Of Immortality bleed and make him go unconscious than she is a lot more powerful and dangerous.

"hah, this person name is Cthulhu. And Cthulhu please get down from Badigadi now."(Kuro)

Kuro said while pointing toward Cthulhu and ask her to come down from Badigadi. Rudeus who heard her name was very shocked and ask Kuro.

"Kuro-san is this person really Cthulhu?"(Rudeus)

Rudeus said with a serious face because if this girl is that Cthulhu than she is one of The Great Old One. Everyone look at Rudeus and saw his serious face they were wondering if Rudeus know who this girl called Cthulhu is. Kuro than answered Rudeus.

"yes, that's right. this person name is Cthulhu."(Kuro)

Rudeus who heard that was beyond shocked to think that The Great Old One existed than the Outer God probably exist too. And Kuro who saw this immediately send a Telephatic Message toward Rudeus that says.

(Author's Note : in case If you don't know why he said that, it's because Kuro wiped everyone's memory of who see Nyarlathotep or even heard of what Rudeus said when he turn back time of this world.)

'do not spread the knowledge of The Great Old one and The Outer God boy. if you know what's good for you. If you spread it than be prepared for what's to come because I will not help you.'(Kuro)

Rudeus who heard that was shocked and to hear his voice in his head. He than look at Kuro. And Kuro who still standing with a calm face look at Rudeus and Nod toward him.

"and to answer your question about if she is dangerous or not I don't"(Kuro)

Kuro said with a confused face because he doesn't know if Cthulhu attack first or not. He than look at Cthulhu and ask her.

"(Cthulhu did you attack Badigadi or did Badigadi attack you?.)"(Kuro)

"(no, I didn't attack him. he just stand in front of me and ask me what I am. and when I answered him and he still didn't understand of what I'm saying and that leads to him attacking me. To think a lower being like him to question and attack me The Great Old One.)"(Cthulhu)

"(I see. But what I want to know is did you speak with this language?.)"(Kuro)

"(I use this language of course)"(Cthulhu)

Kuro than facepalm. He than look at Ariel and said.

"don't worry Ariel-san. She is not dangerous and the reason why Badigadi is lying there unconscious is because Badigadi attack her first. So it's practicaly his fault for attacking her."(Kuro)

Kuro than continue her question about the language that he use to communicate with Cthulhu.

"and the answer to the language that she and I use is called R'lyeahian language and where it came from. I can't tell you about that."(Kuro)

Kuro can't tell them where the R'lyeahian language came from and Rudeus who saw this must have known that this information is also something that cannot be shared to others all willy nilly.

"if that's all Ariel-san than please excuse me and about Badigadi who is currently lying there unconscious."(Kuro)

Kuro than snap his finger and the Badigadi who is lying unconscious covered by a lot of wound and drench by his own blood. Suddenly wakes up and the that he has is not there anymore and the blood is there either. It was like it wasn't there to begin with.

Badigadi than look at where Cthulhu is at and when the two of them met eyes Badigadi his face than turn into fear tried to runaway. 


Badigadi who is known to be fearless to anything but for the first time he shows fear to this being. Everyone who saw this was Shocked again for Badigadi to run for this little girl. 

Kuro who saw this move faster than the blink of an eye to Badigadi back and he immediately give him a hand chop to the neck making him unconscious again if it's not enough to make unconscious again he will use his power to make him sleep. Kuro than ask someone to bring Badigadi to Academy Medical Infirmary.

After someone bringing Badigadi to Academy Medical Infirmary Kuro than look at Cthulhu with a tired face and ask her. 

"(What the did you do to him for him? to fear you so much that he tried to run away.)"(Kuro)

"(I only sealed his immortality and then after I beat the living out of him and when he was unconscious I put him in a dream where I kill him again and again and again.)"(Cthulhu)

When Kuro heard this he decide that after he deals with Cthulhu he would go to where Badigadi is and then erase the memories of when she put him in a dream. Kuro who is now very tired with dealing thing he decide to grab Cthulhu like sack of potato on his shoulder.

"(wha- what are you doing Murasaki Kuro?!)"(Cthulhu)

Kuro who heard what she saying decide to ignore her. he than look at where Ariel and the other's are and said.

"well then Ariel-san, Luke-san, Sylphiette-san, and Rudeus-san please excuse me I need to deal with this girl first."(Kuro)

Kuro then leaves Ariel's group and the other student that is still shell shocked of what has happen right now. 


Ariel who is watching his back with a girl on his shoulder she suddenly got shiver. Even she is known as tidy, neat, and a very charismatic princess by her people but what they don't know just like all the nobles are, she too is a pervert Princess.

And when she saw Cthulhu being being drag like a sack of potatoes and being ignore like that her masochistic side started to act up but because she a good control on her face she doesn't show it to other.

She than finally snapped out of her thought and look around still see many student who were shell shocked by what happen. She than clapped her hand and that got the attention of everyone.

The student than look at where Ariel is and she said.

"Everyone please return to where your classes are."(Ariel)

After she said that the student than return to their class and Ariel and the other even Rudeus go to the Student Council room to discuss the girl called Cthulhu. When they arrived at the Student Council room they 

"first thing first who is she? we know that her name is Cthulhu, but what is she? To be able make Badigadi-sama so afraid that he runaway from her. In fear no less."(Ariel)

They than think for a second until they remember Rudeus what he said saying 'is that person really Cthulhu'. They than look at Rudeus. Ariel than ask Rudeus.

"Rudeus-sama when we were there. you ask Kuro-san about whether that person is Cthulhu or not. and Kuro-san said yes that person is Cthulhu. so I want to ask do you know who this Cthulhu is?!."(Ariel)

Everyone than look at Rudeus with a questioning look. Even Sylphiette look at Rudeus look at him like that. And Rudeus on the other hand was thinking if he should tell them that Cthulhu is The Great Old One or not.

But he remembered what Kuro said in his mind decided not spread it. He than look at Ariel and said.

"Ariel-sama I'm sorry but I cannot tell you who or what she is but the only thing I can tell you is that she is more powerful. And I am brave enough to tell you that she is a lot more powerful than the Armored Dragon King, Perugius and the Dragon God, Orsted combined."(Rudeus)

Everyone in the room who heard that once again become shell shock for Rudeus says that Cthulhu is lot more Powerful than Perugius and Orsted combined but they remembered how Badigadi tried to runaway from her than it's very plausible.

"and I hear from Sylphie that Ariel-sama sold herself to make an ally with Murasaki-san right?"(Rudeus)

After Rudeus says that everyone look at him again. And Ariel said.

"yes that's right"(Ariel)

"than Ariel-sama make a very great choice. because from what we've seen is that Murasaki-san has a connection with Cthulhu."(Rudeus)

"I see, can you really not share the information that you know about what Cthulhu and Murasaki Kuro really is?."(Ariel)

Ariel ask because she want's to know what Cthulhu and Murasaki Kuro is because if it's worth or not by making an ally with him by selling herself. But the answer that came from Rudeus is.

"I'm trully sorry Ariel-sama, but I can't tell you the information about Cthulhu and Murasaki Kuro. I could tell you but it would only bring destruction."(Rudeus)

Ariel who heard that was disappointed but then Rudeus continue his talk.

"but in the future, maybe Ariel-sama will be able learn what Murasaki Kuro is from his own mouth."(Rudeus)

After Rudeus said that. he had to say for Ariel really caught a literal giant fish and maybe in the future she will become much more than just a queen of a kingdom.


Kuro who is currently walking with Cthulhu like sack of potato on his shoulder through the hallway. 

"(Let me go!!)"(Cthulhu)

Cthulhu struggle to get out Kuro grip but it's futile for her considering the difference in power Between her and him.

After walking for a bit they than arrived at where Utaha is training at. When he arrived he saw Utaha and Ai currently chatting. When the two of them notice Kuro, they than quickly go to him until they saw Kuro is Currently carrying Cthulhu.

"umm, Murasaki-san who is that?."(Ai)

Ai ask because the girl seems to be struggling to get out his shoulder. But they suddenly heard her saying.

"(LET ME GOOO!!)"(Cthulhu)

Cthulhu now screaming but because Kuro is already getting tired of her screaming he let her go. Finally after being let go by Kuro, she than said.

"(finally. You let go of me.)"(Cthulhu)

After she said that she than noticed Ai and Utaha. She than ask Kuro who these two girl.

"(Murasaki Kuro who are these two human?.)"(Cthulhu)

Cthulhu said while pointing at Ai and Utaha. And Kuro said.

"(they're my friend or Disciple/student considering I'm currently teaching them magic and Martial arts)"(Kuro)

The other two who were listening doesn't understand what they're saying and Utaha who was curious, she than ask Kuro.

"Murasaki-san what is the language that the two of you are currently using right now?"(Utaha)

"ah, we're currently speaking in R'lyehian language and to answer your question Ai-san this is Cthulhu"(Kuro)


Utaha was surprised that this girl is actually Cthulhu unlike the one that everyone depicted as a monster of vaguely anthropoid outline, but with an octopus-like head whose face was a mass of feelers, a scaly, rubbery-looking body, prodigious claws on hind and fore feet, and long, narrow wings behind.

But for it to be petite girl with blue hair and azure blue eyes and she is wearing something like a priest that has blue and white .

While Ai on the other hand doesn't know Cthulhu because so she was very neutral. after a while Kuro than he than instructed Utaha and Ai.

"Kasumigaoka-san, Hoshino-san please watch over her for me. because I need to erase some part of Badigadi memory. because this little girl here make him fear her so much that he was trying to runaway."(Kuro)

Utaha who heard that was very scared because they were task to watch over her. But before she could say anything Kuro said.

"ah, don't worry because I already sealed some of her power and I should also make you understand R'lyehian language."(Kuro)

Kuro than snap his finger to make Utaha and Ai understand R'lyehian Language. The two of them than suddenly know how to use R'lyehian language like it's they're first language.

"(Hmm, did you do something to them Murasaki Kuro?)"(Cthulhu)

Utaha and Ai who heard this now understand what she's saying but Kuro who heard what she saying decided to ignore her. After that he than walk away to deal with Badigadi.

After a few minute of walking he than arrived at the Academy's Infirmary he than in and when he find Badigadi he put his hand on top of his face and the tries to find the memories where Cthulhu put him in a dream.

When he finds it he than cut that memories very meticulously so that it doesn't effect other memories. After he done that he than decide to go back to where Utaha, Ai, and Cthulhu.

When he arrived. he found them to be staring at Cthulhu with a very intense look but who can blame them they were task to watch over one of The Great Old One. When Ai learn who or what Cthulhu is, she than look at her with a bit of fear. While Cthulhu just look at them with a bit of amusement

He than clapped his hand to get their attention. The three of them than look at the one that made the sound. When Utaha and Ai see Kuro they than relax. Kuro than look at Cthulhu and said.

"(so what are you going to do now Cthulhu? I know that Nyarlathotep ordered you to watch over me but are you really going to watch me 24/7 ?.)"(Kuro)

"(Of course I will watch over you 24/7)"(Cthulhu)

Kuro than released a tired sigh and then he said.

"(fine, considering you will watch over me why not enroll you to this Academy is that fine with you?)"(Kuro)

"(hmm, that fine with me. And other than watching you, what I want know what makes Aunt Nyarlathotep to be obsessed with that she will kill me if I don't agree with her demand.)"(Cthulhu)

Kuro who heard that even want to know why she obsessed with me and it's getting pretty tiring to deal with her considering that she will always come to his dimension and interrupt his sleep.

And with that Kuro and Cthulhu than go find Jenius to enroll Cthulhu. when Kuro find him, he than ask Jenius.

"Jenius-san I want to enroll this girl into the Academy in the Special Student is that okay with you?."(Kuro)

"hmm, I'm perfectly fine with it considering that she defeated Badigadi-sama to the point of him going unconscious and runaway in fear."(Jenius)

Jenius said while looking at Cthulhu with bit of fear considering this girl defeated a Demon Lord of Immortality very easily.

"hmm, I see. So from now she is a student of this academy right?"(Kuro)

"yes. Her name is Cthulhu, right?."(Jenius)

"that's Right."(Kuro)

Cthulhu who is on the side watching what Kuro is looking at intently trying to figure out what made him to gain Nyarlathotep obsession so that's why when she enroll in this thing called Academy she will try to learn what her to be so obsessed with him.


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