

Olive is a cheerleader, popular, and a nice girl, she is everything everyone wants to be, when things get out of hand and a virus spreads around the world Olive finds herself lost and scared, but in the middle of chaos, she will also find unexpected love, new adventures and things she never experienced before. Will Olive survive this new world that is everything but perfect? Will she be able to protect the ones she loves the most while trying to keep herself out of trouble? Get ready to go through a rollercoaster of emotions while trying to figure out Olive's next move.

megui2121 · Urban
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8 Chs

Rainy day

It's finally Friday, this week was to long. Yesterday when I got home, I was so tired that I just fell in my bed to only wake up in the morning, didn't even check if my mom was home, I stayed at the hospital until I got kicked out by the nurses saying it was to late to be there.

When I finally got the strength to get out of bed I took a shower and chose my clothes, it was kinda of rainy today so I decided to wear jeans with a sweater, as I looked for my boots I remembered that tomorrow was Mike's party, hope it's not raining because they are going to make us all get in the pool, I laughed.

I left my bedroom and went downstairs looking for my mom, and there she was sitting on couch drinking her coffee.

Goodmorning sweetheart, did you sleep well?

Goodmorning mom, yes thank you, I was so tired yesterday when I arrived that I didn't even check if you were in your bedroom.

I got home after you, work was crazy yesterday, I'm sorry that I couldn't be the one to take your blood but I really couldn't stop what I was doing, did Katherine took good care of you?

Ah yes she was really good to me thank you but in the end she had to run I couldn't even say a proper goodbye and thank you.

Oh yes I called her, I thought she was finished by that time, usually it's very fast, and I needed her help.

It's okay we were finished. I started to make coffee for myself.

So what are you working on right now mom? Are you getting close to a cancer cure?

Ah yes honey it's going pretty well, with ups and downs but it's going okay thank you baby. we need to go are you ready?

Yes let's go, I finished my coffee and grabbed a croissant to eat in the way there. It was raining more that I thought and I forgot my umbrella. We run to the car and my mom drove to school.

So mom tomorrow is Mike's party the one I had told you about, I think I might sleep at Heather's house because it's going to end very late and Heather's house is right next to Mike's, is that okay with you?

Sure honey it's okay, just text me when you get to her house so I know you got home okay she smiled.

Deal! Thanks mom I smiled back at her.

We talked a little about school and the cheerleader team and before we noticed we had arrived.

Thanks for the ride mom I gave her a kiss and got out of the car.

Goodbye honey have a nice day.

Waiting for me just at the school entrance trying to not get all wet was Heather, all dressed up as always, I swear she never has a bad hair day she always looks flawless.

Good morning sunshine, finally I've been waiting for you forever she rolled her eyes.

I laughed good morning Heather I was going to ask how you slept last night but by the way it looks it was not great.

Shut up I slept very well, I just hate to wait and the rain, I have no clothes for winter, I'm in desperate need for new clothes.

What do you mean you are always wearing something new, I don't think I ever saw you wearing something twice I laughed.

And that is the way it's supposed to be she tossed her hair back. Let's go we are running late and I'm not going to miss science with the new hot teacher.

What hot teacher, I think I lost a chapter.

You are always with your head in the clouds, never pay attention to what's new.

She pulled me through the halls of the school and end up at the science classroom.

Everyone was already there except the teacher, there was still 10 minutes before class start.

I sat down next to Heather and just heard the conversations, turns out everyone was earlier because of the new teacher, I guess yesterday one of the girls saw him come in and heard him talk with principal and now everyone is excited to see him.

I was paying attention to Heather and one of her minions conversation I think her name is Amber.

So he is 26 years old brunette 6 ft 3 and with the most gorgeous green eyes, fresh out of college and the most important part he is single.

How can you possibly now all of that when he just arrived yesterday? Amber looked surprise and impressed at the same time.

I have my sources, Heather winked at her. She knew everyone in school and always end it up finding everyone's secrets so I was not surprised.

Heather turned to me, hey where is Tyler?

He had practice in the morning, probably in the balneary taking a shower, and he doesn't have science with us remember?

Oh yes that is right, she adjusted her position in the chair.

As I was taking my books out of the bag the teacher came in, everyone's eyes were pulled immediately to the front of the classroom.

I was looking at everyone's reaction when my eyes stopped at Mackenzie, she looked surprised and at the same time embarrassed, does she know him?

Goodmorning students my name is Mathew West and I'm your new science teacher.

Ohhh West maybe he is related to Mackenzie, for sure on her mom's side, she has perfect genes.

The class took to long to end but the bell finally rang and I got out of class, Heather stayed behind to talk with the teacher with the excuse that she wanted help with the subject and of course he believed it.

As I was getting out I saw Mackenzie leaving the class alone, and I don't know what came to my head but I decided to approach her.

Hey Mackenzie, I walked faster to get to her.

Hey... are you lost?

What? No, I wanted to talk to you.

Oh boy this day is getting crazy by the second.

I squint my eyes, trying to understand of what she was talking about, and now my theory that the new teacher his some how related to her makes even more sense.

So what do you need? She raised one eyebrow

Oh I just wanted to see how you are doing, and I wanted to invite you to Mike's party tomorrow.

Shit what did I do, she will totally not blend in and probably feel worse.

She was totally surprise by the invitation and for a few seconds just looked at me like I asked for a million dollars.

So will you came? I asked trying to make her talk.

I guess I could, is it at Mike's house?

Yes, yes it is, do you know where it is?

Yes she said I bit to fast. It's right next mine, I mean, that's why I know she said stuttering.

Alright then, I'll see you there tomorrow at 10 pm I smiled and turned around to go to the bar, as I was walking away, she called my name.


I turned around

Thank you! She smiled and walked the other way.

I went to the bar to find Tyler he was already there next to Mike and some other friends.

I joined them and enjoyed the break before it was time to go to class again.

The rest of the day went by pretty fast and soon was time to go home, it was still raining when we got outside but my mom was already wating for me, I said goodbye to everyone and I ran to the car so I wouldn't get all wet, we were going to the hospital to see dad.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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