

Olive is a cheerleader, popular, and a nice girl, she is everything everyone wants to be, when things get out of hand and a virus spreads around the world Olive finds herself lost and scared, but in the middle of chaos, she will also find unexpected love, new adventures and things she never experienced before. Will Olive survive this new world that is everything but perfect? Will she be able to protect the ones she loves the most while trying to keep herself out of trouble? Get ready to go through a rollercoaster of emotions while trying to figure out Olive's next move.

megui2121 · Urban
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8 Chs


Olive's pov

I woke up before my alarm clock, got out of bed and went to take a shower, I had one yesterday after practice but I liked to start my day with one, got dressed and went downstairs for breakfast.

Goodmorning mom, I sat down right in front of her.

Goodmorning baby, did you sleep well?

Yes mom, thanks and you?

Good thank you, here is your breakfast, you know I have a talent for cooking so you are eating the most amazing cereal bowl with your favorite oath milk, she laughed and poured the milk onto the cereals.

You're funny mom I laughed, so how is work going?

Very good baby we are making progress, oh I just remembered today is the day you take blood for analysis don't forget after school.

Oh that's right.

Every 3 months my mom would take me to her lab and do blood tests, I don't wanna say that she might be a little hypochondriac but she kinda of is, I mean I get it, if I had her job I would probably be too.

After school be there, do you need me to pick you up?

No mom it's okay Tyler will drive me, but thank you.

Ok baby now go get your things so we won't be late.

Ok! I got up and grabbed my backpack. Let's go mom, I'm ready. And we left the house and got into the car.

See we arrived just in time, I gave her a kiss and got out of the car.

See you later mom, have I nice day love you.

Have a great day baby, love you!

As I got out of the car I saw Tyler and Heather already waiting for me.

Sorry I couldn't pick you up today Liv, my car had to go to the workshop yesterday, my dad brought me today. He leaned towards me and gave me a kiss.

It's okay love it's not your fault, you have a lot of times still left to drive me to school, I smiled and kissed him agin

Hello? Heather waved her arms trying to get our attention. First of all eww get a room, and second of all can we finally go shooping today??

Ohh you really going to hate me. I have to go take blood today after school. But I promise that tomorrow is the day!

It better be! I am trying to take you both shooping since Monday today is Wednesday!

It's great that you both go shopping tomorrow however I have practice, couldn't be more sad to not be there.

Tyler you're an idiot, Heather rolled her eyes. He might have an excuse but you already said you would go so no running now I will find you!

Ok chill, I'll be there, we got inside the school.

The day passed by pretty fast and soon was time to mom's laboratory.

So I told my mom you wold drive but I totally forgot that you didn't have your car today and my mom who brought me today because you couldn't also didn't remember I laughed.

Wow you are really smart, hope you like to walk because you have a long way to go, Heather laughed.

Funny ahah, I'll just call an uber I guess but thank you for the kind words, and I made an ugly face for her.

She laughed, you are very welcome and she winked at me.

After a while my uber arrived, I said goodbye to them and got inside.

As I sat down on the car I decided to listen to some music, I had a playlist with the most different and random songs, I pressed start and the song liar by camila cabello started to play, I love her and her music, she probably one of the best looking singer of our time and has such a perfect voice, totally obsessed!

After that song I wanted to listen to more of her songs so I searched for her romance album and left it on shuffle.

20 minutes passed and the uber stopped, I was so evolved in the music that the driver had to wave his arms to get my attention.

We are here! He said probably for the third time.

Ah thank you, I'm sorry I was listening to music and didn't hear you. I got out of the car and walked to the door.

I texted my mom before I got inside saying that I just arrived and was going to wait for her at the reception.

After a while without an answer I decided to call.

She picked up after 2 minutes.

Sorry honey I'm very busy right now but I sent someone to help you. And she hunged up didn't even gave me time to ask who was coming to take my blood.

I didn't had to wait long, a few minutes passed, and I saw her, my mom's colleague Katherine West.

Here we go again, I believe part of my brain stops functioning every time she is around, and now she is the one who is going to take my blood, just perfect.

Hi Liv, nice to see you again, she gave me a kiss on the cheek

Hey Katherine nice to see you too, so I guess you are the one who is going to take my blood today.

Yes I am! Let's go follow me, I have everything ready for you.

I followed her through this big hall that felt like it was never ending, as I walked behind her I could smell her perfume, she smelled so good, as I got closer to her she suddenly stopped and turned around kinda of leaving a very small space between us.

Oh I'm sorry I was walking so fast and didn't notice you stopping, she was so close I couldn't stop loking at her eyes she had the most beautiful piercing blue eyes I just lost track of thought for a while.

She took a step behind, and maybe it was just my imagination but i think she blushed.

It's okay Liv, it's here, she pointed at the door on her right.

I got in and sat down on the chair

Roll up your sleeve please Liv. She asked very nicely.

Sure! I did as she said and after a few minutes she came with a syringe and 4 little tubes for the blood.

So Liv how is school going?

It's okay thanks.

Do you see my daughter often? Does she have any friends? Sometimes I worry she is always alone.

Oh I mean she is not always alone she has friends I guess, but i never really noticed. I didn't want to worry Katherine, I guess I could talk to her daughter sometimes but she always looks so annoyed with everything and everyone.

That's good I was afraid she wouldn't have any friends.

I smiled and tried to change the subject, is my mom okay? She is the one to take my blood everytime.

Yes everything is okay she is with a cancer patient doing some treatments and couldn't get out so she sent me.

Oh I get it, thank you for coming, maybe from now on you could take my blood I smiled.

We'll see, she smiled too.

As she was tidy things up, she got a call.

I couldn't hear what they were saying but it sounded like they needed her.

I'm sorry I have to go, you can find your way out right? I need to hurry. And she stepped outside I followed.

Yes sure go on. She said goodbye and continue the hall that looked like it never end.

I went the other side I looked one more time to see if she was still there but I couldn't see her anymore.

As I was leaving I got a text from my mom saying that she wouldn't be home in time for dinner, so I decide to go to the hospital to see my dad and maybe eat with him, he had a room for himself now and we could visit him any time as long as we left before 9pm.

I called for an uber and waited outside for it to arrive.

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