

Olive is a cheerleader, popular, and a nice girl, she is everything everyone wants to be, when things get out of hand and a virus spreads around the world Olive finds herself lost and scared, but in the middle of chaos, she will also find unexpected love, new adventures and things she never experienced before. Will Olive survive this new world that is everything but perfect? Will she be able to protect the ones she loves the most while trying to keep herself out of trouble? Get ready to go through a rollercoaster of emotions while trying to figure out Olive's next move.

megui2121 · Urban
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8 Chs

Pool Party

Woke up around 11 am, since it was Saturday I got to stay a little longer in bed and I really needed! We stayed until late at the hospital, my mom hadn't told me yet but my dad had to go to surgery again yesterday morning there were some complications in the last procedure and he had to go again, so that means more days in the hospital.

He looked terrible yesterday, I had to control my tears as soon as I saw him, but the doctors said that after the surgery he had, it was normal for him to look weakened, they also said that he would have to stay 5 more days in order for him to fully recover, so that means that probably only Friday I would have my dad back home.

With all of this happening I am not in a big mood for a party, but I already said I would be there and besides I invited Mackenzie so I have to be there for her, and I could use the distraction.

I had a lot of hours until the party and I wanted to spend time with my mom and visit my dad, although today it's Saturday so I could only be there for a few hours, so I thought of go after lunch, my mom would for sure come with me.

I got up and went downstairs looking for my mom, as I got to the living room I heard her shouting from the bedroom.

I'm here honey, to lazy to get out of bed she laughed.

Good to know that I was not the only one I laughed as I went upstairs.

Hi mom I smiled and jumped in the bed with her.

Hi baby, and she hugged me thigtly.

So what should we do today? I was thinking of going to see dad after lunch.

We can't baby, I had the same idea so I called the hospital to see if it was possible and they told me that dad was doing a lot of exams today and couldn't receive visits.

Oh that's too bad I really wanted to see him today I pouted.

I know honey, me too hut maybe tomorrow, for now it's good that we know that he is in good hands!

Yes I know but I miss him around the house I felt tears running down my eyes.

Oh baby come here, she wiped tears, my mom could always make me feel better.

He will be home soon don't worry, she kissed my forehead.

Thank you mom!

So honey what do you say we stay home and binge watch your favorite movies at least until it's time to get you ready for the party.

Yes please!!

Ok so hunger games it is, we made ourselves more comfortable in the bed and put on the first movie.

After it was finished we decided to have lunch. We ordered in no one was in the mood for cooking and we weren't really good at it. We ordered sushi even though we knew we would get sick of it around the forth one I laughed.

The day was really good with my mom during the week I almost have no time to be with her, so spending the day with her was really nice! And soon was time to get ready, obviously she wanted to help decide what to wear and I could use the help. I went to take a shower and when I came back there was already 4 outfits layed in bed for me to choose from. After a few minutes debating on what to choose I decided to wear the most basic things after all, we would end it up in the pool.

Before I left my mom asked me to pose so she could take a photo, she collected photos of me, it's cute, I smiled.

Have fun honey, enjoy the party and be safe, and if you need anything call me! Don't matter what time it is! Oh and text me when you get to Heather's home so I know you are safe!

I will mom. I love you! I give her a hug and left the house, already outside was Tyler waiting for me.

Hi love you look very nice, he kissed me.

Thanks Ty, you look very handsome also, I smiled.

He opened the door for me and I got inside. Mike's house was about 20 minutes away during that time I told Tyler that I had invited Mackenzie to the party, he thought it was a nice gesture, and than looked at me proud.

As he drove my mind started to think about the most random things and before I knew I caught myself thinking about Katherine, she as been on my mind a lot later I don't even truly understand why but I keep thinking about her smile and her breath taking eyes.

Liv, earth's calling for Liv! I got out of my transe with Tyler shaking my arm.

We are here! I've been calling you for a few minutes, are you okay?

Yes, sorry I was just thinking about my dad, I lied how was I going to explain that I was thinking about Katherine, it didn't made sense in my head imagine in his.

Oh baby he will be okay, don't worry, try to have fun, he would like you to be happy and not sad! He hugged me.

Thank you Ty, I smiled at him.

Let's go this party!! I got out of the car to see Heather waiting for us.

Come on guys we were waiting for you. Tyler, did you brought what I asked you too?

Sure did, it's in the trunk, he opened it and inside was all types of alcohol, some of those bottles I didn't even know what it was.

Ty you are the best!! Heather's eyes were shining.

I know, I know he said laughing.

Okay let's go inside we have a lot of things to get ready, before the party starts. Heather led the way and we all followed.

We spent the next 2 hours getting everything in place and it was finally time to start the party!

People started to arrive and soon we were more than I could count, some were getting drinks, others were making out on the couch, and most of them were outside in the pool which was all illuminated and looked really pretty, Heather was making out with a random guy I think he doesn't even go to our school

I started to examine everyone and after a while I found Mackenzie, sitting outside by the pool, and I went to talk to her.

Hi, you came! I sat next to her.

Hey sure I said I would, even though I had to cancel all my plans so I could be here, she laughed.

I laughed, do you want something to drink?

No I don't drink but thank you for the offer.

You're welcome, I actually don't like to drink either, we can just talk.

Sure she smiled, how is your dad?

I told her all about my dad and how he was feeling and she actually opened up about her life and how she is been think about her birth mom and how much she misses her, she really loves Katherine, she as been with her since she was 5 years old and trully felt like her mom but from time to time she thinks about her birth mom, and she's scared that if she talks about it with Katherine she will be hurt.

We talked for hours and I felt like I could trust her, she was a nice girl who just needed some friends.

It was around 3 am when I asked Mackenzie to help me find Heather, tyler was passed out at Mike's couch at least I knew he was okay.

I couldn't find her anywhere and that's when one of her minions said that she saw her leave with a guy just 30 minutes before.

Oh great, I was going to sleep at her place.

Hey you can spend the night in mine, it's just on the other side of the road, I have a guest room and I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind, it's better than staying here with all the drunk people she laughed.

Alright you made good points, thank you for the offer.

You are welcome, I don't know if my parents are home yet, they also had a party and usually when they go out they came back really late.

It's okay if you need to call them before we go.

No that's not a problem I'll text my mom as soon as we get home.

We got out of Mike's party, and crossed the road to the other side to get to Mackenzie's house. As she was opening the door, a black Jaguar parked in front of the house.

My parents just arrived she said smiling.

A men that I assume is her dad got out of the passenger sit, and after a minute Katherine came out as well.

She looked gorgeous, she was wearing a black dress just a few inches above the knees and high hils, and a red lipstick.

Goodnight girls, is everything alright her dad asked getting closer to us.

All good dad just arriving from the party, oh and I brought a friend with me she needed a place to stay for the night, she got ditched she laughed.

Katherine's eyes stopped on me as soon as she saw me making me blush.

Oh sure a friend of yours is always welcome her dad said giving me a hug and opening the door. It's so weird seeing him outside the school, I can only see him as the principal I always forget he has a family and a life outside the school. Principal west got inside the house followed by Mackenzie, now next to me was Katherine.

Hey Liv nice to see you.

Hi Katherine I said looking in her eyes, I got so distracted that instead of going through the door I went straight into the wall.

Ouch! I bumped my head so strong that I was know seeing two Katherine's

Oh my God are you okay she looked worried.

I'm not sure, do you have a twin because right now I can see two of you.

We both laughed, come on let's get you some ice, and we both got inside the house.

As we got in Mackenzie was already laughing.

So I offer you a bed to sleep and you try to break my wall? She was trying to make a serious face but just couldn't contain her smile.

You're very funny, I stuck my tongue out.

Katherine laughed very softly and got me some ice to put on my head.

We talked for a while about the party and then decided to get to bed, Katherine showed me the bedroom I was sleeping in and I said goodnight to her.

Goodnight sleep well and thank you for letting me stay here I smiled.

Of course honey, anytime you want.

I stayed in Mackenzie's bedroom for a while talking and gossiping and later went to bed.

I didn't knew by then, but that was the last pool party I attended.

Hope you like it!

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