

Olive is a cheerleader, popular, and a nice girl, she is everything everyone wants to be, when things get out of hand and a virus spreads around the world Olive finds herself lost and scared, but in the middle of chaos, she will also find unexpected love, new adventures and things she never experienced before. Will Olive survive this new world that is everything but perfect? Will she be able to protect the ones she loves the most while trying to keep herself out of trouble? Get ready to go through a rollercoaster of emotions while trying to figure out Olive's next move.

megui2121 · Urban
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8 Chs

The Beginning

Narrator's pov*

Olive woke up that day not knowing it would be the last time she was going to do something as normal as stopping her alarm to get to school.

6 days had passed after Mike's party, it was now friday, Olive's father was getting out of the hospital today.

Riley was now closer to Mackenzie, taking the role of a big sister and she is been passing more time with Katherine, starting to understand that She has a huge crush on her.

Riley's pov*

I woke up earlier today, I had practice before school so I got ready put on my uniform and met with Tyler outside my house.

Goodbye mom, see you later, love you!

Bye honey, love you too have a good day

Thanks mom you too, I kissed her goodbye and left.

Hi Ty, goodmornig! I gave him a kiss in the cheek.

We got in the car and went to get Mackenzie like we've been doing for the past days.

Hi Olive, she got in the car and gave me a hug, hi Ty, thank you for driving me she smiled.

No problem kenzie! You know you don't have to thank me everyday, he laughed.

I know I just like doing it she laughed.

Through the window I could see Katherine picking, I waved at her and smiled she waved back and her smile made me smile even more.

Tyler started the car and put on some music.

So you know my mom is going to our school today, she is giving a lecture about cancer and all the science her and your mom have been doing back at the lab.

Oh that's awesome I said sounding a little too excited.

Didn't know you were such a fan of science, tyler looked at me surprised.

Oh I'm not, I mean it's an important subject I'm just happy that my mom's work is going to have some visibility. she works really hard, both of them do!

Yes I thought the same, my mom lives and breathes that laboratory.

Is she going in the morning?

Yes I belive she will be there around 9am and will pass from class to class but only the 12th grade classes, so she will eventually come by ours.

You know sometimes it's hard to believe that you skipped a year. I looked at her amazed.

That is the problem of having a mom who decided to teach me how to read and write before first grade, when I got there I already new what they were teaching me so in the half of the first grade they passed me to the second grade and here I am today she laughed.

I smiled, and wondered how I never talked with her before, she was such a nice girl.

We arrived at school and I went to practice. Do you wanna come with me I asked Kenzie.

Sure let's go.

By Ty see you later.

We walked to practice, and talked about everything and anything, already waiting for us was Heather.

Hi girls finally, I've been wating for 30 minutes did you got lost?

Heather pleasant as always I laughed.

She rolled her eyes and pushed me too the field. Let's go we are all wating for you.

I looked at Kenzie she was laughing.

The practice went really great, we were getting better each day.

We lost track of time and had to run to the next class, I guess the shower is gonna have to take place later.

We arrived just in time. During class there was a lot of noise coming from outside, and the teacher decided to see what was going on.

She is been gone for too long I am starting to get sleepy, Heather rested her head on top of the table.

One of the lacrosse players Derek went to see what was going on, he came back after a few minutes looking like he saw a ghost he closed the door and started to look out the window like he was trying to see if someone was following him which made us run to the window to see what was going on.

And what we saw left us speechless. People running from other people but the ones chasing them looked different.

Our teacher was trying to come back but was caught by one of them and having to see what happend next was traumatizing, the thing was pulling pieces of her with his teeth and chewing like it was a steak, the all thing was disgusting, 2 minutes passed and our teacher got up, but she was not herself.

And just like that we were trapped, they were coming from all sides, both doors were filled with them.

They were discusting how can we turn into such things.

Hurry give me that table we need to keep them away I shouted at Mackenzie but she was frozen. Fuck we are going to die here I shouted again, all of us were trying to keep them away but they were too strong.

Tyler and half of the class were pushing a table against one of the doors while me and the other half of the class were doing the same thing with the other door, we could finally secure our door and rushed to help secure the other door, we were getting tired but never stopped pushing, one of the zombies almost got in but tyler pushed him out and finally shut the door.

I thought everything was okay for a few seconds but then tyler started to act weird and walking towards me fast.

Tyler stoppp i shouted as he got closer to me, stop!!!

He was not stoping and started to run in my direction, I only had time to get out of is way which made him go through the window.

Noo I shouted, I could feel my eyes getting field with tears, this can't be real, I'm dreaming this is a nightmare, I'm gonna wake up anytime and everything will be normal. I fell on my knees trying to control the urge to scream, I felt a pain in my chest and a weight in my head and felt like I was passing out, as I was trying to get up but failing I felt an arm around me and then other, someone was hugging me really tight.

Hey it's okay, breathe you'll be okay, Mackenzie was holding me.

I just.. I can't believe this is happening, I let out of my mouth in just one breath.

I know this is crazy but you need to be strong, we'll be okay, we need to find my mom and dad, they will know what to do.

How? Look at us, we are stuck here, they are everywhere, how will we get out of here?

I don't know yet but we need to think.

I got up, looking at all my friends, each one of them looking more scared than the other, there was no time to mourn, I have to put my feeling aside and find a way to get out of here, if we want to survive. I got up.

Okay listen we can get through this if we stick together, so let's think, we don't have much to work with but there's got to be something we can do.

Guys I think i have an idea, so we have to doors in our classroom so let's take advantage of them, come here, it's better if I can draw at the same time so you understand it better, kenzie moved closer to the white board and started to draw.

We are going to lure them in all from that door, she pointed at the door on the back of the room, but before that we have to make a barrier in the middle of the classroom we'll just use the tables and the chairs, after they are all inside there's time for someone to go out of that door she pointed at the door int the front of the room , and close the door on the back and trap all the them on one side of the room, during this time everyone else is going to push the barrier to make sure they don't come to our side and after they are all inside we get out and close the door. Now the tricky part, someone as to open the door for them to come inside, but we will leave a small space for that person to come back to our side and help us push them while they all come in. After this we go down the stairs and straight to the direction room.

Everyone looked at her like she was crazy, but it was a good plan.

So for sure I won't be the one that opens that door, one of the boys said while backing out.

Yeh me neither one of his little friends said.

Take me out too, I won't be on today's menu.

And one after the other everyone started to bail.

Okay I'll go you are all a bunch of pussys, Peter one of the lacrosse players said.

I'll open the door, and you close it after they are all inside, okay? I asked getting up.

As you wish, but you need to be fast.

I'll be don't worry.

After that we all started to make the barrier with everything we could find, but trying to be as quiet as we could in order to not draw their attention. I approached Heather who was being to quiet since Tyler died in front of us.

Are you okay I asked putting my hand on her shoulder.

Sure, I'm great, our teacher just died being eaten by some walking dead people, Tyler jumped out the window like he was trying to fly and you are here looking like nothing fucking happend oh oh and we are about to let them all come in so we can get out and do God knows what, so yes I'm cool just chilling waiting to see when it will be my turn to either chew someone or who knows become a three course meal, she finished taking a deep breath.

Okay i can see you are feeling just good I said trying to make her laugh but not getting lucky.

Heather we'll be okay, I promise, I'll take us out of here, I gave her a hug.

You better because my uniform his dirty, I haven't take a shower yet and I'm not dying looking like this.

Oh here you are, I'm glad you came back to me.

Funny! she fake laughed, now let's do this so we can get out of here as soon as possible.

We finished quickly and it was time to put the plan in action.

I just smiled for the last time and went trough the small space In between the wall and the end the barrier, either I die or I do this without being dead meat and we get out of this alive.

I could feel my racing heart in my ears, every step I took I felt like throwing up, I was grabbing the doorknob really hard, I looked at all of them barely seeing anyone but i knew they could see me I made a sign with my head, so everybody got ready.

I pushed the doorknob really slowly trying not to make any noise and I cracked the door open leaving only a breach and started to make my way to the barricade, when I was about to go trough it someone decided to let a chair fall into the ground, and I just died for a few seconds and come back to life, I didn't even had time to think they were all coming inside like some starving animals looking for their food.

I just lunch myself trough the hole grabbing for my life to Mackenzie hand, once I was on the other side the others didn't lose any time to try and close the gap.

Once I was on the safe side of the barrier we started to make a lot of noise to get the walkers attention, they were starting to climb and the barrier was shaking a lot.

This is going to fall, push harder, CAMONNN!!!!

We were holding for our dear life's, when the last one got inside Peter was out in a blink to get to the door and close it, once we heard it close we started to go out the door fast and we close it behind it, I grabbed Mackenzie by the hand and lead her to the stairs.

Stay close to me kenzie, don't let go.

I won't. She said squeezing my hand.

I run as fast as I could and when we got to the door we froze, I open it slowly to try and see if it was safe, it was to quiet but that meant nothing, I opened it a little more and I could see atleast 5 walkers, shit although the door to the direction room is very close, there is no way all 18 of us are going to get through without them noticing.

But there was no time to think, 18 of us 5 of them we can do this. We need to make a run for it.

I talked with them and we started to get inside, at first we were being quiet but after a few of us passed the walkers noticed and things got out of hand, they came running at us, one of the walkers grabbed one of the guys pushing him to the floor, I tried to get to him but couldn't make it in time he was already getting ripped apart and i felt myself being pulled inside the room, the puke I was holding came out and i felt sick to my stomach with what I just watched, Kenzie was the one to pull me inside and shut door everything happend so fast. I could taste the accid in my mouth and my heart was biting so fast it felt like it was going to rip my chest open and get out.

I looked around trying to calm down and I could feel Kenzie's arms still around my waist, my eyes landed on Katherine, she was running in our direction.

Kenzie, thank goodness you are okay, Katherine hold her and she slowly let go of me.

Mom she said hugging her tightly. Soon her dad our director joined the hug and I was happy for her, she had her family with her, but it made me think of my mom and my dad, were they okay? Were they safe? I felt tears running down my eyes, and I realize this was really happening and we were screwed.

Let me know what you think about our story this far.

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