

Olive is a cheerleader, popular, and a nice girl, she is everything everyone wants to be, when things get out of hand and a virus spreads around the world Olive finds herself lost and scared, but in the middle of chaos, she will also find unexpected love, new adventures and things she never experienced before. Will Olive survive this new world that is everything but perfect? Will she be able to protect the ones she loves the most while trying to keep herself out of trouble? Get ready to go through a rollercoaster of emotions while trying to figure out Olive's next move.

megui2121 · Urban
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8 Chs


The next day...

Katherine's pov

Kenzie wake up, you will be late for school.


There is not a single day that I don't have to drag my daughter out of bed, I think that if she could she would spend all day just lying in there.

As I was walking upstairs to her bedroom I saw her coming out

Goodmornig baby did you sleep well?

I did mom, the hard part was waking up, how is it still Tuesday?

I giggled, it will go by quickly, enjoy while you can you're young, you're beautiful, you have your all life ahead go be happy!

You really have no idea what high school is like do you?

It was one of the best times of my life sweetie it can be yours too, just try, make friends it doesn't hurt I promise!

Now come sit down and have breakfast.

Okay mom. She was coming downstairs with one eye open and the other one closed.

Where's dad?

Where do you think he is? He left before 7am, you know he likes to be the first one to get to the school.

How can I forget that my dad is the principal of the school I have to attend everyday, she rolled her eyes.

After breakfast, she put on her headphones gave me a kiss and left to school, she never let me drive her, she says my black Jaguar draws to much attention, although today I am allowed to go get her since she needs me to drive her to a doctor's appointment.

See you in the afternoon baby, I'll be waiting for you outside, love you!

Okay bye mom, love you!

After she left I finished cleaning the table got dressed and went to my garage.

I arrived at work around 9 am, Cassie was already there, we have been working day and night in our new project, actually not quite new but there as been a few updates.

I met Cassie a year ago when I started working in the laboratory, she is a good college and is becoming a good friend.

Good morning Cassie how are you?

Good morning Katherine I'm okay thanks and you?

I'm good too, how is your husband, is he feeling better?

Yes he is thank you but he will have to stay at the hospital a few more days.

Of course that is normal, and your daughter is she good? I saw her yesterday at the supermarket, you were probably in a hurry because after she payed she almost run to de car.

Oh yes, I was starving I told her to hurry up, must have been that.

She goes to the same school as kenzie right? She transfered to that school this year

Yes she does, Bayside high school rigt? She is in her last year there, after prom she turns 18.

Yes that's it, my husband is the principal there, he got the job last year.

Yes i believe you had told me that, it's a very good school, she said as she observed some cancer cells from a patient.

Yes it is, I put on my coat and started to work.

When lunch time came we went to eat something really fast and came back to work, that was a lot of things to do as we were coming close to a breakthrough.

It was around 4pm when I left work, i had to go pick up Kenzie at her school.

I drove there and waited for her I didn't want to be late so I arrived before time.

On the grass next to the school entrance, were a group of girls and a few boys practicing, cheerleaders I used to be one too, I recognized one of the girls, it was Liv, I didn't know she was a cheerleader, but how could I know I barely knew her, she was good!

I tried to put kenzie into cheer in her last school, but I lost that battle.

I watched the practice for a while and soon Kenzie got in the car, I was paying attention to the practice and didn't even noticed.

Hello mom? I'm here let's go please

Oh baby sorry I was distracted I said as I started the car.

I noticed, were you remembering your old days when you were a cheerleader? She giggled.

Yes something like that I smiled.

Hope you enjoy, there's more to come!

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