

Olive is a cheerleader, popular, and a nice girl, she is everything everyone wants to be, when things get out of hand and a virus spreads around the world Olive finds herself lost and scared, but in the middle of chaos, she will also find unexpected love, new adventures and things she never experienced before. Will Olive survive this new world that is everything but perfect? Will she be able to protect the ones she loves the most while trying to keep herself out of trouble? Get ready to go through a rollercoaster of emotions while trying to figure out Olive's next move.

megui2121 · Urban
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Chinese food

After we said goodbye to dad we got a call saying that our car was ready we went to pick it up, Tyler drove us.

After he left we went to get food, dad was the one who cooked so with him in the hospital we ate out everyday or order in.

What should we eat today?

I don't know mom anything but pizza please, i said as I looked at the products on the shelves.

I'm kinda in a mood for Chinese maybe we could go to that restaurant you love, what you think?

Sure, I'm just going to grab my shampoo and I'll meet you at the car I know you hate to shop.

I really do, don't take long I'm starving.


I started to walk faster and trying to find my shampoo, as I was walking I saw a face I had seen before, oh it's my mom's colleague the one who looks like a runway model, like seriously it's not even fair for the rest of us. I felt my heart beating a little faster and the urge to hide, I mean I did made a fool of myself the first time I saw her, I got lost in my thoughts and lost contact for a minute, where was she?

I grabbed my shampoo and rushed to the cashier, as I was still wating for my turn, I felt a hand on my shoulder and slowly turned around.

Hi nice to see you again it's Liv right? She smiled

Yes Liv sure that's what I was called.

Am I an idiot for fuck sake just talk normal not that hard!

She laughed. Are you alone?

No my mom is in the car I was just buying shampoo for my hair. Liv get it together for what else would you be buying shampoo.

Good, I had to buy a few things too, is your father feeling better?

Yes thank you!


Honey it's your turn She smiled at me and pointed at tha lady who was getting quite upset.

Oh I'm so sorry I was distracted. I gave her my shampoo. After I payed I turned to Katherine and said goodbye and almost run to the car, that was embarrassing!

She waved at me as she took her things out of the cart.

I got in the car and put on my seat belt.

Are you okay Liv?

Yes I'm good, just hungry. I said trying to forget that I made a fool of myself once again.

Ok Ok let's go.

It took us around 10 minutes to get to the restaurant, none of us said a word during the ride, I think we both like to enjoy the music in silence.

When we got there the restaurant was full, not a single table is empty, my mom talked with the lady standing in the entrance trying to find out if it would take us to long to get a table. She came back after 5 minutes.

20 minutes for a table.

Is not that long we can wait mom.

Okay honey let's wait in the car then, we'll come back in 15 minutes maybe they'll have one already.

15 minutes passed and the lady knocked on our car window saying that the table was ready for us.

Thank goodness I'm starving, let's go honey. We got in.

After dinner we went straight home, we were both tired.

Goodnight mom, I'm going to take a shower and then just dive in my bed.

Same kid goodnight, sleep well.

You too!

I went to my room before I got in the shower I decided to go on my phone for a while, as I was going through insta, a suggestion of a person I might know came up.

Katherine West, she really has a face no one can forget, I guess I could start following her, she is a friend of my mom, I pressed follow and went to take

a long shower, the day was long and I was really tired.

We will be making short chapters for the past and bigger ones when we return to the present day, hope you enjoy it.

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