

jane_favour · Teen
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4 Chs


My eyes flutter open but i squeeze it back shut. The light is so bright. i squint my eyes to see where I am. I see my dad sleeping on a white chair beside.

I look around and see that I'm in a hospital. The accident starts flashing back and i start panicking. "dad! Dad! wake up!"i say while trying to catch my breath.my dad wakes up and he tries to calm me down. she starts patting my head "sweetie calm down, you're all right everything is gonna be fine" he says with a soothing voice. I start to calm down and I ask again" dad where is mum she was in the car too where is she?" my dad looks down for a second and I see tears in his eyes. oh no no no no it cant be.

"dad?" I say with my voice shaking "where is mom?" I cant even hear the answer right now but I have too "your mom well mom is in a coma....." he finally says "the doctors say she may remain that way for a long time" he says as he tries to choke down the tears.

After hearing what my dad says I try to get out of bed to see her but I groan in pain.my dad tries to hold me back but I use all my strength to push shove him aside. I need to see mom for myself. I look around in all the rooms and I finally find her.no no no. "mom" I chocked . I hate seeing her in this condition. there were tubes and wires connected to her body just for her to stay in stable condition. But for how long. I finally allow myself to fall down in defeat but before I hit the ground my dad catches me and helps me sit on the floor. I keep mummering things but I don't think I was saying correct English. "ever thing is going to be okay" my dad kept whispering in my ear. I sigh in defeat once again. After I laid on the floor I finally ask the question "how long" I whispered "what my dad asked "how long" I said a little louder. It may take months or even years, we are not quite sure yet but we will be with her every step of the way; I promise you that." he said while staring at mom.

I was finally discharged from the hospital after two days. dad and Emily came to pick me up. i stayed silent the entire ride. all I could think about was mom.

I was starting high school in a week and I was least concerned about new clothes everyday before i school started I go visit mom at the hospital and I tell her about my day knowing that some part of her is still listening.

dad has been working his ass off to make sure we didn't feel moms absence. I appreciate the effort but I always felt her absence.

nothing was the same and it will never be the same again until mom wakes up.