

jane_favour · Teen
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4 Chs


"Quin!" let's go! it's getting late" mom shouted from downstairs.

'coming" I said while struggling to wear my boots and brush my hair at the same time. Today me and Mom are going shopping for clothes. Starting next week, I'm going to finally become a high schooler, I've dreamed about this for months.

Mom offered to help me buy new clothes to make a good first impression. You would be wondering who in their right mind would ask their mom for clothing advice, but my mom is actually good at this type of stuff. She is stylist and works for top celebrities she once styled Bruno Mars; so, I can say I'm in safe hands

once I'm done, I quickly rush downstairs, i kiss my dad goodbye as he also gets ready for work. I and mom decided to start early so we could get the good stuff.

I love my family. My dad is A doctor one of the bet doctors in the state at that but with all those emergency surgery calls you would think he is very busy, but he still tries to make time for me mom and Emily. My mom like i said earlier is a stylist. yeah, my family is kind of popular. Emily is my little sister, she s 5 years old and she is a winner of many beaty pageant even at her young age. I'm also kind of popular because I'm a singer. My dad uses his connection for me to collab with some other musicians.so yeah that's my family for you.

Mom and I are in the car right now blasting the new song '2 much' by Justin Bieber.

"don't want to close my eyes I'm scared I'll miss too much" mom screamed her lungs out

"don't want to fall asleep I'd rather fall in love. Cause eternity without you isn't long enough "I also screamed

"Two seconds without you is like two mounts and that's too much" we screamed together I love riding with my mom.

" Hey mom?" I said "yes sweetie" she answered "you and dad love each other like this song right and you guys will never separate right" I asked "why would y ask that honey" my mom asked "because I met a girl at school who was crying because her parents were separating. You and dad will never separate right?" I asked yet again. moms' eyes were teary after I asked. she turned to me with the biggest smile" never" she said" then if not why are you crying now" I asked "I'm fine " she said while trying to wipe her eyes i just nodded and looked forward

"mom look out!" but it was too late mom tried to press the breaks then we started spinning and hit a tree really hard" mom are you ok" I asked but she didn't answer "mom!"" wake up mom please, wake up please" I cried there was blood gushing out I tried to move to see if I could help but I kept holding moms had the whole time "someone help" I tried to scream but it came out as a whisper. and the rest was all a blur.