

jane_favour · Teen
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3 years later I'm already in my senior year and mom still hasn't woken up yet. Everyone may have lost hope but not me. Even my dad that said he would always be there isn't. I'm beside my mom's bed now. This became my new normal. Every day after school I would go to mom's room and tell her about my day. The doctors said she still not is responding to her environment, but I know deep down she hears me.

Ever since mom, dad kept drowning himself in his work and alcohol. Sometimes I would meet his hungover ass laying on the couch. I hated him so much. whenever he comes back for his late-night drinks, he would beat me with different items around the house. He always blamed me for what happened to mom, and he was right, I was the reason mom was in coma. If I had just kept my nosy ass to myself that accident wouldn't have happened. So, I always took all the beatings because I deserved it. But I never let Emily see what dad does to me because it would ruin her whole childhood. I was basically raising Emily on my own.

High school for me passed in a blur. I spent most of my time keeping to myself. I have become the popular loner. Not the type of loner we see in books that bullied all the time. I'm the type of loner that scares people away. I like it like that.

After coming home from my daily visit to mom with Emily I met my dad sitting on the couch. I don't think he noticed me come in because he looked like he was thinking.

"Hey Emily, why don't you go upstairs and play with your dolls" I whispered to Emily to Emily so she would not witness whatever dad was going to do.

"Both of you should stay" my dad said. He didn't sound drunk so I think Emily will be safe, but I pulled her behind me just in case.

"Pack your things and get ready to go in 30 minutes "my dad grunted and headed for the stairs.

"Why?"I asked. "What did u say you little...." he screamed and before I knew it, he rushed toward me and gave me a hot slap on my face. "Just do as I say" he spat and walked away only to bump into Emily. "What are you looking at he showed at her and pushed her way. I quickly ran to protect Emily from falling. I packed some bags for me and Emily because my dad dint mention for how long. we go into the car and dad drove us to God knows where.

The drive was 30 minutes, but Emily was already sleeping on my shoulder. I had to lift he gently so I could see where we were. I was staring at mansion. This cannot be where we were staying.

Dad came out of the car and was welcome by a beautiful woman.

The woman finally noticed us and smiled "Hi, my name is Laura and you must be quin." she said" oh you are so grown up now "she exclaimed patting my head like a little kid. first of all, who is this woman and what are we doing here. i looked over to dad to see if he had an explanation for all this but he just had a big fake smile plastered on his face. "yeah nice to meet you" I finally said still try to move away from her. She then turned to Emily and said "and you must be Emily she said also patting her o the head. what is it with this woman and our heads. She then invited us in and asked a maid to take our luggage. At the end of my dads conversation with laura he said " thank you again forletting them stay here for a while. wait what., we are going to be leaving with a total stranger. i glanced at my dad as he stood up to leave and walked in my direction. he came to me and said"be good to laura" he said smilling but look in his eyes was different like as if he was treating me to even complaind. he then kissed me and emily forehead and left.

"why dont i show you guys to your room" laura finally said afer a minite of silence.